"Teddy's Bear" is the ninth episode of Season 2 of the sitcom Good Luck Charlie, and the thirty-fifth episode overall. It premiered on April 15, 2011.
Teddy's teacher, Mr. Piper, unfairly marks her test wrong and refuses to correct it, and Teddy winds up getting detention by snapping the point on his pencil out of frustration. Things get even worse when Amy ("Mama Bear") takes matters into her own hands. Meanwhile, Bob takes Charlie to a ballet class and winds up participating and Gabe helps PJ prepare to tell Skyler's old boyfriend Brock (who happens to be captain of the wrestling team) to stop texting her.
Main cast[]
- Bridgit Mendler as Teddy Duncan
- Leigh-Allyn Baker as Amy Duncan
- Bradley Steven Perry as Gabe Duncan
- Mia Talerico as Charlie Duncan
- Eric Allan Kramer as Bob Duncan
- Jason Dolley as PJ Duncan
Guest starring[]
- Samantha Boscarino as Skyler
- Phil Abrams as Mr. Piper
- Valorie Hubbard as Miss Donna
- Vernee Watson as Principal Hibbert
- Derek Alvarado as Matt
- Bridger Zadina as Brock
International premieres[]
- November 26, 2011 (Poland)