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Thedas is a continent in the southern hemisphere,[1] and the only known continent of the Dragon Age universe, upon which all of the Dragon Age games are set. Not much is known about the lands that lie beyond Thedas. It is presumed that there are other continents, as the Qunari do not originally come from Thedas but from an unknown land across the Boeric Ocean.[2] According to some sources, humans also came from the north.[3]

The word "Thedas" originates from Tevene, once referring to all lands beyond the Imperium, it eventually came to encompass the entire continent.[4][5] A native of Thedas is referred to as a Thedosian.


High resolution map of Thedas


High resolution map of Thedas from Dragon Age: Inquisition

Thedas Map (TN)

High resolution map of Thedas from Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights


Oceans and seas[]

  • Amaranthine Ocean – in the east[4]
  • Boeric Ocean – in the north, surrounding Par Vollen and the Seheron archipelago
  • Buried Sea – located in the Uncharted Abyss beneath the Deep Roads accessible via the Bastion of the Pure
  • Colean Sea – between the Anderfels and Seheron
  • The Frozen Seas – southeast of Ferelden
  • Nocen Sea[6] – north of the Tevinter Imperium, including the Ventosus Straits
  • Sundered Sea – on the southwestern edge of Orlais
  • Venefication Sea – between Rivain and Par Vollen, including the Northern Passage leading to the Amaranthine Ocean
  • Volca Sea – west of the Anderfels
  • Waking Sea – between Ferelden, Orlais, Nevarra, and the Free Marches
  • Shining Sea – western part of the Waking Sea[note]


  • Lake Calenhad – in Ferelden, also the largest in Thedas
  • Lake Celestine – in the Heartlands of Orlais
  • Lago di Novo – in Antiva[7]
  • Lake Luthias – a small lake south of Lake Calenhad
  • The Sulfur Lakes – south of Orlais


Main article: Rivers


  • Arl Dumat – a volcano between the Hunterhorn Mountains and Gamordan Peaks
  • Belenas – said to be the mountain that lies at the center of the world; Avvar legend says that it was destroyed in the battle between Korth the Mountain-Father and the serpent Nathramar; the Lady of the Skies' tears filled the crater left behind to form Lake Calenhad[8]
  • Mount Daverus[9]
  • Dragon's Peak – an extinct volcano located near Denerim[10]
  • Frostback Mountains – separating Ferelden from Orlais
  • Gamordan Peaks – in southwestern Orlais
  • Hunterhorn Mountains – in western Orlais and between Orlais and the Anderfels
  • Vimmark Mountains – in the southern Free Marches
  • The White Spire – in Antiva
  • The Hundred Pillars – formation in eastern Tevinter
  • The High Reaches – mountain range in western Tevinter
  • Unnamed mountain range in eastern Rivain



There are numerous underground locations scattered across Thedas. A vast majority of these underground passageways, cavern systems, and tombs can be accessed through active and abandoned mines, former Warden Keeps, disregarded fortresses, forgotten elven ruins, vast chasms, embankment openings, ancient Tevinter ruins, lost dwarven thaigs and Deep Roads entrances.

The Deep Roads span the length and breadth of Thedas which connect the countless thaigs of the dwarven empire. However after the empire's decline the last four major kingdoms of the dwarves are the following, though only two are still inhabited:

  • Gundaar (lost)
  • Hormak (lost)
  • Kal-Sharok – located deep beneath the Hunterhorn Mountains (inhabited)
  • Orzammar – located beneath the Frostback Mountains (inhabited)
  • Kal'Hirol – located beneath the Arling of Amaranthine (reclaimed in 9:31)


Substructures are not as deep below ground and can be accessed through various engineered structures, foundations, conduits and habitations. These locations are commonly known as retreats, repositories, undercrofts, basements, cellars, vaults, bunkers and sewer passageways.

Interactive map[]

Beyond Thedas[]

Few details are available concerning the lands that lie beyond the boundaries of Thedas.

  • Beyond the Korcari Wilds and Arbor Wilds to the south there is a frozen wasteland called the Sunless Lands.[13] These lands are covered in snow for most of the year. Despite the inhospitality of the Sunless Lands, they are inhabited by people who are called "Agadi" by the Chasind, which means "exile" in their language.[14]
  • There is land to the west of Thedas, although the Hunterhorn Mountains inhibit travel.
  • Until the early Black Age, the Ander city of Laysh traded with ships that came across the Volca Sea. The travelers who according to Ander legend are named 'Voshai', had an excessive interest in lyrium. All Voshai ships were captained by dwarves, while no elves were ever reported. Tevinter expeditions to reach the homeland of the Voshai had failed with no ship ever coming back. In recent times, however, rumors have risen that the Voshai ships have returned, bringing with them tales of a 'massive cataclysm'.[15]
  • The jungles of the Donarks hinder exploration of the northwest portion of the continent. Tevinters call these lands the 'Viridis' - "The Green" - and have rumors of wingless dragons and flying chimeras inhabiting the jungles.[14]
  • There are numerous islands in the Boeric Ocean. Some are havens for pirates, others are colonies of Tevinter or the Qunari, but others have indigenous populations. The most famous of these is the near-mythical Par Ladi. The Parladians are rumored to have the best coastal defenses in Thedas, practice arts similar to the Rivaini seeresses and to be bedecked in gold and jewels.[14]
  • The Qunari originate from a land far to the east, beyond the Boeric Ocean.[2] They arrived to Thedas from the north.[16]
  • The Executors claim to act "on behalf of powers across the sea," presumably entities which reside in lands beyond the Amaranthine and Boeric Oceans.[17]
  • The land beyond the Amaranthine Ocean is referred to in myths as 'Amaranth.' Amaranth is said to be devoid of any sentient species and all Thedosian attempts of colonization have failed. Legends tell that later expeditions found former settlements empty and that the only survivor was driven mad by something and killed himself a short time after being discovered.[15]
  • Alamarri leader Hafter left his homeland and sailed east into the unknown fringes of the Amaranthine Ocean. He was never heard from again.[18]
  • Karolis, a famous bounty hunter, owned an axe that reportedly came from across the eastern ocean.[19]

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: Geography of Thedas Codex entry: Geography of Thedas


  • Thedas has two moons, the secondary moon being named Satina (from whence the holiday of Satinalia gets its name).[20]
  • According to David Gaider, there is no individual name for the planet where Thedas exists, as most Thedosians consider Thedas "the entire world".[21]
  • Time-telling in Thedas is usually inexact, as most people do not own any time-measuring devices. Dwarven clocks are thus uncommon but notable.[22]
  • The Shining Sea was first mentioned in one of the epilogues for Dragon Age: Origins. At the time, it wasn't featured in any of the maps. When asked for clarification, David Gaider said it's likely a mistake stemming from changes made during the game's development.[23] However, the Shining Sea later appeared in the official map included in Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights.


  • The name "Thedas" is an abbreviation. It stands for "THE" "D"ragon "A"ge "S"etting.[24]
  • The developers intended to rename the continent for the final release but in the end stayed with "Thedas", which was supposed to be just a temporary name. One of the alternative names, suggested by James Ohlen, was "Pelledia".[25]

See also[]


  1. As the weather of its nations seems to get warmer the farther north one goes. Also confirmed by John Epler during the Discord Q&A on August 30, 2024.
  2. 2.0 2.1 BioWare Wiki - Qunari
  3. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 25
  4. 4.0 4.1 Codex entry: Geography of Thedas
  5. Tumblr icon David Gaider"Name of the planet" . Tumblr.
  6. Codex entry: The Storm Coast's Claim
  7. Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights, Eight Little Talons
  8. Codex entry: Lake Calenhad
  9. Mentioned as the location of the Urn of Sacred Ashes by the swindler in the Dragon Age II quest Miracle Makers.
  10. Codex entry: Denerim
  11. Codex entry: Kristoff's Note
  12. Codex entry: The Hedge Witch
  13. The Sunless Staff
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 131
  15. 15.0 15.1 Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 2, p. 132
  16. Dragon Age logo - new Dragon Age: The World of Thedas, vol. 1, p. 83
  17. Unmask "Those Across the Sea"
  18. Codex entry: Yusaris: The Dragonslayer
  19. Per description of Moon Axe.
  20. BioWare Blog: Thedosian Holidays
  21. BWF David Gaider (October 2, 2013). "Qunari race name" (archive). The BioWare Forum. (offline).
  22. Twitter icon David Gaider (July 17, 2012). "The dwarves make clocks, but they're not very common. Time-telling is mostly inexact." (archive). Twitter.
  23. BWF David Gaider (December 3, 2009). "Map of the whole of Thedas" (archive). The BioWare Forum. (offline). Retrieved on December 3, 2009.
  24. Twitter icon David Gaider (January 5, 2022). "I still remember the meeting where we (reluctantly) decided to keep the “TheDAS” temp name because nothing else “sounded right”. We’d had the internal temp name for years, by that point. Definitely a lesson learned about what temp names should be (and not be)." (archive). Twitter.
  25. BioWare: Stories and Secrets from 25 Years of Game Development, p. 193

External links[]
