
Digimon 2.5, also called Digimon Adventure 3, is the direct and unofficial continuation of Digimon Adventure 02, a fanfic that focuses on the children of the original Digidestined from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Although certain aspects have been altered, including the children themselves, the fanfic remains loyal to most the adults' occupation and timeline. As originally, the story takes place 25 years after the events of the second season, in the year 2029.

Differences between Digimon Adventure Epilogue and Digimon 2.5[]

One of the major differences is that certain pairings have been altered in favor of the author. For example, Sora married Tai instead of Matt. As a result, the children of the DigiDestined are not the same as those shown in the last episode of Adventure 02. Much has happened since season 2, however; Kari has recently become engaged to TK, having been widowed for six years when her husband died in a fatal car accident six years before the beginning of history. Other DigiDestined pairs that got married at the end were; Mimi and Joe, and the same way as at the end of Adventure 02,Ken and Yolei are also married, but have only two children instead of three, as mentioned before. The others (Davis,Izzy,Cody and Matt) married women who were created by the author himself and who are not DigiDestined.

Another difference is that all of the children's Digimon, although they have the same partners as one of the parents, aside from Dawn's Agumon and Stacey's Gabumon, have alternate Digivolution lines compared to the Digimon of their parents. (i.e. Instead of Digivolving into Stingmon, the Wormmon that belongs to James Digivolves into Kuwagamon, though not the same one the original Digidestined fought. And instead of digivolving to ExVeemon, Dan's Veemon Digivolves into Strikedramon.)

Story so far[]

After an encounter with a mysterious girl with a Garurumon X, strange portals called Digital Splits turned up all over Odaiba. Later on, Izzy discovers the Digi-Ports are working again. The Digidestined have many adventures in both Odaiba and the Digital world.

However, things turn for the worst when a mysterious being kills Gennai and steals the Portstone. Meanwhile, Dawn has forgotten about an essay she needed to get in by Friday. Her parents already threatened to ground her from the Digital World if she didn’t get her grades up, so she promises Chuumon and Sukamon a bunch of apples if they play a few pranks at her school to shut it down for the day so that she can finish it during the weekend. However, things take a turn for the worse when instead of pulling some pranks, Sukamon and Chuumon mysteriously Digivolve into BlackKingNumamon and Doggymon and start attacking the school.

After Doggymon and BlackKingNumemon had returned to normal, it was revealed that Dawn had let them into the real world. Tai, who was upset that he had been unable to save Gennai, lost his temper on Dawn and took her Digivice away. However, both his and Dawn’s Agumon calmed him down and helped him realize that although Dawn let Sukamon and Chuumon into the Real World, she only wanted them to cancel school and had no idea that they would Digivolve.

After Tai and Dawn apologize for their actions, Dawn later heads to the Digital world with Jon, Dan (Davis’ son), Margaret (Kari’s daughter and Dawn’s cousin) and their Digimon. However, while they’re still in the Digital World, the Digi-Ports closed, trapping the four kids in the Digital World for the night. The next morning, using data captured from a Digital split, Davis, Tai and Matt enter the Digital world to save the children. When they arrive, they find Garurumon X attacking them and Dawn attacking Garurumon X's partner. Matt is shocked to learn that the Digidestined is none other than his own daughter, Stacey. Not yet ready to face the others, Stacey left, abandoning Garurumon X and the Undead King as well. She stole the port Stone back and, with aid from a SnowAgumon, returned it to area 66.

Meanwhile, Garurumon X is leading an army of X Digimon to defeat Dawn and the others. In the course of battle, all except Tai, Dawn and their partners escape through a digiport nearby. Garurumon X starts a fire and knocks father, daughter and partners off a cliff, sending them falling into oblivion...

...But father, daughter and partners all survived the fall. Unfortunately, Datamon kidnapped Dawn just before Biyomon and Sora arrived to help Tai. Tai was determined to destroy their enemy, Datamon, until Sora revealed that she was pregnant. Datamon had been trapped in the dark network until some scientists who still remembered about Digimon hacked into the dark network, freeing him. Later on, however, the android digimon killed all four of them, considering them a threat to his plans. Tai and Sora arrived to fight the revenge-driven android and after many attempts managed to defeat the die-hard Datamon for good and save Dawn.

Unbeknownst to the adults, Margaret, Dan, Jonathan and MJ were planning on sneaking into the Digital World. They arrived in a city filled with digimon, which stared at them. When they woke up the next morning, they found the streets empty, only to find themselves attacked by Starmon, who had a grudge against all humans for nearly destroying the city. The team was defeated and imprisoned in cages. Meanwhile, Tai, Sora, Joe and Dawn are attacked by Digimon X, Tai and Joe face off against a SkullMamothmon X, while Sora and Dawn run away, only to run into the Undead King. A battle is fought and Birdramon is easily defeated, but Dawn's Greymon digivolves into BurningGreymon,when the battle ends and the Undead King retreats for the time being, they discover that he sent Garurumon X to kill Stacey who betrayed the Undead King and that Margaret, Dan, MJ and Jonathan are trapped in Star City and that the Undead King is heading there to destroy them.

With the help of Burguermon, Dawn reaches Star City in time and saves the the DigiDestined who were trapped and flee, but with the arrival of the Undead King in Star City, thinking he was tricked, he begins to destroy the city,the children come back to help. The battle is fierce, but Starmon holds the Undead King to give the children a chance to escape. Meanwhile, Sora, Tai and their Digimon are looking for Stacey in Freezland, they find a SnowAgumom who takes them to the village and find Stacey, however, Garurumon X also arrives at the scene. Tai, Agumon, Sora, Biyomon, Stacey and SnowAgumom run away and accidentally enter IceDevimon's lair, during the battle Stacey sees that he has the Crest of Friendship on his belt and after being exposed to the light of Crest of Friendship which was now in Stacey's possession after SnowAgumom hit IceDevimon's belt, Garurumon X returns to normal and saves Stacey and SnowAgumom, but the girl still doesn't want to go home and decides to travel with Garurumon and SnowAgumom. Tai at first is against and insists that she come back, but his wife convinces him saying that she will come back when she is ready.

Meanwhile, Dawn, Dan, Jonathan, Dan, MJ and their Digimon, in the middle of the way back to File Island,they are attacked by the Undead King who leaves them facing a Rosemon X,during the battle, Margareth gets her Crest of Light and has her Tailmon digivolve to Kazemon and they win the battle and return to the Human World. In the Human World,Sora explains to Matt what happened, the Friendship wielder is annoyed that Sora and Tai had the chance to bring their daughter back but chose to leave her in the Digital World, Sora tries to calm his friend down, but he calls Izzy to ask her to send him to the Digital World to the exact location of where his daughter is at the moment. During a traffic jam, Cody,Akina, Fernanda and Fernanda's Armadillomon get stuck in a traffic jam until a Seadramon X appears on the bridge. Cody asks his daughter to fight and destroy Digimon X, which the girl refuses,but Cody tries to convince her to do it, this generates a small fight with his wife, but Fernanda decides to do it, in the fight, her Armadillomon digivolves to Archelomon, but he doesn't destroy Digimon X and lets it run away, returning to his parents, Fernanda lies to his father saying that he had destroyed Digimon.

In the Digital World, Matt tries to convince his daughter to come back, but she refuses, seeing that she wouldn't change her mind, Matt hands her his Digivice, however, they are attacked by five SkullSatamon. During the fight, seeing her father and her Digimon partner injured, Stacey tries to protect them and has Garurumon and SnowAgumom do a DNA digivolution to IceLeomon and they defeat the evil Digimon, after the battle, Matt puts his hand on his daughter's shoulder and asks again if she wants to go back home, to which she answers yes this time. Meanwhile, Joe and Ikkakumon fight to protect Digimon that were under attack by Army X,and he decides to stay there to tend to the wounded, he calls Mimi and warns her, Tricia overhears and asks to go help, what your mother allows and warns her husband. In the Digital World, while helping her father, Tricia meets up with Dawn's group, but the two have a little fight,causing Tricia to leave angry and hurt, Dawn goes after her(though by order of Jonathan and Tentomon). During the walk,Tricia and Palmon decide to try digivolve,they encounter a Monochromon X that attacks them,but Dawn arrives to help, however, he bites Palmon and turns her into Digimon X, however she still manages to keep her mind intact, something that shocks the girls and Dawn's partner,Palmon fights Monochromon X to protect her friends, to try to respond to her friend's feelings, Tricia makes her digivolve to Togemon X and defeats the opponent. But Tricia and Dawn just have another fight,but they make up the next day, however, upon seeing that Stacey has returned, Dawn remains suspicious of her,however, she helps her when she was being bullied with help from Agumon in disguise, showing that they are at least starting to mend their relationship.

A few days later, the new generation of DigiDestined gather at MJ's apartment, with the exception of Katie, to discuss the Undead King. As they talk, Katie and her Hawkmon accidentally go to an amusement park in the Digital World that belongs to a Makuramon, however, upon discovering who they were, he sells them to the Undead King. Meanwhile in the Human World, Izzy warns Ken that he has found Katie's Digivice signal in the Digital World, upon receiving this information, Ken and his Wormmon depart towards the Digital World to bring it back. Meanwhile, Hawkmon finds out and he saves himself and his partner. The Undead King sends a small group of Orgemon X who think Makuramon tricked them, but Katie convinces Hawkmon to come back to help the Monkey Digimon and causes Hawkmon digivolve to Peckmon. When Dawn, Margaret, Stacey, Gabumon and SnowAgumom are kidnapped by MetalPhantomon, they are saved by SaberLeomon who tells them about the Eight Digital Emeralds and gives Margareth the Digital Emerald of Light. Meanwhile, Jonathan, Dan, MJ, Ja

ames, Fernanda, Tricia and their Digimon go to the Digital World to look for the others, however, they end up finding Jonathan's Crest of Knowledge and makes your Tentomon super digivolve to JewelBeemon. The next day, Centauromon calls Dan, James, Katie and Fernanda along with their Digimon to the Digivice Temple to give them their creasts, however, they are attacked by a group of Dobermon X, but Dan uses his crest to make Strikedramon digivolve to Cyberdramon.

During a soccer game, there is an attack by an Okuwamon X that is looking for the Digital Emerald of Light, he kidnaps Margareth, however, the DigiDestined manage to save her, but when they land on the same spot where Wizardmon died, the emerald begins to glow and when it disappears, Wizardmon reappears, returning from the dead. when they return to the Kamiya apartment, the children explain to the adults about the Digital Emeralds and Wizardmon decides to go to the Digital World, meanwhile, in the Hida apartment, Fernanda sees it on TV news about attacks by a sea monster, realizing it was Seadramon X, she asks James and Jonathan for help. When they meet Seadramon X, they see that he digivolved into Mega Seadramon X, during the battle, Archelomon digivolves to Zudomon and wins, upon returning to the apartment, Fernanda promises his father who will never lie to him again. Taking advantage of a holiday, the children go to the Digital World in search of the emeralds they discovered are actually called "Spiritual Stones", and that each one of them possesses the soul of a Digimon that could not be reborn in the Primary Village, Dawn, Dan, Stacey, and Tricia's group lose the Spiritual Stone of Sincerity to a Puteranomon X and a Kuwagamon X, however, in a midnight quest,Dawn, Tricia and their partners obtain the Spirit Stone of Courage and Palmon breaks free of the X-Antibody, digivolves into his new Champion form;Sunflowmon and his Ultimate form;Lilamon. Jonathan, MJ and Margareth's group accidentally enter the den of an ancient evil Digimon;Phelesmon. Jonathan, Margaret and their Digimon are turned to stone, but MJ manages to use his crest to make Swanmon digivolve into Hippogrifomon and manages to sell Phelesmon and free his friends. James' group, Katie and Fernanda, get separated on a beach when Fernanda and Armadillomon are accidentally taken by a pirate ship, James and Kuwagamon decide to go after them during a storm, but leaving Katie and Hawkmon behind. On the ship, Fernanda discovers that the captain may be looking for one of the Spiritual Stones,upon arriving on the island, there is a battle against a rival captain, James arrives and makes his Kuwagamon digivolve to MetallifeKuwagamon and they manage to get away with the Spirit Stone of Hope.

Jonathan's group sets out in search of a Spirit Stone that they detected in their Digivices, however, they are ambushed by a group of X Digimons, however Wizardmon and the others arrive and help, with that, they defeat the enemies and take the Spiritual Stone of Friendship, however, they are surprised when they meet directly with the Undead King, and they discover that in reality, he was Myotismon who was in possession of the Spiritual Stones of Love, Sincerity, Reliability and Knowledge. They put up a fight, but they can't do anything, so Wizardmon creates a distraction for the kids to run away, when they run away,Wizardmon uses a magic trick to trick Myotismon and run away. Back at his base, Wisemon warns Myotismon that there is a prophecy involving Tai and Dawn that if fulfilled, even with the Spirit Stones, he can still be defeated, with that, he decides to focus on destruction of these two.

After this, Sora is unsure whether or not he should go on a business trip due to Myotismon's return, however, Tai manages to convince her to go,when Sora leaves for America, Wizardmon returns from the Digital World, however, he is confronted by an old rival who is now contaminated by the X-Antibody, FlaWizardmon X. They head out to fight, but TK, Matt, Stacey, MJ and their partners chase after them in the car. When they got out of the car, the Spiritual Stones of Friendship and Hope begin to glow and cause Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon to return. Wizardmon win,TK convinces Matt to stay with the two Digimons for now, that same night, at dawn, Dawn detects the signal of a Mega level Digimon, she wakes up her father, Tai tells her to stay at home, but Dawn disobeys and I sneak out,when Tai and Agumon find the Digimon, which was a Parasimon X, the two defeat it with relative ease with Agumon digivolved into WarGreymon. However, Myotismon appears, revealing it to be a trap and nearly destroys them both, but Dawn and her partner catch Myotismon's attention and lead him away,however, the Vampire Digimon nearly destroys Dawn and BurningGreymon, however, when Dawn's Spirit Stone of Courage begins to glow, BlackWargreymon returns and inflicts a wound on Myotismon, forcing him to retreat for the time being.

After Joe treats Tai and Agumon's injuries, he decides not to tell Sora anything and BlackWargreymon decides to return to the Digital World,returning to his base, Myotismon decides to seek more information about the Spirit Stones, going after the possible Digimon that had this information. After that, Dawn and Stacey find an injured Labramon, they take her to the Ishida apartment and they find that Myotismon has captured Centauromon, the two decide to go after him for rescue,Upon hearing their plan, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon decide to warn Matt. When Dawn, Stacey and their Digimon enter the base, they are attacked by a Vajramon X, in time Tai and Matt come to take them back, but upon discovering that Digimon X is in fact, Centauromon transformed, seeing that they couldn't do anything to help, they with pain in their hearts, destroy the Digimon.

They go after Myotismon on an island, and wage a battle against the enemy and his army, when Myotismon was going to get a strange chest that he said contained his true power,Tai and WarGreymon fight him, but are at a disadvantage, so BurningGreymon mega digivolves into VictoryGreymon. They take the chest and run out of there and back to the Human World. At Dan's house, some of the kids try to open the trunk, but to no avail, Izzy also claims that they can't open the trunk without the key and that he can't identify what's inside. Meanwhile, in the bay, during a fishing trip between Ken and James' father and son, Whamon appears through an injured Digital Split in the bay and warns the DigiDestined that Myotismon summoned a group of six powerful Mega Digimon.

The situation gets difficult when Myotismon decides to invade Japan with his army to destroy the DigiDestined and recover the Spirit Stones that are with them once and for all,the attacks occur all over Japan and the fights are difficult and violent, and some of the DigiDestined are captured,with civilians being injured and the Governor thinking about sending in the army, something Izzy tries to stop as it will only make things worse. In New York, Sora sees from the news that Tokyo is under Digimon attack, so she decides to immediately return to Japan, however, with flights to Tokyo canceled due to the attack, Sora is left with no means of returning until he gets help from Willis. Back in Japan, Dawn, Stacy, Margaret, MJ and their partners are reunited with Mika, Matt asks them not to leave before going to help. During the attack on Tamachi, James and Katie are in Ken's office at the police station waiting for the attack to end, seeing Makuramon walking around town, Katie waits for her brother to leave and goes to help the Monkey Digimon, something he denies at first, but when he is attacked by Rapidmon X, Katie helps him, causing Peckmon to digivolve into Crowmon.

Returning to Tokyo, Dawn left without permission to face a Digimon, Stacey reluctantly leaves after her, however, halfway through, she meets her mother,the two have a little chat, Kana asks Stacey to come back to Adachi with her,out of fear of leaving the girl in town while she is being attacked by Digimon and to try to mend, or at least begin to mend, his relationship with her. Something the girl almost accepted,however, deciding to stay to help her father and friends, she has Gabumon and SnowAgumom mega digivolve to ZeedGarurumon and helps Dawn and VictoryGreymon who were about to be defeated,however, Stacey tells her mother that once the invasion is over, she can go to Adachi for a while, something her mother reacts to happily. As the attack takes place, SaberLeomon, BlackWargreymon and other allied Digimon prepare to go to the Human World to help in the battle.

Meanwhile, in Japan, Sora finally returns with the help of Willis, Terriermon and Lopmon. During the battle against Myotismon in his castle, he regains his powers and becomes Grandacmon and almost defeats the DigiDestined, but they are barely saved with the help of Picklemon and Wizardmon. When they find a place to hide, Azulongmon contacts them and informs them that the way to defeat Grandacmon forever is in the Dark Area and also informs them about the prophecy involving Tai and Dawn. With this new information, Tai, Dawn and their two Agumons head to the Dark Area in search of Grandacmon's weakness while in Japan, after a hard battle, the DigiDestined defeat ShadownSeraphmon.


Original Characters

  • Akira "Dawn" Kamiya- The daughter of Tai and Sora, Dawn is a stubborn tomboy who rarely looks before she leaps. Dawn takes after her father, and she is the leader of the team. Dawn appears to have inherited nearly all of her father's traits, whether in appearance or personality, including a natural rivalry with Matt's daughter Stacey,likewise, these two are possibly the strongest DigiDestined of their respective generations. Her partner is an Agumon, like her Dad. Dawn is 10 and is in 4th grade. She holds the Crest of Courage. Despite having a proud, stubborn and even insensitive personality at times, Dawn has a soft, gentle, caring and affectionate side, although it rarely shows it.
  • Danjuro "Dan" Motomiya- Dan is Davis' son and Dawn's best friend. Like his father, he wears a pair of goggles like Dawn. Though, unlike his father, Dan does not lead the group. He can be thick-headed at times, but his loyalty to his friends and his great sense of humor make up for this. Following in his Dad's footsteps, Dan is teamed up with a Veemon. Dan is in 4th grade and is 10. The Crest of Loyalty belongs to him. Dan inherited a passion for football from his father, playing on his school's football team alongside Dawn who is the captain.
  • Jonasan "Jonathan" Izumi- The smart one of the group and the son of Izzy. Mature and intelligent for his age, Jonathan is a computer whiz, but isn't obsessed like his father is. A Tentomon is Jonathan's partner. He is 11 and in 5th grade. He holds the Crest of Knowledge.

Speculation As released by the author, Jonathon later develops a crush on Dawn. However, nothing in the series has proven that yet, as he often acts cruel towards her. In episode 4 "An Egg-traordinary day!", he lost his temper to Dawn, while he usually stays calm with others. In episode 8 "The Undead King Makes His Move", he thinks Dawn had the assault on the schoolon purpose, and because of this, Dawn and he get into an argument that caused Jonathon to go back home from the Digital World. Despite this, on Cherrygirluk's Fanfiction.Net, she created a fanfiction called "A Day With Dawn Kamiya". This side story to Digimon 2.5 is about how Jonathon has to spend the day with Dawn and how his crush slowly begins to show. Although, in episode 9, Jonathon holds Dawn back from getting in a fight with Stacey who was working for the undead king, though it is unclear whether the reason was that he wanted to hear Stacey or that he cared for Dawn. This couple is refered to as Dawthon. Some believe in Dan and Dawn as couple because of there similarties, but Dawthon goes by the phrase oppisites attract. Dawthon has a forum on DeviantArt. There is also a side story which takes place about five years in the future of the main story, shows that Jonathan developed a crush on Dawn that turned into love, but no one but his Digimon and his parents know. During a trip to Dawn and Jonathan's beach with their friends and relatives, at a volleyball game, Dawn gives Jonathan a peck that soon turns into a kiss on both sides, however, they are interrupted when they see Tai looking at them with eyes of fury directed especially at Jonathan and the two begin to flee down the beach with Tai chasing after them. It is unclear whether this means that the author of the story intends to put these two together, although it is implied that it is.

  • Shinju "Margaret" Kimura- Kari's daughter and Dawn's cousin. Though compassionate and open minded, Margaret is also short tempered. Haunted by the death of her father six years ago, Margaret is particularly touchy on protecting the Digital world as she is afraid of losing a friend or another family member. She has a Gatomon for her partner. She and Dawn seem to get along,despite their totally opposite personalities, which is somewhat reminiscent of Tai's relationship with Kari. Magaret is caring and seems to have a good friendship with most of the Digidestined. Margaret is 11 and in 5th grade. She holds the Crest of Light.
  • Torishia "Tricia" Kido- A daddy's girl, Tricia surprisingly takes more after her mother, Mimi, than her father, Joe. Tricia whines a lot and obsesses over the color pink,however, she also inherited her father's overly concerned personality, although it doesn't show it . She's also a worrywart like her dad, but she doesn't always show this. Palmon is her partner. Because she and Dawn are opposites, Tricia seems to disagree with Dawn the majority of the time. Episode 5 "Our Digidestined Fate" demonstrates their differences, and it also demonstrates how Tricia prefers to be left out of the battles of the Digital World. When Margaret decides to go to the Digital World to rescue Dawn and Tai, Tricia refuses to go with no full explaination. But as time passes, Tricia learns to be braver and becomes more determined to fight. Tricia is 9 and is in 3th grade,this makes her the second youngest DigiDestined of the new generation. She holds the Crest of Sincerity.
  • Kojiro "James" and Keiti "Katie" Ichijouji- James is the offspring of Ken and Yolei. He may be friends with Dan, but the two can just as easily end up arguing over nothing. James' relationship with Dan looks a bit like Davis' relationship with Ken. James is very protective of his little sister, Katie, who is brave and confident for her age and has a Hawkmon as her partner. James has a Wormmon as his partner. James is in the sixth grade and is 12. Katie is seven,is in the first grade, is the youngest of the group and holds the Crest of Kindness.
  • Fernanda "Fern" Hida- Born in Italy, Fern is the daughter of Cody. She is kind, but also shy and rarely speaks out, even if she feels that something's wrong. Armadillomon is her partner. Fern is in 6th grade at 12. She holds the Crest of Integrity. She is the oldest member of the group, alongside James who is also 12 years old. Due to her and James being the only ones studying at Tamachi, they seem to have the closest relationship with each other compared to the others.
  • Suteishi "Stacey" Ishida - Stacey is the only daughter of Matt Ishida. She and her partner Gabumon disappeared 6 months before the events of the series began. It is later revealed that she had sided with the mysterious villain of the series,and that her partner had been turned into Garurumon X. Though she used to work for the villain, she escaped his control and stole the Port stone back from the Undead King with help from a SnowAgumon. Due to her parents' divorce when she was four and the loneliness that her mother's abandonment and Matt's constant work, Stacey became quite lonely,to the point of believing that only Gabumon cared about her, which made her the perfect target for the Undead King's manipulations. Stacey is in 4th grade and is 10 years old. She holds the Crest of Friendship. Stacey is a totally unique case among the DigiDestined of her generation and the previous one; she is the only one to have two Digimon partners.
  • Misa Jun "MJ" Takaishi - TK's daughter and Stacey's cousin. Similar to her cousin, her parents divorced when MJ was little, however, unlike Stacey, she still keeps in touch with her mother and visits her on vacation. MJ is a very playful and talkative girl. Patamon is MJ's partner. She seems to be friends with all of the digidestined. She is in 5th grade and is 11. She holds the Crest of Hope. MJ is Margareth's best friend, showing joy when her parents get married, becoming half-sisters,a feeling that is mutual.

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