"Boys Meet Girls" is the eleventh episode of Season 1 of the sitcom Good Luck Charlie. It premiered on June 27, 2010 to 3.154 million viewers.[1]
When PJ meets a cute girl, Madison, at his new job at Kwikki Chikki, Emmett becomes jealous that they're spending all their time together. Coincidentally, Amy learns that Bob used to date Madison's mom Catherine, and Teddy tries to explain to Gabe that the reason his classmate, Jo is picking on him and beating him up, is because she likes him.
- Bridgit Mendler as Teddy Duncan
- Leigh-Allyn Baker as Amy Duncan
- Bradley Steven Perry as Gabe Duncan
- Mia Talerico as Charlie Duncan
- Eric Allan Kramer as Bob Duncan
- Jason Dolley as PJ Duncan
- G. Hannelius as Jo Keener
- Micah Williams as Emmett Heglin
- Molly Burnett as Madison
- Mia Cottet as Karen
- Jason Shipman as Trevor
- ↑ Broadcast & Cable Nielsens: Week Ending June 27, 2010. Ratings Ryan (February 4, 2022). Archived from the original on February 20, 2022. Retrieved on December 27, 2023.