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King Ferdinand VI is the monarch of Spain and a minor character in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.


King Ferdinand rules from his palace in Cádiz, Spain. After learning of the Fountain of Youth, King Ferdinand sends his most trusted agent, known only as the Spaniard, to find and destroy the Fountain, because as a devout Catholic, he saw it as an abomination in the eyes of God.


Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides[]

During the night, two fishermen arrive at the palace of King Ferdinand, carrying a piece of cloth that contains an old man who claims to have traveled with the Spanish conquistador Ponce de León. The man gives a logbook that belonged to Ponce de León to Ferdinand. Ferdinand looks page by page finding nothing, but finally discovers an ancient symbol in one of the pages. Right then, he realized that the legends of the Fountain of Youth were true. King Ferdinand then sends the Spaniard to find and destroy the Fountain.

When Jack Sparrow is taken to the Palace of King George II, the king learns that Ferdinand has devised a plan to seek the Fountain of Youth to gain eternal life just as he attempts to recruit Jack on a quest to find the Fountain which failed due to his escape, to which the king never realized that Ferdinand sent his men to find and destroy the Fountain, rather than gain immortality from it. However, Ferdinand's plan to destroy the Fountain was successful just as the Spaniard and his men to return to Spain to report their king that their assignment was completed.



  • Ferdinand VI of Spain and George II of Great Britain are the first historical monarchs to appear in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.
  • In the fifth film "Dead Men Tell No Tales" and merchandise inspired by it, the main antagonist Armando Salazar justifies his actions "by rule of the King". It is unknown if the King mentioned by Salazar was specifically Ferdinand VI of Spain or one of his predecessors.

External links[]

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Films: The Curse of the Black Pearl (video/soundtrack) • Dead Man's Chest (video/soundtrack) • At World's End (video/soundtrack) • On Stranger Tides (video/soundtrack) • Dead Men Tell No Tales (video/soundtrack)

Short Films: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
Books: Jack Sparrow prequel novels • Pirates of the Caribbean: Legends of the Brethren Court • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (Ultimate Sticker Book)
Video Games: Pirates of the Caribbean • The Legend of Jack Sparrow • Pirates of the Caribbean Online • Disney Universe • Kingdom Hearts II • Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Mobile • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End • Pirates of the Caribbean (pinball) • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest • Pirates of the Caribbean: Master of the Seas • Disney Infinity • Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War • Disney Heroes: Battle Mode • Kingdom Hearts III • Disney Sorcerer's Arena • Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life • Disney Speedstorm

Disney Parks
New Orleans Square • Treasure Cove • Pirateland • Pirate Takeover • A Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas • El Teatro Fandango • Jungle River Cruise: Pirate Takeover! • Pirate's Lair on Tom Sawyer Island • Pirates of the Caribbean • Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure • Shipwreck Shore • Siren's Revenge • The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow • Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for Buccaneer Gold • Bilge Rat Bill's Explorer Canoes

Entertainment: Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorial • Eye of the Storm: Captain Jack's Stunt Spectacular • Fantasmic! • Pirates Summer Battle "Get Wet!"
Restaurants: Blue Bayou Restaurant • Pintel & Ragetti's Grub to Grab • The Snackin’ Kraken • Tortuga Tavern • Tortuga Treats
Shops: Doubloon Market • Jolly Gypsy • Pirates League • Pirate Treasure
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The Curse of the Black Pearl: Jack Sparrow • Hector Barbossa • Joshamee Gibbs • Will Turner • Elizabeth Swann • James Norrington • Governor Weatherby Swann • Pintel and Ragetti • Jack the Monkey • Cotton • Marty • Murtogg and Mullroy • Theodore Groves • Anamaria • Cotton's Parrot • Gillette • Giselle • Scarlett • Bo'sun • Jacoby • Koehler • Twigg • Mallot • Grapple • Weatherby • Executioner of Port Royal

Dead Man's Chest: Davy Jones • Cutler Beckett • Ian Mercer • Tia Dalma • Kraken • Bootstrap Bill Turner • Maccus • Clanker • Penrod • Angler • Ratlin • Koleniko • Hadras • Palifico • Ogilvey • Crash • Wyvern • Greenbeard • Jimmy Legs • Leech • Bellamy • Prison Ravens • Pelegostos Tribe
At World's End: Sao Feng • Tai Huang • Lian and Park • Steng • Eduardo Villanueva • Sri Sumbhajee • Capitaine Chevalle • Ammand the Corsair • Jocard • Mistress Ching • Captain Teague • Morey • Greitzer • Davy Jones' Locker Crabs
On Stranger Tides: Angelica • Blackbeard • Philip Swift • Syrena • Garheng • Salaman • Scrum • Derrick • Ezekiel • Gunner • Quartermaster • Cook • Marina • Mermaids • Tamara • Spaniard • King Ferdinand • King George II • John Carteret • Henry Pelham • Redcoats
Dead Men Tell No Tales: Captain Salazar • Lesaro • Henry Turner • Carina Smyth • Uncle Jack • Scarfield • Shansa • Mayor Dix • Ghost Sharks • Ghost Seagulls
Tales of the Code: Mungard • Marquis d'Avis
Attraction: Redd • Auctioneer • Pirate Captain • Captain X • Prison Dog • Tiny • Seedy Prisoners • Hook Hand Pirate • Skeleton Helmsman • Barker Bird • Beacon Joe • The Pooped Pirate • Old Bill • Shy Albert • Carlos • Fortune Red • Captain Gore • Jean Lafitte • Tom Sawyer • Carlos' Wife • Skeleton Pillager • Skeleton Pirate Captain • Treasure Skeleton • Pirate Robber • Treasure Octopus • Hungry Pirate • Scalawag • Coote • Thurl • Billie How • Taliban Pirate • Pirate Assistant • Sword Skeleton Pirate • Hook Hand Skeleton Pirate • Alligators
Video Games: Black Barty • Jolly Roger
Books: Montezuma • James the Mysterious • Arabella Smith • Silver

Crew of the Black Pearl • Cursed Crew • Crew of the Flying Dutchman • East India Trading Company • Brethren Court • Spaniard's crew • Blackbeard's Zombie Officers • Crew of the Silent Mary • Crew of the Wicked Wench
Isla Tesoro • Dead Man's Cove • Blue Bayou Lagoon • Port Royal, Jamaica • Fort Charles • Tortuga • Rumrunner's Isle • Isla de Muerta • Pelegostos • Isla Cruces • Pantano River • Singapore • Sao Feng's Bathhouse • Davy Jones' Locker • Shipwreck Cove • London, England • Spain • Whitecap Bay • Fountain of Youth • Saint Martin • Poseidon's Tomb
Wicked Wench • Black Pearl • Flying Dutchman • Queen Anne's Revenge • HMS Interceptor • HMS Dauntless • HMS Endeavor • Jolly Mon • Silent Mary • The Sailing Ship Columbia
Jack Sparrow's hat • Jack Sparrow's sword • Jack Sparrow's compass • Cursed Treasure • Treasure of Cortés • Elizabeth Swann's gold medallion • Ragetti's wooden eye • Jar of Dirt • Davy Jones' pipe organ • Key to the Dead Man's Chest • Dead Man's Chest • Mao Kun Map • Pirata Codex • Jack Sparrow's Pirate Beads • Sword of Triton • Jack Sparrow Voodoo Doll • Chalices of Cartagena • Dark Magic • Voodoo • Davy Jones and Calypso's Lockets • Trident of Poseidon
"Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life for Me)" • Theme park soundtrack • Soundtrack Treasures Collection • Pirates of the Caribbean and Other Villains • Swashbuckling Sea Songs • 1966 soundtrack • The Medallion Calls • He's a Pirate • Pirates Remixed • Hoist the Colours • My Jolly Sailor Bold
See Also
Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game • Liar's Dice • Pirates of the Scareibbean • Swashbucklers • Calypso's Maelstrom