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This is a list of characters from the Digimon anime series Digimon Adventure, its sequels Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri., Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, and Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning, and its related materials.

Quick Answers

Who are the main characters in Digimon Adventure? toggle section
In Digimon Adventure, the primary characters comprise Tai Kamiya, Matt Ishida, Izzy Izumi, Sora Takenouchi, Joe Kido, Mimi Tachikawa, T.K. Takaishi, and Kari Kamiya. These characters are partnered with the Digimon Agumon, Gabumon, Tentomon, Biyomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon, and Gatomon, respectively.
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What is the result of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon DNA digivolving? toggle section
The DNA digivolution of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon results in Omnimon. This fused Digimon possesses the 'Garuru Cannon' and 'Grey Sword' from MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon respectively. This transformation was crucial in their battle against Diaboromon.
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Who are the voice actors for the Digimon Adventure series? toggle section
In the Digimon Adventure series, voice actors include Mona Marshall for Sora Takenouchi, Philece Sampler for Izzy Izumi, Anna Palmon for Mimi Tachikawa, and Michael Lindsay for Joe Kido. Natsuki Hanae voices Taichi Yagami, Chika Sakamoto voices Agumon, Yoshimasa Hosoya voices Yamato Ishida, and Mayumi Yamaguchi voices Gabumon. Other characters are voiced by Mutsumi Tamura (Koushiro Izumi), Takahiro Sakurai (Tentomon), Hitomi Yoshida (Mimi Tachikawa), Kinoko Yamada (Palmon), Junya Enoki (Takeru Takaishi), Miwa Matsumoto (Patamon), Junya Ikeda (Jo Kido), Junko Takeuchi (Gomamon), M・A・O (Hikari Yagami), and Yuka Tokumitsu (Tailmon).
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What are the sequels to the original Digimon Adventure series? toggle section
Following the original Digimon Adventure, sequels include Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure tri., Digimon Tamers, Digimon Fusion, Digimon Universe App Monsters, and Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna. Additionally, the Digimon World and Digimon Story game series are part of the franchise's expanded universe.
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How do the characters in Digimon Adventure evolve? toggle section
In Digimon Adventure, characters 'digivolve' by gaining age, battle experience, and data. The process is challenging, making it uncommon for Digimon to naturally reach their ultimate forms. However, Digimon with human partners like Tamers or DigiDestined can digivolve more easily through their bonds and the use of a Digivice.
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Taichi "Tai" Kamiya and Agumon[]

Yamato "Matt" Ishida and Gabumon[]

Sora Takenouchi and Biyomon[]

Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi and Tentomon[]

Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon[]

Joe Kido and Gomamon[]

Main articles: Joe Kido and Gomamon (Adventure)

Takeru "T.K." Takaishi and Patamon[]

Kari Kamiya and Gatomon[]

Main articles: Kari Kamiya and Gatomon (Adventure)

Davis Motomiya and Veemon[]

Ken Ichijouji and Wormmon[]

Yolei Inoue and Hawkmon[]

Main articles: Yolei Inoue and Hawkmon (Adventure)

Cody Hida and Armadillomon[]

Ryo Akiyama and Monodramon[]

Main articles: Ryo Akiyama and Monodramon (Tamers)

Meiko Mochizuki and Meicoomon[]

Lui Ohwada and Ukkomon[]

Main articles: Lui Ohwada and Ukkomon (Adventure)


Omnimon[1] is a Mega Digimon who is the result of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon DNA digivolving in the American English dub, and a mere fusion in the Japanese version. His right MetalGarurumon hand holds the "Garuru Cannon" and his left WarGreymon hand conceals the "Grey Sword", while his left arm also has the "Brave Shield Omega".

M2 Omnimon

Omnimon is born.

When Diaboromon threatens the world with the Peace Keeper, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon can't defeat it and are almost pounded to death. In a last-ditch effort, they combine together with the power of all those who are watching their fight through the Internet. Omnimon quickly clears the Diaboromon clones and takes out the true Diaboromon, which holds the timer for the nuclear missiles. Our War Game! These events are referenced when Ryo is called upon to take care of a rogue Diaboromon copy, Tag Tamers as well as brought up by Izzy when the new DigiDestined discover the ability to DNA digivolve as well. Fusion Confusion

When Diaboromon returns, Omnimon reforms in the net and takes out Diaboromon with the help of Angemon and Angewomon. Unfortunately, this is all his plan to split into Kuramon who escape into the Real World and merge into a giant Armageddemon. Armageddemon proves to be too powerful a foe for Omnimon and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. At their most desperate, Omnimon gives his power to Imperialdramon so that he can digivolve to his Paladin Mode and defeat Armageddemon once and for all. Revenge of Diaboromon

When Alphamon appeared on Earth to hunt Meicoomon down, Matt urged Tai to DNA digivolve their partners into Omnimon due to their opponent's overwhelming strength. Though initially hesitant due to his lingering fear, Tai agrees, and the two successfully call forth Omnimon. Both Digimon proceed to enter a vicious battle, leaving a wide swath of destruction. Omnimon appears to take the upper hand with a close-range Garuru Cannon, but Alphamon manages to escape back through a portal. The attack still fires and tears a sizable trail in the battle scene. Omnimon then reverts to MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon. Reunion

When attempting to stop Jesmon from killing a berserk Raguelmon, Tai and Matt once again fuse their partners to form Omnimon who uses his Grey Sword to open up the closing distortion to the Digital World. After Alphamon attacks all the other Partner Digimon, causing them to revert into their In-Training forms, Omnimon focuses his attention into stopping just Raguelmon, with both of them evenly matched. When Jesmon's "Un Por Tous" creates a fissure in the ground, Omnimon quickly turns his attention into saving Tai, Matt, and Meiko. However, Tai gives him the signal to just save Matt and Meiko, which Omnimon agrees with, and successfully does so reverting back to Koromon and Tsunomon. Coexistence

During the final confrontation against Ordinemon, Omnimon is formed once again after Tai returns and restoration of the partner Digimon's memories. During the battle, Ordinemon fires a powerful attack which Omnimon defends against with the other partner Digimon until Magnadramon causes Ordinemon to flinch. Eventually, Tai's, Matt's, and Meiko's Digivices begin shining white, and he gathers all of the Digimon's powers to Mode Change into Omnimon Merciful Mode. With this new power, Omnimon quickly destroys Ordinemon, which results in Meicoomon's death, before reverting back to the partner Digimon's In-Training forms. Future

Five years later Greymon and Garurumon warp DNA digivolve together to form Omnimon during their fight with Eosmon (Ultimate) in their attempt to free all the DigiDestined it had stolen the consciousnesses of. Before Omnimon is able to defeat Eosmon it suddenly glitches and reverts back into Agumon and Gabumon. Izzy assumes the Cyber Space they were in must've caused it, however Menoa Bellucci explains that the older they get the weaker their Digimon get and that they would eventually lose their partners forever, and that that is why Omnimon's DNA Digivolution reverted. Agumon and Gabumon later warp DNA digivolve together again to form Omnimon to fight Eosmon (Mega) and its army of Eosmon (Ultimate) whilst in the Never World. Omnimon is able to destroy thousands of Eosmon (Ultimate) but it is easily defeated by Eosmon (Mega) and reverts back to Agumon and Gabumon. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna

When the Watchmaker summons the heroes of the past to Fusion universe to help take down Quartzmon, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon DNA digivolve to fight an army of copies of Myotismon, VenomMyotismon, and MaloMyotismon, and is mistaken for a DigiFuse by Jeremy. A Great Legendary Hero Gathering! The Digimon All-star Showdown!! Omnimon and Tai then give their power to Tagiru Akashi and Arresterdramon so they can retrieve the Brave Snatcher and defeat Quartzmon once and for all. Burn up Tagiru! A Glorious Digimon Hunt!

In Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer, Omnimon can be used if Ryo rescues both Tai and Matt, thus obtaining Agumon and Gabumon, and equips both with Calumon cards. He can then DNA digivolve them to Omnimon during battle.

Omnimon is also a playable Digimon in Digimon Rumble Arena and is Gabumon's digivolution in Digimon BattleSpirit and Digimon Tamers: Battle Spirit Ver. 1.5.

In the Digimon Xros Wars manga, Tai and Matt ride on Omnimon's shoulders. BONUS TRACK

In Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode, Taichi "Tai" Kamiya shows up with Omnimon X and battles against Taiga. Digimon World Re:Digitize: Decode


  • Transcendent Sword (Grey Sword): Slashes with the "Grey Sword" which emerges from the WarGreymon head.
  • Supreme Cannon (Garuru Cannon): Fires colossal energy balls at foes from the "Garuru Cannon" which emerges from the MetalGarurumon head.
  • Double Torrent: Freezes foe in a wave of ice from the MetalGarurumon head before incinerating them in a burst of fire from the WarGreymon head.


Ordinemon is a dark DNA Digivolution of Ophanimon Falldown Mode and Raguelmon.

Soon after dark digivolving, Ophanimon Falldown Mode reacts to Kari's breakdown at Tai's apparent death and forced DNA digivolve with Raguelmon to become Ordinemon. Her raw power opens up a portal to the Real World, and she flies through. Coexistence

Ordinemon's power allows the Real World to begin being swallowed up by the Digital World. According to Hackmon, she has so much power that she can barely control it, rendering her actions mindless and emotionally-driven, although some connection to her partners remains. She easily defeats the DigiDestined's partner Digimon in multiple battles, forcing them to focus on distracting her to mitigate the damage she causes just by existing. Homeostasis decides to initiate a reboot on the Real World in order to deal with Ordinemon, which would have the side-effect of essentially erasing all of humanity's technological progress associated with digital devices. In the meantime, Hackmon exploits Ordinemon's connection to Meiko by having her draw Ordinemon to the sea to minimize casualties. There, human authorities set up a military ambush, but it also proves ineffective against Ordinemon. As the countdown to the reboot ticks down, Izzy discovers a locked file hidden within Ordinemon's data that was created from an intersection between Meicoomon and his own backup field. When Meiko unlocks the file, light spills forth and restores the memories that were lost during the reboot. The process takes time though, and Ordinemon begins to split into light and dark halves before trying to flee. Acknowledging the miracle formed from the bond between humans and partner Digimon, Jesmon takes flight and stalls Ordinemon's advance before slicing Gatomon out of the fusion. The restoration succeeds, and the reboot is halted. Unfortunately, King Drasil takes advantage of the situation and replaces Gatomon with new files. Just as Meiko is about to be killed by one of Ordinemon's attacks, Tai returns to the battlefield, resolved to end the conflict once and for all. The entire team digivolves to Mega and renews their attacks on Ordinemon, and then Tai's, Matt's, and Meiko's Digivices begin to shine white, combining the Digimon into Omnimon Merciful Mode. With this newfound power, Omnimon manages to destroy Ordinemon. Freed from her suffering, Meicoomon thanks Meiko before she dies, happily waving goodbye. Future

Other DigiDestined[]

Main article: DigiDestined (group)





Main articles: Mina and Meramon (Adventure 02)



Besides Rosa, there are three Mexican DigiDestined.

They raise their Digivices to the sky, releasing beams of golden light. A Million Points of Light


United States of America[]


Main articles: Dien and Gorillamon (Adventure)

Original DigiDestined[]

Main article: Original DigiDestined

Daigo Nishijima and Bearmon[]

Maki Himekawa and Tapirmon[]


Kazuya, Koromon, and DemiMeramon[]

Kazuya is a Tamer. Ryo fights Kazuya in the first round of D-1 Tournament's grade 5. D-1 Tamers


Rieko, Poyomon, and Tsunomon[]

Rieko vg

Rieko is a Tamer. Ryo fights Rieko in the second round of D-1 Tournament's grade 5. D-1 Tamers


Taiki, Kapurimon, and Motimon[]

Taiki is a Tamer. Ryo fights Taiki in the second round of D-1 Tournament's grade 5. D-1 Tamers



Main articles: Gennai, Benjamin, Jackie, Hogan, José, and Ilya


Main article: Homeostasis




Meramon resides on Mihirashi Mountain, the source of Yokomon Village's water. He is struck by a Black Gear that emerges from the rock face of Mihirashi Mountain, which embeds itself in his stomach. The Black Gear causes Meramon to go berserk, and he creates an inferno that shoots out of a fountain in the Yokomon Village. The fire caused by Meramon's inferno causes the water in the Yokomon Village to dry out. Tai uses his monocular to see the top of Mihirashi Mountain, where he also spots Meramon sliding down the Mountain towards the Yokomon Village.

The Yokomon are unable to explain Meramon's erratic behaviour and evacuate to the ship ruins at the bottom of the dried-out lake. When Meramon arrives at the edge of the lake, he is confronted by Biyomon, whose attacks prove ineffective. Meramon knocks Biyomon down with his Fireball attack. Agumon, Tentomon and Patamon then attack Meramon, but their combined attacks serve to only make Meramon grow larger. Meramon slides down the edge of the dried-out lake towards the ship ruins. Biyomon Digivolves to Birdramon and intercepts Meramon, dumping him back to the top of the lake edge. As Birdramon makes another pass at Meramon, Meramon flings several Fireballs at her, striking her but ultimately not stopping her. Birdramon unleashes her Meteor Wing attack, striking Meramon in the stomach. The Black Gear is destroyed and Meramon returns both to his usual size and to his senses.

Later on, Meramon apologises to the Yokomon and recounts that the last thing he remembers was being struck by the Black Gear. Biyomon Gets Firepower

During Ryo Akiyama's battle against XeedMillenniummon, Ryo can choose to fight Meramon and two DemiMeramon. Doing so, he saves Sora and Biyomon. Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer



Andromon is a powerful Ultimate-level Cyborg Digimon who inhabits Factorial Town. The DigiDestined explore the town's factory, initially hoping that it is inhabited, but instead discover that it is completely automated. When Tai, Sora, and Joe investigate a loud crash, they find Andromon unconscious, sprawled out under some machine equipment. They try pulling him out, but a Black Gear gets embedded in Andromon's organic leg, reprogramming him into a paranoid, rage-filled attacker. Garurumon and Greymon attempt to fight Andromon, but are severely outmatched by the Ultimate-level Andromon, so Tentomon suggests that Izzy activate the program they found earlier in the factory. The program causes Tentomon to digivolve to Kabuterimon, who is able to target and destroy the Black Gear in Andromon's leg, returning him to normal. Andromon reveals that he is actually a very kind and helpful Digimon, and points the DigiDestined on their way. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

When the Dark Masters took control over the Digital World, Andromon fought against Machinedramon. He was the first good Digimon to find the DigiDestined after Machinedramon sent them underground. Andromon said he was trying to round up a resistance against Machinedramon. When Machinedramon broke through and found the DigiDestined, Andromon fought him to give the kids some time to escape. Agumon was able to digivolve into WarGreymon, who then defeated the Dark Master. The Crest of Light Andromon later helped the DigiDestined fight against Piedmon, but like most of them, he was turned into a key chain. After he was revived by MagnaAngemon, he helped the rest of the DigiDestined fight Piedmon and his Vilemon army. Piedmon's Last Jest After Apocalymon was destroyed, Andromon took a picture with the DigiDestined and their Digimon at the Primary Village.

Andromon reappears three years later as a slave of the Digimon Emperor, controlled by a Dark Ring. With Kari stranded at Full Metal City, the Digimon Emperor decided to send Andromon. It seemed the DigiDestined were outmatched by the powerful Andromon. It took Kari's tears to bring Andromon back and make him remember his previous friendship with Kari and the other DigiDestined. After realizing who she was, he broke the Dark Ring from his neck and destroyed the Control Spire, freeing the Guardromon in the city. The discovery that Ultimate Digimon like Andromon could fight the Dark Ring caused the Emperor to design the new Dark Spirals to compensate for the deficiency. Guardian Angel



Monzaemon is the mascot of Toy Town. Togemon in Toy Town

He is among the File Island Digimon who help the DigiDestined build a raft to travel to Server. Departure for a New Continent


Main article: Leomon (Adventure)



He is among the File Island Digimon who help the DigiDestined build a raft to travel to Server. Departure for a New Continent

Frigimon later joins Mimi Tachikawa and Joe Kido's squad to fight the Dark Masters, Joe's Battle and participates in the final battle against Piedmon. Piedmon's Last Jest

Bill Capizzi voices Frigimon in the style of Jackie Vernon[2]



He is among the File Island Digimon who help the DigiDestined build a raft to travel to Server. Departure for a New Continent



Centarumon is the guardian of a temple which was built in honor of the DigiDestined. However it is also a victim of one of Devimon's Black Gears which is then destroyed by Kabuterimon and Togemon. He then reveals to Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi and Mimi Tachikawa the history of the Digivices, but before he can tell them more they are attacked by Leomon, who is under Devimon's control at this time. Centarumon fights against him but is no match for the strong warrior until the light of the Digivices drives the possessed Leomon away. A Clue From The Digi-Past

He is among the File Island Digimon who help the DigiDestined build a raft to travel to Server. Departure for a New Continent

Later, Centarumon discovers the Wall of Fire and informs Gennai of Apocalymon's attack. Piedmon's Last Jest

After the evil Digimon are defeated, Centarumon returns alongside Gennai.

The Fate of Two Worlds



Elecmon was first seen was the caretaker of Primary Village, the village where baby digimon are born and raised. He first saw T.K. and Patamon as invaders, thinking they are harming the Baby Digimon. T.K. stopped the fight between Elecmon and Patamon since it was scaring the babies. They settled for a tug-of-war match which Patamon won. They became friends. DigiBaby Boom

He is among the File Island Digimon who help the DigiDestined build a raft to travel to Server. Departure for a New Continent

Elecmon survives the Dark Masters assault on Primary Village, and joins the DigiDestined against Piedmon and his Nightmare Soldiers. Piedmon's Last Jest

Three years later, Elecmon escorts some Baby Digimon through a forest as BlackWarGreymon passes by.

Three years after that, Leomon protects Elecmon and Primary Village from an infected Ogremon, who has broken the Digi-Eggs. Determination Later, when the DigiDestined return to the rebooted Digital World, Elecmon treats T.K.'s injured leg while telling him that he can't recall the boy and wants to meet Patamon. Loss



Whamon's American English voice is an impression of Rodney Dangerfield.





The DigiDestined first encountered Piximon when he used his Pixi Bomb attack to defeat Kuwagamon. Disgusted on how the DigiDestined Digimon did not fight him, he decided to train the group in his hidden jungle lair in the desert under a magical veil that Etemon did not know of. He had Tai and Agumon try to find their way back out of a cave and had the others clean his floors. When Matt and Izzy snuck out of the tower to find their crests, they found them in a well outside of Piximon's jungle. However, Etemon detected them and sent a Tyrannomon after them. When Tyrannomon invaded, Piximon put up his barrier to protect him and the DigiDestined from Tyrannomon's attack until Tai returned with Greymon who defeated Tyrannomon. Piximon was about to attack Tyrannomon himself, a battle that he would easily win, but he was trying to buy time for Tai and Greymon. Piximon knew that the DigiDestined would save the Digital World. Later on, Piximon returned to save the DigiDestined from the Dark Masters. He sacrificed himself so that the DigiDestined could get to Spiral Mountain. He was also the first one to mention that the DigiDestined had something that the Dark Masters didn't that made them stronger (this was later revealed by what can be assumed to be Cherrymon's spirit to a dying Puppetmon as the fact that they had friends). In the Japanese and Korean versions, Piximon spoke in a quick falsetto voice and always ended his sentences with 'pi'. In the English Dub, Piximon would often end his sentences with "Yep, yep!"


Main article: Wizardmon (Adventure)

Harmonious Ones[]


Kyotaro Imura[]

Main article: Kyotaro Imura



Parrotmon is a Digimon that shows up at Highton View Terrace in 1995. It fights Red Greymon, but both disappear during the battle. Digimon Adventure The damage created by the battle is labeled as a terrorist attack, making some of the families move away from the area. Return to Highton View Terrace


Main article: Devimon (Adventure)

Lord Bakemon[]

Main article: Bakemon (Adventure)


Main article: Etemon (Adventure)


Kokatorimon is one of Etemon's underlings. He has numerous Numemon for henchmen, which he uses to run his desert cruise ship.

When the DigiDestined come onto his ship, he makes an effort to capture them and steal their tags and crests. He turns Agumon, Gomamon, Gabumon, Tentomon and Tokomon into stone in the process, but is taken out by Birdramon and Togemon, turning them back to normal. Kokatorimon attempts to ram the kids with his ship, but he drives it into a gigantic cactus that flipped it into the air, causing it to be destroyed—and him along with it. The Crest of Sincerity



Datamon was a wild card who was a sworn enemy of Etemon ever since Etemon severely injured Datamon and imprisoned him within his pyramid for years. However, Datamon managed to rebuild himself over the years and used the DigiDestined to free him by offering the Crest of Love he had on his person. Once that was accomplished, he turned on them and kidnapped Sora and Biyomon with the intent to use their power to destroy Etemon. The Prisoner of the Pyramid But when Sora refused to help the revenge-driven villain, he was forced to create a digital clone of her.

Though he wanted to destroy Etemon, Datamon was willing to do all the wrong things in order to get there. But when his revenge plan to use Biyomon and the digital clone of Sora to kill Etemon failed, Datamon infected the Dark Network with his Plug Bombs, causing the Network to suck in every Digimon in the area and absorb their data and Datamon was no exception. The Earthquake of Metalgreymon

Myotismon and Yukio Oikawa[]

Myotismon's Army[]




A Dokugumon servant of Myotismon remains behind to guard his castle and attacks the DigiDestined when they want to enter the Real World as well. She and her KoDokugumon brood cause some damage to Garurumon, Ikkakumon and Togemon before Garurumon digivolves to WereGarurumon and destroys her. It's All In The Cards



Phantomon first appears in "Sora's Crest of Love" as Myotismon's stage driver, but only to deliver Myotismon to the battlefield. He later reappears to go to the Real World as part of Myotismon's army, and is in charge of the many Bakemon under his command. During the prisoners' attempted escape, Phantomon intervened, only to have Birdramon unexpectedly appear to help, rescuing Sora. Just as the DigiDestined were about to end the Bakemon's invasion, Phantomon showed up and summoned forth Tuskmon and Snimon, who were able to hold off Garurumon and Garudamon. The battle prompts Kari to reveal herself as the Eighth DigiDestined, and surrender to Phantomon if it would stop the fight. His final appearance was in the battle between all the DigiDestined and Myotismon; although Angemon's Hand of Fate attack hit Myotismon squarely in the chest, Phantomon, close at Myotismon's side, was utterly destroyed by it.

Phantomon appears in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined. Digimon Masters

His voice is an impression of actor Boris Karloff.[2]



SkullMeramon was one of Myotismon's henchmen who was searching for the eighth child. He was disguised in his hat and trench-coat before he encountered Sora and Mimi at the top of Tokyo Tower. Birdramon and Togemon tried their best to stop him before Tai, Greymon, Izzy and Kabuterimon arrived. The battle ended when Greymon digivolved to MetalGreymon and destroyed him.

SkullMeramon appears in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined. Digimon Masters



MegaSeadramon is one of the Digimon Myotismon brings to the Real World, and his Digimon Analyzer profile implies that he is the Seadramon that the DigiDestined fought earlier, now digivolved into a stronger form.[3]

On August 3, 1999, MegaSeadramon is given the task of preventing outside interference from the sea, so when Joe Kido and Takeru "T.K." Takaishi ride Ikkakumon across Tokyo Bay in an attempt to get into the city, MegaSeadramon attacks, knocking Joe and T.K. into the water. As T.K. is about to drown, Joe realizes that only he can save T.K., and his Crest of Reliability glows for the first time. Ikkakumon then digivolves to Zudomon and defeats MegaSeadramon. City Under Siege

Three years later, he traps the DigiDestined on an offshore oil platform while under the control of one of the Digimon Emperor's Dark Spirals.[4] Cody Hida escapes in a submersible to contact Joe, who arrives with Ikkakumon and Whamon. Ikkakumon holds off MegaSeadramon while Joe and Whamon free the DigiDestined, and then Cody retrieves and activates the Digi-Egg of Reliability, digivolving Armadillomon to Submarimon. Ikkakumon and Submarimon then destroy the Dark Spiral controlling MegaSeadramon. 20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea

Even later, during BlackWarGreymon's assault on the Destiny Stones, the DigiDestined contact Ikkakumon for help protecting the sixth stone. Ikkakumon arrives with MegaSeadramon and a pod of Dolphmon, but they are unable to stop BlackWarGreymon from destroying the stone. Cody Takes A Stand



Tuskmon was another one of Myotismon's henchman. Phantomon brought him and Snimon to Aqua City where Matt and Sora were at and attacked them, punching Garurumon over a building. Kari surrendered to Phantomon, making a deal that she would go with him if Tuskmon ended his rampage and Phantomon left Sora and Matt alone. Tuskmon was later knocked out by Zudomon and was absorbed by Myotismon's bats so that he could be revived as VenomMyotismon.



A bunch of Bakemon worked for Myotismon and some followed Myotismon's minion Phantomon. They were used to guard the captured humans but were quickly defeated by the Digimon partners of the DigiDestined. Sora chants "Bakemon lose your power" alongside the prisoners in order to weaken the Bakemon at the convention center, and uses a tape recorder for extra volume. Many Bakemon are destroyed by Greymon when Tai launches a rescue mission to the convention center, and the rest are finished off by the DigiDestined following Myotismon's initial defeat.



Snimon was a minion of Myotismon that Phantomon brought with Tuskmon to fight Garudamon and Garurumon during the 8th child story arc. WereGarurumon, Garudamon, and Zudomon fought and defeated him and Tuskmon. Later on, Myotismon's bats absorbed Tuskmon and Snimon so that Myotismon could be reborn as VenomMyotismon.



A Raremon was seen working for Myotismon when it terrorized the bay looking for the Eighth Child. Kabuterimon engaged in battle with it and Raremon shot his Breath of Decay attack in his face and pulled him underwater. Kabuterimon broke free and rose to the sky. He destroyed Raremon with his Electro Shocker attack.



A Gesomon attacked the kids shortly after they returned from the Digital World. He was a servant of Myotismon. Gomamon digivolved to Ikkakumon in order to fight and destroy him. Many people watched this fight.



The DarkTyrannomon the kids encountered was one of Myotismon's minions. He first appeared in August when Myotismon isolated Odaiba from the rest of Tokyo in his search for the Eighth Child. Mr. Ishida and his friends had a close run-in with him but escaped unharmed. DarkTyrannomon reared his head again when the captive populace of Odaiba attempted to escape from the convention center. Togemon battled him but was outmatched when Mr. Tachikawa crashed a van into him but didn't do any damage. With Togemon overpowered, DarkTyrannomon was all set to finish off Mimi's parents when Mimi's Crest began to glow, allowing Togemon to digivolve to Lillymon. Lillymon used a flower chain to tame the savage beast, rendering him harmless. Then Myotismon showed up and blasted DarkTyrannomon into oblivion (although in the English Dub, he sent him back to the Digital World).



Mammothmon was seen as a minion of Myotismon, brought from the Digital World to assist in the search of the Eighth Child, that terrorized Highton View Terrace. He fought Birdramon before she digivolved to Garudamon and destroyed him.

A group of Mammothmon are shown in the next season later in Siberia and are fought by Yolei and Sora. This time Mammothmon proves too much for Garudamon, Aquilamon and a group of Frigimon and their partners and nearly kill Sora, Yolei, and their partners, but are defeated by Imperialdramon and sent back to the Digital World by Illya.

Mammothmon appears in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined.

Dark Masters[]



Digimon Emperor and Kimeramon[]

Arukenimon and Mummymon[]

Daemon Corps[]

Main article: Daemon Corps



Main article: Alphamon (Adventure)

King Drasil[]

Dark Gennai[]

Main article: Dark Gennai

Menoa Bellucci and Eosmon[]

DigiDestined's families[]

Kamiya family[]

Main article: Miko

Susumu Kamiya[]

Susumu Kamiya (八神 進 Yagami Susumu?)[5] is the father of Tai and Kari. He is named after his Japanese voice actor, Susumu Chiba.

In 1995, Susumu lives in Highton View Terrace with his wife, Yuuko, his children, Tai and Kari, and the family's cat, Miko.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

One night, he comes home drunk. He tries to enter the children's bedroom to get a goodnight kiss, but Yuuko gets mad at him, saying he's going to wake them up. Digimon Adventure

When the damage caused by the battle between Red Greymon and Parrotmon was blamed on a terrorist attack, the Kamiyas moved from the area. Return to Highton View Terrace

Digimon Adventure My Sister's Keeper The Eighth Digivice Flower Power City Under Siege Prophecy The Battle for Earth Now Apocalymon The Fate of Two Worlds

Yuuko Kamiya[]

Main article: Yuuko Kamiya

Tai's son[]

Tai's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Koromon. In the Filipino dub, he refers to TK as "Uncle Takeru".

A Million Points of Light

Kari's son[]

Kari's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Salamon. He inherited his mother's whistle that she gave to Gatomon before the Digidestined had to say goodbye to their Digimon forever during the final episode of the first season.

A Million Points of Light


This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Fred is Tai and Kari's uncle.

According to Kari, when Koromon digivolved to Big Agumon, he expanded more than Fred at Thanksgiving. Digimon: The Movie

Yuuko's sister[]

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Yuuko's sister.

When phones go dead worldwide due to Infermon's actions, Yuuko says that her sister can't call her three times a day. Digimon: The Movie

Ishida and Takaishi families[]

Main articles: Hiroaki Ishida and Nancy Takaishi


Kinu (キヌ?) is Matt and T.K.'s grandmother. She lives in Shimane. According to "T.K." she says "ta much" (だんだん dandan?) a lot. Determination

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

According to Matt, the closest thing she has to a computer is an egg timer.

On March 4,[6] 2000, Matt and T.K. are on vacation at her house. She serves them an ohagi to T.K.'s delight and Matt's disgust. Kinu answers the phone when Tai tries to call the siblings and the boy says he needs to talk to them, and the woman then hooks the phone saying she'll tell them about this. Some minutes later, T.K. is massaging Kinu's back while Matt tries to call Tai.

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Kinu falls asleep on T.K. while Matt finishes a voice mail.

Our War Game!

In 2005, T.K. asks Meiko if she is from Shimane, noting she uses the same expression as his grandmother. Determination

Michel Takaishi[]

Michel Takaishi (高石 ミッシェル Takaishi Missheru?) is Matt and T.K.'s maternal grandfather. He is Parisian.[7] He notes that his wife plans on re-roofing their home on Christmas.

Digimon World Tour, Pt. 2

Matt and Sora's son[]

Matt and Sora's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Tsunomon.

A Million Points of Light

Matt and Sora's daughter[]

Matt and Sora's daughter. She is a DigiDestined partnered to a Yokomon.

A Million Points of Light

T.K.'s son[]

T.K.'s son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Tokomon.

A Million Points of Light


This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Al is Matt and T.K.'s uncle.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Al and Andy are a single character named Shou, who is a complete stranger to the kids.

On March 4,[6] 2000, when Matt and T.K. search for a computer, Al gives them a lift on his motorcycle. Though Matt asks him to slow down, Al is unable to hear him. Digimon: The Movie

Takenouchi family[]

Main article: Toshiko Takenouchi

Haruhiko Takenouchi[]

Haruhiko Takenouchi (武ノ内 春彦 Takenouchi Haruhiko?) is Sora's father. He is an anthropology professor at Kyoto University. His birthday is in October. October 2000/Sora Takenouchi/Letter to my Father His research is about finding facts in stories about animal spirits, and he travels all around Japan, and sometimes overseas, due to it.

When Haruhiko was still at a university in Tokyo, he met Toshiko while doing research in Kyoto. After they got married and were already settled down in Tokyo, Haruhiko was relocated to the Kyoto University. October 2000/Sora Takenouchi/Letter to my Father

At some point, Sora told him about her time in the Digital World.

In 2002, when Yolei's class is in a field trip in Kyoto, Haruhiko and Jim[8] meet her and Poromon after an Apemon attacks Jim. The Professor explains to Yolei about his research, the reason Kyoto was chosen to be the capital of Japan—its connection to the four gods, and the city's connection to other worlds. He theorizes that the Digimon Yolei saw may have found easier to travel through the warp in the Digital World to Kyoto, rather than trying to get to Tokyo, and compares the Digimon to tsukumogami, due to both being human creations that became self-aware. He sees Shurimon's battle against a Musyamon, and borrows his laptop for Yolei to open a Digi Port. When the Digimon disappear and Yolei wonders why they came to the Real World, the Professor theorizes they may have had a reason even if said it doesn't make sense to them. When Jim leaves Yolei at her class's meeting point, he asks her to say hi to Sora. A Chance Encounter

Oikawa's Shame A Million Points of Light


This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Duane (桜田 Sakurada?), is Sora's "black sheep" cousin.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Sakurada, named only in closed captions, is a complete stranger to the children.

Sakurada (桜田)
Name used in the Japanese closed captions for Digimon Adventure.
  • Ja: Sakurada (桜田?). Japanese surname that means "cherry tree field".

On August 1, 1999, he offers the DigiDestined a lift home in his car, though he seems to take more interest in the girls of the group, labelling the boys as extra baggage and ordering them to keep quiet on pain of being kicked out of the car. Whilst crossing a bridge, Koromon makes a mess in his car, causing him to lose his temper and knock Izzy off the bridge; when Gesomon appears to ambush the children, Duane flees and is knocked out, awakening after the battle to find that the children have left. Almost Home Free

In the "Digimon, the Great Crossing of Tokyo" chapter of Digimon Adventure (PSP), Duane stops his van for Mimi and Sora, but before the DigiDestined can get in, Gesomon appears, and he flees.

Tachikawa family[]

Keisuke Tachikawa[]

Keisuke Tachikawa (太刀川 ケースケ Tachikawa Kēsuke?)[9] is Mimi's father.

After Mimi returns from her summer camp, Toshiko finds her in the street after returning late from work due to transportation difficulties due to a mysterious fog. The next day, a group of Bakemon invades his house. The family tries to escape, but they are captured. When the hostages decide to take action to escape, Satoe pleads that her husband not get involved in the fight, but Toshiko still tries to face DarkTyrannomon with a golf cart. Although he does not get much, his wife says it was great. Flower PowerEveryone is finally recaptured by the Bakemon and taken to the convention center where are put in a deep sleep with the rest of the people from the district. Prophecy After VenomMyotismon's defeat, Keisuke and the other people in the center finally awake. He is later present to watch Mimi and the other DigiDestined's departure to the Digital World. The Battle For Earth He and his wife are also present to witness the children battle against Apocalymon. Now Apocalymon The Fate of Two Worlds

During Diaboromon's attack, Mimi and her parents were in Hawaii on vacation. Our War Game!

Keisuke Tachikawa has a gallery page.

Satoe Tachikawa[]

Satoe Tachikawa (太刀川 サトエ Tachikawa Satoe?) is Mimi's mother.

After Mimi returns from her summer camp, a group of Bakemon invades her house. The family tries to escape, but they are captured. When the hostages decide to take action to escape, Satoe pleads that her husband not get involved in the fight, but Toshiko still tries to face DarkTyrannomon with a golf cart. Although he does not get much, his wife says it was great. Flower PowerEveryone is finally recaptured by the Bakemon and taken to the convention center where are put in a deep sleep with the rest of the people from the district. Prophecy After VenomMyotismon's defeat, Satoe and the other people in the center finally awake. She is later present to watch Mimi and the other DigiDestined's departure to the Digital World. The Battle For Earth She and her husband are also present to witness the children battle against Apocalymon. Now Apocalymon

During Diaboromon's attack, Mimi and her parents were in Hawaii on vacation. Our War Game!

Satoe Tachikawa has a gallery page.

Mimi's cousin[]

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Mimi's cousin.

Two years after moving to United States of America, Mimi returned to Japan to attend her cousin's wedding. A Dangerous Picnic

Mimi's son[]

Mimi's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Tanemon.

A Million Points of Light

Kido family[]

Main article: Shuu Kido

Mr. Kido[]

7-02 Mr. and Mrs. Kido

Mr. Kido (right)

Mr. Kido is Joe's father.

Heart Thief Determination

Mrs. Kido[]

7-02 Mr. and Mrs. Kido

Mrs. Kido (left)

Mrs. Kido is Joe's mother.

Heart Thief Determination

Shin Kido[]

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Shin Kido (城戸 シン Kido Shin?) is Joe and Shuu's older brother.

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Shin and Shuu are a single character named Jim.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

In 1999, Shin was studying in med school, planning to go to an isolated island without doctors after taking the national exam.

When the Bakemon kidnap everyone in Odaiba, Shin, who was sleeping in the closet, does not learn that his family was captured. After Joe and Bukamon find him, Joe and Shin arrive at the convention center to rescue Myotismon's hostages, giving them a brief chance to talk about Joe's future career as a doctor, which seems to be something that Joe's father wants, rather than Joe himself. Their discussion is cut short as the others begin to arrive. After clearing the convention center of Myotismon's minions, the children find their parents, in a deep sleep with the rest of the people from the district. Nothing seems to wake them up. Jim takes the opportunity to finish the conversation from earlier, telling Joe that he should be aiming for what he wants in life, even if his father doesn't approve. When all the hostages begin to chant out the name of Myotismon, Shin diagnoses that they are all sleeptalking. As VenomMyotismon arises and intends to devour everyone in convention center, Shin concludes that there are too many people to evacuate them so the DigiDestined decide to face VenomMyotismon. ProphecyShin stays in the care of the people in the center until they wake up after the defeat of VenomMyotismon, congratulating Joe for achieving it. While going to where the children were, Shin runs into Tai and Kari's parents, informing them of the location of their children. After arriving, Shin shows them all televised images of the Digimon that begin to appear in the Real World after the sky begins to reflect the Digital World. He later presence Joe and the other DigiDestined's departure to the Digital World. The Battle for EarthThey also presence the dissapearance of the forest region Etemon's Comeback Tour and the children battle against Apocalymon. Now Apocalymon The Fate of Two Worlds

When Joe answers his telephone, it turns out to be Shin. They first start talking about Joe's last visit to the Digital World, in which he met with Gomamon. Then they discuss Shin's internship at a national university. After that, Joe informs Shin that Shuu is planning on being a humanitarian instead of a doctor. And that he'll be studing under Sora's father, who is an anthropology professor. Later, Joe states he has decided to be a doctor. Because he wished to do something about the suffering he saw in the Digital World, and because there are no doctors in the Digital World, he decided that he wants to be a Digimon Doctor. May 2000/Jo Kido/Telephone

In 2002 December 31, he is present at the summer camp with the DigiDestined's families, alongside his younger brother, Shuu. This is the only time Shin and Shuu are seen together. A Million Points of Light

Shin is an NPC in Digimon Masters.

Jim Kido[]

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Jim Kido is Joe's older brother.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Jim Kido is two separate characters named Shin and Shuu.

This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Prophecy The Battle for Earth Etemon's Comeback Tour Now Apocalymon The Fate of Two Worlds A Chance Encounter Dark Sun, Dark Spore The Dark Gate Oikawa's Shame A Million Points of Light

Joe's grandmother[]

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.
The Dancing Ghosts! Bakemon

Joe's son[]

Joe's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a Bukamon.

A Million Points of Light

Izumi family[]

Izzy's biological parents[]

Izzy's biological parents. Izzy's birth father was a distant relative of Masami Izumi, as well as a genius mathematician and a lecturer at a university. In the American English dub, Masami was his only living relative, and Izzy's mother had no family.

Izzy's parents married in 1987,[10] and at some point, the woman gave birth to Izzy. The couple died in a car accident. On August 3, 1999, Masami states Izzy is just like his father. Prophecy

Masami Izumi[]

Masami Izumi (泉 政実 Izumi Masami?)[5] is Izzy's adoptive father and also a distant relative of Izzy's biological father. He is named after his Japanese voice actor, Masami Kikuchi.

Masami and Kae lost their son as a baby. After Izzy's parents died, they were asked to take care of the boy. They decided to tell Izzy the truth when he got older. Prophecy Some years later, when Masami and Kae are discussing when to tell him the truth, Izzy overhears them. Masami argues the truth would still be too shocking for him. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

The Eighth DigiviceWhen Phantomon and the Bakemon attack Odaiba to kidnap all residents in search of the eighth DigiDestined, Kae insists Izzy, who was downloading a special program from Gennai, to escape. Masami convinces her to trust Izzy. Thanks to Gennai's program, the Digimon are not able to see them and leave believing the house empty. Kae faints after hearing Tentomon speak. When Izzy leaves to stop Myotismon, his parents ask him to return safely. City Under SiegeMasami and Kae meet with Izzy and the other DigiDestined after the defeat of Myostismon. When asked what happens, Matt's father gives them an explanation. The two accompany Izzy to the convention center to rescue Myotismon's hostages and there both finally reveal that he is adopted. Izzy also confesses to how his obsession with computers came as a result of this denial. By the end of the conversation, Izzy and his parents seem closer than ever before. After the appearance of VenomMyotismon, Kae and Masami decide to accompany Izzy, Tai, Matt, T.K. and Kari when they are going to face it. On the way, Masami learns about Digimon's evolution stages. Upon arriving at the battle site, Kae and Masami help Izzy to decipher the prophecy. ProphecyWhen WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fight VenomMyotismon, the damage resulting from the battle causes the car in which everyone was traveling to crash. After fleeing the attacks, Kae and Masami help Hiraoki as the DigiDestined team up to defeat VemonMyotismon. Later, they are both present as Izzy and the other DigiDestined's depart to the Digital World. The Battle For Earth They are also present for the children's battle against Apocalymon. Now Apocalymon A Million Points of Light Reunion

Kae Izumi[]

Kae Izumi (泉 佳江 Izumi Kae?)[5] is Izzy's adoptive mother. She is named after her voice actress, Kae Araki.

Masami and Kae lost their son as a baby. After Izzy's parents died, they were asked to take care of the boy. They decided to tell Izzy the truth he got older. Prophecy Some years later, when Masami and Kae are discussing when to tell him the truth, Izzy overhears them. Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker.

The Eighth Digivice When Phantomon and the Bakemon attack Odaiba to kidnap all residents in search of the eighth DigiDestined, Kae insists Izzy, who was downloading a special program from Gennai, to escape. Masami convinces her to trust Izzy. Thanks to Gennai's program, the Digimon are not able to see them and leave believing the house empty. Kae faints after hearing Tentomon speak. When Izzy leaves to stop Myotismon, his parents ask him to return safely. City Under SiegeMasami and Kae meet with Izzy and the other DigiDestined after the defeat of Myostismon. When asked what happens, Matt's father gives them an explanation. The two accompany Izzy to the convention center to rescue the Myotismon's hostages and there both finally reveal that he is adopted. Izzy also confesses to how his obsession with computers came as a result of this denial. By the end of the conversation, Izzy and his parents seem closer than ever before. After the appearance of VenomMyotismon, Kae and Masami decide to accompany Izzy, Tai, Matt, T.K. and Kari when they are going to face it. On the way, Kae is surprised by the transformation of Angemon and Angewomon, to which Tentomon explains that they do not transform but evolve. Upon arriving at the battle site, Kae and Masami help Izzy to decipher the prophecy. Kae manages to deduce that the arrows that the angels must throw to the loved ones of their proteges represent arrows of love as the angels of mythology. Prophecy When WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fight VenomMyotismon, the damage resulting from the battle causes the car in which everyone was traveling to crash. After fleeing the attacks, Kae and Masami help Hiraoki as the DigiDestined team up to defeat VemonMyotismon. The both later presence Izzy and the other DigiDestined's departure to the Digital World. The Battle For Earth They also presence the children battle against Apocalymon. Now Apocalymon The Fate of Two Worlds The Fate of Two Worlds A Million Points of Light Reunion

Masami and Kae's son[]

Masami and Kae's son died as a baby. Prophecy

Izzy's daughter[]

Izzy's daughter. She is a DigiDestined partnered to a Motimon.

A Million Points of Light

Motomiya family[]

Main article: Jun Motomiya

Mr. Motomiya[]

Mr. Motomiya is Davis's father.

The Samurai of Sincerity Big Trouble in Little Edo Cody Takes A Stand The Dark Gate A Million Points of Light

Mrs. Motomiya[]

Mrs. Motomiya is Davis's mother.

The Samurai of Sincerity Big Trouble in Little Edo Cody Takes A Stand The Dark Gate A Million Points of Light

Davis's son[]

Davis's son. He is a DigiDestined partnered to a DemiVeemon. He inherits Taichi "Tai" Kamiya's goggles.

A Million Points of Light

Inoue family[]

Main articles: Chizuru Inoue and Momoe Inoue

Mr. Inoue[]

Mr. Inoue is Yolei's father. He is three years younger than his wife and owns Ai-mart.

Guardian Angel Big Trouble in Little Edo A Million Points of Light

Mr. Inoue is an NPC in Digimon Masters and is referred to as "Inoue Papa". He has a Hawkmon as his Partner.

Mrs. Inoue[]

Mrs. Inoue is Yolei's mother. She is three years older than her husband and is the manager of Ai-mart.

Family Picnic The Dark Gate The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined A Million Points of Light

Mrs. Inoue is an NPC in Digimon Masters and is referred to as "Inoue mama". She is an item seller.

Mantarou Inoue[]

Mantarou Inoue (井ノ上 万太郎 Inoue Mantarou?) is Yolei's older brother. Etymologies

Mantarou Inoue (井ノ上 京)

Name used in Japanese materials.

  • Ja: Inoue (井ノ上?). Japanese surname that means "above the well".
  • Ja: Mantarou (万太郎?). Masculine Japanese name that means "ten thousandth eldest son". His name contains a number-related kanji, like all the Inoue siblings.

Yolei's uncles[]

Digimon: The Movie

Hida family[]

Hiroki Hida[]

Hiroki Hida (火田 浩樹 Hida Hiroki?) was Cody's late father. He was one of the first humans to be aware of the Digital World's existence.


When Hiroki was a young boy, he discovered that he could communicate with the Digital World through his game console. As he entered middle school, he befriended another boy, Yukio Oikawa, who could also communicate with the Digital World. Though Hiroki's father forbade them from playing together and cut off their contact to the Digital World, the two became lifelong friends, and dreamed of going to the Digital World together. BlackWarGreymon's Destiny

As an adult, Hiroki became a police officer, married and had one son, Cody. In the summer of 1999, he went to London to serve on the security detail of an important political figure. In London, he blocked an assassination attempt, taking a bullet for the government official and dying in the process. His death affected his family and Oikawa very deeply. Invasion of the Daemon Corps

While he was subjected to MaloMyotismon's illusion, Cody experienced his desire to be with his father and show him the Digital World. When Armadillomon appeared, telling Cody that the effect was not real, the illusionary Hiroki let go of Cody's hand and floated away, vanishing. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined

Fumiko Hida[]

Fumiko Hida (火田 富美子 Hida Fumiko?) is Cody's widowed mother.


In the summer of 1999, after her husband died on duty, Fumiko flew with her father-in-law and son to London to retrieve Hiroki's remains. As they arrived back in Tokyo on August 3, their plane was attacked by Kuwagamon, but was saved by MegaKabuterimon and Garudamon. The Battle for Earth The Samurai of Sincerity

Chikara Hida[]

Chikara Hida (火田 主税 Hida Chikara?) is Cody's paternal grandfather. He is a retired police officer, and teaches kendo at Odaiba's local police precinct.

When Chikara's son, Hiroki, was young, he became enamored with a world full of monsters he could contact through his game console. Chikara grew concerned with his son drifting into foolish fantasies, not knowing that the Digital World was real, and forbade Hiroki and his friend Yukio from playing together anymore.

In the summer of 1999, after his son died on duty, Chikara flew with his daughter-in-law and grandson to London to retrieve Hiroki's remains. As they arrived back in Tokyo on August 3, their plane was attacked by Kuwagamon, but was saved by MegaKabuterimon and Garudamon. The Battle for Earth The Samurai of Sincerity Sometime later, Chikara noticed Yukio Oikawa visiting the Hida family grave, and realized how strong his friendship with Hiroki was. However, he didn't know how to approach Oikawa and help him.

Chikara often consults Cody and offers his wisdom when Cody doesn't know what to do. Cody looks up to his grandfather and holds his opinions and lessons in high regard.

On December 2002, Chikara discovers Cody's Digimon, Armadillomon, and realizes the Digital World was real all along. He tells Cody about Hiroki's fascination with the Digital World, and then covers for Cody when he goes out for patrol. The next day, when he realizes Cody met Oikawa, he arrives at the site where Oikawa harvests Noriko's Dark Flower and tries to appeal to Oikawa's heart with an offer of friendship. Though Oikawa wants to befriend Chikara, MaloMyotismon takes over and attempts to kill him. BlackWarGreymon blocks the attack and protects Chikara at the cost of his own life. BlackWarGreymon's Destiny

Cody's daughter[]

Cody's daughter. She is a DigiDestined partnered to a Upamon.

A Million Points of Light

Ichijouji family[]

Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji[]

Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji

Mr. and Mrs. Ichijouji are Ken and Sam's parents.

As their older son Sam was a child prodigy and got a lot of attention because of it, his parents often ignored Ken, who became jealous of his older brother. The two were devastated after Sam's death after getting hit by a car.

When Ken grew up and became a prodigy like his brother, his parents took pride and supported him in the same way they did with Sam. However, both begin to notice that Ken became dark and introverted. When Ken finally decides to go to the Digital World to live as the Digimon Kaiser, his parents report him as missing. When Ken returns a few weeks later and is left in a state of unconsciousness, his parents monitor him daily in the hope that he will wake up. There, the two realize the mistake they made all that time were making Ken be like Sam instead of being who he is, at the same time realize that Sam maybe he was not happy studying all the time and that he would have preferred to play more like other children. Ken awakens with an apparent state of amnesia, leaving his parents worried but still both ask for forgiveness and assure him that he is as he should be. Mrs. Ichijouji despairs when Ken disappears for the second time, but when he returns and finally calls them "mom" and "dad", the three finally manage to unite as a family.

Sam Ichijouji[]

Sam Ichijouji (一乗寺 治 Ichijōji Osamu?) is Ken's late older brother. He was three years older than Ken.[7]

Sam was a child prodigy and got a lot of attention because of it. His parents often ignored Ken, who became jealous of his older brother. When they were young children, the brothers got along well, and they would often go out to the balcony to blow bubbles together. Sam wasn't as good at it as Ken; Sam said it was because Ken was far gentler than he was.

One day in August 2000, while he and Ken were sitting in his room, a Digivice which was meant for Ken came out of the computer. Sam thought that it was for him and told Ken not to touch it, but Ken took it and was transported into the Digital World. When Sam came back into his room and found Ken holding the Digivice, he scathingly berated Ken for breaking his trust and proceeded to kick Ken out of the room. As a result, Ken found himself wishing that Sam "would just disappear". Tragically, Sam died after getting hit by a car shortly afterwards, leaving Ken devastated and feeling that somehow, his wish killed his own brother. Genesis of Evil

Ken's guilt and envy, combined with the Dark Spore embedded in his neck, allowed Yukio Oikawa to manipulate Ken into growing dark and becoming the Digimon Emperor. Ken's Digimon Emperor getup greatly resembles Sam, with spiky blue hair and sunglasses.

While he is subjected to MaloMyotismon's illusion, Ken witnesses an illusionary version of his brother, alive and well. The illusory "Sam" tells Ken that he can't change the past but can ensure a bright future for himself, allowing Ken to finally let go of his guilt. The Last Temptation of the DigiDestined

In the Drama CD "Digimon Adventure 02 Original Story: 2003 -Spring-"[11] Ken describes Sam as being cold and always in a bad mood. Ken reasons that it was because he was forced to grow up too quickly.

Ken and Yolei's sons[]

Ken and Yolei's sons are DigiDestined. The older son is partnered to a Minomon while the baby son is partnered to a Leafmon.

A Million Points of Light

Ken and Yolei's daughter[]

Ken and Yolei's daughter. She is a DigiDestined partnered to a Poromon.

A Million Points of Light

Akiyama family[]

Akiyama family ws

From left to right: Father, Ryo, and Mother

The Akiyama (秋山?) family consists of Mr. Akiyama, Mrs. Akiyama, and Ryo Akiyama.

On December 31, 1999, Mr. Akiyama went to buy a new computer as a Christmas gift for Ryo. When the breaker is shut off, Mrs. Akiyama asks Ryo to take a look, and finds him sleeping in front to the computer, and finds it weird for the machine to work despite the blackout. When Mr. Akiyama arrives home, the three go celebrate the New Year, which is about to come, and the parents notice Ryo's growth. Anode/Cathode Tamer

Mochizuki family[]

Meiko claims she moved to Tokyo due to her parents' job. Determination

Professor Mochizuki[]

Professor Mochizuki (望月教授 Mochidzuki-kyoju?, lit. "Professor Mochidzuki") is Meiko's father. He is a researcher and has some sort of connection with Meicoomon.[12]


Mrs. Mochizuki[]

Mrs. Mochizuki is Meiko's mother.


Willis's mother[]

Willis's mother (ウォレスのママ Woresu no mama?, lit. "Wallace's mom") is an overweight woman.[13] Terriermon finds her scary.[14]

She found the Digi-Egg Terriermon and Kokomon hatched from. Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals

Michel J. Barton[]

Michel J. Barton is Michael's father. He is a famous Hollywood movie star. His name is a reference to Michael J. Fox.

Digimon World Tour, Pt. 1

Poi Brothers' grandfather[]

The Poi Brothers' grandfather (兄弟の祖父 Kyōdai no Oji?, lit. "Brothers' grandfather").

The Poi Brothers' grandfather is an old man with lightly tanned skin, slightly arched back, black eyes, gray hair, long eyebrows, and a long mustache. He wears a black hat, a white buttoned T-shirt with short sleeves, brown pants, and black shoes with orange soles.

On December 25, 2002, when a Mojyamon attacks the Nathan Road, the old man initially believes the Digimon to be an evil spirit and tries to throw an ofuda at it. As the Mojyamon attacks the man, he's saved by one of his grandsons. When his grandsons ask him to leave this to them, he skeptically asks the boys what they can do. After Jackie shows up, he watches as the man explains the situation to the brothers. At the Kowloon Park, he practices kung fu with Jackie. Digimon World Tour, Pt. 1

Rosa's parents[]

2-42 Rosa's parents

Rosa's parents are the couple at the door.

Rosa's parents.

Rosa's father is a man with lightly tanned skin, black eyes, brown hair, and a mustache. He wears a white shirt with short sleeves and two buttons at the collar, gray pants, and brown sandals.

Rosa's mother is a woman with fair skin, black eyes, and long blonde hair. She wears a sleeveless pink dress, and brown sandals.

On December 24, 2002, when Rosa leaves to fight the Digimon at the Mayan ruins, Rosa's parents get worried about her. When they are at the point of calling the police, Rosa arrives back home. Later, when Rosa is in bed, they watch as she sleeps. Digimon World Tour, Pt. 3

Mr. and Mrs. Yoshizawa[]

Mr. and Mrs. Kawada[]

Other Humans[]

Odaiba Elementary[]

Mr. Fujiyama[]

Mr. Fujiyama (藤山先生 Fujiyama-sensei?) is a teacher at Odaiba Elementary School. In 1999, he is the homeroom teacher of Taichi and Sora's class. His full name is given as Ichiro Fujiyama in the Digimon Adventure novels.

On August 1, 1999, he shows up when the DigiDestined return from the Digital World then tells them the camp is being closed early because of the snow, and mistakes the kids' Partner Digimon with "dirty" toys. Before the bus leaves, Tai asks him to drop them at Highton View Terrace, but the man says that by the rules he must drop them straight at their homes. After the bus driver says Highton View Terrace is within walking distance, and Joe promises to take responsibility for taking them home, Fujiyama gives them permission but tells the boy to call his parents and inform them where they are. Return to Highton View Terrace

In 2002, he has become the teacher in charge of the school's computer lab, despite the fact that he knows relatively little about computers. The Digiteam Complete

Mr. Hamazaki[]

Mr. Hamazaki (浜崎先生 Hamazaki-sensei?) is the homeroom teacher of Odaiba Elementary School's class 5-A in 2002.

Cody's teacher[]

A New Digitude


Michelle and Terry[]

Michelle (みっちゃん Micchan?) and Terry (ター子 Tāko?) are Mimi's classmates in 1999, and Yolei's classmates in 2002.

On August 1, 1999, Mimi approaches Michelle, who she missed after all the time in the Digital World, and also hugs Terry, her behavior confusing both girls. The two chat with Mimi inside the bus after they leave the camp. Return to Highton View Terrace

Three years later, they are in class 6-A and go on a field trip to Kyoto. Terry plays poker with Yolei in the bus. Later, the three girls then take pictures of themselves in many places of Kyoto, and, after that, they go shopping through the city. When Jim leaves Yolei in the class's meeting point, Terry calls on her for being late. The two then play with Poromon, who Yolei claimed to be a stuffed animal. A Chance Encounter

Fuji TV staff[]

Hiroaki Ishida[]

Main article: Hiroaki Ishida


Jeremiah (櫻田 Sakurada?) works at Fuji TV. His Japanese name and appearance reference Toei producer Hiroyuki Sakurada.

On the night of August 2, 1999, when Hiroaki, Charlie, and Yuki are discussing the malfunction of the station's telecommunications, he is listening to a cassette tape. When the other three leave to investigate, Yuki tells him to come along.

During the investigation, when Charlie notes the fog only covers Odaiba, Jeremiah suggests they go back to the station. He gets scared when he sees a monster walking near their car, and Charlie tells him to keep quiet. When the four leave the car, they are attacked by a group of Gizamon, and all but Hiroaki are taken as hostages and held at Big Sight.

Flower Power

Acoustics Man, Sakurada Demon Tank T-34


Charlie (地岡 Chioka?) works at Fuji TV. His Japanese name and appearance reference Toei director Kimitoshi Chioka.

On the night of August 2, 1999, he tells Hiroaki that none of the station's telecommunications are working. The two then reunite with Jeremiah and Yuki to discuss the problem, and Charlie states it begun when the fog showed up. The four then go investigate.

During the investigation, Charlie notes the fog only covers Odaiba. When a DarkTyrannomon walks next to their car, he tells a scared Jeremiah to keep quiet. When the four leave the car, they are attacked by a group of Gizamon, and all but Hiroaki are taken as hostages and held at Big Sight.

Flower Power


Yuki (ユキ?) works at Fuji TV.

On the night of August 2, 1999, she is discussing the malfunction of the station's telecommunications with Hiroaki and Charlie. When Hiroaki decides to investigate, she tells Jeremiah, who is listening a cassette tape, to come along.

During the investigation, when Charlie notes the fog only covers Odaiba, Yuki comments it looks like as if a magician is controlling it. A DarkTyrannomon walks near their car, and Yuki asks if Jeremiah and Charlie also saw it. When the four leave the car, they are attacked by a group of Gizamon, and all but Hiroaki are taken as hostages and held at Big Sight.

Flower Power


Seki works at Fuji TV. Their name is likely a reference to Hiromi Seki.

On the winter of 2002/2003,[15] Seki calls Jeremiah to report something, and Jeremiah responds he'll check on it and call back later. Accoustics Man, Sakurada

Kari's friends[]

M2 Kari's friends

Senri (middle) and Noriko (far right)

Senri Hori (堀 千里 Hori Senri?),[16] Noriko, and three other girls are Kari's friends. Senri's birthday is on March 4.[6]

On March 4,[6] 2000, they go to Senri's birthday party. When Senri is about to blow out the candles, Kari receives a call from her brother and Noriko asks her to come back.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Later, when they are playing a card game, Noriko draws the Joker and denies it when the other girls ask. They interrupt the game when Senri notices Kari is on the telephone with Tai, and Noriko once again calls her back.

Our War Game!

Mrs. Hori[]

M2 Mrs. Hori

Mrs. Hori (top)

Mrs. Hori (堀さん Hori-san?) is Senri's mother.

On March 4,[6] 2000, she opens the door when Kari and her friends arrive to Senri's birthday party. Our War Game!


This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.
M2 Floyd and Andy

Shou (right)

Shou is a deliveryman for Takeshita Electronics.

M2 Al

Shou gives a lift to the kids.

On March 4,[6] 2000, when Matt and T.K. arrive at the store asking for a computer, only to find out it is not connected to the Internet, he gets in a fight with the attendant, asking her to connect it. He then goes make the deliveries and gives the kids a lift to Nabara Salon, where he cuts his hair and asks the barber to let the kids use their computer. When Matt enters the computer, he watches the battle against Diaboromon. After the battle, watches as the barber cuts Matt's hair. Our War Game!

Floyd and his clients[]

M2 Floyd and Andy

Floyd (left) and Andy (right)

M2 Barney and Bea

Barney (left) and Bea (right)

Our War Game!

Witnesses of the battle against Diaboromon[]

Izzy's American friend[]

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

Izzy's American friend lives in Los Angeles. Our War Game!

In 2002, they helped Izzy analyze the D-3. Hikari's Memories In 2005, they give an office to Izzy, who's helping them with their company.


Kuriyama is the pseudonym of a record mixer who is business friends with Keisuke. He is a Native-American. September 2001/ Mimi Tachikawa/ Video Mail


Jackie[17] is a reporter.

She reports about how Ken Ichijouji won the national programming contest, and also mentions his other talents. After that, she interviews Ken's parents. A New Digitude

Jerry Rivera[]

Jerry Rivera (祥月教授 Shoutsuki-kyouju?, lit. "Professor Shoutsuki") is a reporter in the English dub, and a professor at Jounan University in the Japanese version.

Shoutsuki (祥月)
Name used in the Japanese version of Digimon Adventure 02.
  • Ja: Shoutsuki (祥月?). Japanese surname that means "month of a person's death".
Jerry Rivera
Name used in the American English dub of Digimon Adventure 02.
This information is only considered valid within the English continuity.

Rivera reports about how Ken Ichijouji won the national contest with a program that brushes people's teeth, and about rumors that he's now planning something with floss.

This information is only considered valid within the Japanese continuity.

In an interview, Shoutsuki tells he's impressed how an elementary school student could create the contest's winning program, and calls Ken a genius.

A New Digitude

Teen-Age Wolves[]

The Teen-Age Wolves (ティーンエイジ・ウルブス Tīn'Eiji Urubusu?) are a band composed of Takashi (タカシ?), Yutaka (ユタカ?), Akira (アキラ?),[18] and Yamato "Matt" Ishida.

By June 2005, the band has been disbanded due to musical differences. Reunion


Amy (エイミー Eimī?) is someone Willis knows. Her relationship to Willis is unspecified.

One day, Amy is at Willis's home while his mother is shopping. After fighting Endigomon in New York City, Willis calls Amy and asks her to tell his mother he is going to Summer Memory. Digimon Adventure 02: Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals

Professor Burybrad[]

Professor Burybrad (ベリーブラッド博士 Berīburaddo-hakase?).[19]

Burybrad is a white man with black eyes, blond hair, and a mustache. He wears a white shirt, a grey suit, and a red tie.

On December 24, 2002, when many Digimon walk through New York, Professor Burybrad theorizes ancient New York was their breeding grounds, and that they are acting according to their instincts. Digimon World Tour, Pt. 1

Atsumari and his girlfriend[]

2-44 Atsumari and Girlfriend

Girlfriend (left) and Atsumari (right)

Atsumari and his girlfriend.

On winter, 2002, Atsumari and his girlfriend are riding a roller coaster. Atsumari gets scared due to seeing MarineDevimon in the distance. He then tells his girlfriend about it when she asks why he's so scared. Dark Sun, Dark Spore

Tegami -Letter- Girl[]

A Girl (少女 Shoujo?) Matt knows. Her relationship to Matt is unspecified. She attends high school by the winter of 2002/2003[15] and loves the sea. Gabumon claims she is cute, and also a nice person. Her

At some point she talked to Matt over the phone about having eye surgery, the possibility something going wrong, and that she can't decide what to do. As Matt is about to say something, she hangs up the phone. Her After that, Gabumon met the girl a few times to talk to her. Due to not being able to see, she thought Gabumon was a human. She told Gabumon that Matt is a delicate person, but also naive and sensitive, and tends to brood a lot. She also worries about Matt because he has trouble expressing his sensitivity to other people, and she thinks that, because he's very serious, he shouldn't handle everything by himself. She also said Gabumon that those qualities are what she likes about Matt. According to Gabumon, she always acts happy and cheerful despite her situation. Her 2

At some point, Matt visited her in the hospital. Some time after Gabumon's visit, she sent a cassette tape to Matt, saying she will survive, and asking him how he's doing in school, and asking him to not stay too long in band practices. She also says Gabumon visitted her the other day, and asks if his nickname is really "Gabumon", saying it's a strange name. The First Letter After Matt sent her a CD with the Tobira~Door~ song, she sent another cassette tape to Matt. This time, she thanked him for the song, and said she finally had the surgery. She said the song motivated her to go with the surgery, which she was scared of doing before. She also tells him the surgery went well, and she'll be able to leave the hospital once she takes off her bandages. She also says she would like to go see the ocean with him once she can see again. The Second Letter


The Surfer (サーファー Sāfā?) is a 40 years old man who has won six surfing tournaments.

The Surfer claims to have been with the sea since he was born. He started surfing when he was thirteen. In the winter of 2002/2003[15] he sees Yamato "Matt" Ishida in the beach and starts talking to him about the meanings of the design of his surfboard and wetsuit, despite Matt insisting he's not interested. As Matt finally manages to leave, the Surfer says he knows Matt is having problems with a girl. The Surfer

Shaved Ice Stand Old Man[]

The Shaved Ice Stand Old Man (かき氷屋の親父 Kakigōriya no Oyaji?) is a man Yamato "Matt" Ishida meets in the winter of 2002/2003.[15]

The Shaved Ice Stand Old Man was married and had a child, and used to work at a company. He worked at that company for a long time, and one day, he was fired. He then started looking desperately for a job. Most places wouldn't even let him have an interview, but one offered to hire him. He worked on that job for a long time, but in the end, they didn't allow to keep the job.

Some time after that, when he returned home one day, he couldn't find his wife and child. Initially believing they went shopping, he eventually found a note left by his wife saying it was a mistake to marry him. He then became depressed for a long time, and didn't feel motivated to do anything, and barely even eating during that time. He then recalled a time when he visited the beach with his family and the three of them ate shaved ice. That memory stuck with him, and because of that, he decided to open a shaved ice stand, and hoped his wife and child would one day return to him.

In the winter of 2002/2003,[15] Matt visits his stand looking for warm, and the man tells him he only has shaved ice. Matt finds it weird that someone sells shaved ice on winter, and the man himself admits he's probably the only person in the world to do it. He then tells the story of his life to Matt, who decides to buy a shaved ice. The Shaved Ice Stand Old Man

Shuujirou Nakajou[]

Shuujirou Nakajou (仲上 修二郎 Nakajou Shuujirou?) is a reporter.

Nakajou appears in a TV program when Tai goes to his soccer practice. Reunion

Knife of Day[]

Knife of Day is Matt's new band in 2005.

They were supposed to play a concert on June 19 but it got postponed due to Digimon attacks at Haneda Airport. Reunion

Joe's girlfriend[]

Joe's girlfriend.

Due to Joe's studies, he doesn't even have time to spend with her, which he casually comments with the other DigiDestined. The DigiDestined become shocked at the idea of Joe having a girlfriend—T.K. even asking if she's human—and don't believe him. Reunion Later, while an infected Ogremon appears in Odaiba and all the DigiDestined wonder where Joe is, Joe's girlfriend texts him a message wishing both of them score well in their next test. Gomamon also asks Joe whether she is actually real and rather than confirm, Joe merely states "shut up." Determination

World on the Knife[]

World on the Knife is a band formed to play on Tsukishima General High School's summer festival. Matt is a member of it. Determination

Other Digimon[]



Though not truly evil at heart, Ogremon[20] is only motivated to defeat Leomon. As a result, Ogremon willingly came to serve Devimon after being promised to kill Leomon once he outlived his usefulness as Devimon's slave. Evil Shows His Face But prior to the final battle, Devimon grabbed Ogremon by the throat and transformed him into a mass of Black Gears that he assimilated, along with all the other Black Gears on File Island, into his body so he could have the power to destroy the DigiDestined. Ogremon is ejected from Devimon's body by Angemon's attacks, and though he ponders taking over the island after the battle, he is scared off by Leomon. The Legend of the DigiDestined

Having been forced to fight for his life against the Dark Masters,[please confirm] Ogremon is injured by Etemon's meteor and is found by Mimi Tachikawa and Joe Kido. Though Ogremon expected them to kill him, he is shocked when they tended to his injuries as he begrudgingly agrees to join them. Etemon's Comeback Tour

Three years after the defeat of MaloMyotismon, Ogremon is infected and attacks Primary Village, once again coming across Leomon. Ogremon attempts to escape to the Real World, but is pulled back by Leomon. Later, Ogremon realises in the Real World, leading Maki Himekawa, Daigo Nishijima and the army to try to execute him. Ogremon shrugs off the damage and nearly kills Maki and Daigo, but is stopped when Leomon appears and takes Ogremon away through a distortion. He is later found by Mimi and Meiko Mochizuki, who are sent by Izzy to fight an Infected Digimon who had just realised in the Real World. Meicoomon and Togemon fight Ogremon, but the Infected Ogremon easily defeats the duo. However, Leomon once again stops him at the last second and drags Ogremon through yet another distortion. Determination

This Ogremon is one the basic enemies in the "Yami no Shisha Devimon" chapter of Digimon Tamers: Digimon Medley.

Sukamon and Chuumon[]


When Mimi and Palmon ended up on a fragment of File Island, they encountered Sukamon and Chuumon, who wanted a kiss from Mimi. Outside of that, they told her where Izzy and Tentomon landed after they tried to steal her purse, which caused her Digivice to start shining. Later on Chuumon and Sukamon were part of Myotismon's army which was trained by Nanimon. However because of his inhuman methods, they quickly left. On the day Spiral Mountain was formed, Sukamon fell into a deep crack and died. Chuumon was left alive to fend for himself until the DigiDestined arrived. He sacrificed himself to protect Mimi from a knife thrown by Piedmon when he selected her to die first. When the Dark Masters and Apocalymon were defeated, both Digimon were reborn.

Three years later, the same Sukamon and Chuumon tried to get Mimi to go out with them after Shurimon broke Digitamamon free of the Dark Spiral. Mimi responded by punching them across the lake. Mimi also refers to Sukamon as a 'lemon custard' and not a turd.

Chuumon is seen briefly when the partner Digimon regain their memories. Future



Digitamamon was first seen running a diner with Vegiemon who made Joe and Gomamon work off their bills, due to the fact that Digitamamon accepts only USD instead of the Japanese yen (Digi-Dollars in the dub) that Joe had on him. Matt arrives to help Joe work off his bill and to ensure the safety of Joe when Digitamamon made a threat about "accidents" after DemiDevimon paid him in dollars to keep Matt at his diner.

DemiDevimon told Matt that Joe was deliberately causing accidents so Matt would stay there forever. Matt eventually blew up and yelled at Joe. However, when Tai, Agumon, T.K. and Patamon found them, Matt decides to leave. Digitamamon, knowing he'll lose money, grew large and attacked. Vegiemon grabbed T.K. and held him by his ankle; Joe daringly jumps on Vegiemon, which freed T.K. and proved his reliability. Matt was stunned at how Joe tried to protect T.K. even after he yelled at him. Matt's thought of friendship allowed Garurumon to digivolve to WereGarurumon and defeat Digitamamon. WereGarurumon's Diner

In Digimon Adventure 02, Digitamamon runs a restaurant near the lake and the bill caused trouble for Yolei. When she tried to pay, Digitamamon said that he only accepted digi dollars. However, Mimi and Palmon appear with Michael and Betamon, who paid the bill for the gang. T.K. realized this was the same Digitamamon that forced Joe and Matt work in his restaurant. However, Digitamamon explains that's he a changed person since the ordeal and is now on the level. He even waives the bill, saying that it is on him. Everyone, except a still-annoyed Yolei, believed he was telling the truth.

When a Gorillamon under the control of the Dark Spiral attacked, Digitamamon threw himself in front of the DigiDestined and was sent flying. After Gorillamon was freed, Digitamamon rolled back. But this time, he had an unseen Dark Spiral in his shell, and it regressed him to his evil self. When Halsemon, Flamedramon and Digmon's attacks couldn't get though his shell, Mimi tried to convince Digitamamon that he wasn't evil, but Digitamamon tackled her. That made Yolei angry and her talk of her trying to be sincere activated the Digi-Egg of Sincerity. Halsemon dedigivolved to Hawkmon and became Shurimon. Shurimon used the shuriken on his back to keep Digitamamon's shell open as Pegasusmon and Nefertimon trapped him. Shurimon used his Double Star attack and destroyed the Dark Spiral, freeing Digitamamon from its influence. A later episode would find the DigiDestined encountering him as the chef of yet another restaurant, with a Tapirmon serving as a waiter (In the Japanese version it was a different Digitamamon). The two of them attempted to assist the DigiDestined with stopping BlackWarGreymon from destroying the last Destiny Stone (which was revealed to be the reason Digitamamon's soup tasted so good) by attacking Arukenimon and Mummymon, only to get wrapped up in bandages for their troubles. After the battle, he gave the DigiDestined a free meal.

His voice is an impression of actor Peter Lorre.[2]

Otamamon, Gekomon, and ShogunGekomon[]

The first ShogunGekomon seen was in a castle where his Otamamon and Gekomon servants worked, here being called simply "Shogunmon" by his subjects. A long time ago he lost a Karaoke contest and thus fell into a deep sleep out of sorrow. The Gekomon and Otamamon were told by DemiDevimon that Mimi was the one to wake their master by singing. Tai, Joe, Agumon and Gomamon also tried to sing, but they failed because of their "wonderful" voices. Mimi then was convinced to sing completely because of the lesson she learned valuing the importance of friendship over wealth. When that finally happened, he woke up grumpy and started to attack everyone and everything. Palmon digivolved to Togemon to save Mimi from being flattened from the falling ceiling and MetalGreymon used his Giga Blaster attack to knock ShogunGekomon unconscious again. Later, when the Dark Masters attacked, a bunch of Gekomon and Otamamon from the castle assisted the DigiDestined in the final battle against Piedmon and Vilemon. It is implied by the Gekomon and Otamamon that ShogunGekomon had been killed by the Dark Masters.

Three years later (in Digimon Adventure 02) in the Night Forest, a small group of same Gekomon and Otamamon that were friends with Mimi ended up under the control of the Digimon Emperor's Dark Rings and were freed when Togemon and Halsemon took down the Roachmon Brothers and the Control Spire. Sometime later, the same Gekomon and Otamamon have found a new ShogunGekomon as leader. Later, in a village under the control of the Dark Rings, the members of ShogunGekomon's group were found hiding underground and offered hospitality to the DigiDestined. A Ninjamon slipped a Dark Spiral on ShogunGekomon while he and the DigiDestined were sleeping (as his solution to the Digimon Emperor taking over his territory was going to sleep and his love of sleeping was a running gag at this point), he went on a rampage. Pegasusmon and Nefertimon tricked him into attacking the Control Spire and he was knocked unconscious by Raidramon and Digmon. Raidramon, Shurimon, Digmon, Pegasusmon, and Nefertimon destroyed the Dark Spiral.

The most prominent Gekomon that appears in these seasons has a lisp that slurs his words and lengthens the S of his words. He appears to be the unofficial leader of the other Gekomon and Otamamon.

Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon[]


Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon were supposedly minions of Myotismon, although they would rather have had it be otherwise. Dispatched to search for the Eighth Child, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon ended up in Shibuya, where they became enthralled by the culture and populace of Earth and immediately set about exploring, having fun and generally causing trouble. It was only when they pulled a teenage girl's nose ring that they encountered Matt, T.K. and Gabumon as they were searching for Patamon (due to an argument he and T.K. had earlier). After explaining that they just wanted to have fun, the two carried on their mischief, with Matt and T.K. trying in vain to get them out of trouble. But after the two stole some ice cream, Myotismon appeared and was angered to find the two slacking off. He ordered them to attack the brothers and Gabumon, and they had no choice but to comply. As soon as they got far enough away from Myotismon, however, they simply quit as they did not want to hurt the DigiDestined. Enraged, Myotismon attacked them. They tried to fight back but they were no match for his power. His Grisly Wing seemingly killed them (in the English dub, they were condemned to his dungeon in the Digital World). Out on the Town Matt and T.K., who later comment that they miss the two Digimon.

Though these particular Digimon do not show up in the next season (however a group of Gotsumon are shown) they are remembered by T.K. and Matt. Matt comments "I really miss those guys."

Unbeknownst to Myostimon, the children, and their partners — the duo had not died but rather, they had faked their deaths and fled to the human World (In English dub lore, they presumably escaped from the dungeon). 11 years later, Gabumon and Veemon come across them and are shocked that they had survived. The Shibuya-ish Heroic Saga of Pump and Gottsu

At some point, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon had found themselves in the world of Digimon Frontier. They work as ticket officers for the train in Shibuya, that leads to the Digital World, taking the tickets of Agunimon, Loweemon, Lobomon, Beetlemon, Kazemon, and Kumamon. Due to being distracted, they accidentally depart alongside the DigiDestined. Due to the frustration of being trapped in the train, the duo decides to make a mess and attack, accidentally attacking Loweemon. This angers Loweemon, who Slide evolves to Duskmon in anger and then proceeds to break a window, which sucks Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon out of the train. The duo then return to Shibuya. Digimon Frontier Special Drama CD: A Train Named Hope

Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon also appear in Digimon Masters as part of the June 2019 Odaiba update, which follows the events from Digimon Adventure in which Myotismon tries to find the Eight Digidestined. Digimon Masters



Main article: Gankoomon (Adventure)

PSP crossovers[]



The Heso-Ishi (へそ石? lit. "Navel Stone") is a stone in Rokkaku-dō that is said to protect the center of Kyoto. It has protected the city's center for 1000 years. Despite being a stone, it is aware and is able to speak.

In 2001, when the power of the Digital World is not in balance with the Real World, it causes the Heso-Ishi to turn upside down and affect Kyoto, Gennai sends the DigiDestined's Digimon to the Real World for them to try to balance Kyoto's four directions. Agumon stands on top of the stone, representing the Yellow Dragon, while Gabumon, Biyomon, Gomamon, and Tentomon gather around it, representing the four holy beasts. After the powers are balanced, the Heso-Ishi is still upside-down, and Patamon tries to ask it to go back to normal, but the stone answers that it knows its place. The Heso-Ishi also complains about people treating it without respect, even though it is the guardian of Kyoto. Although the DigiDestined claim to respect the stone, the Heso-Ishi accuses them of being simply "verbal" and asks them to show their sincerity. Mimi and Rosemon interpret "sincerity" as "giving flowers", and Rosemon uses her "Roses Rapier". Although the other DigiDestined get scared about Rosemon using an attack, and fear the stone might get angrier and destroy Kyoto, the Heso-Ishi likes the flowers' sweet scent and returns to its position. Digimon Mystery File: Release The 1000 Year Seal!

Notes and references[]

  1. Omnimon is named "Omegamon" in Crunchyroll's Digimon Adventure tri. subs.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Digimon: English Dub Stars Talk
  3. City Under Siege Patamon: "I knew this was too easy. That's MegaSeadramon. The regular old Seadramon was bad enough, but compared to this fully-digivolved version, he was just an angry guppy."
  4. 20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea Ikkakumon: "It's MegaSeadramon, my old foe. He's an Ultimate level Digimon who destroys his enemies with his "Lightning Javelin" and "Mega Ice Blast" attacks. I have faced him once before in Tokyo but I don't think I can defeat him unless I Digivolve to Zudomon."
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 The names of most of the DigiDestined's parents are only mentioned in supplementary books, including Digimon Adventure Character File and Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 See timing issue.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle
  8. Shuu in the original.
  9. His given name is written as "Keisuke" (ケイスケ?) in page 149 of Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle.
  10. Revival! the Demon Lord VenomVamdemon Masami: "Twelve years ago, he married your real mother, and they had you."
  11. digimon adventure 02: original story, summer 2003 onkei's translations
  12. Animage, September 2016 issue. (Vol.459) Interview translation by aznoctopus
  13. Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (Japanese version) Wallace: "Mom, don't worry. If you don't stop worrying you're gonna lose weight." / [...] Gummymon: "Wallace's mom is this big!" / Daisuke: "That's the opposite of thin."
  14. Digimon Hurricane Landing!!/Transcendent Evolution!! The Golden Digimentals (Japanese version) Gummymon: "Wallace's mom is scary."
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 Digimon Adventure 02 Drama CD: Yamato Ishida Tegami -Letter- is set in winter, but it's never specificied if it's late 2002 or early 2003.
  16. Unconfirmed reading, as her given name, "千里", only appears written in a cake, and can be read as either, "Chiri", "Senri", "Chisato", "Chizato", and "Sensato".
  17. Unnamed in the Japanese version.
  18. Their names are only mentioned in Digimon Adventure 02: Official Encyclopedia IV
  19. Professor Burybrad's name is only mentioned in Hiroyuki Kakudo's Rusted Palace: 02 - Episode 40 notice.
  20. Ogremon is named "Orgemon" in Crunchyroll's Digimon Adventure tri. subs.

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