Bearmon is Kazuma Natsuyagi's Partner Digimon.
Bearmon is an innocent Digimon that loves to play. During emergencies it faces the difficulties in front of it.[1]
- Bear Punch (小熊正拳突き Koguma Seikendzuki?, lit. "Bear-cub Punch"): Drives a punch into the opponent's chest with all its strength.
Digimon ReArise[]
Bearmon originally lived as a Digi-Egg in Primary Village but was kidnapped by a group of Spiral which accidentally lose the Digi-Egg in a Digital Point. It is found by Kazuma Natsuyagi who protects it from the Spiral and after the other Tamers defeat the Spiral the Digi-Egg hatches as Botamon and appoints itself as Kazuma's Partner Digimon due to how happy it was that Kazuma had protected its Digi-Egg. A One-Track Mind! Kazuma Joins the Party
When Botamon and Kazuma Natsuyagi are shopping in the Mall a Digital Point opens up and Kazuma is attacked by a Spiral-2015B. Not wanting to see its partner hurt, Botamon fights the Spiral and digivolves to Wanyamon but it is easily defeated. Kazuma putting Wanyamon in danger by having it fight despite being an In-Training Digimon pisses off Mon though she calms down after Wanyamon defends Kazuma.
Later the two Deva, Vajramon and Pajiramon arrive in the Digital Point and attack the group as the Deva assumed the Humans were behind the constant Spiral attacks in the Digital World. The group try to talk them down, stating they were not behind the Spirals, however the two Deva refuse to believe it as they do no trust Humans and also express shock at Mon and BaoHuckmon helping Humans. As the two Deva continue to fight Chirinmon they tell it to prove that it is strong and to gain their trust by fighting them. As the fight continues they acknowledge that Chirinmon is strong however as the fight halts the two Deva are suddenly attacked and defeated by Machinedramon. Assuming that Machinedramon was on a rampage BaoHuckmon digivolves to SaviorHuckmon and attacks Machinedramon, though Gaiomon suddenly arrives and intercepts the attack. As Takumi Hiiragi arrives Kazuma runs up to him, reuniting with the friend he had been searching for. Mon angrily yells at Kazuma for putting Wanyamon into danger yet again by running up to the enemy in the middle of battle. Wanyamon chases after Kazuma, stating it will protect him and digivolves to Bearmon — to the shock of Mon, confused as to how a newly born Digimon was able to digivolve twice in such a short space of time though Takumi has Gaiomon fight SaviorHuckmon instead of Bearmon. Takumi, deciding that he needs to press "them" for answers, moves onto the next location though is chased by SaviorHuckmon and Bearmon. As the fight continues Takumi is sent a message, which causes him to have Gaiomon retreat from the battle. SaviorHuckmon and Mon attempt to chase the duo though Gaiomon aims an attack at Mon - which SaviorHuckmon blocks - the distraction giving Takumi and Gaiomon enough time to escape. This upsets Kazuma as their reunion was short lived. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow
When the rest of the group split up to try and convince the remaining Deva to trust them, Bearmon and Kazuma help Mon and Hackmon defeat Spiral in various Digital Points - with the duo impressed at how much stronger Bearmon had gotten. They once again see Kazuma and chase after him and once they catch up they find Gaiomon attacking Sinduramon. Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon to try and protect Sinduramon though is unable to do anything and is saved by SaviorHuckmon once again. Takumi is able to steal the DigiCore Sinduramon was holding and gets away once again. Deva Training! A Battle to Remeber!
Other Forms[]
Botamon's Digi-Egg[]

Botamon's Digi-Egg is Black with Blue spots.
Botamon's Digi-Egg originally resided in Primary Village alongside other Digi-Eggs and In-Training Digimon, however one day a group of Spiral attack the Village, kidnapping all the Digi-Eggs and In-Training Digimon. During the kidnapping Botamon's Digi-Egg accidentally falls into the Digital Point and it is found by Kazuma Natsuyagi who had inadvertently walked into the Digital Point whilst chasing after Takumi Hiiragi. Worried about the safety of the Digi-Egg, Kazuma takes it with him and ends up fleeing with it when a Spiral-1021R attacks the Digi-Egg, narrowly avoiding all the other Spiral that suddenly spawn to try and attack the Digi-Egg as well. As the Spiral continue to chase them Mayu Kohinata and Chirinmon suddenly arrive and defeat the Spiral, protecting Kazuma and the Digi-Egg. They then flee together to the Digital World after a Spiral-2020B spawns. After the Tamers defeat all the Spiral and save Primary Village, the Digi-Egg hatches as Botamon. A One-Track Mind! Kazuma Joins the Party

Botamon is Bearmon's In-Training I form.
After the Tamers defeat the Spiral that had attacked Primary Village Botamon hatches from its Digi-Egg and happily jumps into Kazuma's smartphone, having decided to be his Partner Digimon because he had protected its Digi-Egg from the Spiral. A One-Track Mind! Kazuma Joins the Party
When Botamon and Kazuma are shopping in the Mall a Digital Point opens up and Kazuma is attacked by a Spiral-2015B. Not wanting to see its partner hurt, Botamon attacks the Spiral and digivolves to Wanyamon. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow

Wanyamon is Bearmon's In-Training II form.
When Botamon and Kazuma Natsuyagi are shopping in the Mall a Digital Point opens up and Kazuma is attacked by a Spiral-2015B. Not wanting to see its partner hurt, Botamon attacks the Spiral and digivolves to Wanyamon. Kazuma and Wanyamon are excited that it had digivolved as they thought that that now meant they were as strong as Chirinmon, though this isn't the case and Wanyamon is easily defeated. Before anything bad could happen however, Chirinmon and BaoHuckmon arrive and defeat the Spiral. Kazuma having had an In-Training level Digimon fight pisses Mon off, though she calms down after Wanyamon defends its partner and Mayu Kohinata yells at them to stop fighting. Wanyamon then promises it will become strong enough to protect Kazuma one day, just like Chirinmon.
Later the two Deva, Vajramon and Pajiramon arrive in the Digital Point and attack the group as the Deva assumed the Humans were behind the constant Spiral attacks in the Digital World. The group try to talk them down, stating they were not behind the Spirals, however the two Deva refuse to believe it as they do no trust Humans and also express shock at Mon and BaoHuckmon helping Humans. As the two Deva continue to fight Chirinmon they tell it to prove that it is strong and to gain their trust by fighting them. As the fight continues they acknowledge that Chirinmon is strong however as the fight halts the two Deva are suddenly attacked and defeated by Machinedramon. Assuming that Machinedramon was on a rampage BaoHuckmon digivolves to SaviorHuckmon and attacks Machinedramon, though Gaiomon suddenly arrives and intercepts the attack. As Takumi Hiiragi arrives Kazuma runs up to him, reuniting with the friend he had been searching for. Mon angrily yells at Kazuma for putting Wanyamon into danger yet again by running up to the enemy in the middle of battle. Wanyamon chases after Kazuma, stating it will protect him and digivolves to Bearmon — to the shock of Mon, confused as to how a newly born Digimon was able to digivolve twice in such a short space of time. A God Beast Digimon?! A Path for Mayu to Follow

Grizzlymon is Bearmon's Champion form.
After Bearmon and Kazuma Natsuyagi catch up to Takumi Hiiragi, having seen him whilst helping Mon and BaoHuckmon clear Digital Points whilst the rest of the group tried to find and gain the trust of the Deva they find Gaiomon attacking Sinduramon and Kazuma assumes that Sinduramon must've been evil since Kazuma and Gaiomon were beating it up, but Bearmon points out that that is not the case and that Takumi and Gaiomon were acting scary. Takumi demands that Sinduramon give it the DigiCore it had been entrusted by its master from the Four Holy Beasts, which Sinduramon refuses to do. Just as Gaiomon was about to murder Sinduramoon and take the DigiCore by force Bearmon runs into the fight and attacks Gaiomon, its attacks doing nothing to due the fact that Gaiomon was a Mega. As Kazuma and Bearmon refuse to give up and allow Gaiomon to kill Sinduramon, Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon though it still isn't able to do anything to the Mega level Digimon. SaviorHuckmon arrives and saves Grizzlymon from Gaiomon though it tells the entire group to retreat when Gaiomon charges up an attack intended to blow up the area as Takumi no longer cared what happened to anyone as he had managed to retrieve the DigiCore from the defeated Sinduramon, with the group escaping death just in time. Deva Training! A Battle to Remember!
When Leopardmon is about to defeat Machinedramon in a Digital Point after Sara Shinkai confirms to everyone else that she is behind all the problems in the Digital World, Sara spawns a large group of Spiral and Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon and fights them alongside the rest of the group. Advent of the Holy Knight! Mark of the Blade
Bearmon and Kazuma then train together in the park though find DigiCode graffitied all over the park. After tracking down Omekamon it misunderstands their arrival as it assumes they had come to help it as the DigiCode was asking for powerful Digimon to help it defeat the evil Digimon, though Bearmon was unable to read the DigiCode due to being recently born. After telling Omekamon that graffitiing the park is bad they agree to help Omekamon though it first states they have to prove they are strong to be allowed to help. Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon and easily defeats Omekamon, who then agrees to allow them to help. They crash the meeting of the Bancho, with Omekamon easily being defeated by BanchoStingmon despite BanchoStingmon putting no power into its attack, since its pride wouldn't allow it to fight a weaker Digimon. The trio realise their error and apologise to the group and the Bancho allow the trio to join their meeting. As the Bancho talk about all the fights they have won Bearmon asks how it can become as strong as them, and they offer to help Bearmon and Omekamon train, after which BanchoGolemon grabs the trio and throws them through the Digital Point into the Digital World so that they could all train together there. Upon arrival the trio are attacked by a large group of Kuwagamon and Okuwamon and Omekamon and Grizzlymon defeat most of them. As they thin out the numbers a GranKuwagamon arrives and their attacks do nothing to the "Demon of the Deep Forest", so the trio run away. GranKuwagamon chases them however and Omekamon attempts to sacrifice itself so its new friends could get away though Bearmon refuses to give up, listens to its "inner Bancho", digivolves to Grizzlymon again, and fights alongside Omekamon – though they are still unable to defeat the Mega level Digimon. Seeing that their training had paid off with Omekamon and Grizzlymon having found a new sense of courage and never giving up, BanchoLeomon interrupts the fight and causes GranKuwagamon to flee when it tells it that it is its new opponent. The Adventures of the Graffiti Knight and the Bear Cub
When Bearmon, Kazuma, the Protagonist, and Herissmon are hanging out at the Truffle Cafe a Digital Point opens up at Main Street. whilst clearing it, they are suddenly attacked by a group of DemiDevimon so Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon to fight them. After defeating it they are attacked by a Spiral-2030B, though it is defeated Rasenmon. It and Rasenmon then defeat the rest of the Spiral. They later reunite with everyone further into the Digital Point, after which GranDracmon suddenly ReArises into it and appears before them. It tells them it had spent a long time watching them, and during the time spent watching, it was impressed, and invites them to come to its castle. The Tamers, based on GranDracmon's appearance, assume something is up and are proven right when it states it wants to add them to its ice sculpture collection so that it can keep them in its collection for eternity. The Tamers refuse and a fight ensues, with their attacks doing no damage to it. GranDracmon mocks Mon, stating that she doesn't care about the Human World and whether it gets destroyed though after her friends deny it she remembers when she first met Jesmon and wanted to be strong like it so she could protect everyone. After regaining her resolve, lights come out of her and power up the other Digimon with Rasenmon now a match for GranDracmon. Grizzlymon watches as GranDracmon is suddenly attacked by Jesmon and as it mocks Jesmon, due to it having already used up a lot of its energy fighting the decoys in the Dark Area, it is attacked by Rasenmon – with GranDracmon surprised it was still able to fight. GranDracmon, now able to be damaged, retreats though informs the Tamers that it will return – as it had fallen even more in love with them and now wants to make them part of its collection even more. Mon, Lost in Memories: Impending Darkness
After Michi is brainwashed by GranDracmon, she goes missing. Three days later, the group search for her, and during the search they come across a Digital Point full of Spiral and Evil Digimon. Bearmon digivolves to Grizzlymon to fight them but during the fight, GranDracmon separates them all by teleporting them away pair by pair. After defeating the Spiral that were teleported alongside them, they sense Michi and find her trying to destroy the Town. Sara and Tapirmon arrive and warp digivolve to Megadramon in an attempt to stop them – only for Megadramon to be easily defeated. Sara summons a large group of Spiral, creating a Digital Point, which causes the Protagonist and Rasenmon to find the group. As Angewomon fights Rasenmon, SaviorHuckmon and Mon arrive which causes GranDracmon to have Michi and Angewomon retreat. Grizzlymon, Rasenmon, and their partners chase after Michi, ending up in the Dark Area after going through the portal. As they transverse the Dark Area they are attacked by many evil Digimon, though they defeat them all. They eventually find Michi and Angewomon, though Rasenmon has Grizzlymon stay out of the action due to how powerful Angewomon had become as a result of GranDracmon's power. As the fight continues Angewomon is suddenly surprise attacked by Machinedramon, who proceeds to take over the battle allowing Rasenmon and Grizzlymon to reach GranDracmon. Grizzlymon tries to help Rasenmon fight but is easily defeated by its Mega level opponent and reverts back to Bearmon. Illuminating Light A Guide to the Rainbow
When on a trip to the Digital World to fight Spiral, Kazuma tells the group about the times he played basketball with Takumi however during the conversation the group are attacked by a group of Spiral, and so they digivolve to their Champion levels to defeat them. A Spiral-4036Y spawns in front of Kazuma however, and after Kazuma remembers a lesson he learned from Takumi in which he doesn't have to do everything himself, has Grizzlymon flee when Grizzlymon realises it stands no chance at defeating such a powerful Spiral. BaoHuckmon digivolves to SaviorHuckmon and Filmon warp digivolves to Rasenmon, and the duo proceed to defeat the Spiral as it was chasing Kazuma and Grizzlymon. Kazuma & The Upperclassman
When Eiji Futami is telling the others about how he, Keito, and Nozomi met a Digital Point opens up outside Truffle Cafe, and so Bearmon and Elecmon digivolve to Leomon and Grizzlymon and defeat the Spiral, putting an end to the Digital Point. Eiji's Digimon Fieldwork
Sometime after that; Grizzlymon, SaviorHuckmon, Rasenmon, and HeavyLeomon defeat a large amount of Spiral and notice that the amounts they had to defeat were getting lower – though rather than celebrate realise this was most likley because something else was going on. As they clear out more Spiral they find a group attacking a group of Lalamon, though they are "saved" by Sandiramon, who defeated the Spiral whilst simultaneously hurting the Lalamon. The group are mad at this, though a fight is defused when they learn Sandiramon is one of the Deva, after which it informs them that the Four Holy Beasts were awakening and later learn from Kumbhiramon that they were awakening due to the lower amount of Spirals restoring the balance of the Digital World meaning they no longer had to slumber.
A few days later the group try out Eiji's app which he created to allow communication between the Real and Digital Worlds though whilst trying it out they are attacked by a group of Spiral, which the group proceed to defeat – with Bearmon digivolving to Grizzlymon. Grizzlymon, as a result of all of its battles, was also now able to defeat Ultimate level Spiral. The Time of Awakening Approaches! The Mighty Heartbeat of the Four Holy Beasts
After the Royal Knights, Three Archangels, and Four Holy Beasts agree to a summit to discuss their differences the Deva are left in charge of picking the meeting point. When the Tamers arrive first, alongside the Deva, the meeting point is attacked by a group of Spiral though the Tamers and Deva are able to defeat them all. The summit doesn't go well however, as the Archangels refuse to get involved in the Spiral problem and Examon pisses off the Holy Beasts by pointing out how badly their previous attempt at dealing with the Spiral had gone — as they and sent them to the Dark Area, which had cause them to learn how to transverse between the Dark Area, Digital World, and Human World. Before a fight escalates the Tamers are able to defuse the situation by calling for a break. They then decide to talk to each group individually, with Kumbhiramon escorting Kazuma, Grizzlymon, Keito, and HeavyLeomon to the Four Holy Beasts. Keito is able to convince the Four Holy Beasts to end the meeting amicably by telling them how much he loves Digimon and the Digital World, though Zhuqiaomon points out there's not much they can do when the problems are between the Archangels and Royal Knights in the first place. Due to the hard work of the others convincing the other groups to trust them as well the three groups agree to work together. A Digimon Summit Begins?
Some time after the summit, Grizzlymon helps HeavyLeomon and Rasenmon clear out Digital Points. Kazuma wonders if they can use the Digital Point to travel to the Digital World, since other Digimon and Spiral were able to do so, though Keito states he had already thought of this and that they weren't able to do so. Rasenmon decides to try something out, wondering if it was what the Spiral do to get to the Digital World, and to everyone's surpirse is able to open a portal to the Digital World. Rasenmon leads the group through it, only for it to instead lead to the Dark Area. As they transverse the Dark Area they find Seraphimon and Sandiramon attacking Dorumon and Takumi and jump in to protect them, however during the battle a group of Spiral arrive and, using their new skill hacked into them by Eiji Futami, paralyse everyone. As they are unable to move the Spiral attack them and the entire group de-digivolve back to their Rookie forms. Luckily for the group, Takumi and Dorumon return to the side of good and defeat the Spiral with their new form, Gaiomon Fierce Blade Mode. To Wield a Blade for Justice Rasenmon then opens up another portal, taking everyone back to the Human World. Having learned from Takumi that Eiji was evil, they decide to confront him. The group are able to find him and, finding him with Sara and Machinedramon – who are in the middle of fighting Cherubimon, LovelyAngemon, and Mitamamon – join the battle. The group fail to stop Eiji however as he is able to have Machinedramon and the Spiral stall them long enough to be able to run through the gateway to the Kernel. Unfortunately for Eiji, the gateway remained open due to Cherubimon using its remaining power with the Tamers being able to get Rasenmon, Jesmon, and their Tamers through the gateway as well before Cherubimon passes out. God's Territory
Despite this failure, Sara and Machinedramon refuse to back down – deciding that although they failed to stop some of them getting to the Kernel, they could still kill the others to stop them ever being a threat again. Sara summons a large group of Spiral, which then fight the remaining Partner Digimon alongside Machinedramon with Machinedramon using its powerful mind to have them do its bidding. As the battle continues, Sara summons more Spiral to replace the destroyed Spiral and eventually Keito notices that the high amount of Spiral activity was causing the Digital Point to glitch out. He orders the group to retreat, though when Michi notices that Sara wasn't retreating she runs to her to try and tell her what was about to happen coming to the conclusion that she had no idea what happens when too many Spiral access a Digital Point. As the rest see Michi charge at Sara they stop retreating trying to stop her but it ends up being too late, with the Digital Point transporting everyone to the Digital World. This also de-digivolved everyone back down to the Rookie level. Withstand the Endless Barrage! Settle Up With Sara
When the Digital World falls into disarray after Eiji breaks into the Kernel, a large group of evil Digimon and Spiral cause havoc in the Digital World and so it, Kazuma, Takumi, and Gaiomon travel the Digital World to defeat them and protect the weaker Digimon. On one such trip the other Tamers, alongside Sara and Eiji, teleport in front of them and inform them about how Sara had returned to their side and Eiji had been betrayed by Spiral Origin, with them using gates made by Herissmon/Eiji to get back into the Kernel with the gates first sending them to the other Tamers as Herrismon had unintentionally caused the gates to do so due to wanting to reunite with all the other Tamers. With Takumi/Kazuma being the last of them, they go through another gate though rather than the Kernel it sends them to the Dark Area – with them being dropped right in front of GranDracmon. GranDracmon is delighted that its beloved Tamers had appeared before it though with it not yet being strong enough to defeat them it survives their combined attack, uses Eye of the Gorgon on Herissmon, and is able to brainwash Herissmon and cause it to warp digivolve to Rasenmon Fury Mode once again. Before it can do anything however, the Protagonist is able to snap it out of it and revert it back to Herissmon simply by calling out to it which annoys GranDracmon. It manifests a copy of Rasenmon Fury Mode and has it attack the group, though Herrismon warp digivolves to Rasenmon and is able to defeat the copy. Defeated, GranDracmon retreats. Rasenmon is then finally able to open a gate to the Kernel, though Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through it from the other side to attack them. Newfound Power! Rasenmon and the Ties That Bind As the group struggle against the Spiral, they realize they need help to be able to defeat them. As Grizzlymon wants to be more useful with it barely able to do much whilst at the Champion level it forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it can open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. Vs. Guardians
When the Tamers break into the Kernel, they are ambushed by a group of weak Spiral leading them to all digivolve to the Champion level to defeat them. They continue to transverse the Kernel and are attacked by stronger Spiral, so digivolve once again to the Ultimate level to deal with them. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers
- Body Slam (当身返し Atemigaeshi?, lit. "Bodystrike Reversal"): Knocks down the opponent by utilizing their attack power, and converts it into striking them in their vitals.

Cerberusmon is Bearmon's Ultimate form.
When the group are in the Dark Area, Rasenmon opens a gate to the Kernel so that they could confront Spiral Origin. Spiral Origin sends the Spiral Guardians (G-Spiral-6097, G-Spiral-6098, and G-Spiral-6099) through the other side of the gate to stop them and as the group struggle against them they realize that they need more help to be able to defeat the Guardians. Grizzlymon, wanting to be more useful to the group as it couldn't do much whilst still stuck at the Champion level, forces itself to digivolve to Cerberusmon so that it could open a gate to the Dark Area so that more of their allies can join the battle. No one appears to come out of it though, which leads Spiral Origin to boast that it had used the Kernel's power to delete the Digital World, and assumes it had worked. It taunts the Tamers about the fact they had failed and that everyone was dead only for Sandiramon to tell it to shut up, which caused the group to realize they had indeed summoned at least one ally to help them. Spiral Origin freaks out, as it should've been dead alongside the Digital World, with Sandiramon telling them that the Digital World still existed as the Four Holy Beasts had managed to stop the deletion at the last second. Sandiramon then allows Cerberusmon to use the DigiCore it had been entrusted with by the Four Holy Beasts to be used to open multiple gates at once which allows all members of the Deva, Royal Knights, and Three Archangels to join the battle. With the group now being much bigger, their combined forces are able to defeat the Spiral Guardians. Spiral Origin revives them however, though the large group of newly summoned allies fight them and allow the Tamers to go to the Kernel. Vs. Guardians
In order to break into the Kernel the Digimon had to dedigivolve back to the Rookie level. Upon geting into it, they are ambushed by a group of weak Spiral leading them to all digivolve to the Champion level to defeat them. They continue to transverse the Kernel and are attacked by stronger Spiral, so digivolve once again to the Ultimate level to deal with them. Even more powerful Spiral show up though, so they once again digivolve – this time to the Mega level (with the exception of Cerberusmon, as it is unable to digivolve to Mega). Origin spawns even more Spiral, with everyone except Rasenmon fighting them. Rasenmon tries to talk Origin down and as it does, it is given power by rebellious Spiral who didn't want Origin to destroy the World and instead wanted to be friends with everyone (as Origin was unable to exert its will over the entire Hive Mind at that point). Origin uses the ones it still had control over to become its own unique form, though the rebellious Spiral power up Rasenmon up enough to allow it to defeat Spiral Origin. This also causes all the other Spiral disperse as well. Destiny Calls, Future Weavers
- Mad Dog Fire (Hellfire): Spews a red-hot jet of flames.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ <シーズン2 "5章"登場> ベアモン CV:西山宏太朗 夏八ズマ(なつやぎかずま)のパートナーデジモン。カズマがスパイラルから守ったデジタマから生まれた。純真なデジモンで、遊ぶことが大好き。いざとなればカズマの相棒として目の前の困難に立ち向かう。#デジモン #デジモンリアライズ デジモンリアライズ【公式】 @digimon_rearise Tweet. June 29, 2020, 9:00AM
Digimon ReArise | |
Main Characters: | Protagonist | Takumi Hiiragi | Michi Shinjo | Keito Tamada | Mayu Kohinata | Mon | Kazuma Natsuyagi | Sara Shinkai |
Digimon: | Herissmon | Dorumon | Salamon | Elecmon | Kudamon | Hackmon | Bearmon | Tapirmon |
Antagonists: | Spiral | Eiji Futami |
Other characters: | Agumon | Chihiro Tsukimori and Lopmon | Nozomi Tamada and Pumpkinmon | Royal Knights | Four Holy Beasts | Deva | Three Archangels | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon | Real World | Digital Point | Profiles |