
Sunarizamon is a Reptile Digimon. It mainly acts in groups while camouflaging itself in desert areas. By regulating the volume of sand that composes its body, it is able to expand, contract, and transform its limbs and tail. It is difficult to identify its figure once it has blended in with the desert, and it is not unusual to think that there might be quicksand, but it ends up being a large group of Sunarizamon instead.[3] Herds of Sunarizamon work together to combat invaders alongside Landramon, who acts as something of a leader to the Sunarizamon and uses the vibrations of its cry to relay commands to the herd through the sand.[4]


  • Grit Claw (Grit Nail): Defends itself from intruders by transforming its forelimbs to being claw-shaped and scratches with them.
  • Sand Blast: Shaves off the enemy's body with sand that it spits out aggressively.



Sunarizamon (スナリザモン)

Official romanization given by the Digimon Reference Book and used in the franchise.


Digimon Adventure:[]

Digimon Ghost Game[]

Digimon Liberator[]

Digimon Pendulum Z: Nature Spirits[]

Sunarizamon digivolves from Wanyamon and can digivolve to Baboongamon, Golemon, and Roachmon.

Digital Monster Vital Bracelet: Titan of Dust[]

Sunarizamon digivolves from Tumblemon and can digivolve to Tortomon, Togemon, Golemon, and Digmon.

Notes and references[]

  1. This information is from pre-release materials and is subject to change.
  2. Cantonese Digimon Adventure: dub (translated as Sand Lizard Beast)
  3. Digimon Reference Book: Sunarizamon
  4. Digimon Reference Book: Landramon