How to Take Care of Your Yard is an animated short starring Goofy, originally aired as part of an episode of Mickey Mouse Works. It was later shown in the House of Mouse episode "Super Goof".
Goofy learns to take care of his yard, throughout the four seasons. While doing so he unintentionally wrecks his house.
Goofy cleaning a shining door knob, his house looks so shiny but Narrator tells that home is important and a lovely home can be spoiled by an ugly yard, Goofy feels upset and he tells what is he gonna do? Narrator asks him to expose aspects of his culture when Goofy told that he saw Doctor to get rid of that while Narrator asks him for Gardening and Goofy feels shy and then he tells him for 4 seasonal steps.
- This episode, despite being in the House of Mouse episode "Super Goof", doesn't feature Super Goof in it, due to the fact Super Goof never appeared in Mouse Works and the fact the episode wouldn't fit elsewhere in the series.
- Running Gags: Goofy accidentally wrecking his house while caring for his yard and trying to fix his house.