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Captain Whitebones is a character in Dragon Quest Builders 2. He's the first character the Builder meets.


He looks exactly like a Deadnaut.


When he is first met, he is cruel to the humans the Children of Hargon keep prisoner on their slave ships. However, he starts to take a liking to the Builder and offers him kelp as a reward for fixing up the ship. When seen again in Mahalla, he really takes a shine to building and helps pilot the Ark out of the dimension.


Dragon Quest Builders 2[]

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Whitebones helps in battles, using his sword to swing at enemies. He is also a competent pilot, as no one else seemed able to pilot the ark. That being said, he gets the ark stuck in a world between worlds.

In other languages[]

Other languages
French Unknown
German Kapitän Weißknochen
Spanish Capitán Huesos Blancos
Latin American Spanish Unknown
Italian Unknown
Dutch Unknown
Norwegian Unknown
Greek Unknown
Portuguese Unknown
Russian Unknown
Chinese Unknown
Korean Unknown