Franklin is a character from the Disney Channel animated series Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. He is an alien dog that came to earth to defend his similar canine breed from an evil villain.
Franklin is a dutiful alien dog who is committed to his mission. However, like other dogs, he has a great care for the human race and his fellow mutts. He appears to genuinely like Pops Lafayette and, to a certain extent, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
Physical appearance[]
Franklin is a light-blue dog with a greyish-purple muzzle. He additionally has short black ears, tail and, unusually, fur spikes sticking out of him. His bottom teeth stick out and he has incredibly large eyes.
- Franklin speaks with a Scottish brogue because he thinks it sounds really cool.
- Seeing as how Pops Lafayette was the one who named him, it is unknown what his real name actually is.
- His spaceship is a tall blue doghouse that resembles the TARDIS from the sci-fi television series Doctor Who, which David Tennant previously starred in.