Dragon Quest Wiki

Magrog is a character in Dragon Quest Builders 2. A blacksmith by trade, he meets the Builder and Malroth when they arrive in the town of Khrumbul-Dun.


Magrog is a gruff man with a bald head and orange mustache and goatee. He wears blue gloves, green pants, a white apron and sandals. He also has a large scar on his body.


Dragon Quest Builders 2[]

When the Builder and Malroth find Magrog, he's in a rut about the mine being closed and not getting to work on any metals. When Goldirox is revived, he's the first to recognize him as the guardian of the mine.


  • Magrog name is a slight modification of the name of Magog, the legendary Damdarian blacksmith who originally guarded Erdrick's armour in Dragon Quest, before buring it for safekeeping.
    • Further emphasizing the connection, Magrog share the same character model of Magnus, an actual descendant of Magog.

Other languages[]

Other languages
French Magnar
German Magrog
Spanish Yunco
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Fabbron
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown