Final Fantasy Wiki

Iron Giant is an enemy is Final Fantasy VIII. It is a large armored monster that uses physical attacks and may appear in pairs.


In the original Japanese version, Iron Giant's HP formula is .


As described by Scan, Iron Giant's attacks are limited to using its sword. Grand Sword targets all party members. When it loses about 50% of its HP, the Iron Giant will use Mighty Guard, which applies Protect and Shell to it and its allies.

Iron Giants are good sources of Star Fragments for weapon customizing and for turning into Meteor spells with Forbid Mag-RF.


Iron Giant sleeping from FFVIII Remastered

Iron Giant is asleep.

Blind/Pain helps make the fight easier; casting either spell, or junctioning them to ST-Atk-J, will blind the Iron Giant and makes its physical attacks miss, even Grand Sword. Dispelling Mighty Guard and casting Meltdown also helps. An Iron Giant can also be put to sleep and then attacked with Limit Breaks, GFs, and magic to not wake it up. Defend would make one invulnerable to all of Iron Giant's abilities.

Quistis's Blue Magic, Degenerator, works well. Status-inflicting Limits, like Quistis's Bad Breath and Irvine's Dark Shot, may also be good to weaken Iron Giant if Degenerator is not available.

Triple Triad[]


Iron Giant is a Level 5 Monster Card in Triple Triad used for playing the minigame and for turning into Star Fragment with Quezacotl's Card Mod.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Iron Giant FFVIII from FFBE enemy sprite

The Iron Giant appears as a boss and enemy encountered during the Final Fantasy VIII "Lunatic Pandora" and "Lunatic Pandora - Exploration" events, as well as in the Chamber of Blue Magic. However, its sprite is identical to the common Brave Exvius Iron Giant rather than being adapted from the VIII enemy.

