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For information regarding auto-abilities, see Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII auto-abilities.

This page lists all active abilities in Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. For information on how to aquire these Abilities, please see the Acquirement subpage.

Lightning can carry up to 400 abilities. Abilities can be improved at Sorcery Shops, which offer two main services: Synthesis and Level Boost. Synthesizing an ability the first time earns the Novice Synthesist achievement. Synthesizing an ability thirty times earns the Expert Synthesist achievement.

All abilities listed on this page reflect their stats at level 1.

List of abilities[]


Physical ability icon, Piggyback guide.
Name ATB Cost Multiplier Stagger Power Stagger Time Combo
Attack 10 0.50 E C 5
Deals physical damage to target.
Blitz 20 0.90 E A 3
Deals physical damage to target and nearby foes. Extends stagger time.
Area Sweep 5 0.15 D A 3
Deals physical damage to target and nearby foes and may launch them into the air. Extends stagger time.
Fatal Sweep 20 1.10 D A 1
Lightning attacks in the direction the Left stick is pushed and deals physical damage. Extends stagger time.
Light Slash 5 0.30 – C 1
Deals physical damage. Does little damage, but has a low ATB cost.
Heavy Slash 50 2.00 B B 1
Deals physical attack damage and can launch an enemy into the air. Deals significant damage, but at a high ATB cost.
Charged Strike 10 0.50 E – 1
Deals physical damage. Power increases the longer the command button is held down.
Punt 5 0.15 E C 5
Deals physical damage with a swift kick. Does little damage, but ATB cost is low and can make enemies recoil.
Beat Down 40 0.40 A E 2
Deals physical damage. High stagger capability.
Flamestrike 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals fire-attribute physical damage.
Heat Blitz 25 0.75 C E 3
Deals fire-attribute physical damage to enemies in range.
Froststrike 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals ice-attribute physical damage.
Ice Blitz 25 0.75 C E 3
Deals ice-attribute physical damage to enemies in range.
Sparkstrike 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals lightning-attribute physical damage.
Electric Blitz 25 0.75 C E 3
Deals lightning-attribute physical damage to enemies in range.
Galestrike 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals wind-attribute physical damage.
Aero Blitz 25 0.75 C E 3
Deals wind-attribute physical damage to target and nearby foes.

Garb abilities[]

Name ATB Cost Multiplier Stagger Power Stagger Time Combo Garb
Ashura 50 8.00 B B 1 Dark Knight
Deals great physical damage in exchange for Lightning's own HP, and launches enemy into the air.
Cosmic Arts 15 2.50 E E 5 Cosmocrator
Unleashes repeat attacks before delivering a final Ruinga.
Crashing Waves 15 2.00 E C 7 Sphere Hunter
Launches the target and nearby foes into the air and attacks repeatedly.
Cross Blitz 10 1.50 E C 4 Celestial Body
Unleashes repeat Ruins before delivering a final bout of physical damage.
Darkness 20 3.50 E A 1 Dark Knight
Deals great physical damage to target and nearby foes in exchange for Lightning's own HP.
Defensive Strike 10 1.00 E C 5 Sacred Knight
Deals physical damage while also protecting against attacks.
Flame 40 3.50 A E 1 Purple Lightning
Unleashes a Firaga spell that does physical damage.
Flood 40 3.50 A E 1 Purple Lightning
Unleashes a Blizzaga spell that does physical damage.
Lancet 10 0.80 E C 5 Dragoon
Deals physical damage to a target and restores a small amount of Lightning's own HP when it hits.
Leaping Rush 20 0.50 D D 3 Heartstealer
Unleashes a physical attack that launches enemies into the air. Not very likely to make enemies recoil.
Lightning 40 3.50 A E 1 Blue Mage
Unleashes a Thundaga spell that does physical damage.
Magic Slash 10 0.80 E E 4 Miqo'te Dress
Unleashes a special attack that deals both physical and magic damage.
Relentless Assault 20 1.50 E C 5 Siegfried
Unleashes a series of physical and magic attacks.
Shadowbind 150 3.00 – A 1 Soldier of Peace
Deals physical damage and also makes the target unable to move for a short time, but at a high ATB cost.
Siren Strike 10 0.55 – C 1 Nightmare
Deals physical damage and also inflicts short-lived status ailments.
Speed Slash 10 0.75 E D 9 Amazon Warrior
Deals physical damage in a series of quick, repeat attacks.
Wind Slash 40 3.50 A E 1 Blue Mage
Unleashes an Aeroga spell that does physical damage.


Magic ability icon, Piggyback guide.
Name ATB Cost Multiplier Stagger Power Stagger Time Combo
Ruin 10 0.45 E C 5
Deals magic damage to target.
Ruinga 50 1.50 B E 1
Deals heavy magic damage to targets within a wide radius.
Fire 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals fire-attribute magic damage to target.
Fira 25 0.60 B E 3
Deals fire-attribute magic damage to target and nearby foes.
Firaga 40 1.65 A C 1
Deals fire-attribute magic damage to enemies within a wide radius. Deals great damage to the target.
Flare 100 10.00 A – 1
Deals fire-based magic damage to all enemies. The less HP Lightning has, the more powerful this attack becomes.
Blizzard 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals ice-attribute magic damage to target.
Blizzara 25 0.60 B E 3
Deals ice-attribute magic damage to target and nearby foes.
Blizzaga 40 1.65 A E 1
Deals ice-attribute magic damage to enemies within a wide radius. Deals great damage to the target.
Chill 100 10.00 A – 1
Deals ice-based magic damage to all enemies. The less HP Lightning has, the more powerful this attack becomes.
Thunder 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals lightning-attribute magic damage to target.
Thundara 25 0.60 B E 3
Deals lightning-attribute magic damage to target and nearby foes.
Thundaga 40 1.90 A E 1
Deals lightning-attribute magic damage to enemies within a wide radius. Deals great damage to the target.
Surge 100 10.00 A – 1
Deals lightning-based magic damage to all enemies. The less HP Lightning has, the more powerful this attack becomes.
Aero 15 0.40 C E 5
Deals wind-attribute magic damage to target.
Aerora 25 0.60 B E 3
Deals wind-attribute magic damage to target and nearby foes.
Aeroga 40 1.90 A E 1
Deals wind-attribute magic damage enemies within a wide radius. Deals great damage to the target.
Tornado 100 10.00 A – 1
Deals wind-based magic damage to all enemies. The less HP Lightning has, the more powerful this attack becomes.
Flamespark 20 0.76 C E 4
Deals fire- and lightning-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target.
Flamesparka 40 1.20 B E 2
Deals fire- and lightning-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target and nearby foes.
Firestorm 20 0.76 C E 4
Deals fire- and wind-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target.
Firestorma 40 1.20 B E 2
Deals fire- and wind-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target and nearby foes.
Icespark 20 0.76 C E 4
Deals ice- and lightning-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target.
Icesparka 40 1.20 B E 2
Deals ice- and lightning-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target and nearby foes.
Icestorm 20 0.76 C E 4
Deals ice- and wind-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target.
Icestorma 40 1.20 B E 2
Deals ice- and wind-attribute magic damage simultaneously to target and nearby foes.
Element 20 0.80 C E 4
Deals magic damage to target. Contains all four elements within it.
Elementa 40 1.30 B E 2
Deals magic damage to target and nearby foes. Contains all four elements within it.
Elementaga 100 10.00 – – 1
Inflicts fire, ice lightning and wind elemental damage at the same time on target and nearby foes.
Magnet 15 0.12 – D 1
Pulls nearby foes toward the target area and deals magic damage.

Garb abilities[]

Name ATB Cost Multiplier Stagger Power Stagger Time Combo Garb
Aero+ 15 0.85 C E 3 Woodland Walker
Decreases the number of attacks before the combo finale, but unleashes Aerora as a finishing shot.
Blizzard+ 15 0.85 C E 3 Watery Chorus
Decreases the number of attacks before the combo finale, but unleashes Blizzara as a finishing shot.
Buster Ruin 15 0.35 E A 1 Red Mage
Unleashes a Ruin that is slow to hit but extends stagger time.
Fire+ 15 0.85 C E 3 Ignition
Decreases the number of attacks before the combo finale, but unleashes Fira as a finishing shot.
Quick Freeze 15 0.40 D E 9 Black Mage
Deals ice-attribute magic damage in a series of quick, repeat attacks.
Quick Ruin 15 0.60 E D 9 White Mage
Deals magic damage in a series of quick, repeat attacks.
Rapid Fire 15 0.40 D E 9 Black Mage
Deals fire-attribute magic damage in a series of quick, repeat attacks.
Thunder+ 15 0.85 C E 3 Electronica
Decreases the number of attacks before the combo finale, but unleashes Thundara as a finishing shot.
Ultima 100 30.00 A – 1 Ultimatus
Deals heavy magic damage.


Defensive ability icon, Piggyback guide.
Name ATB Cost Physical Resistance Magic Resistance
Guard 10 40% 40%
Reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks.
Heavy Guard 15 50% 50%
Greatly reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks, but at a high ATB cost.
Light Guard 5 25% 25%
Slightly reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks. Low ATB cost.
Mediguard 10 25% 25%
Reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks, and slowly restore HP while guarding.
Steelguard 5 25% 25%
Reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks. Guard becomes more effective with each bit of damage taken.
NulAll Guard 15 25% 25%
Reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks. Greatly reduces elemental-attribute damage.
Evade 15 0% 0%
Allows Lightning to evade some enemy attacks. Certain attacks cannot be evaded.
ATB Charge 5 -100% -100%
Restores ATB. Defenses are lowered while restoring ATB, increasing the damage that is taken from enemy attacks.
Heroic Guard 20 84% 84%
Greatly reduces the damage taken from enemy attacks, but at a high ATB cost.
Counterblow 30 0% 0%
Takes an enemy attack and returns it upon the attacker as physical damage.
Counterspell 30 0% 0%
Takes an enemy attack and returns it upon the attacker as magic damage.

Garb abilities[]

Name ATB Cost Physical Resistance Magic Resistance Garb
Mediguard+ 15 35% 35% Miqo'te Dress
Gradually restores HP while guarding. Guarding for a certain length of time will even wipe away status ailments.


Ailment ability icon, Piggyback guide.
Name ATB Cost Multiplier Duration
Poison 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that deals magic damage and poisons target, which damages the target continually over time.
Poisonga 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that deals magic damage and poisons all enemies, which damages the targets continually over time.
Imperil 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that reduces target's elemental magic resistance by 1 level and deals magic damage.
Imperilga 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that reduces elemental magic resistance and deals magic damage to all enemies.
Slow 25 0.20 30
Debuffing attack that reduces target's ATB recovery speed and deals magic damage.
Slowga 40 0.20 15
Debuffing attack that reduces target's ATB recovery speed and deals magic damage to all enemies.
Curse 25 0.20 30
Debuffing attack that makes the target more likely to have attacks interrupted, and deals magic damage.
Cursega 40 0.20 15
Debuffing attack that makes all enemies more likely to have attacks interrupted, and deals magic damage.
Debrave 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that decreases the target's Strength and deals magic damage.
Debravega 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that decreases all enemies' Strength and deals magic damage.
Deprotect 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that reduces target's physical resistance and deals magic damage.
Deprotega 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that reduces target's physical resistance and deals magic damage to all enemies.
Defaith 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that decreases that target's magic and deals magic damage.
Defaithga 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that decreases that all enemies' Magic and deals magic damage.
Deshell 25 0.20 30
Debilitating attack that decreases the target's magic resistance and deals magic damage.
Deshellga 40 0.20 15
Debilitating attack that reduces target's magic resistance and deals magic damage to all enemies.
Dispel 25 0.20 –
Debilitating attack that removes the target's status enhancements and deals magic damage.
Dispelga 40 0.20 –
Debilitating attack that removes the target's status enhancements and deals magic damage to all enemies.
Disaster 100 – 10
Inflicts Debrave, Defaith, Deprotect, Deshell, and Curse and deals magic damage to one enemy.

EP abilities[]

Guest abilities[]

Angel of Valhalla[]

Oerba Yun Fang[]


Physical abilities
Magic abilities
Defensive abilities
Ailment abilities

