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"Surfin' the Whirlpool" is the second segment of the first episode of Miles from Tomorrowland. It premiered on February 6, 2015 alongside the pilot episode, "Runaway Shuttle".


Orbiting two nearby planets, Miles and M.E.R.C. are out in space surfing while Leo is doing maintenance work on the port engine of the Stellosphere. Miles and M.E.R.C. are having a lot of fun until they crash into the ship and Miles nearly loses his Blastboard until his dad saves it. Leo takes a moment to admire his son's board and is impressed with how it is built. Then he asks if he could have a go, which Miles accepts. Despite telling him it is tricky to handle, Leo manages to ride his Blastboard around the ship without any troubles. They later return to the ship to fix Miles' Blastboard, since it got damaged when it crashed into the Stellosphere. Leo even shows Miles his own Blastboard, which he used to surf on back in his youth along with his old buddies and Phoebe. When Miles wishes he could have surfed with his dad back in those days, Leo suggests they could go surfing at the Zuma Whirlpool for the weekend, an astro whirlpool of swirling energy and matter and where Leo and his buddies use to surf. Leo suggests on taking the whole family, but unfortunately, Loretta is not so keen of going because of the fear of being sucked into the whirlpool and Phoebe promised the Transit Authority they finish a gamma ray scan, much to Miles' disappointment. However, since the gamma ray scan only requires two people, Loretta suggest that Miles, Leo, and M.E.R.C. could still go surfing while she and Mom proceed with their duties.

Leo, Miles, and M.E.R.C. soon depart in the Star Jetter and set course for the Zuma Whirlpool. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Loretta arrive at a huge satellite which is used to record gamma rays and warn space travelers about dangerous energy bursts. They discover from the scanners that there is going to be a huge gamma ray eruption in quadrant 3.56, which is to their concern, where the Zuma Whirlpool is and where Miles, Leo, and M.E.R.C. are heading.

Miles, Leo, and M.E.R.C. soon arrive that the Zuma Whirlpool and begin surfing on the quantum waves, having a great time but completely unaware of the approaching danger. While enjoying all the surfing, they spot an incoming gamma ray burst caused by a nearby star that had gone supernova. Leo tells Miles to hold on tight to M.E.R.C. as the gamma rays pass by, causing the quantum waves to go wild and blow the Star Jetter away. Miles and M.E.R.C. are okay but Leo ends up getting sucked into the whirlpool. He tries to surf back up but cannot make it because his Blastboard can't steer through the plasma and Miles is unable to tow him out because his Blastboard isn't powerful enough. So they decide to weld both their boards together. With Miles steering and Leo boosting, they successfully make it out of the whirlpool and back onto the quantum waves.

Just as they notice the Star Jetter is missing, Phoebe and Loretta show up with the Stellosphere towing the Star Jetter and with their own Blastboards, as they have not just come to rescue Leo, Miles, and M.E.R.C., but also have come to surf themselves. Soon, the whole family goes surfing the quantum waves of the Zuma Whirlpool with no further worries of any current gamma rays.



  • This is the first episode where Miles and Loretta hug each other. In this case, after Loretta says she'll do the scanning work while the others surf the whirlpool, Miles tells her "Really? Loretta, you're the best big sister ever!" and after they hug, she responds "I have my moments." It is unclear if there are other episodes where they hugged.
  • One of the people Leo surfed with, Tiki Torch Yeager, makes an appearance in "Chasing the Stormchaser".

International Premieres[]


Concept Art[]


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Miles from tomorrowland logo
Miles from Tomorrowland • Miles from Tomorrowland: Missions • Miles from Tomorrowland: Mars Rover Rescue • Disney Junior DJ Shuffle 2
Miles Callisto • Loretta Callisto • Phoebe Callisto • Leo Callisto • M.E.R.C. • Captain Joe • Gadfly Garnett • Professor Rubicon • Lysander Floovox • Frida Liang • Pollock • Eva • Admirals Watson and Crick • Haruna Kitumba • Blodger Blopp • Pipp Wimpley • Wimm and Kree Wimpley • Gong Gong and Po Po • Queen Gemma • Prince Rygan • Skellig Ro • Bootjet Groovestar • Mirandos • The GameMaster • Dr. Consilium • Dr. Zephyr Skye • Sheldon • Vincent Callisto • Robo-Penguins • Bowtie • Miss Baker • Commander Copernicus • Aggro • Silas
Season One: "Runaway Shuttle/Surfin' the Whirlpool" • "Ocean in Motion/Explorer Exchange" • "Game On/How I Saved My Summer Vacation" • "Journey to the Frozen Planet/Attack of the Flickorax" • "Catch That IOTA!/Mighty Merc" • "Who Stole the Stellosphere?/Rock N' Roll" • "Happy Captain's Day/Planet of the Plants" • "Downsized/Ride of the Quarkons" • "To the Goldilocks Zone/Hiccup in the Plan" • "On Spaceguard/Spaceship Invader" • "Adventures in Robot-Pet Sitting/The Great Blastboard Chase" • "Unplugged/Junked" • "Mama Merc/Space Race" • "The Neptune Adventure/Eye to Eye" • "Yuri's Night/I, Stella" • "Frozen Food/Later, Multivator" • "Lunar New Year/The Hoverbike Diaries" • "The Search for Skellig Ro/Endangered Species" • "Blasteroid!/Magnetic Merc" • "A Growing Problem/The Tardigrade Escapade" • "Miles vs. The Volcano/Scavengers of Mars" • "Unexpected Ally/Skyrise" • "Ghost Moon/Stormy Night in a Dark Nebula" • "Dino World/Team Exo-Flex" • "The Pluto Rescue/The Taking of the Solar Express" • "The Space Trader/The Quantum Cup" • "The Legend of the Sandelion/The Mystery of Atlantix" • "Escape from the Tethoscape/The Hitchhiker's Ride Through the Galaxy" • "The Discovery Expedition/Snow Globe" • "Galactech: Secrets of the Black Hole"

Season Two: "Galactech: Captain Miles/The Search for Spot" • "The Blobbysitters/Astro-Cavers" • "Galactech: How to Build a Robot-Pet/Career Day" • "Galloping Groundshakers/Galactech: March of the Robo-Penguins" • "The Adventures of Jet Retrograde/The Tiny Aliens" • "Galactech: The Galactech Grab/Galactech: An Admiral Rescue" • "Galaxias Quest/Galactech: Mission to the Sun" • "The First Day of Galactic School/Miles Underwater" • "The Galactic Fair/Unfair Getaway" • "Building Day/Galactech: Flight of the Iotas" • "Galactech: Still Rocketing/Merc's Night Out" • "Space Junkers/Help Us, Jet Retrograde!" • "Blackout on Bloppsburgh/The Robot Thief" • "Back in the Groove/Saving Lumaro" • "Galactech: The S'Leet Heist/Galactech: The S'Leet Fleet" • "Once in a Blue Moon/The Queen Gemma Dilemma" • "Galactech: The Mystery of the Dinosaurs" • "Who Stole the Dinosaur?/Nine Minutes 'Til Bedtime" • "Chasing the Stormchaser/Galactech: Loretta's Lost BraceLex" • "Gamechangers/Goon Baby Goon" • "Beneath Europa/Callistos on Ice" "Galactech: The Space Trader Strikes Back/Galactech: The Vanishing Callistos" • "Galactech: The Search for the Plectrix/Robo-Monkey Business" • "Connect and Protect"
Season Three: "The Great Space Train Robbery/Mission Pets One" • "Villain After Villain/The Discover-Bot Takeover" • "Invaders from Tomorrowland/Rise of the Mountain Crushers" • "Battle for the Zenith/Mission Force Plus One" • "The Magsteeds of Infurnia" • "Stranded in Space/Plant Transplant" • "How to Build a Better Villain/The Goopopolis Swindle" • "Bots of Fury/The Accidental Captives" • "The Junk Monster of Planet Crunkle/The Lost Empire" • "Face-Off/The Big Escape" • "Grendel's Moving Castle/The Great Gadfly" • "Shoom Balla Boom/Friend or FoeBot" • "Deep Trouble/Double Trouble" • "Malison to the Rescue/The Last Guardian" • "Sidekicks For Hire/The Illumin-Aliens" • "Villain Force One/Villain Force Two" • "Operation Groovestar/The Suit Pursuit" • "The Space Station Situation" • "Aggro's Jam/Sea Change" • "Saving Silas/Attack of the Arachno-Bots" • "The Nemesystems Takeover"

Stellosphere • Star Jetter • Photon Flyer • Scout Rover • Zenith • I.O.T.A. • Exo-Flex • Blastboard • Questcom • Lazerang • Bracelex • Flash Beam • Galactech Globe
Thurio • Mars • Trident Research Station • Tempestoro • Atlantix • Trexor
Way Out • Launch this Funk • Worlian Birthday Song • There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow
See also
Cosmic Explorers • Mission Force One • Ankylosaurus • Pteranodon • Tyrannosaurus Rex • Triceratops