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Marnas Pell is a city in the Tevinter Imperium located on the southern shore of the Nocen Sea.


Around -180 Ancient (1015 TE), in the time of Andraste's campaign against Tevinter, the city suffered from the famine that struck the Imperium and was a site of a brutal slave uprising.[1]

In 3:10 Towers, the Third Blight started with darkspawn swarming Marnas Pell and Vyrantium, as well as several cities in Orlais. The Grey Wardens quickly organized a defense, and despite heavy losses in the besieged cities, the darkspawn were pushed back.[2]

Around 5:12–24 Exalted, during the Fourth Blight, Marnas Pell was under attack again, and dwarves of Orzammar helped Tevinter by lifting the siege. They received many accolades of the ruling Archon, one dwarf even became a Paragon.[3]

In the Steel Age, Tirena of the Rock used blood magic on the shore of Marnas Pell to kill the crew of the invading Qunari dreadnoughts.[4] Decades later, when the enemy was pushed back, the Chantry and nationalist forces at Marnas Pell and Nocen Fields tried a purge by the sword, killing Qunari converts and burying them in mass graves. These acts have been officially denied ever since.[5] So many were slain at the city during the Qunari Wars, on both sides, that the Veil is said to be permanently sundered, the ruins still plagued by restless corpses.[5][6]

Notable residents[]

  • Lord Cerastes - author of An Alchemical Primer of Metallurgy and The Alchemist's Encyclopedia (both banned by the Chantry).[7]

Codex entries[]

Codex entry: The Black Emporium Codex entry: The Black Emporium
Codex entry: Responsible Blood Magic Codex entry: Responsible Blood Magic
Codex entry: Revenant Codex entry: Revenant


  • The city is named "Marnus Pell" in an older map, an interactive map of Thedas and some older sources.[5] However, in most known sources, including a newer map[8], it is called "Marnas Pell".


