Don't think poorly of me.
Garvall is a playable character of War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. Known as the Marked Fighter, Garvall is a descendant of the people of Yezagh, a persecuted race of people. Although he managed to escape slavery in Fennes with his sister, Velne, his freedom remains bittersweet as he is focused on his revenge. Usurping the Arms Dealer's Guild from his benefactor Galzahk, he aims to use his newfound control over the supply of weapons on the continent to build a new nation for the Yezagh.
Garvall is a young man with blond, messy hair. He has grey eyes. He has red markings on the left side of his face and on his left arm, indicating his Yezagh heritage. He wears a one-sleeved black armored tunic with a red fur collar, exposing his midriff. He wears a red gauntlet on his left arm and a black gauntlet on his right arm which have long black clasps. He wears a white, ruffled sarong lined with red around his waist. He has a giant dagger holstered onto his waist with white belts. He wears black pants and black shoes.
Due to his persecution as a person of Yezagh heritage, Garvall maintains a pessimistic outlook on trusting people. Embittered and vengeful as a result of oppression, Garvall seeks revenge against his discriminators and to better the standing of his race, which makes him highly ambitious and jumps at the first opportunity to claim power. Following his takeover of the Arms Dealer's Guild, Garvell wields his newfound political and economical power with ruthlessness, coercing countries into unfavorable trade deals and forcing blacksmiths or any weapon forger into submission or death, with the intention to monopolize the trade and secure the power that comes with it.
Garvall's intentions to build a safe haven for the people of Yezagh while noble in principle, are carried out through a series of calculated schemes, treacherous political maneuvering and even assassination. Garvell believes the end justifies the means and is utterly uncaring of any collateral damage he causes, having no qualms to trample over anybody to achieve his objectives, even if said individuals did not indulge in discriminatory practices, making him headstrong and impulsive, as his decisions often lead to grave consequences. Because of his actions, he is heavily despised by many nations, but is also feared with the political powers treading carefully out of fear of having their weapon supply cut.
Garvall holds a soft spot for his sister whom he loves dearly and would do anything and everything to ensure her safety. Velne in turn, is rather unnerved by her brother's actions and worries for his safety.
Event story[]
Ep. 1: The People of Yezagh I[]
Garvall and Velne are carrying a crate through the Fennes mines when Velne falls from exhaustion. A soldier approaches the pair, who then sets his sights on Velne upon noticing her beauty. He also acknowledges the pair's status as Yezagh because of the marks on their bodies and looks down on them. Garvall threatens the soldier but the soldier laughs at his threats, brandishing his sword. The soldier is then distracted by a slave's mention of Vinera, allowing the pair a moment to escape, to which the soldier then states that there is nowhere to run.
Ep. 3: The Third Option[]
Garvall and Velne run through the mines and encounter another group of slaves. Garvall asks for their help but the slaves look down on him because of his association with Yezagh. Garvall asks what places them above Yezagh and the soldier mentions it was whenever he had been branded with the mark. As the soldier is ready to dispose of the pair, a mysterious man interrupts the affair and introduces himself as Galzahk, a member of the Arms Dealers' Guild. Intrigued by their origins from Yezagh, Galzahk offers to purchase the siblings and attempts to broker a deal with the soldier. The soldier rejects the offer but Galzahk retorts back with a threat to dispense crucial information about the marriage of a woman from the mines to a prince from a neighboring kingdom to other countries. Galzahk also goes on to suggest that the pace at which ore is being mined seems to indicate the brewing of war, to which the soldier remains silent. After pressuring the soldier to allow him to purchase the siblings, Garvall rejects Galzahk's attempts and asks who exactly should be deciding their fates. Angered by Galzahk's arrogance with the matter, Garvall tells him that he is no different than the soldier, stating that Galzahk is also intrigued by his sister. Galzahk doesn't refute that Velne is beautiful and states her future potential, prompting Garvall to mention that Galzahk is no better than the soldier. Garvall then decides to run away with Velne deeper through the mines.
After locating the mine's exit, the pair rest for a moment until Galzahk approaches them. He offers the siblings new attire and weapons but after the duo get changed, they are then surrounded by Fennes soldiers. Garvall and Velne rout a few soldiers but more still come, with the soldiers stating that is where they will die. Galzahk turns his magic towards Garvall, causing Garvall to fall to the ground. As Velne screams for her brother, she is also struck by Galzahk's magic and falls. The soldiers disperse as Galzahk claims he's already done their job. Following their dispersal, Galzahk heals the siblings back to health and he tells them to get going. Galzahk tells the pair that if he ever sees their faces again, they won't live to tell the tale.
Ep. 5: The Crystal Sanctum[]
Garvall and Velne are resting at a forest when Garvall mentions he hears something. He tells Velne it could be forces from Fennes or even Galzahk's forces but that no quarter should be given to whoever it might be.
Garvall and Velne rout a few of the soldiers but are then surrounded by them. Suddenly, mysterious forces eliminate the remaining enemies and Garvall claims it might be Galzahk. A mysterious voice asks how they know about Galzahk, revealing himself to be Sadali Crysthea of the Crystal Sanctum, accompanied by "Murmur". Sadali introduces himself to the siblings and asks about their current situation. After Garvall and Velne share their story with Sadali, he expresses his consternation at how Galzahk manages the Arms Dealers' Guild and their intentions. Sadali mentions that there may be a way to ensure the people of Yezagh are able to escape further persecution. Garvall recognizes Sadali's intention of overtaking the guild and asks him how they would go about it. Sadali offers Garvall the services of his monks and Garvall takes the monks to Galzahk's mansion. After Garvall and Velne leave with the monks, "Murmur" asks Sadali about his intentions with Garvall. Sadali finds it laughable that Garvall thinks becoming the head of the Arms Dealer's Guild will ensure dignity for the people of Yezagh. He continues to laugh after stating the world cannot be without war.
Ep. 7: Ambush I[]
Garvall and Velne arrive at Galzahk's mansion, with Garvall telling Velne to stay behind. However, Velne tells him that they need to stay together, even in death. Garvall tells Velne that they won't die as they are doing this so they can live, stating that it's time to create a new future for their people.
The pair encounter Galzahk and his men, with Garvall telling Galzahk not to take it personally. Galzahk attempts to dissuade Garvall from proceeding, stating that the privatization of the guild will only lead to misery as all weapons had been sold fairly to all nations, ensuring a balance of power. Garvall laughs off Galzahk's statement, asking that if Galzahk truly believed in fairness and equality, the people of Yezagh would not have been treated like slaves for as long as they have known. Galzahk remains silent as Garvall states that the curse of his people's history will end this day.
Ep. 10: Debt[]
As Garvall and Velne stand before a fallen Galzahk, the latter mentions that killing him won't allow them to do as they want with the guild. A Crystal Sanctum monk interjects and states that the guild's five aides have already defected to the Crystal Sanctum. Galzahk laments over Sadali's success and asks to be put out of his misery, with Garvall stepping forward to do it. Velne tries to hold Garvall back but Garvall tells Velne that Galzahk is holding a debt over their heads and that he needs to settle things. Garvall brandishes his sword and swings it at Galzahk, seemingly striking him dead. A monk proclaims that Garvall has become the new leader of the guild, exiting the room to report back to Sadali. Velne asks Garvall if they did the right thing, to which Garvall states that the people of Yezagh will finally be able to walk freely beneath the sun. As the pair begin to leave, Garvall looks back at Galzahk and says to consider their debt as paid, as he only faked killing him, similarly to what Galzahk had done for them before.
Several days later, Garvall has a rendezvous with Rhaldor and Lu'Cia from Rundall. The pair attempt to negotiate with Garvall to purchase only one-hundred and fifty guns from Garvall's offer of five-hundred guns. Their pleas fall to deaf ears as Garvall states that he's aware King Jayden is being held by Lykeros and mentions that he may decide to sell the remaining guns they won't buy to Lykeros. Rhaldor is infuriated at Garvall's response but is warned by Garvall that if he is killed during their dealing, his informants will relay information pertaining to their rebellion to Lykeros, endangering the captive Jayden. Rhaldor backs down as Lu'Cia offers to buy all five hundred guns, with Garvall laughing at the fact that Lu'Cia would need find the gil at the cost of her life. Lu'Cia says she expects Garvall's discretion in regards to the rebellion. Garvall repeats Galzahk's motto for the Arms Dealer's Guild, stating that trust is an arms dealer's number one commodity.
In Search of Thunderedge[]
Ep. 4: Swordsman Varush II[]
Garvall is mentioned by Varush to be the new Arms Dealer's Guild leader.
Ep. 5: Arms Dealers' Guild's Vessel[]
Garvall is mentioned by Varush as systematically killing off swordsmiths across Ardra.
A descendant of the oppressed people of Yezagh. Bought by Fennes, he was forced into slave work in their mines. His sister Velne is more important to him than anything in this world. A chance encounter with Galzahk leads to their escape, but their freedom is bittersweet...
Character description
Garvall is a UR-rarity unit of the Dark element whose main job is Energist, while his sub jobs are Kotodama Wielder and Red Mage. He can equip the following items: Gloves, Hat, Clothing, Accessory. His unit cost is 80.
His Master Ability increases Dark unit allies' Max HP by 10% and Dark Attack by 15, as well as his own MAG by 20%. His Limit Burst is Concentrated Chi Lancer, which raises own SPR Piercing Rate, then deals Dmg (L) to targets within range based on caster's MAG stat & lowers SPR for 3 turns & Piercing.
A carefully crafted brooch not found in any market. It was a gift from Galzahk, separate from the clothes he also gave. The brooch is filled with prayers that Garvall and his kin of Yezagh will someday find peace from their long-suffered persecution. Unfortunately, with Garvall's heart dominated by revenge, those prayers went unheard.
Peacetime Brooch description
His Trust Master Reward is the Peacetime Brooch accessory which bestows HP +303, DEF +8, CRT +8 and the Fury Surge ability, which raises own MAG/Magic Attack Res Piercing Rate for 3 turns.
Abilities |
Main |
Pulse, Chi Shot, Chi Barrier, Twin Chi Rupture, Detonation Blast |
Sub |
Chi Shot Flurry, Darkra, Rejuvenation, Spirit-Breaking Pain, A Heart Like Needles, Nimble Movement, Sleep, Jamming Thrust, Unevadable Pain, Earth-Rending Pain, Cura, Diffusive Perplexity, Esuna |
Reaction |
Hyper-Reactivity, Steeled Ephemeral Form, Magic Reflex |
Support |
MAG Up Lv. 1, Hyper-Vitality, Chi Flow Expansion, Mage's Protection, Light Spirit's Blessing, Initial AP Up Lv. 1 |
Stat Bonus |
DEF +2, MAG +3, HP +7, AGI +1, AGI +2, MAG +5, HP +20, HP +30, MAG +5, Luck +5, MAG +7, MAG +7, DEF +2, DEX +6, TP +3, TP +3, MAG +7, Initial AP +2, MAG +7, HP +20, Luck +20%, DEF +2, MAG +8, MAG +8, Luck +7, DEX +7, Luck +7, TP +3, SPR +2, MAG +8, HP +40, HP +40, MAG +8 |
Vision cards[]
- A Loyal Companion

A Loyal Companion.
Garvall seized power by taking over the Arms Dealers' Guild. While his aggressive dealings have earned him a poor reputation as being callous and inhuman, he has succeeded in assuming complete control of the swordsmiths and the weapons trade.
The people of Yezagh shoulder a long history filled with oppression, cruelty, and tragedy. As one of those people, Garvall sees everyone else as an enemy, fit to be used in any way that suits his cold-hearted designs. While he does everything in the name of improving the standing of Yezagh, his actions have ended up being a series of atrocities. Still, in their war-filled world, it was the sole way he could guarantee the survival of his people.
He trusts only in his sister, Velne, and his canine partner who is always by his side. Garvall cared for and protected the dying pup when it was separated from its parents, and since then they have spent many years together. Now considered a cherished member of the family, the beast and Garvall share a powerful bond that will never be broken.Vision card description
A Loyal Companion is a UR-rarity vision card with a cost of 70. At Lv. 99, its stats are HP +358, MAG +151 and DEX +50. Its Party Abilities are Dark Unit Area Attack Res Up 20, Dark Unit Magic Attack Up 18 and Dark Unit Critical Hit Rate Up 25. Its Limited Bestowed Effects are MAG Up 10%, SPR Up 10 and Evasion Down 5 for Dark units only, as well as Max HP Up 20% for Garvall only. It was illustrated by G-ROW Art.
- Portraits
- Renders
- Other