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The following is a list of edged weapons in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift. Almost all of these weapons fall under the bladed weapons subcategory (however, it is called edged weapons when using the Throw or Hurl command). The only exceptions are rapiers and spears, which fall under the piercing weapons subcategory.


Knives are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Hunters, Rangers, Thieves, Jugglers, and Chocobo Knights. Penelo and Adelle can also equip daggers in their special jobs, Dancer and Heritor, respectively.

Knife Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)

Dagger FFTA2

— 80 20 0 0 0 2 0 —
A simple, easy-to-use knife.

Jacknife FFTA2

Survival Set E 160 22 0 0 0 2 0 Steal Gil (Thief, 200)
Gil Toss (Juggler, 100)
A knife small enough to conceal in one's hand, or an enemy's rib cage.

Kard FFTA2

Smallswords E 360 27 0 0 0 4 0 Steal Items (Thief, 200)
Silence Gas (Ranger, 200)
The slender blade on this knife is keen enough to shave the feathers off a chocobo.

Scramasax FFTA2

Smallswords E 500 30 0 0 0 2 0 Loot Lv. 1 (Thief, 100)
Ball Toss (Juggler, 350)
This impressive knife is so large, it's often mistaken for a shortsword.

Rondel FFTA2

Light Blades E 600 33 0 0 0 2 0 Loot Lv. 2 (Thief, 200)
Leech (Ranger, 250)
Immune: Disable
A knife with a unique pommel that prevents the wielder's grip from slipping.

Kris FFTA2

Smallswords D 850 33 0 0 5 2 0 Weapon Toss (Juggler, 100)
Immune: Disable
Your enemy's gasp at the exquisite decorations on the pommel of this knife will be their last.

Khukuri FFTA2

Light Blades D 1200 34 0 0 0 2 2 Molotov Cocktail (Juggler, 250)
Camouflage (Ranger, 300)
The fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach. The curve of this knife's blade makes it easy.

Zwillblade FFTA2

Smallswords C 4200 41 0 0 0 2 1 Sten Needle (Ranger, 150)
Decades of experience went into the forging and tempering of this fine knife.

Swordbreaker FFTA2

Swords of Destruction D 1900 37 0 0 0 4 0 Loot Lv. 3 (Thief, 300)
Dagger Toss (Juggler, 400)
The spike protruding from the guard of this knife is designed to catch an enemy's blade.
Orichalcum Dirk

Orichalcum dirk FFTA2

Light Blades C 3200 40 0 2 0 2 0 Steal Limelight (Thief, 400)
Smile Toss (Juggler, 450)
A knife forged from the legendary metal orichalcum.

Cinquedea FFTA2

Smallswords C 5200 42 0 0 0 4 5 Loot Lv. 4 (Thief, 400)
Ring Toss (Juggler, 450)
A large knife with a blade shaped like a man's hand.

Jambiya FFTA2

Smallswords B 10800 43 0 2 0 2 0 Steal Accessory (Thief, 550)
Critical: Vanish (Ranger, 400)
A knife with a blade bent back like the horn of a beast, but far sharper.

Tonberrian FFTA2

Light Blades A 11600 52 0 0 0 2 10 Love Potion (Ranger, 350)
What better knife to discourage marauding tonberries than one fashioned in the image of their very own.

Tiptaptwo FFTA2

None (Heritor Quest) — 52 0 0 0 2 15 Viola (Heritor, 350)
Immune: Slow
A knife designed for stabbing and slashing again and again until no enemies remains.


Swords are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Soldiers, Warriors, Dragoons, Spellblades, and Chocobo Knights. Vaan and Adelle can also equip swords in their special jobs, Sky Pirate and Heritor, respectively.

Sword Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)

Shortsword FFTA2

— 100 22 0 0 0 0 0 —
Though lacking in destructive power, this sword is light and easy to use.

Broadsword FFTA2

Apprentice Weapons E 200 25 0 0 0 0 0 First Aid (Soldier and Warrior, 100)
Oil Blade (Spellblade, 300)
A well-balanced, one-handed sword.
Buster Sword

Buster sword FFTA2

Uncommon Swords E 600 30 5 0 0 0 0 Rend Magick (Soldier and Warrior, 250)
Blood Price (Spellblade, 150)
If you're in the business of monster slaying, you need look no further than this sword.
Burglar Sword

Burglar sword FFTA2

Uncommon Swords D 1000 35 0 0 0 0 0 Gauge (Soldier, 150)
Stun Blade (Spellblade, 200)
Wyrmtamer (Dragoon, 150)
A larger sword favored by those with shifty eyes and nimble fingers.
Silver Sword

Silver sword FFTA2

Silver Death E 400 35 0 0 0 4 2 Rend Speed (Soldier and Warrior, 350)
Slow Blade (Spellblade, 300)
The silver engraving on this sword is so exquisite, it seems a shame to sully it with blood.
Gale Sword

Gale sword FFTA2

Voice of the Wind C 1100 35 0 0 0 0 5 Greased Lightning (Warrior, 300)
Sleep Blade (Spellblade, 250)
Element: Wind
A sword so sharp, it cuts the very wind.
Blood Sword

Blood sword FFTA2

Tempting Fate C 1850 22 0 0 0 0 0 Provoke (Soldier, 300)
Wyrmkiller (Dragoon, 200)
Poison Blade (Spellblade, 200)
On Hit: Steal HP
Copious quantities of blood have stained this sword's blade a rich crimson.
Onion Sword

Onion sword FFTA2

Formidable Flora C 3200 42 5 0 5 2 0 Confusion Blade (Spellblade, 200)
This sword was specially made for the Onion Knight of legend.

Restorer FFTA2

Uncommon Swords B 4800 43 0 5 5 0 0 Lifetap (Warrior, 300)
Lancet (Dragoon, 300)
Maim Blade (Spellblade, 350)
A wondrous sword said to restore lost power to its wielder.

Vitanova FFTA2

Sacred Arms C 4800 44 0 2 0 4 0 Doom Blade (Spellblade, 400)
Dragonheart (Dragoon, 500)
Absorb: Holy
Element: Holy
A holy sword named the "Defender of Life" by the many it has saved.

Chirijiraden FFTA2

None (Heritor Quest) — 62 7 0 0 0 0 Hilo (Heritor, 300)
Deemed too powerful, this sword was buried for centuries in a remote corner of the world.


Blades are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Fighters, Gladiators, Moogle Knights, and Chocobo Knights. Vaan and Adelle can also equip blades in their special jobs, Sky Pirate and Heritor, respectively.

Blade Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP) Alternative Source(s)
Iron Blade

Iron blade FFTA2

— 150 25 0 0 0 0 0 —
Sometimes it's better to crush a helm than cleave it. On such occasions, reach for this sword.
Sweep Blade

Sweep blade FFTA2

Lethal Blades E 220 28 0 0 0 0 0 Rush (Fighter and Gladiator, 100)
A sword made for cutting down enemies in great swaths, as though they were naught but wheat.
Shadow Blade

Shadow blade FFTA2

Stealth Set E 480 33 0 0 0 4 0 Beat Down (Fighter and Gladiator, 250)
Moogle Rush (Moogle Knight, 250)
The blade of this sword is dyed black for stealth when fighting at night.
Sun Blade

Sun blade FFTA2

Flash of Dawn E 480 33 0 0 0 0 2 Blitz (Fighter, 250)
The power of the sun nurtures life, yet through this blade, it harvests it.
Atomos Blade

Atomos blade FFTA2

Thunder's Cry E 1200 38 0 0 0 0 0 Air Render (Fighter, 250)
Moogle Lance (Moogle Knight, 250)
Element: Lightning
"Lightning split the sky in two, and the air sang with thunder." -Lay of the Blade
Venus Blade

Venus blade FFTA2

Steel of Living Flame E 580 33 0 2 0 2 0 Doublehand (Fighter and Gladiator, 250)
Absorb: Fire
Element: Fire
A sword of stone; its blade radiates a faint warmth.
Pearl Blade

Pearl blade FFTA2

Lethal Blades D 640 33 0 0 0 0 0 Moogle Shield (Moogle Knight, 200)
Never has the soft glow of pearl heralded such pain.
Ogun Blade

Ogun blade FFTA2

Lethal Blades D 1350 38 0 2 0 0 0 Wild Swing (Fighter and Gladiator, 250)
A great sword is lifted not for battle, but for victory. This scarlet blade is one such sword.

Flametongue FFTA2

Steel of Living Flame D 2400 42 0 0 0 0 0 Back Draft (Fighter, 400)
Fire Soul (Gladiator, 300)
Moogle Attack (Moogle Knight, 100)
Element: Fire
True to its flame, this sword wavers and dances like the voracious flames of a fire.
Air Blade

Air blade FFTA2

Voice of the Wind D 2400 42 0 0 0 0 0 Air Blast (Fighter, 350)
Thunder Assault (Gladiator, 300)
Immune: Wind
Element: Wind
A keen blade; its form is that of a tempest bound in steel.

Icebrand FFTA2

Rimebound Gear D 2400 42 0 0 0 0 0 Blizzard Tackle (Gladiator, 300)
Moogle Aid (Moogle Knight, 300)
Element: Ice
The unmelting ice used to forge this blade was stolen from the heart of a massive glacier.
Kwigon Blade

Kwigon blade FFTA2

Grab Bag D 5600 45 3 0 3 0 0 Aurablast (Fighter, 350)
Moogle Guard (Moogle Knight, 200)
With this sword in hand, even the most restless heart might glimpse serenity.
Paraiba Blade

Paraiba blade FFTA2

Lethal Blades C 6400 45 0 10 0 4 0 Moogle Disarm (Moogle Knight, 350)
Gemstones fused into the steel make this blade almost as costly as it is deadly.
Ebon Blade

Ebon blade FFTA2

Lethal Blades B 7200 50 5 0 0 0 0 Life of Crime (Sky Pirate, 300)
Element: Dark
A sword forged over black flame upon an obsidian anvil and tempered in dark ichor.
Adamant Blade

Adamant blade FFTA2

Unyielding Strength B 12000 55 10 0 0 0 0 Flee (Sky Pirate, 300)
A green-hued blade forged from adamantite.
Materia Blade

Materia blade FFTA2

Crystal Gear A 12000 58 0 15 10 0 0 Ultima Sword (Gladiator, 990)
Ultima Charge (Moogle Knight, 990)
Quest Reward "Chita on Weapons - Masters", Auction Prize
Materia crystals have been fused into the blade of this sword.
Ayvuir Red

Ayvuir red FFTA2

Vermillion Vestments A 14800 64 7 0 0 0 2 — Auction Prize - Goug and Fluorgis
The one-handed sword much beloved by the hero Gaol. Its blade is like a living flame.
Ayvuir Blue

Ayvuir blue FFTA2

— — 64 0 0 10 4 0 Ljda (Heritor, 300) Heritor quest
The off-hand sword much beloved by the hero Gaol. Its blade is like a shard of ice.


Sabers are one-handed weapons can be equipped by Blue Mages and Chocobo Knights. Vaan and Adelle can also equip sabers in their special jobs, Sky Pirate and Heritor, respectively.

Saber Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)
Light Saber

Light saber FFTA2

— 100 22 0 0 0 0 0 Learn (Blue Mage, 100)
A saber such as might be wielded by an apprentice blue mage.
Blue Saber

Blue saber FFTA2

Turquoise Trappings E 200 25 0 0 0 0 2 —
A blue saber, born of the deepest ocean.

Shamshir FFTA2

Sundry Sabers D 520 34 0 0 0 4 0 —
A wide saber with a markedly curved blade.
Aqua Saber

Aqua saber FFTA2

The Drowned D 1200 38 0 0 0 5 0 —
Element: Water
A sea-blue saber, tempered in a maelstrom and possessing all its power.

Harpe FFTA2

Sundry Sabers C 3600 54 0 5 0 0 0 Trophy Hunt (Sky Pirate, 300)
In a hero's hands, this saber once slew a fell monster. What will it do in yours?
Manganese Saber

Manganese saber FFTA2

Sundry Sabers B 4800 57 0 10 0 0 0 Swipe (Sky Pirate, 300)
Face paints taken from the courtesans of the slain foes give this saber its peculiar bluish hue.

Talwar FFTA2

Sundry Sabers A 12000 65 5 0 10 0 2 —
This saber is a favorite of duelists. Its hilt has a guard to protect the fist.

Soulsaber FFTA2

Steel of Living Flame A 12000 62 0 0 10 4 0 —
Element: Fire
The light and heat that radiate from this blade serve only those whom the sword has chosen.


Knightswords are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Paladins, Defenders, Templars, and Chocobo Knights. Adelle can also equip knightswords in her special job, Heritor.

Knightsword Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Jump Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)

Longsword FFTA2

— 380 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
A suitable weapon for a knight apprentice.

Defender FFTA2

Sign of the Guardian D 1000 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 Nurse (Paladin, 100)
Hibernate (Defender, 100)
Frills are for dresses, not swords. A practical sword for practical swordsmen.

Apocalypse FFTA2

Night's Embrace E 1150 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rasp (Templar, 250)
Element: Dark
To draw this black blade is to know the horrors of war and welcome them.

Lionheart FFTA2

Battle-tested Swords E 1220 38 2 0 1 0 0 0 Defend (Paladin and Defender, 200)
A sword wielded by knights loyal to a hero-king of old.

Ragnarok FFTA2

Battle-tested Swords D 2400 42 0 5 0 0 0 0 Silence (Templar, 200)
Common blades are drawn to begin battles. Ragnarok is drawn to end them.

Lohengrin FFTA2

Battle-tested Swords C 2400 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aura (Defender, 400)
Haste (Templar, 250)
A sword befitting a noble knight, or a squire with noble dreams.
Save the Queen

Save the queen FFTA2

Mark of the Goddess D 5400 45 3 0 3 0 4 0 Cover (Paladin, 300)
Bulwark (Defender, 300)
Astra (Templar, 200)
Absorb: Holy
Element: Holy
Prayers are inscribed along the length of this holy blade to ease the passing of its victims.
Arch Sword

Arch sword FFTA2

Battle-tested Swords B 5550 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saint Cross (Paladin, 400)
Soul Sphere (Templar, 250)
Created by a noble family as a testament to their enduring power. The blade remains - they do not.

Excalibur FFTA2

Pride of the Templar C 5680 48 0 2 0 0 4 1 Holy Blade (Paladin, 400)
Immune: Holy
Element: Holy
Only a true knight may touch this sword's hilt. The blade isn't half as discriminating.

Sequencer FFTA2

None (Defeat Red King) — 32-131 (The Sequencer gains one in attack for every opportunity command, maxing out at 131 Attack. This includes opportunity commands that occur before the weapon is obtained.) 2 5 2 1 2 2 —
Awoken from long slumber, this sword awaits the right moment to reveal its powers.

Nagraok FFTA2

— (Heritor quest) — 68 0 0 0 0 4 6 Nesiaam (Heritor, 300)
Though modeled on its predecessor, this sword's power far surpasses that of Ragnarok.
The Fallen Angel

The fallen angel FFTA2

Pride of the Templar A — 72 0 3 0 0 5 4 —
An improvement upon perfection, this knight's blade has been honed to a razor-sharp edge.


Rapiers are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Red Mages, Fencers, Elementalists, and Chocobo Knights.

Rapier Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)
Battle Rapier

Battle rapier FFTA2

— 100 20 0 0 0 0 2 —
This slender sword is favored of viera warriors.

Stinger FFTA2

Ornamented Blades E 220 22 0 0 0 0 2 Swarmstrike (Fencer, 150)
Thunder (Red Mage, 150)
Why sting like a bee, when you can do so like a man with a sharp sword? Made for stabbing, not slashing.

Estoc FFTA2

Fencing Foils E 280 24 0 0 0 0 4 Featherblow (Fencer, 200)
Boulder Crush (Elementalist, 200)
Do not be deceived by its light heft and slender blade—this sword can pierce the thickest armors.

Fleuret FFTA2

Ornamented Blades D 360 26 0 0 0 0 2 Earth Heal (Elementalist, 200)
Cure (Red Mage, 100)
A sword made for sticking and stabbing, with a guard on the hilt to protect the hands.
Scarlet Rapier

Scarlet rapier FFTA2

Steel of Living Flame E 420 28 0 2 0 0 2 Fire Whip (Elementalist, 250)
Fire (Red Mage, 150)
Element: Fire
Men in their last moments have been enchanted by the flames that seem to dance along this blade.

Flamberge FFTA2

Fencing Foils D 620 32 5 0 0 0 2 Piercing Blow (Fencer, 300)
White Flame (Elementalist, 200)
Blizzard (Red Mage, 150)
A thrusting sword with a blade shaped like a single tongue of flame.
Silver Rapier

Silver rapier FFTA2

Silver Death C 980 34 0 0 0 0 2 Shadowstick (Fencer, 400)
Sliprain (Elementalist, 250)
Silence (Red Mage, 200)
Cleverly wrought lace-like metal cords protect the hand of the one who wields this beautiful sword.
Djinn Flyssa

Djinn flyssa FFTA2

Voice of the Wind D 1060 34 0 2 0 4 2 Swallowtail (Fencer, 300)
Shining Air (Elementalist, 200)
Protect (Red Mage, 150)
Immune: Wind
Element: Wind
Inspired by a dust devil, this sword was born of sand, sun, and wind.

Joyeuse FFTA2

Ornamented Blades C 1110 35 0 0 5 0 2 Nighthawk (Fencer, 300)
Evil Gaze (Elementalist, 300)
This sword celebrates the joy of victory for its wielder. On the matter of the victim, it is silent.
Mage Masher

Mage masher FFTA2

Ornamented Blades C 1200 36 0 5 10 0 2 Manastrike (Fencer, 250)
Thunderous Roar (Elementalist, 200)
Shell (Red Mage, 150)
A powerful sword once used for the persecution of mages.

Colichermade FFTA2

Power Within C 1280 38 0 0 0 0 2 Magick↑ (Red Mage, 150)
Immune: Berserk
The cold steel of this sword stands between the sanity of its wielder and the madness of war.
Gupti Aga

Gupti aga FFTA2

Fencing Foils C 1600 40 0 0 0 0 2 Checkmate (Fencer, 300)
A Y-shaped sword with a split hilt.

Madu FFTA2

Fencing Foils B 5400 40 0 0 0 0 2 Doublecast (Red Mage, 990)
An extra blade protrudes from the hilt of this thrusting sword.

Epée-prisme FFTA2

Mirrored Gear D 4200 42 0 0 0 0 2 —
Half Damage: Dark
Ask ten men the color of this sword as it flies through battle, and you will hear ten answers.

Diabolique FFTA2

Tempting Fate A 9800 52 0 0 5 0 2 —
Immune: Dark
Element: Dark
The only thing more fearsome than the demon said to live within this blood-red sword is you wielding it.
Femme Fatale

Femme fatale FFTA2

Fencing Foils A 12000 54 0 0 0 0 2 —
Immune: Doom
Kings and kingdoms have risen and fallen at the whim of this ensanguined sword.
Windsong Rapier

Windsong rapier FFTA2

Voice of the Wind A 11200 56 0 10 0 0 2 —
Element: Wind
Any rapier can cut a gallant swath through the air, but only this sword can make the air sing.
Last Letter

Last letter FFTA2

White Vestments A 13800 66 0 0 0 5 2 —
This brilliant white-steel rapier is the 26th work of master bladesmith Pemiet.


Greatswords are two-handed weapons that can be equipped by Soldiers, Paladins, Lanistas, Ravagers, and Chocobo Knights. Adelle can also equip greatswords in her special job, Heritor. Many of them grant immunity to certain status effects.

Greatsword Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Skill (Job, AP)

Barong FFTA2

Greatswords E 1250 37 0 0 0 Rend Power (Soldier, 250)
Parley (Paladin, 150)
This hefty sword is surprisingly agile in the hand.

Xanqbras FFTA2

Greatswords E 1250 37 0 0 0 En Garde (Ravager, 100)
Souleater (Lanista, 150)
Immune: Poison
Massive is the only word adequate to describe this cross-bladed sword.

Dagriohm FFTA2

Greatswords D 1450 38 0 0 0 Sneak Attack (Ravager, 300)
Haunting Vision (Lanista, 300)
Monkey Grip (Soldier, 250)
Longtime wielders of this sword would be hard-pressed to say whether they broke it in, or it broke them.
Ancient Sword

Ancient sword FFTA2

Greatswords D 1450 38 0 0 0 Rend MP (Soldier, 250)
Battle Cry (Ravager, 200)
Sword of Darkness (Lanista, 350)
Immune: Stone
A large sword forged using methods passed down from smith to smith since antiquity.
Diamond Sword

Diamond sword FFTA2

Gift of Stone E 1450 38 0 0 0 Mug Gil (Soldier, 350)
Sweeping Spin (Ravager, 250)
Block! (Lanista, 250)
Immune: Slow
Diamond dust mixed in with the steel of this blade gives it an edge that lasts forever.

Oblige FFTA2

Grab Bag D 5400 46 0 0 0 War Cry (Paladin, 300)
Monkey Grip (Lanista, 250)
Immune: Charm
What better symbol of courage and love than a sword?

Hardedge FFTA2

Swords of Destruction E 5400 46 0 0 0 Tenacity (Ravager, 300)
Charge! (Lanista, 350)
Immune: Doom
This straight-bladed sword looks like a bar of solid iron and is about as subtle.

Ogrenix FFTA2

Greatswords C 5600 47 0 0 0 Sanctify (Paladin, 250)
Full Assault (Ravager, 350)
Sword of Light (Lanista, 300)
An ancient mageblade, hallowed at its forging by the saints of a world long since forgotten.

Zweihander FFTA2

Greatswords C 5600 47 0 0 0 Blast Wave (Ravager, 350)
Two hands may wield, but no scabbard can hold this titanic blade.

Luabreaker FFTA2

Swords of Destruction C 5800 48 0 0 0 Strike! (Lanista, 250)
Immune: Sleep
It is said this massive sword still reflects the light of the full moon under which it was forged.
Master Sword

Master sword FFTA2

Greatswords A 14800 76 0 0 0 —
Immune: Instant KO
Only the bravest and most skilled of swordsmen are permitted to wield this sword.

Vigilante FFTA2

Greatswords B 13200 60 0 0 0 Overpower (Ravager, 300)
Razzle-dazzle (Lanista, 450)
Immune: Confuse
A sword forged for a hero who cherished justice.

Tournesol FFTA2

Flower of the Sun A 18000 78 0 0 0 Dragonheart (Lanista, 500)
With its beautiful sun-flared hilt, this large sword cuts down all who stands in its way.


Broadswords are two-handed weapons can be equipped by Warriors, Defenders, Raptors, and Chocobo Knights. Adelle can also equip broadswords in her special job, Heritor.

Broadsword Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)
Samson Sword

Samson sword FFTA2

Colossal Sword E 1000 34 5 0 0 0 0 Rend Power (Warrior, 250)
Power Crush (Raptor, 250)
Element: Earth
One would have to be a hero of incredible strength to swing a broadsword like this with any style.


Heavy Swords E 1000 34 5 0 0 0 0 Rend MP (Warrior, 250)
Mind Crush (Raptor, 250)
You could cut clean through a log with this hefty broadsword, but you wouldn't want to.


Heavy Swords E 1000 34 5 5 0 0 0 Speed Crush (Raptor, 350)
Monkey Grip (Warrior, 250)
It is hard to say where the warrior's bloodlust ends and the sword begins.

Striborg FFTA2

Heavy Swords D 1700 39 5 0 0 0 0 Body Slam (Warrior, 300)
Mow Down (Defender, 350)
Monkey Grip (Raptor, 250)
Swing this greatsword once and the air will sing of battle; twice, and it will sing of victory.

El-cid FFTA2

Heavy Swords D 2400 40 7 0 0 0 0 Whirl Burst (Defender, 200)
Cyclone (Raptor, 300)
A proud sword, once wielded by heroes defending their homeland.

Beastsword FFTA2

Heavy Swords C 3800 45 5 0 0 0 0 Shield Bash (Raptor, 400)
This broadsword was found lodged in the back of a great rockbeast.

Claymore FFTA2

Heavy Swords C 3800 45 5 0 0 2 0 Rend Weapon (Defender, 350)
Whirlwind (Raptor, 300)
Wielding a sword such as this is not a warrior's right. It is his privilege.

Vajra FFTA2

Thunder's Cry C 3800 45 5 0 5 0 0 Meltdown (Defender, 350)
Bulwark (Raptor, 300)
Immune: Lightning
Element: Lightning
"I drew this sword and heard chanting; a prayer in a tongue I do not care to hear again."

Rhomphaia FFTA2

Heavy Swords B 14000 65 5 0 0 0 0 Soul Crush (Raptor, 350)
Whoever used this sword before must have been a giant. Pray he doesn't return for it.

FFTA Estreledge

Heavy Swords A 18000 72 5 0 5 0 0 —
Forged from a fallen star, this sword's wan glow is a fading memory of its former celestial glory.


Katana are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Ninja, Parivir, Assassins, and Chocobo Knights. Adelle can also equip katanas in her special job, Heritor.

Katana Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Eva Spd Skill (Job, AP)

Kunai FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana E 500 31 0 0 0 0 0 Throw (Ninja, 100)
The ninja knows that a blade may make a passing good ladder, key, or splint; yet he also knows that it is best used for killing.

Murasame FFTA2

The Drowned E 500 31 0 0 0 0 0 Wind Slash (Parivir, 200)
Water Veil (Ninja, 250)
Aphonia, (Assassin, 200)
Element: Water
Soft rains fell when this sword was forged, and the dew still rises on it each evening to wash off the day's blood.

Ashura FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana D 780 33 0 0 0 0 0 Blade Bash (Parivir, 200)
Fire Veil (Ninja, 250)
Element: Fire
This fiery sword has kindled the blood-rage in many. It is a testament to its quality that it always finds a new owner afterward.

Osafune FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana D 880 34 2 0 0 0 0 Iai Blow (Parivir, 300)
Earth Veil (Ninja, 250)
The problem with iron helms is the weight and the heat - and the fact that this sword cuts right through them.

Kotetsu FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana C 4800 34 5 0 0 0 0 Skyfury Blade (Parivir, 400)
Wood Veil (Ninja, 250)
Rockseal (Assassin, 450)
You may wonder how such a rough-hewn blade cuts so cleanly. It is because the sword knows no such doubt.

Kiku-ichimonji FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana C 4800 46 0 0 5 0 0 Gold Veil (Ninja, 250)
Nightmare (Assassin, 300)
A sword so beautiful, the thought of using it is enough to reduce one to tears.

Ama-no-murakumo FFTA2

Sacred Arms B 4800 34 0 0 5 0 0 Hoarfrost Blade (Parivir, 400)
Unspell (Ninja, 300)
Absorb: Holy
Element: Holy
A sacred blade plucked from the tail of a great dragon, with a hilt carved from its bones.

Nosada FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana C 4800 34 0 5 0 0 0 Shimmering Blade (Parivir, 400)
This war sword was forged by a master bladesmith in a faraway land.

Adazakura FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana B 4800 34 0 0 0 2 2 Lifethread Blade (Parivir, 400)
Last Breath (Assassin, 450)
The last enemy had been slain, the last banner burnt, yet the sword still rang with the din of battle.

Ragetsu-denbu FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana A 12000 40 0 0 0 5 4 Dual Wield (Ninja, 990)
It is said this sword was inspired by a famed flower of striking beauty and cutting fragrance.

Masamune FFTA2

Work of the Master B 13500 58 0 0 0 0 0 Oblivion (Ninja and Assassin, 400)
An exquisite wave pattern glimmers down the blade of this famous sword.

Zanmato FFTA2

Sacred Arms A 5800 52 0 8 0 0 0 Ultima Masher (Assassin, 990)
Immune: Dark
Element: Holy
Wards against evil have been carven deep into this giant sword.

Sumihomura FFTA2

Sharp-edged Katana B 6200 48 0 0 0 6 0 Unburden Soul (Parivir, 400)
A sword of unknown origin. Black flames seem to trail behind it as it glides through the air.

Hyakushiki-masamune FFTA2

— (Heritor Quest) — 78 0 15 0 0 0 Elpe (Heritor, 300)
Even should it hew down a hundred men a day for a hundred years, the blade of this magnificent sword will not tarnish or notch.


Spears are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Dragoons, Templars, and Chocobo Knights.

Spear Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Jump Skill (Job, AP)
Short Spear

Short spear FFTA2

— 300 29 0 0 0 0 —
This short spear can be swung much as one would swing a sword.

Javelin FFTA2

Ornamented Spears E 500 31 0 0 0 2 Jump (Dragoon, 150)
Piercing Cry (Templar, 400)
The blade that tops this slender spear is small, but sharp.
Lava Spear

Lava spear FFTA2

Steel of Living Flame D 1180 35 0 0 0 0 Fire Breath (Dragoon, 300)
Element: Fire
The blade of this fiery spear glows as if it were made of magma.
Gae Bolg

Gae bolg FFTA2

Thunder's Cry D 1180 35 0 0 0 0 Thunder Breath (Dragoon, 300)
Element: Lightning
Carvings depicting the tale of a half-man, half-beast hero adorn the shaft of this spear.
Ice Lance

Ice lance FFTA2

Rimebound Gear E 1180 35 0 0 0 0 Ice Breath (Dragoon, 300)
Element: Ice
A lance of pure ice, kept eternally from melting by the gigas Shiva's power.

Partisan FFTA2

Ornamented Spears D 2300 42 0 0 0 2 Discipline (Templar, 150)
This spear has a blade like a giant feather from a great steel bird.
Kain's Lance

Kain's lance FFTA2

Ornamented Spears C 5700 47 0 0 0 2 Lifebreak (Templar, 400)
This black lance is thought to have once belonged to a dragoon of legend.

Trident FFTA2

Ornamented Spears B 7800 50 0 2 0 2 Attack↑ (Templar, 150)
The noble trident, weapon of the sea-king and any brave enough to plough his foaming fields.
Dragon Whisker

Dragon whisker FFTA2

Ornamented Spears A 12000 55 0 0 0 2 Bangaa Cry (Dragoon, 400)
A spear forged of metal and wyrmscale. Its tip is said to hold a dragon's breath.


Axes are one-handed weapons that can be equipped by Vikings and Chocobo Knights.

Axe Bazaar Category Price Atk Def Mag Rst. Skill (Job, AP)

Broadaxe FFTA2

Whetted Axes D 420 31 0 0 0 Thunder (Viking, 100)
The wide blade of this axe is perfect for chopping through anything foolish enough to get in your way.

Slasher FFTA2

Whetted Axes C 1580 38 0 0 0 Thundara (Viking, 250)
Flesh and sinew offer no resistance at all to this axe's slender blade.

Hammerhead FFTA2

Whetted Axes C 1580 38 0 0 0 Tsunami (Viking, 350)
The head of this axe was designed on the assumption that what the blade didn't cut, the hammer would surely smash.

Francisca FFTA2

Whetted Axes B 2400 42 0 0 0 War Cry (Viking, 300)
Small and sharp, the perfect axe for close encounters of an unfriendly kind.

Great axe FFTA2

Whetted Axes B 4800 46 0 0 0 Doublehand (Viking, 250)
Demons once stormed Ivalice wielding these giant axes. Had they been larger still, it is like that men could not have used them to drive the demons back.
Golden Axe

Golden axe FFTA2

Gilt Armor B 7400 49 0 0 0 Thundaga (Viking, 350)
Pirate kings favor these gilt axes as symbols of their wealth and power.