

« Digimon Liberator ch 09 »
Raid on the World
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« Digimon Dreamers « Digimon Rikollection

Part 1[]

« Digimon Liberator ch 9-1 »
Raid on the World (Part 1)
Publisher Digimoncard.com
Release date (Ja:) December 12, 2024
(En:) December 11, 2024
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« Digimon Dreamers « Digimon Rikollection


Shoto Kazama defeats an unspecified NPC in Lapis Marine in a duel.

Shoto thinks back to how he now has time to play the game's main storyline since Arisa Kinosaki was spending time with Violet "Vi" Inboots and Close — alongside wanting to shut up Owen Dreadnought since he had been yelling at him constantly about his lack of progress in the game's main story. He wonders if being alone is making him lonely, though decides he's fine with it as playing the game with three girls younger than him felt awkward anyway. Since he was now mostly playing on his own, he was pleased it meant he got to explore the game himself.

As he walks around Lapis Marine, he is transported to the Quest Area within it — in which it's raining. As he and Pteromon run for cover to avoid the rain (though human players are unable to get wet) he notices that he was the only player in the area, thinking it was weird how no one else was currently doing quests in Lapis Marine. As he receives his quest reward for his last quest, he becomes surprised at just how hefty the reward was and thinks on how he should've gone through the story a long time ago. Ready to take on the next part of the story, he prepares to leave for the Lapis Stadium Tower so that he can duel the Deep Savers NPCs — this time as part of the story. Pteromon complains about how Digimon get wet from the rain and humans don't, and as Shoto explains why via "Yao-chan"'s explanation — Pteromon questions his choice of name for her. Shoto explains she had specifically requested he call her that, though the topic changes back to Pteromon hating rain. It goes into Shoto's D-STORAGE to avoid the rain, though Muchomon shows it doesn't mind the rain and offers to let Shoto ride on it as Kokatorimon so they could get to the Tower quicker. Despite having turned down carrying Shoto round multiple times, Pteromon becomes jealous — to Shoto's amusement. Pteromon doesn't deny it, and says it'll just stay inside the D-STORAGE. Shoto and Kokatorimon then make way for the Tower.

The admins send out a full player wide warning due to loads of large black holes suddenly appearing all over Jewel's sky. The admins forcibly log out regular players, though allow staff and debug team members to stay logged in. Yao reports to Cool Boy that there had been reports of large data Digimon appearing within the holes, whilst Altea answers Cool Boy's question about how many debuggers were logged in with the fact that half of them currently were and had all travelled to the Garden. Cool Boy decides he will send them all to Jewel to deal with the Digimon, though Altea quickly notes that he had just noticed not all members had gone to the Garden... Shoto was in the middle of a quest in Lapis Marine. Upset that it meant Shoto had put his notifications on mute, Cool Boy decides he would have to go and get Shoto himself. None of the T.A.L.E were currently available for him to log into LACUNA though, since they were being used to log out players — meaning he had no choice but to used the unfinished headset prototype in the development office despite the dangers that could bring. Yao protests against this, though Cool Boy shuts her down as Unchained's forecast's predicted the current issue could cause LACUNA to be destroyed and as such he had to get Shoto to safety. Unchained appears via video call and says they have good news and bad news. The bad news — the Digimon within the holes were a mix of BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode and BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode, very strong Digimon that have the ability to destroy LACUNA. Unchained says that although there were fifty of them, only one of them was actually "real" — the rest were clones. Cool Boy wonders if defeating the original would take the clones with it, with Unchained saying they hope that's the case. Unchained mentions they had managed to figure out that the NPC behind the Imperialdramon was Sam the Clown, and that it was hiding somewhere in LACUNA. Since dealing with Sam was of high importance, the admins send a request to the debug team to find it. Cool Boy asks if the map data had been backed up, with Yao confirming it had been backed up when the warning had gone out a few minutes before. He asks for the good news, which Unchained says is they will be going with Cool Boy and would debug the prototype as he was using it. Cool Boy reminds Unchained that them going out of their private closed network risked deletion but Unchained says not to worry and that they don't have time to discuss it. Cool Boy gives in and allows Unchained to come, even knowing they'll probably have crazy demands in return for helping out. As Cool Boy says they will protect the World together, Unchained smiles — happy they get to help their hero. Cool Boy whispers to Yao, with Unchained not seemingly hearing, and gives her a USB, saying to use it if anything bad were to happen to him. Yao worries even more about Cool Boy's safety, whilst Cool Boy transfers Unchained to his phone and leaves to go get the prototype.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Rookie Champion Mega Other


(Number indicates order of occurrence.)

Muchomon 1 Kokatorimon

Part 2[]

« Digimon Liberator ch 9-2 »
Raid on the World (Part 2)
Publisher Digimoncard.com
Release date (Ja:) December 25, 2024
(En:) December 26, 2024
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« Digimon Dreamers « Digimon Rikollection


As the large group of BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode, flanked by a Fighter Mode, attack JewelViolet "Vi" Inboots figures it can just be considered a large scale raid event. Arisa Kinosaki wonders if they would end up duelling against them — with Owen Dreadnought assuring them that since they're in LACUNA they would have to abide by its rules. Zenith claims everything will be fine since he was there, and is shocked when Owen tells him he can't do it on his own since that doesn't sound like the Owen he knows. He further annoys Owen by reminding him he was the former Champion, with Zenith being the current Champion. Zenith insists the two of them will settle their rivalry later, and that for now they needed to focus on the "raid event". He splits the debug team members into two, one to go deal with the Imperialdramon and one to go look for Sam the Clown.

Cool Boy arrives at the development center, and goes to the Cradle. Unchained, inside Cool Boy's phone, asks why there were no staff around, with Cool Boy saying because they're not needed since they deal with it by the systems upstairs and that he doesn't want too many people having access to the Cradle. Cool Boy gets the prototype device and puts it on — logging in and trusting Unchained to do the needed rendering in real time.

An annoyed Yuuki screams out in annoyance at show she cannot find Sam the Clown, and how he usually is very easy to find. Impmon tells her to shut up, saying that Sam wont show up just because she's yelling.

Arisa asks Violet if she had found Sam, though she says she has had no luck in finding him and had only found Imperialdramon so far. ShoeShoemon returns, and though an excited Arisa assumes that meant it found Sam — it tells her that it had been unable to locate him. It still found a clue though, since it has the rare ability to be able to sense NPC and had explored the entire City — it meant Sam was not in Jewel. This confused the girls, though Arisa eventually comes to the conclusion that it meant a Wild Digimon had possessed Sam and then digivolved to Imperialdramon. Violet figured this makes sense, since it would explain why they couldn't find him, and that since the Imperialdramon were just rampaging about without caring about protecting their NPC — it must be the case. Violet tells Arisa to tell everyone about their conclusion, which she proceeds to do via text message. This puts a stop to the search, with the entire group now focused on taking down the Imperialdramon.

Zenith protects Owen from an Imperialdramon's attack, with Owen confused as to why his rival would do such a thing. As Zenith's data corrupts, he says he wouldn't want anything to happen to him and to stop looking so serious — they'll see each other again soon. He wonders what would happen if he were to duel with a now corrupted account, though instead of duelling an Imperialdramon to find out — logs outs.

Arisa and Violet split up, figuring it'd be more efficient to do so. After Arisa leaves, she summons Ghostmon and the duo prepare to fight against BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode.

Featured characters[]

(Numbers indicate order of appearance. Bolded characters are fought by the protagonist(s), and italicized characters feature non-explicitly, e.g. voice, silhouette, image.)

Humans Rookie Champion Mega Standard
  • BlackImperialdramon Dragon Mode (1)
  • BlackImperialdramon Fighter Mode (22)

Other notes[]

Animation errors

  • In the English version, Zenith says "And as gamer, we need to have fun" when it should say "And as gamers".

