- Unlock Requirement: Clear Scorn of Gilgamesh
- Reference: Announcement
- Release Date: 7/2/20, 1642 days ago.
Battle Info[]
Difficulty | Energy | Battle | Gil | Unit XP | Rank XP | Clear Reward |
300 | 10 | 4 | 49200 | 560000 | 9900 | 100 |
Mission | ||||||
Complete the quest | Darklord | |||||
No items | 5 Trust Moogle | |||||
Evoke an esper | Trust Coin (250) | |||||
Defeat Veritas of the Light and Veritas of the Dark in battle 4 within 10 turns | 5★ Select Summon Ticket | |||||
Boss | ||||||
Veritas of the Heavens, Veritas of the Bolt Veritas of the Frost, Veritas of the Earth Veritas of the Flame, Veritas of the Waters Veritas of the Light, Veritas of the Dark |
Wave 1: Wind Veritas[]
Veritas of the Heavens No. 1926 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1200 + 720 | |
DEF | 1500 + 900 | |
MAG | 1000 + 600 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | - | - | absorb | - | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- 90%:
- Cruel Punishment
- Continues Turn
Attack Pattern[]
- One of the following (may be cast at any time during the turn, unless denoted otherwise):
- Spineshatter Dive 0 (25% chance, only used if HP < 60% and did not cross a threshold this turn)
- Aerora (35% chance, will only be used after all below jumps/Grit if Veritas of Wind is not buffed)
- Aeroga (30% chance, will only be used after all below jumps/Grit if Veritas of Wind is not buffed))
- If Veritas of Wind has any buffs:
- Every 3rd turn:
- If HP > 70%: SpineShatter Dive
- If HP < 70%: SpineShatter Dive 0
- Spear Thrust (30% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- Note: if Veritas of Wind uses Grit mid-turn, these actions will be usable immediately afterwards
- Every 3rd turn:
- If HP < 40%: Grit
- If HP < 70%: Grit (50% chance/action)
- If not used yet: Spear Thrust
- Remaining actions are normal attacks
Wave 1: Bolt Veritas[]
Veritas of the Bolt No. 1927 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1000 + 600 | |
DEF | 1500 + 900 | |
MAG | 1200 + 720 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | absorb | - | - | - | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
Attack Pattern[]
- If HP < 60%:
- Thunder's Light
- Shock Blade
- If HP > 60%:
- Bewitching Pain
- Remaining actions are:
- If HP > 60%: either Eternal Pain or Thundaga (60% and 40% chance/action, respectively; max 1 action/turn)
- Thundaja (40% chance/action)
- Normal attack (100% chance/action)
Wave 2: Ice Veritas[]
Veritas of the Frost No. 1929 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1200 + 720 | |
DEF | 1300 + 780 | |
MAG | 1200 + 720 | |
SPR | 1300 + 780 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | absorb | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- Turn One:
- Killing Stance
- Cleaving Frost
- Ice Wall
- Continues Turn
- 70%, 40%:
- Killing Stance
- Cleaving Frost
- Ice Wall
- Continues Turn
Attack Pattern[]
- If any player units has buffs:
- Ruthless Cleaver
- Increment "Ruthless Ice Piercer" and "Ruthless Ice Shatter Stance"
- If "Ruthless Ice Piercer" is at 2: Ice Piercer (reset "Ruthless Ice Piercer" count)
- If "Ruthless Ice Shatter Stance" is at 3: Ice Shatter Stance (reset "Ruthless Ice Shatter Stance" count)
- Ruthless Cleaver
- Every 3rd turn: Flash Freeze
- Every 2nd turn, if HP < 30%:
- Cleaving Frost
- If HP < 50%: Ice Piercer
- Remaining actions are:
- Blizaga (30% chance)
- Ruthless Cleaver (21% chance)
- Normal attack (49% chance)
Wave 2: Earth Veritas[]
Veritas of the Earth No. 1928 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1000 + 600 | |
DEF | 1900 + 1140 | |
MAG | 1000 + 600 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | - | - | - | absorb | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- Turn One:
- Earth Crush
- If Veritas of the Frost is alive:
- Cover
- Crag Wall
- Continues Turn
- 50%:
- Earth Crush
- Continues Turn
Attack Pattern[]
- Stonga
- If Veritas of the Frost is alive, every 3rd turn:
- Cover
- If supported with magic last turn:
- Fossil Burst
- Every 3rd turn: Still Mind
- Either: Stonra or Stonga (30% chance/action each, max 1/turn)
- Remaining actions are normal attacks.
Wave 3: Fire Veritas[]
Veritas of the Flame No. 1931 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1400 + 840 | |
DEF | 1600 + 960 | |
MAG | 1100 + 660 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
absorb | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- 70%:
- Rousing Inferno
- Continues Turn
- If Veritas of the Waters is below 50%:
- Rousing Inferno
- Continues Turn
- Note: If the 70% HP threshold was crossed this turn, delay the 50% one til next turn
Attack Pattern[]
- Burning Hellfire (50% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- If HP < 60% and 50% HP Rousing Inferno was not used this turn:
- Blaze Breaker
- If Burning Hellfire was not used yet this turn:
- Call for the Strong
- Note: Burning Hellfire can no longer be used this turn
- If HP > 60% and 50% HP Rousing Inferno was not used this turn:
- Heavy Swing (60% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- Remaining actions are:
- Flaming Axe (30% chance)
- Fira (21% chance)
- Normal attack (49% chance)
Wave 3: Water Veritas[]
Veritas of the Waters No. 1930 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1000 + 600 | |
DEF | 1500 + 900 | |
MAG | 1500 + 900 | |
SPR | 1700 + 1020 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | - | absorb | - | - | - | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- Turn One:
- Elemental Power
- Continues Turn
- 50%:
- Elemental Power
- Next turn: Aquatic Retribution
- Continues Turn
- Note: will not be used on Turn one, but will be delayed to the next turn
- 80%:
- Aquatic Retribution
- Continues Turn
- Note: will not be used on Turn one or the two turns for the 50% threshold, but will be delayed to the next available turn turn
Attack Pattern[]
- Every 2nd turn: Vital Flow
- Every action, chance for the following:
- If HP < 30%:
- Deadly Murk (35% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- If HP < 50%:
- Watera (40% chance/action)
- Waterga (35% chance/action)
- If HP > 50%:
- Blinding Mist (30% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- Mind Blast (30% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- Watera (40% chance/action)
- If HP < 30%:
- Waterga
- Remaining actions are:
- Biora (30% chance)
- Confuse (21% chance)
- Normal attack (49% chance)
Wave 4: Light Veritas[]
Veritas of the Light No. 1932 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1000 + 600 | |
DEF | 1500 + 900 | |
MAG | 1400 + 840 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | - | - | - | - | absorb | - |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- When Dark Veritas dies:
- Salvatory Light
- Continues Turn
- Turn One:
- Dawn of Judgement
- Continues Turn
- 70%, 40%:
- Divine
- Continues Turn
Attack Pattern[]
- Every 4th turn: Ultima
- If any ally has a debuff: Erasing Aura
- If HP < 50%: Light of Supremacy (25% chance/action, max 1/turn)
- Remaining actions are:
- Holy (20% chance)
- Banishga (24% chance)
- Light of Supremacy (16.8% chance)
- Divine Shot (11.76% chance)
- Normal attack (27.44% chance)
Wave 4: Dark Veritas[]
Veritas of the Dark No. 1933 | ||
Race | Human | |
Level | 99 | |
HP | 200,000,000 | |
MP | 100,000 | |
ATK | 1400 + 840 | |
DEF | 1500 + 900 | |
MAG | 1200 + 720 | |
SPR | 1500 + 900 |
Element Resistance | |||||||
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | absorb |
Status Ailment Resistance | |||||||
null | null | null | null | null | null | null | null |
Other Resistance | |||||||
Immune to ATK/DEF/MAG/SPR break. |
- 70%, 40%, 30%: (max 1/turn)
- Seal of Conviction
- Continues Turn
Attack Pattern[]
- Every even turn, if Barrier count is at 9 or higher:
- Defensive Barrier
- Every 6n-3 turn (3,9,15,...), if Barrier count is at 8 of higher:
- Defensive Barrier
- resets Barrier count
- Three casts of: Mirror of Equity or Fingersnap (50% chance each)
- Increment Barrier count by 1 for each cast (may result in Defensive Barrier mid-way through)
- Every even turn: Dual Slash
- If HP < 60%: Dark Punishment
- Dark Punishment
- Every odd turn: Impact
- Remaining actions are normal attacks
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