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In Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates, spells are cast by using any of six different types of Magicite, which can be found in varying locations. Normally only six spells are available, but by stacking "magic piles" together, more advanced spells can be cast. If the piles are aligned perfectly, spells can receive a "+1" benefit, increasing the amount of damage they deal or the amount of health they recover.

For example, combining two Blizzard spells together perfectly will yield Blizzara +1 instead of Blizzara (combining two of these will yield Blizzaga +1). These "+1" spells are required for the more advanced spells.

There also exists a secret spell known as Rela Crystal. It deals incredible Holy damage to the target, and can only be cast during the fight with Lich, by stacking a magic ring with an out-of-party helper (either Chelinka or Princess Tilika, depending on mode).


Name Effect Cast With
Fire Deals minor fire damage and burns nearby enemies. Fire
Fira Deals moderate fire damage and burns nearby enemies. Fire + Fire
Firaga Deals heavy fire damage and burns nearby enemies. Fire + Fire + Fire
Firaja Deals massive fire damage and burns nearby enemies. Fire + Fire + Fire + Fire
Blizzard Deals minor ice damage and freezes enemies. Blizzard
Blizzara Deals moderate ice damage and freezes enemies. Blizzard + Blizzard
Blizzaga Deals heavy ice damage and freezes enemies. Blizzard + Blizzard + Blizzard
Blizzaja Deals massive ice damage and freezes enemies. Blizzard + Blizzard + Blizzard + Blizzard
Thunder Deals minor lightning damage and zaps enemies. Thunder
Thundara Deals moderate lightning damage and zaps enemies. Thunder + Thunder
Thundaga Deals heavy lightning damage and zaps enemies. Thunder + Thunder + Thunder
Thundaja Deals massive lightning damage and zaps enemies. Thunder + Thunder + Thunder + Thunder
Cure Restores a small amount of health to nearby allies. Cure
Cura Restores 400 HP to nearby allies. Cure + Cure
Curaga Restores 600 HP to nearby allies. Cure + Cure + Cure
Curaja Restores nearby allies to full health. Cure + Cure + Cure + Cure
Raise Revives a KOed ally to life with 20% of their maximum HP. Raise
Arise Revives a KOed ally to life with full HP and 50% SP. Raise + Raise
Clear Cures negative status conditions and restores a small amount of SP to nearby allies. Clear
Cleara Cures negative status conditions and restores 30% of SP to nearby allies. Clear + Clear
Clearaga Cures negative status conditions and restores 50% of SP to nearby allies. Clear + Clear + Clear
Clearaja Cures negative status conditions and restores all SP to nearby allies. Clear + Clear + Clear + Clear
Gravity Binds the target to the ground, preventing them from jumping. Fire + Blizzard + Thunder
Graviga Binds the target to the ground, preventing them from jumping. Lasts longer than Gravity. Fira +1 + Blizzara +1 + Thundara +1
Holy Deals a heavy amount of Holy damage to nearby enemies. Cure + Raise + Clear
Holyga Deals a massive amount of Holy damage to nearby enemies. Cura + Arise + Cleara
Barrier Protects nearby allies, reducing damage taken. Fire + Clear
Barriera Protects nearby allies, reducing damage taken. Lasts longer than Barrier. Fira +1 + Cleara +1
Slow Slows down nearby enemies, decreasing movement and attack speed. Blizzard + Clear
Slowga Slows down nearby enemies, decreasing movement and attack speed. Lasts longer than Slow. Blizzara +1 + Cleara +1
Haste Allows nearby allies to act faster, increasing movement and attack speed. Thunder + Clear
Hastega Allows nearby allies to act faster, increasing movement and attack speed. Lasts longer than Haste. Thundara +1 + Cleara +1
Quake Stuns nearby enemies, preventing them from moving. Fire + Thunder + Cure + Clear
Quaga Stuns nearby enemies, preventing them from moving. Lasts longer than Quake. Fira +1 + Thundara +1 + Cura +1 + Cleara +1
Bio Deals Dark damage to nearby enemies and poisons them, slowly depleting their HP. Fire + Blizzard + Cure + Raise
Bioga Deals heavy Dark damage to nearby enemies and poisons them, slowly depleting their HP. Fira +1 + Blizzara +1 + Cura +1 + Arise +1
Meteor Deals heavy damage to nearby enemies and stuns them. Blizzard + Thunder + Raise + Clear
Meteorga Deals massive damage to nearby enemies and stuns them. Blizzara +1 + Thundara +1 + Arise +1 + Cleara +1
Ultima Deals massive damage to nearby enemies and stuns them. Fire + Blizzard + Thunder + Cure + Clear
Ultiga Deals incredible damage to nearby enemies and stuns them. Fira +1 + Blizzara +1 + Thundara +1 + Cura +1 + Cleara +1

