"Everyone Knows Juanita" is is a song from the 2017 Disney/Pixar animated feature film, Coco. It is a song performed by Héctor, which he sings to Chicharrón in exchange for the latter giving the former the latter's guitar.
Well, everyone knows Juanita
Her eyes each a different color
Her teeth stick out and her chin goes in
And her...knuckles, they drag on the floor
(spoken) Those aren't the words!
(spoken) There are children present!
Her hair is like a briar
She stands in a bow-legged stance
And if I weren't so ugly
She'd possibly give me a chance
- Chicharrón comments in the fact that Héctor changed the lyrics to accommodate for Miguel's presence. The word "knuckles" was most likely supposed to be "knockers", in reference to Juanita's breasts.