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Deep Roads Outskirts is a part of the Deep Roads which lies outside the gates of Orzammar.


This section contains spoilers for:
Dragon Age: Origins.

After the Dwarf Noble is found guilty by Orzammar's Assembly for fratricide, Lord Pyral Harrowmont along with a guard will escort the Dwarf Noble to the gates of Orzammar where the decision of the Assembly will be announced and then exile them into the Deep Roads Outskirts.

After Duncan is found, the Dwarf Noble is recruited into the Grey Wardens and exits the Deep Roads Outskirts along with them.


The Exile The Exile


Grey Wardens

Hostile creatures[]

Deep Roads Outskirts Map Origins

Map of the area




Notable items[]

Greatsword Greatsword - obtained from the first darkspawn corpse.
Dwarven Armored Gloves Dwarven Armored Gloves - found on a dwarven corpse.
Superior Dwarven Guard Armor Superior Dwarven Guard Armor - found on a dwarven corpse surrounded by two genlocks.
Dwarven Heavy Gloves Dwarven Heavy Gloves - found on the eastern passage, after the encounter with the two genlocks.
Dwarven Armored Boots Dwarven Armored Boots - found on the eastern passage, after the encounter with the two genlocks.
Dwarven Armor Dwarven Armor - found on the eastern passage, after the encounter with the two genlocks.
Injury Kit Injury Kit - found on the eastern passage, after the encounter with the two genlocks.


Special objects[]

  • Leghold Trap (4) - steel claw, simple difficulty, 10 XP gained per trap disarmed.
  • Leghold Trap (2) - wooden claw, simple difficulty, 10 XP gained per trap disarmed.
  • Tripwire - after the encounter with the Giant spider; 10 XP granted when disarmed.

