"Teddy's Little Helper" is the thirteenth episode of Season 1 of the sitcom Good Luck Charlie. It premiered on August 1, 2010 to 4.968 million viewers.[1]
Teddy tries warming up to her English teacher Mr. Dingwall by having Charlie take part in her oral presentation on the book Animal Farm after seeing him take a liking to her. He really likes the show, but when Charlie accidentally vomits on him, the plan goes downhill. Meanwhile, Gabe and his basketball team fire Bob as their coach and hire Amy instead, after winning their first game under her guidance, but soon realize their mistake. Also, PJ begins to spend way too much time with Amy's friends.
Main cast[]
- Bridgit Mendler as Teddy Duncan
- Leigh-Allyn Baker as Amy Duncan
- Bradley Steven Perry as Gabe Duncan
- Mia Talerico as Charlie Duncan
- Eric Allan Kramer as Bob Duncan
- Jason Dolley as PJ Duncan
Guest starring[]
- Raven Goodwin as Ivy Wentz
- Patrick Bristow as Mr. Dingwall
- Tucker Albrizzi as Nick
- Kelly Ebsary as Angie
International premieres[]
- December 25, 2010 (Poland)
- ↑ Broadcast & Cable Nielsens: Week Ending August 1, 2010. Ratings Ryan (February 19, 2022). Archived from the original on May 17, 2022. Retrieved on December 29, 2023.