Dota 2 Wiki
Status Resistance
Heavenly Grace icon
▶️ No sorceries avail!
— 'Omniknight'

Status Resistance is an attribute of a hero that reduces the duration of most status debuffs. By default, every unit has a base status resistance of 0.


Status resistance generally only affects modifiers placed by enemies and not ones placed by allies.

There are some technical exceptions and it does not affect every modifiers. When a unit's status resistance is modified, the new debuff duration value is only applied to debuffs applied after the modification, it does not update the duration of already placed debuffs or the current debuff instance.

Mechanics Status Resistance Affecting Component Examples
Base Status Resistance
  • Every unit currently has a base status resistance of 0.
  • Do not have a duration to reduce.
  • The aura linger duration is not affected.
Natural Order icon Natural Order
Effect Delay
  • Not reduced if the purpose of a temporary modifier is to delay another ability effect/component.
Reincarnation icon Reincarnation
Permanent Modifiers
  • Do not have a duration to reduce.
Glaives of Wisdom icon Intelligence Steal
Damage Over Time
  • Damage over time is generally not reduced.
  • Total damage dealt over time stays the same.
  • Modifiers with damage over time have the damage tick interval adapted to the reduced duration.
Shackles icon ShacklesFiend's Grip icon Fiend's Grip
Attack Speed Slow Duration Dispose icon DisposeFire Spirits icon Fire Spirits
Move Speed Slow Duration
  • Slow Resistance sources manipulate movement speed slow duration and are not affected by status resistance sources. Examples of Slow Resistance in the next column.
Grow icon GrowVindicator's Axe icon Vindicator's Axe
  • Status Resistance bonus or reduction sources from abilities, items, Talent talents.
  • Percentage-based values stack independently of each other.
Bulldoze icon Bulldoze


Status resistance bonus from Sange icon Sange-based items do not stack with each other, the higher status resistance value takes priority.

Total Status Resistance = 1 - Status Resistance Multiplier

Status Resistance Multiplier = (1 - Base Status Resistance) × (1 - MAX(Sange icon Sange-%based)) × (1 - Status Resistance Modifiers i )

Total Debuff Duration = Original Duration × Status Resistance Multiplier × (1 - Debuff Duration Modifiers i )


All sources of status resistance stack multiplicatively. This means a unit's status resistance value changes less the higher its status resistance is, and more the lower it is. This prevents a unit from reaching 100% status resistance by stacking different sources up.

Only certain status resistance granting sources have stacking restrictions and are separated into 3 groups. The status resistance bonuses from Sange icon Sange-based items do not stack with each other, with the one with a higher value taking priority. However, other sources from different groups stack independently, but still multiplicatively of each other.

  • Group 1: Sange icon Sange-based items.
  • Group 2: Stack-based bonus/reductions stack additively of itself and multiplicatively with other sources.
  • Group 3: Miscellaneous — Sources that do not belong to any of the first 2 groups fully stack with each other, with multiple of themselves, and with other item bonuses.
  • Group 4: Outgoing Debuff Duration Amp
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Sange icon Sange-based Stack-based Misc Outgoing Debuff Duration Amp
  1. Sange and Yasha icon Sange and Yasha (25%)
    Kaya and Sange icon Kaya and Sange (25%)
  2. Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd (16%)
  3. Sange icon Sange (16%)
  • %Bonuses/Reductions from Abilities
  • Talent Talents
Example 1a
Status Resistance Bonus and Status Resistance Multiplier
Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker has Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd equipped with level 2 Bulldoze icon Bulldoze active. What is his current status resistance?
Base unit status resistance: 0
Bonus status resistance: Bulldoze icon Bulldoze 0.5, Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd 0.16
Total Status Resistance
= 1 - (1 - 0) * (1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.16)
= 0.58
Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker currently has 58% status resistance in this example, and all debuff duration applied on him will now be multiplied by 0.42.
Example 1b
Debuff Duration and Status Resistance Multiplier
How long would a level 4 1.7s Telekinesis icon Telekinesis lift duration be on Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker from the previous example?
Total Debuff Duration
= 1.7 * 0.42
= 0.71
The level 4 Telekinesis icon Telekinesis will affect Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker for a duration of 0.71s instead of 1.7s in this example.
Example 2
Calculating Actual or Total Debuff Duration
Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker from the previous example now has both Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd and Kaya and Sange icon Kaya and Sange.
He is currently affected by Ceremonial Robe icon Ceremonial Aura
The enemy Rubick minimap icon Rubick now has Timeless Relic icon Timeless Relic equipped. How long would a level 4 Telekinesis icon Telekinesis lift duration be on Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker now?
Base unit status resistance: 0
Bonus status resistance: Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd 0.16, Kaya and Sange icon Kaya and Sange 0.25
Status resistance reduction: Ceremonial Robe icon Ceremonial Aura 0.1
Total Status Resistance:
= 1 - (1 - 0) * (1 - 0.25) * (1 - -0.1)
= 0.175
Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker currently has 17.5% status resistance in this example, and all debuff duration applied on him will now be multiplied by 0.825, before other debuff duration amplification applied.
Debuff duration amplification: Timeless Relic icon Timeless Relic 0.2
Total Debuff Duration
= 1.7 * 0.825 * (1 - -0.2)
= 1.68
The level 4 Telekinesis icon Telekinesis will affect Spirit Breaker minimap icon Spirit Breaker for a duration of 1.68s instead of 1.7s in this example.

Modifying Status Resistance[]

Several abilities and items have abilities that grant or reduce status resistance.

Increasing Sources[]

1 Requires Talent talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard.


These items have a bonus status resistance to the hero who has them equipped.

<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"> <div style="border:1px solid #aaa; text-align:center;">'''Bonus Status Resistance'''</div>

Item Value Item Cost Cost/Value Point
Heaven's Halberd icon Heaven's Halberd 16 3550 Gold 221.88 Gold
Kaya and Sange icon Kaya and Sange 25 4050 Gold 162 Gold
Sange icon Sange 16 2000 Gold 125 Gold
Sange and Yasha icon Sange and Yasha 25 4050 Gold 162 Gold


Status Resistance
Talent icon
There is no description for this ability.
Status Resistance Bonus: Varies

  • Increases the hero's status resistance.
  • Stacks multiplicatively with other sources of status resistance.
  • The following values exist:
    • 10%/15%/20%/25%

The following heroes have a Talent talent that grants them bonus status resistance.

Bonus Level 10 Level 15 Level 20 Level 25
Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Right
Status Resistance
  • Tiny minimap icon +10%

Reducing Sources[]

Status Resistance Reducing Sources
1 Requires Talent talent.
2a Requires Aghanim's Scepter icon Aghanim's Scepter.
2b Requires Aghanim's Shard icon Aghanim's Shard.

Debuff Duration Manipulation[]

Similar to status resistance, which affects incoming debuffs' durations. Debuff duration manipulation affects outgoing debuff durations instead. Any ability whose duration would be reduced by status resistance will have its duration increased by debuff duration increases.

Debuff Duration Amplification Sources

Unaffected Abilities[]

Duration Reduced[]

Dynamic Tick Intervals[]

Several abilities that do something in intervals have their intervals adapt to a changed duration. This includes duration changes caused by status resistance or debuff duration amplification.

The following abilities have dynamic tick intervals

Slow Resistance[]

Other Interactions[]

  • Nightmare icon
    Reduces duration normally when cast on enemy. When transfered to another enemy via an attack command, the invulnerability modifier always uses the base duration and is then reduced by the new target's status resistance, while the Nightmare modifier copies the previous target's reduced duration, and then gets further reduced by the new target's status resistance.
  • Primal Roar icon
    Reduces duration of all debuffs it can place, on primary and secondary targets. On secondary targets, the knockback speed adapts to the reduced duration, so that the knockback distance is kept the same.
  • X Marks the Spot icon
    Reduces the duration normally. When the target has more than 75% status resistance, it no longer gets automatically returned upon expiring.
  • Open Wounds icon
    Reduces the duration. The slow tick rate does not adapt to the reduced duration.
  • Medallion of Courage icon
    Reduces the debuff duration on the target. The debuff on the caster does not adapt.This is an old ability.
  • Caustic Finale icon
    When applied by attacks, only reduces the slow duration after the explosion. Does not affect the initial debuff. When applied with Burrowstrike icon Burrowstrike, does reduce the initial debuff duration, on top of reducing the slow duration.
  • Glaives of Wisdom icon
    Self buff duration is reduced along with enemy debuff duration.
  • Essence Shift icon
    Self buff duration is reduced along with enemy debuff duration.
  • Solar Crest icon
    Reduces the debuff duration on the target. The penalties on the caster do not adapt.
  • Spectral Dagger icon
    Reduces trail creating debuff duration. When directly targeted, may reduce slow debuff duration. When not directly targeted, does not affect slow debuff.
  • Psionic Trap icon
    When activated via the sub-spell on the caster or via Psionic Projection icon Psionic Projection, only reduces the slow value. When activated via the sub-spell on the trap itself, reduces slow value and duration, and increases damage per tick.

Recent Changes[]

<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">

  • Status Resistance no longer affects the impact of movement speed slow sources. [?]

</div> </div>
