Techies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Surprises enemies with invisible landmines and explosive attacks. | |
Techies Demolitions was not so much a business as it was an excuse for Squee, Spleen, and Spoon to practice their favorite hobby: Blowin' stuff up. For them, battle is a matter of mischief. Giggling while they place misleading Minefield Signs, lob Sticky Bombs around the battlefield, hiding their renowned Proximity Mines they buried beneath Toterin that collapsed the town into a heap of rubble, testing their latest invention — a disarming zaps firing Reactive Tazer, and much more. Techies Demolitions handles dissatisfied customers with unexpected cheer. Their last words "Blast Off!" can be heard just before an epic and reckless explosion delivers enough to leave most enemies dead. Or at least enraged. Often both. | |
Roles: | ![]() ![]() |
Complexity: | ![]() ![]() |
Adjectives: | Fiery, Potbelly, Steed, Nose Legs ( 6 )
▶️ "Measurements made." "Bombs built." "Powder's dry." "Okay, let's blow something up!"
In the storied saga of Dredger's Bight, no business has ever been more reviled than Techies Demolitions. Then again, Dredger's Bight no longer exists. Nor does Toterin. Or even Trapper Town. In fact, if one were to track the history of Techies Demolitions they might notice that shortly after Techies appear, towns tend to disappear.
Like every inevitable disaster surrounding Techies, the obliteration of Dredger's Bight began with an invention. Tasked with designing a safer way of detonating explosives in the mines beneath the city, pyrotechnic prodigies Squee, Spleen, and Spoon developed their most outlandish creation yet: a button which, when pressed, would trigger a distant device to spark a fuse.
Overeager to test their invention, the trio stuffed barrel after barrel with flamesalt explosives, piling every corner of their tiny workshop high with the newly developed remote bombs. From this stockpile they plucked a single payload, burying it in a far away field. As they cowered in a ditch, Spleen pressed the detonator button. Yet after a moment, nothing happened. Confused, he stood up, pressing his button again and again until, finally, an explosion tore a hole in the field. Elated, Squee and Spleen turned toward home just as a massive wave of sound and force arrived to knock them over.
Bewildered, their ears ringing from the unexpected blast, they gathered in the dingy miasma to see a smoking ruin where their workshop once stood. Chunks of wood and stone continued to fall as the yawning crater before them slowly deepened into an expanding pit. The whole of Dredger's Bight shuddered, and then gradually started to slide into the mines below as its panicked residents fled.
Sitting at the edge of their sinking home they grinned and giggled, as giddy at the possibilities as they were oblivious to the scorn of their former neighbors. They wondered only one thing: how could they trigger an even bigger blast?
Like every inevitable disaster surrounding Techies, the obliteration of Dredger's Bight began with an invention. Tasked with designing a safer way of detonating explosives in the mines beneath the city, pyrotechnic prodigies Squee, Spleen, and Spoon developed their most outlandish creation yet: a button which, when pressed, would trigger a distant device to spark a fuse.
Overeager to test their invention, the trio stuffed barrel after barrel with flamesalt explosives, piling every corner of their tiny workshop high with the newly developed remote bombs. From this stockpile they plucked a single payload, burying it in a far away field. As they cowered in a ditch, Spleen pressed the detonator button. Yet after a moment, nothing happened. Confused, he stood up, pressing his button again and again until, finally, an explosion tore a hole in the field. Elated, Squee and Spleen turned toward home just as a massive wave of sound and force arrived to knock them over.
Bewildered, their ears ringing from the unexpected blast, they gathered in the dingy miasma to see a smoking ruin where their workshop once stood. Chunks of wood and stone continued to fall as the yawning crater before them slowly deepened into an expanding pit. The whole of Dredger's Bight shuddered, and then gradually started to slide into the mines below as its panicked residents fled.
Sitting at the edge of their sinking home they grinned and giggled, as giddy at the possibilities as they were oblivious to the scorn of their former neighbors. They wondered only one thing: how could they trigger an even bigger blast?
Squee, Spleen, Spoon
Lobs a Sticky Bomb towards the target area. If it lands next to an enemy hero, the bomb will stick to it, slowing its movement speed. After a few seconds the bomb will explode, dealing damage in an area around the detonation and applying a secondary slow for 3 seconds.
Latch Move Speed Slow: 25%/35%/45%/55%
Explosion Delay: 2
Explosion Damage: 80/160/240/320
Explosion Move Speed Slow: 15%/25%/35%/45%
Explosion Slow Duration: 3
Modifiers [?]
Such revolutionary brilliance was meant to be shared.
Sticky Bomb | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summoned Ward | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- The mine always reaches the targeted area within 1.2 seconds, no matter how far the targeted area is.
- If the bomb enters a Chronosphere before reaching the targeted point, it instantly disappears.
- Destroys trees within ≈100 radius upon landing.
- Once Sticky Bomb reaches the area, it searches for enemy heroes. Treats illusions, clones and creep-heroes as heroes.
- This search happens only once upon landing, it does not continuously search for enemies.
- Can detect invisible heroes and heroes inside the Fog of War, but not invulnerable or hidden heroes.
- If a valid target is found, the bomb starts moving towards the target after a 0.1-second delay.
- Sticky Bomb moves at an initial speed of 500, and accelerates at a rate of 2000 distance per second until reaching the target. There is no max acceleration speed for Sticky Mine.
- Once it starts moving, the latching cannot be prevented in any way except death.
- The bomb latches when it comes within 100 range of the target and keeps that distance throughout.
- Once latched, it cannot be removed in any way, not even by death.
- Although the latch slow debuff is dispellable, doing so does not remove the bomb.
- The bomb explodes 2 seconds after latching onto the target.
- Multiple bombs may latch onto the same target, with each having independent explosion delays.
- However, multiple instances of the movement speed slow debuff does not stack. The status buff icon just shows how many bombs are currently latched.
- If the bomb could not find any hero, it stays at the targeted location.
- The bomb does not move around, the circling animation has no influence on the bomb's actual position.
- The bomb will also explode in 2 seconds after landing if it could not find a hero to latch on.
- The damage is sourced to Techies, and not to the Sticky Bomb.
- Therefore, the damage is affected by outgoing damage manipulation and spell lifesteal.
- The explosion first applies the damage, then the slow debuff.
- The ability does not provide any vision or True Sight.
- However, the bomb itself has 700 radius ground vision at all times.
- The bombs can be selected by with Tab ↹.
- Although the bombs have Pinpoint Detonate, it cannot be used.
Reactive Tazer
Techies trigger an electric charge giving them bonus movement speed for a short period of time. Enemies attacking Techies are temporarily disarmed and get a Basic Dispel. At the end of the effect, the charge explodes, disarming all enemies within the radius.
Move Speed Bonus: 18%/22%/26%/30%
Disarm Duration: 2.4/2.7/3/3.3
Buff Duration: 6
Reactive Tazer can be cast on allies and deals damage on detonation. Also deals damage to any enemy that attacks the affected ally.
A steady bomb hand prefers an abundance of personal space.
- The disarm debuff is only applied when a unit lands an attack on Techies, regardless of distance. This means it cannot trigger on missed attacks.
- If the attacking unit turns invisible, the particle beam draws towards its current location. However, the particle impact effects appear at their last known location.
- The debuff is not applied on the attacking unit in the following conditions:
- Instant attack sources that cannot proc attack modifiers (e.g. Split Shot before learning the
talent, Flak Cannon and etc.).
- Attacks from buildings, wards and allies.
- Instant attack sources that cannot proc attack modifiers (e.g. Split Shot before learning the
- Upon cast, the lightning effects on Techies intensify, indicating its remaining duration, and applies a disarm debuff within 400 radius centered on Techies at the end of its duration.
- Losing the buff in any way or casting Detonate Tazer first applies a basic dispel on the enemy unit, the disarm debuff, then the damage.
- ↓↓ Double-tapping automatically targets self.
- Cannot be cast on Couriers.
- Reactive Tazer can now trigger on attacks or damage sourced from enemies, including wards.
- Neither deal damage nor disarm enemies when the affected ally is invulnerable or hidden.
- However, the end-of-effect component still fully applies regardless.
- Acquiring Aghanim's Shard immediately updates already existing Reactive Tazer buffs, causing them to deal damage upon expiring.
Detonate Tazer
No Target
No Target
Detonate Reactive Tazer immediately.
- Replaces Reactive Tazer until the sub-ability is used, or until the buff duration ends.
- Interrupts Techies's channeling abilities upon cast.
- Goes into a 0.5-second cooldown right after Reactive Tazer is cast, this is to prevent accidental double-casts prematurely ending the ability.
Techies hurtle themselves into the enemy's midst, detonating charges upon impact which deal massive area of effect damage and stun enemies. Upon landing, the assault deals Techies non-lethal damage equal to a percentage of their current health.
Current Health as Self Damage: 20%
Leap Duration: 0.75
Stun Duration: 0.8/1/1.2/1.4
Where we going?
- With the travel distance and end radius, Blast Off! can hit units up to 1400 range away.
- The complete area is shaped like a cone.
- The leap always takes 0.75 seconds, so the horizontal speed varies between 0 ‒ 1333.33.
- Leaps in an arc up to 281.108 range high, so that other units can pass below them.
- Can be interrupted by forced movement sources and Chronosphere during the leap, but is not interrupted by any other disables.
- When interrupted, the ability does nothing.
- The self-damage is never lethal, so it cannot be used to deny oneself.
- This damage has a flag set so that most forms of generic damage manipulation are ignored.
- However, it is not considered HP Removal, it can be mitigated by damage-negation sources (e.g. Aphotic Shield) and invulnerability.
- The explosion first applies the debuff, the area damage, then the self-damage.
- The self-damage and area damage is dealt upon landing.
- Destroys trees within 400 radius around Techies upon landing.
- This ability's cast point is not modified when acquired.
Plant a warning sign, causing mines within its radius to be invulnerable. Only one sign can exist at a time. Lasts 60 seconds.
Max Signs: 1
Attacks to Destroy: 1
Aura Linger Duration: 0.5
Increases radius and duration of Minefield Sign. When an enemy hero walks within 200 units of a minefield sign, the units area around the sign will become a minefield for 10 seconds, dealing damage to enemy units any time they move within its area. Minefield Sign is destroyed after this effect ends.
Modifiers [?]
This ability is bound to Proximity Mines, instead of being innate to Techies.
Watch your step!
- This is innate to Techies and does not need to be learned.
- Has a minimum cast range of 150 despite having a different value in the game files.
- Cannot be placed inside the fountain area.
- The sign is permanently phased and it can be seen by everyone.
- It neither blocks unit pathing, nor blocks neutral creep camps.
- Enemies can destroy the Minefield Sign within its cast point by attacking it.
- Only 1 sign can exist on the map at a time.
- Planting a second sign causes the previous one to immediately disappear.
- The Minefield Sign has no death animation, it visually lingers for a few seconds and then sinks into the ground.
- All effects are provided by the Minefield Sign, its buff lingers for 60 seconds.
- Grants an invulnerability aura that only affects Proximity Mines,
- Other ward-type units are not affected.
- Checks the distance of enemy units within the radius every 0.25 seconds, starting immediately upon trigger, resulting a maximum of 40 checks.
- If the unit's position changed between checks, it takes 300 damage per 200 distance.
- If the unit did not move, or moved a distance greater than 1300 between a check, no damage is applied.
- If the unit is invulnerable as a check occurs, the value is set to nil, so that it does not take damage on the next check, regardless of distance.
- Affected units take no damage from abilities with upward movement (e.g. Torrent), except Pulverize.
- The Minefield Sign is destroyed once the Ability Upgrade effect ends.
- Acquiring Aghanim's Scepter instantly updates the current active Minefield Sign instance.
- This ability is not acquirable.
Plant an invisible mine that cannot be detected by True Sight, but is visible if an enemy is within the active 500 AoE of the mine. Mines detonate if an enemy is standing within the active AoE for 1 seconds dealing damage and temporarily reducing the enemy's magic resistance. The explosion deals full damage if the target is within 150 radius and decreases up to on the edge. Deals 30% damage to buildings.
Min Plant Distance: 350
Max Damage Radius: 150
Detonation Delay: 1
Min Damage: 200/287.5/375
Max Damage: 400/575/750
Building Damage Multiplier: 0.3
Magic Resistance Reduction: 15%/20%/25%
Debuff Duration: 5
The bane of Toterin!
Proximity Mine | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Summoned Ward | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
- Techies gets all 3 charges immediately upon learning Proximity Mines.
- Proximity Mines cannot be placed within 350 radius of other allied Proximity Mines.
- When selecting the ability, all own Proximity Mines display a red circle, indicating their trigger radius.
- The area targeting indicator upon selecting the ability shows this placement radius and not the trigger radius.
- The mines cannot be triggered during the 1 (
0.2)-second activation delay.
- During this delay, Proximity Mines are visible to the enemies. Once active, they turn invisible.
- It takes a total of 2 (
1.2) seconds for a Proximity Mine to detonate when placed right next to an enemy unit or building.
- The mines only detonate when an enemy stands within its trigger radius for 1 second.
- This means quickly entering and leaving the area does not cause them to trigger.
- Upon entering its trigger radius, the mine emits a sound, warning the enemy that they are within the trigger radius.
- Both the warning and mine explosion sound is audible to everyone through the Fog of War.
- Can be triggered by invisible, but not by invulnerable or hidden units.
- Can be triggered by units with Flying Movement.
- Proximity Mines cannot be triggered by or affect wards.
- If the enemy leaves the area or turns invulnerable, the mine turns invisible again, and the detonation delay resets.
- However, spell immune units will reveal the mines, but not trigger the explosion.
- Despite the ability description, Proximity Mines does not have True Sight immunity against the following sources:
- Chronosphere
- Although being able to see Proximity Mines with Reveal, it is not attackable.
- Towers' True Sight can see, but they do not attack Proximity Mines.
- Proximity Mines only damage and debuff enemies when they are triggered, not when they are destroyed by attacks.
- The damage source is the mine itself, meaning certain on-damage effects (e.g. Damage Return) react on the mine rather than on Techies.
- The damage is based on the current level as it detonates, and not as it was placed.
- The mines deal 200/287.5/375 ‒ 400/575/750 (
60/86.25/112.5 ‒ 120/172.5/225) damage (before reductions) based on the distance and dealing full damage within a 150 radius.
- Provides a 1-second 300 radius flying vision at its location after detonating.
- Proximity Mines first apply the debuff, then the damage.
- Stacks multiplicatively with other
magic resistance sources.
- Reduces most heroes' magic resistance to 13.75%/10%/6.25%.
- With the magic resistance reduction from this source, every 10 points of intelligence further increases the total magic resistance by 1.15%/1.2%/1.25%. [?]
- Proximity Mines do not block neutral creep camps.
- Leveling up ability immediately update Proximity Mines' ability values.
Proximity Mine[]
This unit is permanently phased and invisible.
- Both the ability and modifier are not displayed in-game.
- Deactivates whenever an enemy is within the 500 trigger radius.
- Cannot be revealed with True Sight.
- If the enemy leaves the area or turns invulnerable, the mine turns invisible again, and the detonation delay resets.
- However, spell immune units will reveal the mines, but not trigger the explosion.
Hero Talents | ||
-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay | 25 | +252 Damage |
-15s Blast Off! Cooldown | 20 | +125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius |
+3 Mana Regen | 15 | +200 Blast Off! Damage |
-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown | 10 | +20% Magic Resistance |
- Stacks diminishingly with other
magic resistance sources.
- Increases Techies's magic resistance to 40%.
- Grants bonus attack damage.
- Does not benefit illusions and is not affected by most percentage-based damage increasing or reducing effects.
Recent Changes[]
<div> <div class="updatetablehead"> <div id="version">Version</div><div id="description">Description</div> </div> <div class="updatetablebody">
- Reduced Blast Off! current health as self damage from 35%/30%/25%/20% to 20% on each level.
- Rescaled Blast Off! cooldown from 39/36/33/30 to 40/35/30/25.
- Units with flying movement now fully trigger Proximity Mines.
- Increased Blast Off! stun duration from 0.8/0.95/1.1/1.25 to 0.8/1/1.2/1.4.
</div> </div>
Recommended Items[]
Starting items:
- Tango gives Techies health recovery when laning, mitigating harassment damage.
- Healing Salve restores health after an early kill or escape attempt using Blast Off!.
- Clarity provides Techies with the mana needed for early-game Proximity Mines. Because of its low cost, Techies often make several purchases of the item throughout the game as their major source of mana regeneration.
- Orb of Venom's damage over time works well with Techies' long attack range to harass the enemies, lowering their health enough for Blast Off! to secure kills.
Early game:
- Null Talisman gives them mana, damage, and health. Drop Null Talisman on the ground momentarily to get more mana out of Soul Ring's active.
- Soul Ring converts health to mana, allowing Techies to continue planting mines over extended periods of time.
- Arcane Boots fit Techies well in combination with a Soul Ring to compensate for their mines' mana cost, or to give mana to use Blast Off! without risking of dying/getting killed before they can deny themselves. Like Null Talisman, it can be dropped prior to using Soul Ring's active in order to gain more mana. Furthermore, Techies can disassemble it to get Energy Booster, which builds into Aether Lens or Bloodstone.
- Town Portal Scroll grants Techies global mobility to plant traps in unexpected areas. Techies' strong defensive potential allows them to fortify a tower's defenses, discouraging the enemy from pushing.
Mid game:
- Aether Lens provides mana and mana regeneration, as well as extending Techies' cast range so they can use items and abilities, especially Proximity Mines, from a safe distance.
- Force Staff gives Techies more mana and mobility; it can also push allies to escape or push enemies, especially Gem carriers, into mines and traps.
- Eul's Scepter of Divinity provides Techies with a bigger mana pool, mana regeneration, and more base movement speed, allowing the hero to be more mobile and plant mines more liberally. Furthermore, the active ability disables an enemy, buying Techies time to plant mines and traps under their feet, or provides temporary invulnerability and a self-dispel.
Late game:
- Aghanim's Scepter increases Techies' attributes, health, and mana. Remote Mines become a much bigger threat due to their increased damage, and Techies can place them from farther away, allowing them to be used tactically in team fights and allowing Techies to place traps more safely. Additionally, Minefield Sign becomes a usable ability, allowing Techies to use the sign to place guaranteed undetectable traps or to trick the enemy into avoiding an area that does not have mines.
- Octarine Core reduces the cooldown on all of Techies' abilities, allowing them to place traps and mines more frequently.
Situational items:
- Sentry Ward reveals enemy Observer Wards and their Sentry Wards as well. Eliminating their Sentries from play allows you to place traps in areas that they once considered safe, and forces the supports to buy more Sentry Wards, slowing their item progression considerably.
- Bottle allows roaming Techies to replenish their mana and HP as they often pass by runes on their way to set up traps.
- Kaya increases intelligence and mana. More importantly, the mana regen amplification helps them plant more mines on the map. Kaya can upgrade into Yasha and Kaya for better bonuses and extra movement speed.
- Ghost Scepter allows Techies to become temporarily invulnerable to physical damage when focused by the enemy, perhaps buying them more time to use Blast Off!, or to attempt to lead the enemy into mine traps.
- Veil of Discord amplifies magical damage of Techies and allies.
- Blink Dagger drastically improve Techies' mobility.
- Bloodstone gives Techies a great amount of health and mana, as well as tremendous regeneration, allowing them to place mines more frequently. Moreover, the active heal may buy Techies enough time to Blast Off! away.
- Scythe of Vyse provides a lot of mana and a powerful disable to lock down dangerous enemies in team fights.
- Shiva's Guard gives Techies intelligence and armor. The aura and active can be used in team fights to hinder the enemy, reducing their ability to spread out from your area-of-effect nukes.
- Bloodthorn grants mana regeneration, attack speed, silence, and crit for late-game carry Techies who seek to enhance their physical attacks.
Dota Plus Progress[]
Main Article: Hero Challenges
Relics track a hero's actions and statistics, and display in-game notifications when a milestone is reached. They are only available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Relics | Voice Lines | |
![]() Bronze |
![]() Silver |
![]() Gold |
![]() Platinum |
| |
![]() Master |
| |
![]() Grandmaster |
- Before their release, Techies were showcased at the All-Star match of The International 2014, used by Artour "Arteezy" Babaev. He originally picked Sniper, but right before the picking phase ended, his pick got replaced by Techies, fireworks were launched in the arena, Techies' portrait was shown on all screens and this ▶️ sound effect played.
- According to Techies' in-game lip-syncing, Squee is the one sitting on the cart with the rocket launcher, the cigar, and the deeper voice, Spleen is the big one pushing the cart, with the high voice, and Spoon is the one inside the barrel, who rarely ever talks, but has the deepest sounding voice.
- Spoon's design --long nose, revealed half of his fingers-- was largely resembles of Kilroy, the symbol which used by US serviceman during World War II.
- ▶️ "They're going to have to glue you back together! Yeah, in Hell!" and ▶️ "We're a sorry buncha losers. You said it" are references to similar lines spoken by the Demoman from "Team Fortress 2" (as heard "here" and "here").
- The flavor text of Pinpoint Detonate "Kablooey!" is a direct reference to the line "Kabloeey!" spoken by the Demoman from Team Fortress 2.
- Many of their lines also reference Counter-Strike, such as ▶️ "Counter-Techies Win", ▶️ "Bomb has been planted" or ▶️ "Bomb has been defused. Darn!".
- ▶️ "Who said we couldn't count to three, huh?" is a reference to a joke about the fact that Valve has not released a single game with the number three in the title (Half-Life 3, Left 4 Dead 3, Portal 3 etc.).
- ▶️ "Claymore! But not that kind of claymore." is a reference to the M18 Claymore mine.
- The gag about Spoon being hidden in a barrel without the other two knowing is a reference to DotA, where only some time after Techies were released did people realize that there were actually three of them instead of two; the third one's feet could barely be seen under the barrel behind the other two (Techies used to be named "Squee and Spleen" and eventually became "Squee, Spleen and Spoon").
- The name "Spoon" may be a reference to a scene from the movie "Matrix" where a boy bends a spoon with his mind and then says to Neo "Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead, only try to realise the truth", followed by Neo asking: "What truth?" and the boy answering it with "There is no spoon. Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself."[1]
- Squee and Spleen think that Spoon died to the explosion in their workshop, so they thought "there is no Spoon" anymore and the voice is only in their heads ▶️.
- The names of the original two Techies most likely came from Magic the Gathering. Squee is a legendary goblin from Magic the Gathering lore, while Spleen was probably named after the flavor text on the Goblin Soothsayer card ("I see a great victory and rivers of blood. And . . . hmm, looks like a spleen.")
- There is a hidden "trollface" in Remote Mines' ability icon.
- Squee's design resembles that of the Soldier from Team Fortress 2, as his eyes are covered by a helmet, and he wields what appears to be a rocket launcher.
- ▶️ "Loud noises!" is a reference to Brick Tamland, a character from Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
- Sticky Bomb's slow debuff does not have its own particle system and uses the particle effects of Thunder Clap's slow debuff instead.