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Fairy Tail Wiki

Heavenly Body Magic (天体魔法 Tentai Mahō) is a Caster and Holder Magic that allows one to channel the power of the stars and other such astronomical objects, mainly for battle.


Heavenly Beams

Heavenly Body Magic being cast.

As the name suggests, this Magic allows the caster to draw upon the power of celestial objects by manifesting their form, properties, and "energy" for various (mainly battle-oriented) purposes.

Such heavenly bodies include the likes of meteors (i.e., cloaking onself in a Magic aura to fly at meteoric speeds and massively enhance one's melee potential)[2] and generally stars: the caster can project energy beams (or projectiles) of high destructive power akin to starlight, either from their own body or from Magic arrays in the air that resemble asterisms (in the latter case producing energy barrages that, in destructiveness, can rival an actual meteorite).[3][4][5] This "light" energy is not the only substance conjured, however, as an accomplished wielder of this Magic can go so far as to summon actual meteorites to fall from the skies (this being referred to as "True" Heavenly Body Magic),[6] or to create spheres of intense gravitational darkness that pull in everything (even shadows) and can be thrown in a bomb-like fashion, thus resembling a black hole.[7]

Although use of Heavenly Body Magic does not usually (or in Jellal's case) necessitate an item, Erza wields it via her Celestial Armor.[8]


Jellal's Spells[]

Erza's Spells[]


  • Jellal Fernandes is an "expy" based on Sieghart Caesar, a character from one of Mashima's previous works, Rave Master. In it, Sieghart is a master Sorcerer who (i.a.) wields "Space Magic": the inspiration for Heavenly Body Magic. In fact, two of Sieghart's spells are the "Altairis" and "Grand Chariot" (the latter functionally identical to Jellal's spell of the same name). Another parallel is that, at one point, Sieghart casts Grand Chariot against the group called Oración Seis, which would mirror Jellal's use of the same spell against the same-named Dark Guild.
    • In Mashima's post-Fairy Tail manga, Edens Zero, the character Justice (in turn an expy of Jellal) wields the Ether Gear "Star Drain" that is based on Jellal's Heavenly Body Magic. In fact, Justice notes at one point that Star Drain's power equals the so-called Heavenly Body Magic feared in the Dark Ages, a force that could control the stars, further emphasizing the intertextual reference (in fact, two Star Drain techniques are named after Heavenly Body Magic spells: "Meteor" and "Grand Chariot").
  • In the anime's first season, Heavenly Body Magic was (like other Magics) depicted as incorporating a Magic seal: a gold-glowing, circular array with a five-pointed star in the middle.[9][10] Coincidentally, the spell Urano Metria (which conceptually resembles Heavenly Body Magic, but falls under Celestial Spirit Magic) was shown with an identical seal.[11][12]


  1. Fairy Tail Movie: Dragon Cry
  2. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 96, Pages 10-14
  3. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 96, Pages 14-16
  4. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 528, Pages 7-8
  5. Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest Manga: Chapter 144, Pages 15-18
  6. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 369, Pages 9-11
  7. Fairy Tail Manga: Chapter 97, Pages 8-14
  8. Fairy Tail Movie: Dragon Cry
  9. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 39
  10. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 40
  11. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 58
  12. Fairy Tail Anime: Episode 159

