Final Fantasy Wiki
FFXV collectible screenshot

Random collectibles shine blue, "treasure spot" collectibles shine red.

Map icon.

Treasure can be sold for gil or used as a catalyst when crafting spells.

Loading screen description

Treasures in Final Fantasy XV can be found through Eos and obtained from defeating enemies. Some items can only be obtained by breaking a specific appendage of an enemy. Treasures is a type of item that can't be consumed like battle items and Ingredients, or equipped like weapons and accessories. The difference between treasures and key items is that treasures can be used in elemancy and sold for gil.

Treasures can be sold to vendors. Some treasures obtained from stronger enemies can be sold for a high price, making selling loot an effective way of making gil. Some treasures are required for sidequests, so it is advisable to keep one of each in case it is needed. Treasures marked with a * in the table are required for sidequest completion.

Treasures act as catalysts for crafting spells, potentially giving them an added effect or an increased power value.

Effect is the effect the catalyst adds to the spell, such as making the spell poison an enemy if it adds Venomcast.
Power is how much potency each catalyst adds to the spell.
Effect power is the Effect Level value that determines the power of the effect given by the catalyst. Effect Level ranges 1–99 and affects the power of the effect and/or the chance to apply it to a target.
Units required for duplication - the amount of catalysts required to increase the number of casts of the spell by 1.

To know the amount of catalysts needed to increase the number of casts a spell requires, one must multiply "units required for duplication" value by the amount of desired extra spells. The value is always rounded up.

List of treasure[]


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y - Z


Name Availability Details Sell price
Adamantite Enemy drop 100% - Adamantoise 50,000 gil
A fragment of the rare metal contained within an adamantoise’s shell. This material cannot be substituted, and thus fetches prices even gillionaires would gawk at.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 99 - 0.10
Name Availability Details Sell price
Ahriman Eyeball Enemy drop Ahriman (Windows/Royal Edition)
Floating Death (Windows/Royal Edition)
300 gil
Compound eye without any photosensitive layers in all its lenses. While rather grotesque, it could still be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Name Availability Details Sell price
Alstor Bass Bones Fishing Alstor Bass 5 gil
While it’s flesh is unpopular in kitchens. Alstor bass bones can be used to make glue. They could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Ammonite Fossil Collectible In various dungeons 400 gil
A precious fossil of an ancient sea creature found in stony terrain. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 4 75 1.35
Name Availability Details Sell price
Anak Antlers Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Appendage: 50% - Anak Stag
900 gil
Antlers taken from an adult specimen. Often damaged in battle, they could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 8 22 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Anak Fetlock Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
100% - Anaklaban, Anakadom, 75% - Anak Stag
300 gil
The bony spur from a slain anak. In good condition, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 2 25 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Ancient Dragon Tooth Collectible Cauthess Rest Area (crater to the east; Map), Maidenwater area near Malmalam Thicket (Map), Greyshire Glacial Grotto (regular dungeon and Menace Level 3 & 12 middle path), Fociaugh Hollow (regular dungeon and menace Level 2), Daurell Caverns (regular dungeon and menace Level 12), Meldacio Hunter HQ 800 gil
A very rare fossil of a dragon fang found in stony terrain. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 6 99 1.20
Name Availability Details Sell price
Arapaima Scales Fishing Noble Arapaima 1,000 gil
In olden days, these scales were prized as a grinding tool. Now used to make accessories, they could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 2 2 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Arba Spur Enemy drop 25% - Arba, 100% - Arbagadol 190 gil
Collected after a battle with an arba. Valued by manufacturers for its toughness, it can fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 1 40 2.22


Name Availability Details Sell price
Barbed Poison Needle Enemy drop Appendage: 50% - Mushussu, 100% - Mushmahhu 1,250 gil
This pin plucked from a mushussu is sought after for its hollow core, often filled with ink and used by tattoo artists. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 6 99 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Barbed Scythe* Enemy drop 75% - Killer Wasp 240 gil
Cut from a killer wasp, it can serve as a sharp, lightweight knife. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Barramundi Goldfin Fishing Dynnel Barramundi 2,500 gil
Stiff fin muscle that gently glimmers when held up to the light. Given the rare metal it contains, it could be sold for a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 40 80 >3
Name Availability Details Sell price
Barramundi Innards Fishing Bizarre Barramundi 2,140 gil
Digestive organs from a certain subspecies of fish. used to process food products, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 24 99 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Barrelfish Mucus Fishing Red Barrelfish, Black Barrelfish 15 gil
Liquid secreted from a big, bony fish. Used in the production of inexpensive repellent, it can be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Barrelfish Scales Fishing Glowing Barrelfish 2 gil
Scales taken from the bony barrelfish. An ingredient in animal feed they could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Basilisk Plumage Enemy drop 85% - Basilisk 350 gil
The feathery plume of a basilisk. It has some value as an adornment, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 38 1.54
Name Availability Details Sell price
Bass Eye Fishing Redeye Bass 510 gil
Fish eye rumoured to cure insomnia. As no conclusive clinical proof exists, it only fetches a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 14 - 3.13
Name Availability Details Sell price
Bass Teeth Fishing Panther Bass, Risorath Peacock Bass 140 gil
Though they have little use in culinary dishes, these teeth can be sold as fertilizer for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 5 - 3.13
Name Availability Details Sell price
Beautiful Bottle Collectible Common in Duscae, Altissia (just north from the purple gondola line station), Cartanica (north end of the platform), Fodina Caestino (edge of a large puddle in the south near an ice deposit), Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Levels 16 left & 22), Ch.15: Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 13), Ch.15: Daurell Caverns Menace (Levels 1 & 15), Ch.15: Balouve Mines Menace (Level 13) 120 gil
A gorgeous, green-hued bottle filled with air. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 0 1 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Beautiful Hide Enemy drop 50% - Havocfang (Lv 93) 2,750 gil
Very pleasant to the touch, unlike typical havocfang pelts. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 16 10 1.54
Name Availability Details Sell price
Beautiful Plumage Enemy drop 85% - Royalisk 2,350 gil
The feathery plume of a royalisk, popular as an adornment in stylish hats. This one is especially pretty, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 4 26 1.52
Name Availability Details Sell price
Beetle Shell Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Just above Old Lestallum (Map), Meldacio Hunter HQ, Daurell Caverns (main dungeon and menace level 3)
Survival (Lv.1–10)
800 gil
The cast-off carapace of a rare beetle, iridescent and sparkling. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 16 10 0.93
Name Availability Details Sell price
Behemoth Horn Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Wiz Chocobo Post region (northeast; Map), Deadeye's lair
Appendage: 100% - All Behemoth creatures
Highly prized as a symbol of strength and durability. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 4 15 2.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Big Scorpion Stinger Enemy drop 75% - Reaperking 1,200 gil
A fragment of the rare metal contained within an adamantoise’s shell. This material cannot be substituted, and thus fetches prices even billionaires would gawk at.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Killcast 4 42 2.38
Name Availability Details Sell price
Bluegill Fin Fishing Fan Bluegill, Butterfly Bluegill 100 gil
The large, sail-like dorsal fin of a fan bluegill. Valued as a talisman for seafarers, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 4 - 2.78
Name Availability Details Sell price
Bluegill Scale Fishing Horned Bluegill, Chipped Bluegill, Glimmering Bluegill, Shorthorn Bluegill, Hookhorn Bluegill, Lotus Bluegill 2 gil
These tiny bluegill scales find use as fertilizer when ground up. They could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Broken Harmonica Collectible Lestallum, Nebulawood (Deadeye's Lair), Altissia (pier outside the hotel), Cartanica (by the red and white canisters and crates in the northern corner), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route in the 9-room grid in Security Level 4) 600 gil
A once-popular instrument that has since fallen out of musical vogue. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 2 99 1.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Broken Magitek Core Collectible Lestallum during Final Fantasy XV: Assassin's Festival, obtained by assassinating MTs 10 gil
A highly explosive piece of broken magiteknological equipment. Must be handled with extreme caution.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 10 12 ~1
Name Availability Details Sell price
Building Stone Collectible Common in Duscae and Cleigne 50 gil
Stone material of mixed quality for building. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 30 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Bulette Carapace Enemy drop 100% - Bulette 160 gil
Extremely thick armoured hide, often used as a lightweight construction materials. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 12 15 1.39


Name Availability Details Sell price
Cactuar Needle* Enemy drop
100% - Slactuar, Gigantuar
South of Lake Vesperpool (Map)
50 gil
A pointy cactuar spine, gathered from the ground. They are common, and only worth a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 0 1 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Catfish Barbel Fishing Lucian Catfish 10 gil
The thick and supple barbel of a catfish. An ingredient in cold medication, it could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 1 6.67
Name Availability Details Sell price
Catfish Heart Fishing King Catfish 1,700 gil
The heart of the elusive king catfish. Boasting myriad curative properties, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 12 15 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Catfish Mucus Fishing Spotted Catfish 160 gil
A slippery liquid coating the entire vody of the catfish. Used in electrical insulation, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 5 6.67
Name Availability Details Sell price
Catoblepas Fang Enemy drop
50% - Catoblepas
The Malacchi hills (Map)
2,000 gil
The gigantic fang from a fearsome, one-eyed beast. Rare indeed, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 22 10 0.91
Name Availability Details Sell price
Centipede Feet Enemy drop 100% - Redlegs (50% chance for x3) 120 gil
A bag brimming with the claws of a redlegs. Lightweight and durable, they have some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 2 25 6.25
Name Availability Details Sell price
Centipede Jaw Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Hundlegs 320 gil
The jaw of a hundlegs, easily shattered once the creature is dead. It has some value as an abrasive, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 3 33 2.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Centipede Legs Collectible
Enemy drop
Wiz Chocobo Post region
100% - Hundlegs (50% chance for x3)
60 gil
A bag brimming with the limbs of a hundlegs. lightweight and durable, they could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 1 20 8.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Centipede Teeth Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Redlegs
The fangs of a redlegs, easily shattered once the creature is dead. They have value as an abrasive, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 6 33 1.82
Name Availability Details Sell price
Chrome Bit Collectible Keycatrich Ruins, west from Alstor Slough lake at the base of the stone arch (Map), in various dungeons, Ch.15: Balouve Mines Menace (Level 1), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 3, 13, 35, 43, 61, 91), Ch.15: Crestholm Channels Menace (Level 3), Ch.15: Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 6, 31, 41) 800 gil
A shard of shiny, polished metal. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 16 10 0.67
Name Availability Details Sell price
Cockatrice Crest Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Cockatrice 1,900 gil
A crest proudly sported by the males of the species. It has value as an ingredient in tonics, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 3 2 33.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Cockatrice Tail Feathers Enemy drop 100% - Cockatrice 1,100 gil
The hind plumage of a giant bird. It has some value as a medicinal ingredient, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 25 1.54
Name Availability Details Sell price
Coeurl Whiskers* Enemy drop
50% - Coeurl, 100% - Elder Coeurl
1,500 gil
Virtually unbreakable, these strands can be used to make fishing tackle and other gear. They have some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Killcast 6 52 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Colorful Griffon Claw Enemy drop
Appendage: 100% - Griffon (Dungeon)
Top of an arch in Duscae (added in patch 1.06) next to Cauthess Rest Area (Map)
4,800 gil
A sturdy claw with tufts of brilliant feathers attached. As a powerful victory charm, it can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 16 25 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Crab Carapace Enemy drop 25% - Stoneshears, 50% - Rubyshears, 75% - Sparkshears 75 gil
An enormous crustacean shell that could be sold as construction material for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 2 10 1.52
Name Availability Details Sell price
Crimson Tongue Enemy drop 50% - Megaloclaw, Falxfang 200 gil
This long, inedible tongue is useful as a source of fabric dye. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 1 47 1.25
Name Availability Details Sell price
Crooked Helixhorn Enemy drop Appendage: 75% - Spiracorn 1,300 gil
Taken from a spiracorn, this horn is a very popular item among artisans and craftsmen. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 1 20 1.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Curved Fang Collectible
Enemy drop
North from Longwythe Peak (Map)
25% - Saberclaw
150 gil
A favorite material of rustic artisans and fang fanatics. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 2.94
Name Availability Details Sell price
Curved Hollowhorn Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Kujata 2,400 gil
A horn taken from the head of a giant kujata. Famous as a sculpting material, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 7 18 1.43


Name Availability Details Sell price
Dace Scales Fishing Any dace 9 gil
Taken from a common freshwater fish, these scaled are used as a fertilizer for fruit trees. They could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Deadly Stinger Enemy drop
75% - Killer Queen
Along the road east from Meldacio Hunter HQ (Map)
700 gil
A venomous stinger from a killer queen that makes a fine pin once the poison has been removed. It has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 4 99 2.17
Name Availability Details Sell price
Debased Banknote Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Common in Cleigne, Altissia (north from the mansion, near stairs), Magna Fortia (Chapter 12 in the hold with the Regalia), Gralea (Noctis's route: down some blocked stairs after using a console panel to open locked doors), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route: armory), Ch.15: Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 3), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 53, 73, 97), Ch.15: Crestholm Channels Menace (Levels 2 middle, 18, 23), Ch.15: Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 33, 43, 53)
Survival (Lv.6–10)
500 gil
Defunct paper currency found on the ground. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 6 6 4.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Debased Coin Collectible Common 150 gil
A piece of unusable old currency found on the ground. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 4 4 4.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Debased Silverpiece Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Various outposts in Cleigne, Altissia (near Sonelio Plaza fishing spot), Insomnia (Windows/Royal Edition), Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 13), Ch.15: Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 5), Ch.15: Daurell Caverns Menace (Levels 2 & 18 middle), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 23, 44, 65, 67), Ch.15: Crestholm Channels Menace (Levels 5, 16 left), Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 2, 25, 51)
Survival (Lv.5)
600 gil
A small silver coin found on the ground. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 8 8 4.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Divine Whiskers Enemy drop 100% Jormungand (dungeon), Bilrost 4,950 gil
Silky whiskers of a mature serpent, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. They can be sold for a very high price
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 36 - 1.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Downy Feathers Enemy drop 75% - Regaltrice (dungeon) 2,300 gil
Soft, fluffy feathers that have great value when used i high-end luxury pillows and comforters.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 4 18 1.52
Name Availability Details Sell price
Dragon Claw Enemy drop 100% Wyvern (dungeon) 8,000 gil
This long, hooked claw is a precious artifact. Used to make weapons of superlative quality. It can be sold for very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 72 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Dragon Horn Enemy drop Appendage: 25% - Jabberwock, 100% Manxom 2,400 gil
The giant horn of a manxome foe. A precious artificat used in natural medicine, it can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 33 10 2.27
Name Availability Details Sell price
Dragon Scales Collectible
Ravatoghan area
Kitty Catering
600 gil
Beautiful scales believed to be from a dragon. They have some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 8 2 1.05
Name Availability Details Sell price
Drooping Whiskers Enemy drop 100% - Jormungand 1,950 gil
Silky serpent whiskers, very resilient and able to shed any liquid. They have a great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 18 - 1.18
Name Availability Details Sell price
Dynamo* Collectible
Enemy drop
Callatein's Plunge (outside Glacial Grotto by the fork in the stream; Map), Zegnautus Keep (warehouse, descend to the lower level and go north into the darkness, ascend the stairs to the platform with the item), Insomnia (transport vehicle to the south at the end of a street guarded by an Ariadne)
50% - MA Veles, 60% - MA Veles-Bis, 95% - MA Hoplomachus
900 gil
A compact power generator used by the imperial army. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 38 - 0.74


Name Availability Details Sell price
Earth Gemstone* Collectible Crater south from Disc of Cauthess east from Caucherry Plains (Map), near Taelpar Rest Area (Map), Southeast from Dynneldale by the haven on the ocean shore (Map), Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 23), Ch.15: Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 14 left), Ch.15: Daurell Caverns Menace (Level 16), Ch.15: Balouve Mines Menace (Level 11) 1,500 gil
Beautiful crystaline are formed into a sparkling sphere. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 22 15 1.00
Name Availabilityg Details Sell price
Electrolytic Condenser Collectible Ostium Gorge in Leide near the imperial base (Map), Aracheole Stronghold, Formouth Garrison, Perpetouss Keep (southwestern corner outside the base; Map), Magna Fortia (Chapter 12 in the hold with the Regalia) 200 gil
A component from some imperial military electronic device, It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 12 - 0.91
Name Availability Details Sell price
Enormous Stinger Enemy drop 75% - Brutal Bee 360 gil
A venomous stinger from a brutal bee that makes a fine pin once the poison has been removed. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 3 99 2.27


Name Availability Details Sell price
Fearsome Hoof Enemy drop 25% - Molokujata 3,500 gil
Taken from an old, seasoned beast, this sizable material is spectacularly strong, and has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 52 75 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Fine Crest Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Kingatrice 2,400 gil
This particularly fine crest has value as an ingredient in tonics, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 5 3 33.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Fine Slimy Oil Collectible
Enemy drop
East of Lestallum
75% - Gaiatoad (Lv 97)
2,600 gil
Oil extracted from the body of a long-lived gaiatoad and used in luxury salves and ointments. It has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 18 99 1.22
Name Availability Details Sell price
Fine Tail Feathers Enemy drop 100% - Kingatrice 1,650 gil
A particularly splendid example of hind plumage. It has some value as a medicinal ingredient, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 18 49 1.14
Name Availability Details Sell price
Fossil Shell Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Galdin Quay, Greyshire Glacial Grotto, Fociaugh Hollow
Survival (Lv.1–3)
25 gil
A fossil of an ancient shell fish found in stony terrain. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 1 52 1.79
Name Availability Details Sell price
Fossil Wood Collectible Common; One spawn spot is outside the imperial base in Ostium Gorge (Map) 1 gil
A fossil of an ancient tree found in stony terrain. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 1 28 1.92


Name Availability Details Sell price
Gar Fin Fishing Barbaric Gar 710 gil
Lustrous fin from a primitive fish. Used to make pigment for a unique paint, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 1 1 8.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Garula Fur Enemy drop 75% - Garulessa 250 gil
Thick, soft hide of a garulessa that would make a fine blanket. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 1 10 2.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Garula Tusk Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Appendage: 100% - Garula, Green Garula
140 gil
A sharp tusk used in many kinds of arts and crafts. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 10 2.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Giant Crab Pincers Collectible
Enemy drop
Malmalam Thicket
50% - Shieldshears, 100% - Mightyshears
375 gil
Giant crustacean claws that are surprisingly light for their size. They have some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Blastcast 24 - 0.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Giant Curlhorn Enemy drop Appendage: 10% Arba, 100% - Arbagadol 1,700 gil
Taken from an arba after a presumably difficult battle. A famously precious artifact, it can fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 3 24 1.19
Name Availability Details Sell price
Giant Feather Collectible Hammerhead region, Verinas Mart - Ravatogh 180 gil
A black feather from an enormous zu, appreciated for being as strong as it id light. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 4 1 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Giant Hairy Horn Collectible
Enemy drop
East from Hammerhead near a cliff (Map), Keykatrich Ruins (Map)
Appendage: 100% - Ashenhorn, 75% - Grandhorn, 50% - Dualhorn (Lv 23)
1,400 gil
A majestic trophy taken from a truly massive beast, As a precious artifact, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 12 14 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Giant Hoof Enemy drop 100% - Kujata 650 gil
Once attached to the leg of a kujata, this resilient material has some value, and could feth a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 42 50 1.67
Name Availability Details Sell price
Glass Gemstone* Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Lestallum, Cape Caem (well), Rock of Ravatogh (follow the path from the haven, near fire deposit), Altissia (alley southeast from the hotel)
Survival (Lv.1 & 6–10)
1,100 gil
Glass crystal formed into sparkling sphere. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 18 15 1.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Gorgeous Plumage Enemy drop 85% - Royalisk (dungeon) 3,350 gil
The feathery plume of a royalisk, popular as an adornment in pretentious hats. The splendid colors mean that ic could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 8 26 1.47
Name Availability Details Sell price
Gralean Medal of Distinction Collectible South of Lestallum in a crater south from an imperial base (Map), Magna Fortia (Chapter 12 in the hold with the Regalia), Zegnautus Keep x3 (Noctis's route) 1,500 gil
An award presented to citizens of the imperial capital in honor of outstanding achievements in the field of excellence. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 12 28 0.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Great Anak Antlers Enemy drop Appendage: 50% - Anaklaban, 100% - Anakadom 1,900 gil
Magnificent antlers taken from a full-grown specimen. Even if damaged in abttle, they could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 4 18 1.61
Name Availability Details Sell price
Great Garula Tusk Mini-game
Enemy drop
Coernix Station - Alstor region (southeast; Map)
Appendage: 100% - Garulessa
700 gil
The tusk of a garulessa, much in demand by skilled artisans. It has great value, and could fetch a considerable value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 10 12 2.22
Name Availability Details Sell price
Greatsnake Crest Enemy drop Appendage: 25% - Midgardsormr, 100% - Hvitrormr 1,900 gil
Cut from the head of a fallen serpent, the crest is incredibly flexible and resilient, and can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 26 24 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Greatsnake Scale Enemy drop 50% - Midgardsormr, 100% - Hvitrormr 1,100 gil
A giant scale that is both water and fire resistant. Valued by armorer for their use as shields. It could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 33 - 1.19
Name Availability Details Sell price
Griffon Claw Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Griffon 3,400 gil
A claw with tufts of feathers attached. It is valued as a victory charm, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 5 10 4.55
Name Availability Details Sell price
Griffon Feather* Enemy drop 25% - Griffon (15% Hunt, 100% Dungeon) 2,600 gil
Imbued with the griffon's resistance to fire, ice, and lightning. It is used to fashion luxury garments. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 2 - 0.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Grouper Bones Fishing Pigeon Grouper 260 gil
Bones from a large, saltwater fish. They have some use in oil production and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 3 1 5.56
Name Availability Details Sell price
Grouper Combscale Fishing Nephilim Grouper 900 gil
Scale of a enormous fish sought after by anglers aiming to earn the envy of their peers. It also has some value as a decoration, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 24 60 1
Name Availability Details Sell price
Grouper Fin Fishing Dread Grouper 600 gil
Taken from a fish with a fearsome reputation, this fin can be used in furniture. It could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 10 10 2.78
Name Availability Details Sell price
Grouper Skin Fishing Scorpion Grouper, Cygillan Grouper 360 gil
Skin from a large, saltwater fish. Abundant in fat used during oil production, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 5 5 4.55


Name Availability Details Sell price
Hairy Horn Enemy drop Appendage: 10% - Dualhorn 190 gil
The fur-covered horn of a dualhorn. It is not particularly useful, and it will not sell for much.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 12 5 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hard Scale Enemy drop 50% - Alphagin 1,100 gil
Even harder than regular scales but equally as aesthetically unappealing, they have great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 8 42 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hard Whiskers Enemy drop 80% - Mesmenir, 60% - Magnanir 70 gil
Taken from a mesmenir, these bristles can be used to craft an excellent toothbrush. it could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 5 2.63
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hardened Hide Enemy drop 100% - Manxom, 50% - Jabberwock 4,400 gil
The keratinized hide of a fearsome beast, cut snicker-snack from its body with a vorpal blade. It can withstand nearly any blow, and has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 48 - 2.86
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hardened Hoof Enemy drop 100% - Bloodhorn, Ashenhorn, Grandhorn, Dualhorn (Lv 23) 100 gil
Once attached to a dualhorn foot, but now a material for artisans. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 1 30 1.18
Name Availability Details Sell price
Havocfang Hide Enemy drop 50% - Havocfang 150 gil
Unpleasant to the touch but reputed for its durability. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 25 2.94
Name Availability Details Sell price
Heavy Scale Enemy drop 80% - Seadevil (dungeon), Coraldevil 2,000 gil
Hard enough to be fashioned into armor with considerable effort, it has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 43 10 1.22
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hunter’s Medal Sidequest Menace Beneath Lucis 50,000 gil
A badge engraved with the emblem of the Hunters, bestowed upon their founder by one of the Lucian rulers of yore.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 90 - 0.02
Name Availability Details Sell price
Hydraulic Cylinder* Collectible
Enemy drop
North of Fort Vaullerey (Map), Zegnautus Keep (in the bottom left room of the 9-grid room layout)
97% - MA-X Patria
1,600 gil
A power generator used in the manufacture of imperial military weapons. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 42 20 2.00


Name Availability Details Sell price
Imperial Medal of Honor Collectible South wall of Fort Vaullerey (Map), Zegnautus Keep, Insomnia (Windows/Royal Editions) 2,500 gil
An award presented to soldier of the imperial army in honor of uncommon exploits. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 24 36 0.25
Name Availability Details Sell price
Insect Stinger Enemy drop 75% - Killer Bee 150 gil
A venomous stinger from a killer bee that makes a fine pin once the poison has been removed. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 1 30 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Iron Shavings Collectible Common 200 gil
Bits of old iron that may be melted and reused. They oudl be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Failcast 32 12 0.33


Name Availability Details Sell price
Jade Gar Mirrorscale Fishing Pink Jade Gar 2,500 gil
A rare, lustrous scale taken from the rare jade gar. As precious as a gemstone, it can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 34 99 4.17
Name Availability Details Sell price
Jumbo Needle Enemy drop 100% - Gigantuar 100 gil
Gigantic spine from a gigantuar, gathered from the ground. They are common, and only worth a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 0 2 -


Name Availability Details Sell price
Large Arapaima Scales Fishing Regal Arapaima 2,290 gil
Sturdy scales from a large, ancient fish. Valued for their protective qualities, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 2 2 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Large Hollowhorn Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Molokujata, Phalaris (Randolph version) 4,000 gil
A kujata horn of the most exquisite shape. It has tremendous value among renowned artists as a sculpting material.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 10 12 0.75
Name Availability Details Sell price
Laser Sensor Collectible
Enemy drop
Crater east from the imperial base in Kelbass Grasslands (Map), Imperial bases, Cartanica train diner (near drinks dispenser), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route: x2)
30% - MA Veles (50% Lv 35), 95% - MA-X Maniple
500 gil
A component from some imperial military detection device. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 22 - 0.83
Name Availability Details Sell price
Lucian Carp Reverscales Fishing Gold Lucian Carp 2,790 gil
Present on only certain species of Lucian carp, these inverted scales possess a noble shine. They could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 3 12 8.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Lucian Carp Rowscales Fishing Silver Lucian Carp, Sunny Lucian Carp, Cloudy Lucian Carp, Marble Lucian Carp, Amber Lucian Carp, Sunrise Lucian Carp, Dawn Lucian Carp 710 gil
A row of 36 colorful carp scaled sold as a talisman at special events. They could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 3 8 8.33


Name Availability Details Sell price
Magitek Core* Collectible
Enemy drop
Quest reward (Stealing the Past)
Perpetouss Keep (during Adventurer from Another World; climb up a ladder, next to a blue/black/yellow spotted frog), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route), Insomnia, Costlemark Tower Menace Level 12 (right), Pitioss Ruins
100% - MA-X Dux, 3% - MA-X Patria
25,000 gil
The 'heart' beating in the empty chest of a soulless magitek trooper. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 99 48 0.20
Name Availability Details Sell price
Magnetron* Collectible
Enemy drop
Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route: armory), Insomnia (Imperial Base No.1 in Windows/Royal Editions)
5% - MA Hoplomachus
1,500 gil
An unusual oscillator used in the manufacture of imperial military weapons. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 28 15 2.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Magnificent Crest Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Kingatrice (dungeon) 3,400 gil
This abnormally large crest has value as an ingredient in tonics, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 7 5 33.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Magnificent Tail Feathers Enemy drop 100% - Kingatrice (Lv83) 2,450 gil
A finely shaped example of hind plumage. It has some value as a medicinal ingredient, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 28 49 1.02
Name Availability Details Sell price
Malboro Eye Enemy drop 100% - Malboro 1,400
A highly sought-after ingredient used in medicines and salves. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 12 50 4.76
Name Availability Details Sell price
Malboro Vine Enemy drop 5% - Malboro Sprout, Malboro Brat 2,250 gil
A fibrous vine dripping with poison. It is valued as a monster ward, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Killcast 1 50 8.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Mandrake Flower Enemy drop 25% - Mandrake 1,400 gil
The flower of a mandrake. It has some value as an ornamental plant among the well-to-do, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 0 1 12.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Mesmenir Horn Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
Appendage: 50% - Mesmenir, 100% - Magnanir
160 gil
A popular material among artisans, craftsmen, and fans of the occult. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 1 3 1.96
Name Availability Details Sell price
Metal Scrap* Collectible Common in Leide (there is one behind the garage in Hammerhead by a pile of tires), Zegnautus Keep 25 gil
A piece of metal of unknown origin. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 1 1.25
Name Availability Details Sell price
Monster Claw* Enemy drop 100% - Bandersnatch 900 gil
A claw from a bandersnatch bigger than a man. Valued for its impressive size, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 21 4 2.38
Name Availability Details Sell price
Monster Jaw Enemy drop Appendage: 75% - Bandersnatch 1,600 gil
The jaw from a bandersnatch bigger than a man. Durable enough to cut stone blocks, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 99 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Morion Trout Scales Fishing Morion Trout 740 gil
Small scales with a unique gleam. Used in face creams hat give skin a healthy glow, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 8 30 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Mummy Bass Guts Fishing Mummy Bass 1,000 gil
Internal organs of a ferocious daemonfish. Potentially useful as material for daemonic research, they could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 20 20 0.1
Name Availability Details Sell price
Murk Grouper Eye Fishing Murk Grouper 1,000 gil
The eyeball of a giant fish that can see in the murkiest waters. An extremely rare find, it could fetch a considerable price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 12 25 2.27
Name Availability Details Sell price
Mythril Ingot Skill
Top of an arch in Duscae (added in patch 1.06) (near Saxham Outpost; Map); Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Level 89), Ch.15: Costlemark Tower Menace (Level 50); Scraps of Mystery sidequest final treasure 20,000 gil
A polished clump of mythril found buried in the ruins. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 99 5 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Mythril Shaft Collectible The parking spot at Kelbass Grasslands (Map), crater in Mencemoor east from imperial base (Map), under the bridge east from Ravatoghan Trail (Map), north from the bridge east from Ravatoghan Trail (Map), downstream Maidenwater (Map), in various dungeons, Ch.15: Balouve Mines Menace (Level 6), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 5, 22, 45, 51, 63, 93), Ch.15: Crestholm Channels Menace (Levels 8 right, 11), Ch.15: Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 3, 23, 32, 42 middle) 900 gil
A piece of ancient machinery, presumably from some ruins, It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 12 5 0.83


Name Availability Details Sell price
Old Book Collectible Lestallum, Altissia (hotel upstairs), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's & United routes), Hammerhead (Chapter 14: Cid's chair), Kingsglaive Base Camp (Windows/Royal Edition: planning room desk) 100 gil
A worn, old tome once read by an ancient people. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 3 3 2.78


Name Availability Details Sell price
Phoenix Bass Bladder Fishing Phoenix Bass 50 gil
Filled with oil instead of gas, the bass bladder is valued as a fuel source. It could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 3 - 3.13
Name Availability Details Sell price
Platinum Ingot Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Top of a Duscae arch (added in patch 1.06); the Vesperpool (Map), Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 20), Ch.15: Balouve Mines Menace (Level 16 middle), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Level 56), Ch.15: Costlemark Tower Menace (Level 40)
Survival (Lv.10)
10,000 gil
Someone's forgotten treasure, left behind in a dungeon. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Freecast 99 3 -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Poisonous Catfish Fin Fishing Grim Catfish, Lurking Catfish 1,800 gil
A caudal fin lined with small, poisonous barbs. Used in hunting, the toxin within could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 1 20 4.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Prawn Antennae Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Karlabos, Rogue Karlabos 700 gil
Stronger than steel wire, yet lighter by far. They have some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Blastcast 24 - 0.50


Name Availability Details Sell price
Quality Building Stone Collectible By bales of hay western Leide north of Three Valleys west from the Weaverwilds (Map), Rock of Ravatogh, Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 16 right), Ch.15: Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 6 right), Ch.15: Daurell Caverns Menace (Level 13) 350 gil
Good-quality stone material used for building. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 48 - 2.17


Name Availability Details Sell price
Rare Coin Collectible
Gladiolus's Survival
Common in Cleigne, Cartanica (down the stairs behind the shops), Gralea x2 (Noctis route: warehouse area in a room with a red forklift and in a side path of a corridor with wooden crates), Zegnautus Keep (Noctis's route: pile of books in a room in Security Level 4), Insomnia (Windows/Royal Edition), Ch.15: Steyliff Grove Menace (Levels 7, 16, 28, 71, 95), Ch.15: Crestholm Channels Menace (Levels 19, 21), Costlemark Tower Menace (Levels 39, 45)
Survival (Lv.3–10)
1,000 gil
An ancient coin that still glitters as if newly minted. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Expericast 8 12 4.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Repair Kit Shop Hammerhead Mini-mart, Coernix Stations (Alstor, Cauthess, Lestallum), Old Lestallum JM Market 50 gil
A run-of-the-mill set of car repair tools. Not compatible with the Regalia, but could have some use.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 3 - -
Name Availability Details Sell price
Rotten Splinterbone Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Mictlantecihuatl 6,000 gil
The sharp, needle-like bone of a daemonified quetzalcoatl. A prized medicinal ingredient, it could fetch a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 12 - 4.17
Name Availability Details Sell price
Rough Scales Collectible
Enemy drop
Fodina Caestino
75% - Gurangatch
250 gil
The scaly hide of a gurangatch. Used to make ugly bags and purses, it has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 10 1.54
Name Availability Details Sell price
Rough Shell Enemy drop 75% - Karlabos 1,600 gil
A shell that is as light as it is strong and rough to the touch. It has some value as shock-absorbent material, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 1 25 1.18
Name Availability Details Sell price
Rusted Bit* Collectible Common, Magna Fortia (Chapter 12 in the hold with the Regalia) 300 gil
A metal scrap too rusted now to tell what it was once used for. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Failcast 12 8 0.83


Name Availability Details Sell price
Sabertusk Claw Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
50% - Sabertusk, 100% - Flexitusk
90 gil
A favorite material of rustic artisans, often honed into knives. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 1 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sahagin Scale Enemy drop 100 - Sahagin, Albinogin 450 gil
Appreciated for its hardness and certainly not for its unaesthetic appearance. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 3 38 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Salmon Fin Fishing Argus Salmon 640 gil
A small membrane rich in rare substances used to make eyedrops. It could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 6 15 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Scaled Skin Shop
Enemy drop
Burbost Souvenir Emporium
50% - Mushussu, 100% - Mushmahhu
1,250 gil
Armored monster hide that can be cut into kitchen tiles. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 3 10 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Scarlet Splinterbone Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Quetzalcoatl 2,750 gil
The sharp, needle-like bone of a quetzalcoatl. It is valued as a stylish hair adornment, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quintcast 0 33 1.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Scorpion Barb Enemy drop 25% - Reapertail 40 gil
The pointed barb at the end of a reapertail's stinger. It could be sold as a simple pin for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 1 20 4.76
Name Availability Details Sell price
Scorpion Stinger Enemy drop 30% - Saphyrtail 190 gil
The pointed barb at the end of a saphyrtail's stinger. It has value as a high-quality pin, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Killcast 1 16 4.55
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sharp Bone Collectible Common in Leide 16 gil
The bone of a small animal, suitable for crafting accesories. Itc could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 4 15 1.72
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sharp Bristles Enemy drop 50% - Voretooth (Lv 68), 75% - Voretooth (Lv 72) 1,500 gil
These bristles are especially sharp and stiff, and are used to make high-quality brushes. They have great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Venomcast 5 99 2.22
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sharp Head Fin Enemy drop 20% - Seadevil, 75% - Coraldevil 1,900 gil
The hardest part of a seadevil's head. Much in demand as a metal grinder, it fetches high prices.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 12 99 1.41
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sharp Scythe Enemy drop 75% - Killer Wasp (dungeon), Soldier Wasp 1,500 gil
Cut from a killer wasp, it is sharp enough to wield as a weapon, if a rather primitive one. It has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 5 - 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sharp Tail Feathers Enemy drop 50% - Daggerquill, 25% - Dynoaevis 150 gil
A tuft of razor-sharp retrices used as simple weapons or as adornments in haute couture dresses. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 0 0 7.14
Name Availability Details Sell price
Shattered Timepiece Collectible Common in Cleigne, near Palsino Street gondola station in Altissia, Zegnautus Keep, Hammerhead (Chapter 14: behind Takka's Pit Stop), Insomnia (Windows/Royal Edition) 500 gil
Though broken beyond repair, someone might want this watch for the spare parts. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 8 25 0.50
Name Availability Details Sell price
Shield Spike Enemy drop Appendage: 75% - Bulette 1,200 gil
The hardest part of a bulette's body armor. It has some value as a unique material, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 8 24 4.55
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sky Gemstone* Collectible
Tenebrae, various Ch.15 dungeon mazes (Greyshire Glacial Grotto Level 25, Fociaugh Hollow Level 15, Daurell Caverns Levels 17 & 21, Steyliff Grove Levels 72, 86, Costlemark Tower Levels 7, 27, 55)
A Feline Feast (Friendly Cat)
2,500 gil
A sphere formed of meteorite fragments compressed together by geological forces, It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Failcast 99 75 0.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Slimy Oil Enemy drop
75% - Gigantoad, Hekatontoad, 100% - Gaiatoad
West from the imperial base in Kellbass Grasslands (Map)
210 gil
Oil extracted from the body of a gigantoad and used in ointments and the like. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 7 99 1.14
Name Availability Details Sell price
Small Beak Enemy drop 75% - Regaltrice 400 gil
The small beak of a regaltrice, greatly valued as an adornment in animal-themed costumes.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Powercast 25 - 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Snakehead Scales Fishing Jade Snakehead, Sapphire Snakehead, Opal Snakehead 100 gil
Vividly hued scales found on certain species of snakeheads. Used in the making of rare pigments, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 3 5.56
Name Availability Details Sell price
Snakehead Teeth Fishing Snakehead, Phantom Snakehead, Garnet Snakehead 10 gil
The sharp, elongated teeth of a snakehead. Used in the making of white pigments, they could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 2 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Spiked Armor* Collectible
Enemy drop
Insomnia (Windows/Royal Editions)
Appendage: 75% - Skarnbulette
2,300 gil
A skarnbulette's near-impenetrable body armor. It can be used as a materials for fashioning weapons, and has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 26 30 8.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Spiny Barramundi Fin Fishing Rock Barramundi, Vesper Barramundi 190 gil
The spindly back fin of a large fish. Used as an ingredient in fodder to strengthen the bones of livestock, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 3 21 5.56
Name Availability Details Sell price
Splendid Building Stone Collectible Various dungeons, in a hot spring northwest from Verinas Mart - Ravatogh (Map), Ch.15: Greyshire Glacial Grotto Menace (Level 5 & 16 left), Fociaugh Hollow Menace (Level 11), Daurell Caverns Menace (Level 12 left) 600 gil
Extremely precious stone used for unnecessarily extravagant building projects. It has considerable value and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 65 - 1.92
Name Availability Details Sell price
Star Shell Collectible Galdin Quay eastern beach (Map) 210 gil
A star-shaped shell found near the coast. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Stopcast 1 52 2.17
Name Availability Details Sell price
Strong Bone Collectible In various dungeons 200 gil
The heavy bone of a robust animal, suitable fir crafting large articles. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 16 25 1.33
Name Availability Details Sell price
Strong Pincers Enemy drop 50% - Shieldshears (dungeon) 1,875 gil
Powerful crustacean claws. Valued for their resilience, they could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Blastcast 33 - 0.50thunder
Name Availability Details Sell price
Strong Whiskers Collectible
Enemy drop
Taelpar Rest Area region (northwest, at the junction in Secullam Pass; Map)
50% - Coeurl (dungeon), Elder Coeurl (dungeon)
3,400 gil
Fabulously tough coeurl whiskers, hardened with age. They can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Killcast 18 99 1.25
Name Availability Details Sell price
Sturdy Helixhorn* Enemy drop Appendage: 10% - Duplicorn, 75% - Leukorn, Spiracorn (hunt) 1,350 gil
Taken from a spiracorn subspecies, this horn is much in demand among artisans, craftsmen, and people who like helices. The best examples command a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 3 32 0.97
Name Availability Details Sell price
Supple Tail Enemy drop 75% - Spiracorn, Duplicorn 230 gil
Cut from a spiracorn, the hairs can be used to make an excellent back scrubber. It has some value, and could fecth a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 28 1.39


Name Availability Details Sell price
Thick Hide Enemy drop 100% - Aspidochelon 1,600 gil
Cut from the carcass of an aspidochelon, this skin is used in many products. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 8 10 1.00
Name Availability Details Sell price
Thunderoc Feather Enemy drop
75% - Thunderoc, Copperoc
Ravatoghan Trail (Map)
700 gil
The beautiful feather of a thunderoc used as an adornment in culturally insensitive jewelry. It has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Quadcast 0 1 7.14
Name Availability Details Sell price
Tiny Feather Collectible Common in Duscae 90 gil
A beautiful feather from a small bird. It could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 8 5 2.08
Name Availability Details Sell price
Tough Shell Enemy drop 100% - Skarnbulette 900 gil
Thick armored hide not only used as a lightweight construction material, but also for absorbing blows. It has great value.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 49 2.27
Name Availability Details Sell price
Translucent Skin Enemy drop 75% - Quetzalcoatl) (100% hunt), Mictlantecihuatl 600 gil
Resilient skin well known for its ability to stop bullets. Thought difficult to work with, it has some value, and could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 20 99 0.65
Name Availability Details Sell price
Treant Branch Enemy drop 80% - Treant (100% hunt) 800 gil
A dead branch fallen from a treant, valued for its fragrant aroma. Used in restroom air fresheners, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 1 8 1.14
Name Availability Details Sell price
Treant Trunk Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Treant 1,600 gil
The old wood cut from the middle of a fallen treant, prized for its fragrant aroma. Used in fancy potpourris, it could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Healcast 2 99 0.98
Name Availability Details Sell price
Trevally Fin Fishing Crimson Trevally 230 gil
The wing-like fin of a large, predatory fish. Valued for the fiber contained within, it could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 5 - 2.78
Name Availability Details Sell price
Trevally Scales Fishing Reef Trevally 410 gil
Sharp scales from the back of a large fish. Sometimes used in weapons, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
None 10 - 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Trout Scales Fishing Lambent Trout, Leopard Trout 150 gil
Small scales with a unique hue. Used to produce peculiarity pigmented makeup, they could fetch a decent price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 8 3.03


Name Availability Details Sell price
Voretooth Bristles Enemy drop 50% - Voretooth, 75% - Yellowtooth 120 gil
Sharp and stiff as metal, the bristles are used to make deck brushes and the like. They could be sold for a small amount of gil.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Dualcast 1 3 3.03
Name Availability Details Sell price
Vortex Feather Enemy drop Garuda (break her wings) 1 gil
A magical feather plucked from the primal Garuda that harbors the power of wind. Used as a material for crafting arms.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication


Name Availability Details Sell price
Wind-up Lord Vexxos Enemy drop
Timed Quest
Appendage - Tyraneant
Justice Monsters Five (99 chests in 10,000 gil machine)
850 QP
500,000 gil
A mechanical toy of the big baddie from K-MA's popular pinball series. Only one was ever produced, so this doll has achieved legendary status among JustMon devotees.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 90 - 0.02
Name Availability Details Sell price
Worn Incisor Enemy drop Appendage: 100% - Aspidochelon 2,050 gil
Pulled straight from the jaws of an aspidochelon, this tooth might prove useful to artisans. it has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Cursecast 33 99 0.63
Name Availability Details Sell price
Wyvern Wing Enemy drop 75% - Wyvern 1,600 gil
A wing formed from delicate layers of tissue-like skin. It has considerable value, and could fetch a high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Tricast 12 25 1.39


Name Availability Details Sell price
Zu Beak Enemy drop 75% - Zu 3,000 gil
The beak of a zu, sturdy as iron and light as wood. A sought-after crafting material. It can be sold for a very high price.
Added effect Power value Effect level Units required for duplication
Limit Break 90 - 0.70