This is a list of characters from the Digimon game Digimon World: Next Order.
Main characters[]
Takuto and Shiki[]
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon[]
- Japanese: Chika Sakamoto (WarGreymon), Mayumi Yamaguchi (MetalGarurumon)
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are the Partners of the Hero. They are able to perform ExE to Omegamon with the power of their Partner's bond. They die after protecting their Tamer from a Machinedramon, but are soon reincarnated as Freshes of two Digi-Eggs chosen by Takuto or Shiki. Official illustrations depict different Digimon as their Rookie forms—Agumon, Gabumon with Takuto, and Biyomon, and Palmon with Shiki.
- Digi-Egg forms
After dying, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon will become DigiEggs, and the Hero is able to choose which form their Partners will be reborn.
- Kuramon Digi-Egg
After defeating Armageddemon, the Hero also gains the ability to choose the Kuramon Digi-Egg upon rebirth.
Kouta Hirose and Yukimura[]
Himari Oofuchi and Rikka[]
Shoma Tsuzuki and Noir[]

- Japanese: Bin Shimada
- English: Christopher Smith[1]
Jijimon is the elder of the Primary Village.[2] He is a close friend of Taomon.[3] A serious-minded and responsible town elder, although he does have his senior moments. After a Machinedramon attack causes the Digimon to scatter, he works hard to bring them back and restore the town.[4]

- Japanese: Daisuke Namikawa
Taomon is an old friend of Jijimon's, although a certain incident causes them to part ways. Quiet, stubborn, and pessimistic, he rarely bothers to deal with other people. He has noticed the presence of another will in this world, one attempting to twist it apart for its own desires.[4]
During Primary Village's reconstruction, the Hero and the others are asked to follow Taomon, but instead decide to find out what is happening in the Digital World.[3]
Mirei Mikagura[]

- Japanese: Hiromu Miyazaki
Datamon is a programming prodigy, though is also a coward so very rarely goes outside.
When Mameo's Antivirus Program is complete, they find that they cannot use it because each Digimon has a different data make up, and manually editing it to try and have it automatically choose the correct vaccine per Digimon causes the antivirus to no longer work. Wanting a solution to the problem, Jijimon suggests they ask Datamon for help, though has no idea where Datamon is hiding. Luckily for the Hero though, Yuramon had seen it in the Nigh Plains. The Hero finds Data in Power Plant #1 talking with MetalEtemon who suddenly infects Datamon with the BH Program and then forces Datamon to attack the Hero. Mameo gets the antivirus ready, and MetalEtemon flees upon seeing Mameo. After the Hero defeats Datamon, Mameo uses the antivirus program and cures Datamon of the BH Program. Datamon states it has no idea why MetalEtemon did what it did, and Mameo assumes it was trying to keep Datamon quiet so it couldn't help stop Shoma Tsuzuki's plans. No longer safe in its hideout, Datamon goes to the City with Mameo. The Hero returns before Mameo and Datamon, which leads Mirei Mikagura, Kouta Hirose, and Himari Oofuchi to assume that they were evil and had ran away together, though Mameo and Datamon deny this when they arrive mid accusation. Datamon agrees to improve the antivirus, and after doing so joins the research centre, allowing the Hero to re-allocate their tamer skills.
Shoma Tsuzuki, Samudramon, and Kuzuhamon[]

- Japanese: Hisao Egawa
Titamon is a Digimon who works for Shoma Tsuzuki. He was one of the Three Gods of Ruin, alongside Kuzuhamon and Samudramon, before being unexpectedly being taken out by an out of control attack from the brainwashed Enforcer. After the Hero defeats the Enforcer, they find the reborn Titamon in Absolute Zero. After a vicious battle, it will joins Floatia, it uses its powers to allow the Hero to fight Shoma or Mameo in a dimension that allows them to summon their partners from the past or the future to fight alongside their current partner.
- Soul Core Attack (魂魄芯撃 Konpaku Shingeki[5]?, lit. "Soul Core-attack"): Swings the Zanjinto so that it slides through the opponent's armor and body, reaching their DigiCore unhindered and chopping it up. If the opponent takes this technique head on, they'll never be able to recover.

- Japanese: Yasunori Masutani
MetalEtemon is a Digimon who works for Shoma Tsuzuki. After Titamon's defeat, he aims to replace him as one of the Three Gods of Ruin. However, due to his ill-conceived and ill-fated schemes being a detriment to Shoma's plan, he is eventually executed by Kuzuhamon and Samudramon. After the Hero defeats the Enforcer, they find a reborn MetalEtemon near the Palace of Thrones and covince him to join Floatia. When there, he offers a life increase for the Hero's partner Digimon in exchange for Luck Coins.
- Banana Slip: Trips the opponent with a banana peel.

Machinedramon is a Digimon who damaged Floatia.[2] The BH Program causes a Digimon to be mutated into a Machinedramon and then makes them go out of control, destroying everything in their path. Every single Digimon in the Digital World is effected with the BH program, meaning any Digimon at any time can become a Machinedramon and then proceed to go on a rampage. Luckily for every Digimon in existence, a cure to the BH program is created by Mameo, who uses the power of the Enforcer to cure the virus.
Myotismon lives in the Pink Stone House in Bony Resort. Myotismon gave Rosemon the Palace of Thorns and convinced Rosemon to agree to its plan to kidnap ShineGreymon and use its energy to power a laser, which they would then use to kill all the members of the Meaty Troops, the enemies of the Veggie Troops, and then destroy the Ohguino Wastelands so that Myotismon could re-develop over it and make a lots of money. This plan fails however, due to the Hero defeating Rosemon and freeing ShineGreymon.
When the Hero visits the Pink Stone House Myotismon states that it likes to redevelop areas of the Digital World, so has taken an interest in the City due to the re-development the Hero had been doing by convincing Digimon to come live there, and so Myotismon is interested in investing in the City to help it improve. Myotismon states it will agree to do so if the Hero can find its Myobrella, which had been stolen. After the Hero gets the Myobrella back from Turuiemon, Myotismon agrees to invest in the City, though the Hero rejects this idea. Myotismon instead decides to join the City itself so that it can buy works of art whilst there. Myotismon joins the Museum and allows the Hero to look at their card collection.
When Youkomon tries to defeat Boltmon, WereGarurumon, and Myotismon as part of a prophecy it read, Boltmon asks Myotismon for help as it was a coward and didn't want to fight. Myotismon asks Youkomon to fight it as part of the prophecy, and then uses its magic to make Boltmon appear as though it is actually Myotismon. Youkomon attacks "Myotismon", and when Boltmon tries to run away from conflict, Youkomon is accidentally defeated when it comes into contact with Boltmon's battle axe. Confused as to what was going in, Boltmon assumes it lost to the Youkomon, and then joins the City after being convinced by WereGarurumon and Myotismon. Youkomon however, aware of its defeat, states it will train until it is strong enough to defeat the trio, so it can fulfil the prophecy.
When Jijimon is sent a mysterious letter written in seven different languages inviting everyone to a "feast of friendship" in the Pink Stone House, Myotismon is annoyed as it had not rented out its house for parties, so demands to go along with the Hero, Kouta Hirose, Yukimura, Himari Oofuchi, and Rikka. Piedmon also tags along as every party needs a clown. Myotismon then teleports everyone to its house with a portal. Once going into the house, the lights turn off and even Piedmon and Myotismon are unable to see despite both having the ability to see in the dark. When the lights turn back on, Kouta and Himari find they are unable to move and that their Digivices had been stolen. Piedmon and Myotismon then attack the two, though the Hero, who is able to move, defeats the duo. The Malevolent Fist appears and states that it will move to stage two of its plan, as the first stage hadn't worked. It wakes up Piedmon and Myotismon, who then kidnap Kouta and Himari and flee through a portal.
Lucemon and Beelzemon confirm the Malevolent Fist was the same energy that had destroyed the Dark Area, whilst Taomon attempts to use the bonds of Yukimura and Rikka to track down Kouta and Himari. However, Taomon's Ultimate level strength means it will take multiple days for the power to actually find them, leading Kuzuhamon, the reincarnated member of the Three Gods of Destruction to help, finding that Kouta is in Mod Cape. Upon arriving, they find that the Fist has possessed Kouta and used his body to learn that humans are no threat. It then kidnaps Yukimura and summons a Myotismon and a VenomMyotismon to stall the Hero so that they cannot follow the dark energy. Kouta returns to the City, though it just meant Kouta had been swapped for Yukimura. The same events also happen when finding Rikka in the graveyard of Bony Resort, with Rikka being kidnapped and the Hero having to fight three Piedmons. Jijimon sends Kouta and Himari back to the real world to recover.
They are then sent another letter, once again inviting them to the Pink Stone house for a party. Travelling through the Bony Resort to get there, the Hero has to fight countless clones of Piedmon and Myotismon and eventually, have to fight Fist possessed Yukimura and Rikka themselves. Despite losing, the Fist had gotten what it had wanted, reversing their bonds into a "dark bond", which it then copies. It then summons the real versions of Piedmon and Myotismon and forces them to DNA Digivolve together using the power of the dark bond, the fist possessing the newly formed Digimon and then naming itself Boltboutamon.
After Boltboutamon defeats the Hero, Beelzemon, Lucemon, Shoma Tsuzuki, and Noir, they accept their deaths, though everyone is shocked when Boltboutamon leaves through a dark portal, wanting to have another "party" with them all again one day. The Malevolent Fist clones the body it created and leaves with it, and returns Piedmon and Myotismon back to normal.
After defeating the Enforcer and Shoma Tsuzuki in the Infinite Cauldron and freeing Shoma of Analogman's possession, Shoma informs the Hero of a massive threat to the Digital World has been picked up in the Infinite Cauldron and that he wants the tamer to help him deal with it as he said it's an even bigger threat to the Digital World than even he had been. They arrive to find a Keramon who flees further into the dungeon. They find it again, this time as a Chrysalimon and the tamer defeats it in battle, however it flees even further in. They then find it again, this time as an Infermon, which then digivolves in front of them into a Diaboromon and manage to defeat it once again, it however, flees again, this time out of the dungeon itself. Returning to the City, Devimon hastily informs them that a Diaboromon had just forced its way into the Dimensional District he had just finished setting up which leads to them charging in after it. Due to the nature and stability of being in another dimension entirely, they can only stay in the area for seven minutes, so split up to cover more ground, though Mirei Mikagura's Mastemon is found half way in and will add more time in exchange for all of the tamer's partners HP and MP, bar one. The area is infested with copies of Keramon, Chrysalimon and Infermon who attempt to slow down the tamer, though they eventually find what they're looking for at the end of the distract, where Diaboromon has now digivolved into an Armageddemon. Before they can fight it however, it spawns a Keramon, a Chrysalimon and an Infermon, which Shoma and the Enforcer, now named Noir, fight. The tamer then defeats Armageddemon. Armageddemon then returns to the Dimensional District, though also hangs outside of it in one of its various forms and asks for a rematch in the Dimension District and can be fought as many times as the tamer wants though, the time limit still remains.
Malevolent Fist[]
The Malevolent Fist (Shin'en Naru Te) is a dark sentient energy that is responsible for the destruction of the Dark Area that the Seven Deadly Digimon once ruled.
Jijimon reveals the City has been sent a letter written in seven different languages, inviting them all to a "feast of friendship". With the letter being made of unstable material, they come to the conclusion that someone from an alternate dimension had sent it. Taomon, Jijimon and Himari Oofuchi assume it is an ambush and that it plans to kill them all, whilst Kouta Hirose assumes it's an actual party since they mention friendship. Jijimon and Taomon decide to send the Hero, Kouta, and Himari as even if it's an ambush, the trio would be able to handle themselves, however due to the party being held at the Pink Stone House in the Bony Resort, which is the house Myotismon owns, Myotismon demands to come with them as he had not rented out his house for parties. Piedmon then also decides to tag along because every party needs a clown. Myotismon then teleports everyone to his house with a portal. Once going into the house, the lights turn off and even Piedmon and Myotismon are unable to see despite both having the ability to see in the dark. When the lights turn back on, Kouta and Himari find they are unable to move and that their Digivices had been stolen. Piedmon and Myotismon then attack the two, though the Hero, who is able to move, defeats the duo. The dark energy then states that it will move to stage two of its plan, as the first stage hadn't worked. It wakes up Piedmon and Myotismon, who then kidnap Kouta and Himari and flee through a portal.
Lucemon and Beelzemon confirm it was the same energy that had destroyed their Dark Area, whilst Taomon attempts to use the bonds of Yukimura and Rikka to track down Kouta and Himari. However, Taomon's Ultimate level strength means it will take multiple days for the power to actually find them, leading Kuzuhamon, the reincarnated member of the Three Gods of Destruction to help, finding that Kouta is in Mod Cape. Upon arriving, they find that the Fist has possessed Kouta and used his body to learn that humans are no threat. It then kidnaps Yukimura and summons a Myotismon and VenomMyotismon to stall the Hero so that they cannot follow the dark energy. Kouta returns to the City, though it just meant Kouta had been swapped for Yukimura. The same events also happen when finding Rikka in the graveyard of Bony Resort, with Rikka being kidnapped and the Hero having to fight three Piedmons. Jijimon sends Kouta and Himari back to the real world to recover.
They are then sent another letter, once again inviting them to the Pink Stone house for a party. Travelling through the Bony Resort to get there, the Hero has to fight countless clones of Piedmon and Myotismon and eventually, have to fight Fist possessed Yukimura and Rikka themselves. Despite losing, the Fist had gotten what it had wanted, reversing their bonds into a "dark bond", which it then copies. It then summons the real versions of Piedmon and Myotismon and forces them to DNA Digivolve together using the power of the dark bond, the fist possessing the newly formed Digimon and then naming itself Boltboutamon and claiming it had just been responsible for its own birth. It then forces Yukimura and Rikka to fight the tamer once more. Defeating them frees them of the possession, followed by Mameo and Luche arriving to take the two Digimon back to their partners to help them restore the bonds they have lost. The tamer then has to fight more Piedmon, VenomMyotismon and Myotismon clones before reaching the Pink Stone house. Upon finally reaching the house, the fist states its goal is to absorb all of the darkness of the world, kill everyone and then create new darkness, as new things are better than old things. After the Hero proceeds to defeat Boltboutamon, Beelzemon, Lucemon, Shoma Tsuzuki and Noir charge in, and Boltboutamon remembers the Deadly Digimon. Noir, Lucemon and Beelzemon attack Boltboutamon, however he proves to be too powerful - to the shock of everyone. Accepting their deaths, everyone is shocked when Boltboutamon leaves through a dark portal, wanting to have another "party" with them all again one day. The Malevolent Fist then clones the body it created and leaves, returning Piedmon and Myotismon to normal. A while later, the Fist then challenges the Hero to rematches, using its cloned Boltboutamon body.
Meaty Troops[]
The Meaty Troops (肉軍 Niku-gun?, lit. "Meat Army") are one of two tribes that reside in the Ohguino Wastelands and are the enemies of the Veggie Troops.

Leomon is the leader of the Meaty Troops, and is GrapLeomon's brother. Despite learning that the Hero had helped GrapLeomon fix its turbines, it still didn't trust the Hero. After the Hero states the motto of the Meaty Troops, Leomon believes the Hero and asks them to take GrapLeomon's place in the army. Leomon's first request is for the Hero is spy in the Veggie Troops domain, to try and learn as much as possible. After Lillymon and Vegiemon join the City, Leomon, surprised at just how wicked the Veggie Troops treated even their own members, finally trusts the Hero states that one of the members of the troop, ShineGreymon, was missing and had learned that the Veggie Troops had kidnapped it. Leomon asks the Hero to ask Ogremon where ShineGreymon was being held, as Ogremon wouldn't tell Leomon due to the two of them supposedly being rivals. After getting the information from Ogremon and freeing ShineGreymon, the Hero explain that ShineGreymon had had its energy taken by a laser, which Rosemon intended to use to kill all the Meaty Troops, and then also use it to destroy the Wastelands so that Myotismon could renovate over it. Leomon asks the Hero to stop Rosemon's plan, and leaves so it can evacuate all of the Digimon in the Wastelands, not just the Meaty Troops, just in case. After the Hero defeats Rosemon and puts a stop to its plan, Leomon thanks the Hero for saving the lives of all of the Digimon in the Wasteland. After realising that members of both groups had joined the City, Leomon decides to join the City as well and joins the Colosseum, selling recovery items and items that increases a Digimon's stats during battle.

GrapLeomon is Leomon's brother, and found itself stuck due to a sand wall in StepStep. GrapLeomon had attempted to break through the sand wall to get to the Ohguino Wastelands so that it could help Leomon in the war against the Veggie Troops, but in the process its turbines filled with sand, causing them to break. GrapLeomon asks the Hero to find Gargomon and get some Cyber Grease from it so that it could fix its turbines and finish breaking through the sand wall. After getting the grease from Gargomon, GrapLeomon fixes its turbines, and breaks through the wall, providing the Hero access to the Ohguino Wastelands. Destroying the wall broke its turbines again however, so GrapLeomon asks the Hero to help Leomon for them instead, and then joins the City. GrapLeomon creates a digivolution dojo, which allows the Hero to see how close their Digimon are to reaching their digivolution stat requirements. After the dojo is increased to level two, GrapLeomon allows the Hero to block off certain digivolutions, allowing them to control which Digimon their partner can digivolve to.

Agumon is the Meaty Troops gatekeeper and keeps guard in the Guts Wastes, just outside of the Meaty Troops' base. Agumon's job is to make so no one suspicious come through, just in case they're a spy for the Veggie Troops. When the Hero arrives in the Ohguino Wastelands Agumon, assuming the Hero is a spy for the Veggie Troops, attacks the Hero and after being defeated wonders how a Veggie Troops member could've defeated a Meaty Troops member. After learning that the Hero wasn't a member of the Veggie Troops, Agumon decides to join the City and tells the Hero to talk to Leomon and help the Meaty Troops win the war. Agumon joins the central plaza and runs a shop, the stock varying depending on what season it is.

Tyrannomon guards Dori Tunnel Hub 1 and when the Hero attempts to get through, Tyrannomon states that they have to prove themselves by bringing it 20 pieces of Best Meat. After the Hero brings Tyrannomon the meat, Tyrannomon is surprised as it didn't think the Hero would actually bother to bring it the meat. Deciding that it wanted to eat the meat instead of guard the tunnel, Tyrannomon states that guarding the tunnel is now the Hero's job and leaves to join the City, hoping Leomon wouldn't be mad at it. Tyrannomon joins the builder, and will exchange liquid on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and wood materials on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

Goblimon guards Dori Tunnel Hub 2 and refuses to let trespassers through without its permission, though states it will let the Hero through if they bring it 20 pieces of Rotten Meat. After the Hero gives Goblimon the 20 pieces of meat, Goblimon decides to let the Hero through, and joins the City so that it can have a full-course Rotten Meat meal. Goblimon joins the restaurant and sells food.

Gaomon like to run tournaments for the members of the Meaty Troops, however when it was training for the next tournament, its sandbags, which were actually just hunks of meat, were stolen, meaning it could no longer train. Gaomon asks the Hero to bring it 20 pieces of meat so that there was enough meat for everyone, and also so it could continue to train. After the Hero gives Gaomon the meat, Gaomon states that all future tournaments had actually been cancelled due to the war between the Meaty Troops and the Veggie Troops and so joins the City, opening a Colosseum so that it could continue to host tournaments.

Ogremon considers Leomon to be it rival, despite both of them being part of the Meaty Troops. Leomon had heard that Ogremon had found out where the Veggie Troops had been keeping ShineGreymon hostage but refused to tell Leomon due to their "rivalry". When the Hero asks Ogremon where ShineGreymon was being held, Ogremon refuses to let the Hero know due to the fact it found out from a deal it made from leaking information about the Meaty Troops to the Veggie Troops. Deciding to force the information out of Ogremon, the Hero fights Ogremon and after Ogremon is defeated it tells the Hero that ShineGreymon was being kept in the Generator Prison Room and was being used as an energy source for something. Ogremon was unaware that Rosemon was intending to use ShineGreymon to power a laser that would destroy the Wastelands and kill all the members of the Meaty Troops. Annoyed that it could no longer use this information to get a higher position in the Meaty Troops, Ogremon decides to join the City, joining the entertainment district, where it sells food.
At some point, ShineGreymon had been kidnapped by the Veggie Troops and was held hostage in the Generator Prison Room. As part of Myotismon's plan to destroy the Ohguino Wastelands, the Veggie Troops would kidnap ShineGreymon and would use its energy to power up a laser, which Rosemon would then use to kill all of the members of the Meaty Troops, as well as destroy the Wastelands. After findout out fro Ogremon where the Prison Room was, the Hero would defeat Woodmon, the Digimon in charge of the prison, and then would free ShineGreymon. After realising that its energy had been used to power up the machine, and that it was too late as enough energy had been stored, ShineGreymon asks the Hero to help Leomon solve the problem as ShineGreymon was unable to do so itself due to all of its energy being taken by the laser.
After the Hero defeats Shoma Tsuzuki and the Enforcer, the Hero finds ShineGreymon in the Infinite Cauldron. ShineGreymon states that its close friend Chaosmon had asked it to come to the Cauldron, so ShineGreymon decides to travel with the Hero so that they could ask Chaosmon to help them protect the Digital World. Whilst transversing the Cauldron together, ShineGreymon notices that someone had erected an electromagnetic barrier and ShineGreymon ends up stuck in it, wondering if someone had set up the trap just for it. They find that Chaosmon was in the same room, covered in a dark aura. Chaosmon tells them to stay away, however not wanting its friend to die to the aura, ShineGreymon digivolves to ShineGreymon BM and uses its new found power to break free of the barrier. Chaosmon attacks ShineGreymon as it wanted ShineGreymon's Burst Mode power for itself, so that it could use that energy to get stronger, and then take over the Digital World. Chaosmon absorbs some of ShineGreymon's Burst Mode energy and powers it self up, and then attacks the Hero as they were in Chaosmon's way. Chaosmon had not planned for the Hero to come along, though decided they were a fitting enemy for it to try its new powers out on. After defeating Chaosmon, Chaosmon attempts to kill itself out of the shame of losing to a human, though ShineGreymon stops Chaosmon before it can, by using its energy to destroy the black aura. Defeated, Chaosmon joins the City. ShineGreymon, no longer in its Burst Mode, returns to the Meaty Troops, and when the Hero returns to talk to ShineGreymon, ShineGreymon thanks the Hero for stopping the war and helping it out so much, and joins the City. ShineGreymon joins the dimensional district and when the Hero talks to ShineGreymon there, ShineGreymon gives the Hero rare materials.

A Shamamon stands guard outside the Meaty Troops base and decides who it lets in. When the Hero wants to get in, Shamamon refuses as the Hero may be a Veggie Troops spy. Suddenly, a Woodmon and two Vegiemon attack the Meaty Troops base. The Hero defeats the three Veggie Troop members and as thanks, Shamamon allows the Hero into the base. The Woodmon and Vegiemon try this same tactic every day, so the Hero has to defeat them every time.

A Psychemon asks the Hero to find its brother, another Psychemon, somewhere in the Ohguino Wastelands. After the Hero finds Psychemon's brother, the first Psychemon gives the Hero three pieces of meat as a reward. The Psychemon will then play hide and seek with the Hero every day.
Veggie Troops[]
The Veggie Troops (野菜軍 Yasai-gun?, lit. "Vegetable Army") are one of the two tribes that reside in the Ohguino Wastelands and are the enemies of the Meaty Troops. The Veggie Troops are secretly working with Myotismon, and come up with a plan to use a laser powered by the kidnapped ShineGreymon, so that they can kill all of the Meaty Troops members, destroy the Ohguino Wastelands, and then re-develop the land and use it to make money.
Rosemon, known as "Lady Rosemon" by the members of the Veggie Troops, is the leader of the Veggie Troops and lives in the Palace of Thorns. Rosemon used its spells to mind control some of its members into helping it with it plan, a plan it had come up with with Myotismon. Myotismon and Rosemon decided to kidnap ShineGreymon, use ShineGreymon's energy to power a laser, fire it at the Meaty Troops, killing them all, and would then use the laser to destroy the Ohguino Wastelands so that Myotismon could redevelop the land and make lots of money. After freeing ShineGreymon and confronting Rosemon, the Hero learns that it was too late, as they had already acquired enough energy to fire to laser and complete their plan. Rosemon decides to give the Hero the chance to stop it by defeating Rosemon and after agreeing to fight Rosemon, Rosemon states it will kill the Hero before firing off the laser. After being defeated, Rosemon tries using its spell on the Hero so that it mind control the Hero and still finish its plan, however the spell doesn't work on the Hero. Rosemon gives up and stops the plan as promised, and thanks the Hero for stopping it as it had simply agreed to the plan in exchange for owning the Palace and didn't actually hate the Meaty Troops. Realising that it had simply just fallen for Myotismon's smooth talking, Rosemon decides it was done playing Queen of the Palace and joins the City and joins the museum, opening a Cinema.
After the Hero defeats Shoma Tsuzuki and the Enforcer, Rosemon decides to visit the Palace, only to find that the Veggie Troops had left it in a bad condition, such as pooping all over the floor and defiling Rosemon's bedroom. Rosemon becomes so enraged, it digivolves into Rosemon BM and tries to kill all its minions, though the Hero defeats Rosemon before it is able to do so. Coming to its senses, Rosemon states that the Veggie Troops better get used to Rosemon returning to the Palace and to keep it in good shape... or else. Rosemon then reverts back to its normal form and thanks the Hero for the battle. Rosemon states it will return to the Palace every Sunday, and that if they want to fight Rosemon again, to come to the Palace on Sundays as well.

Lillymon stands guard outside the Place of Thorns and states the Hero can come through as long as they weren't a spy for the Meaty Troops, unaware that the Hero had agreed to spy for the Meaty Troops for Leomon. Lillymon warns that some members of the Veggie Troops were "twisted", so they probably wouldn't make it alive to see Lady Rosemon. Starving due to Vegiemon stealing control of Lillymon's vegetable fields so that it could grow more food and gain favor with Rosemon by giving their leader all the good it grows, Lillymon, not wanting to turn on Rosemon and defect to the Meaty Troops just so it could eat, asks the Hero to teach Vegiemon a lesson so that it could eat again. After the Hero defeats Vegiemon, Lillymon is delighted that everyone can eat again though sick of the war between the two groups, decides to join the City instead, hoping that by being the Hero's ally, the war would come to an end sooner. Lillymon joins the fields and goes on daily hunts for fruits, nuts, or mushrooms.

In order to gain favor with Rosemon, Vegiemon stole control of all of the vegetable gardens so that it could grow large amounts of food and then give it all to Rosemon. This caused the other members of the Veggie Troops to starve, with some even considering defecting the group and joining the Meaty Troops because of this. After being asked by Lillymon to deal with this before all of the other members die of starvation, the Hero confronts Vegiemon who refuses to allow anyone but Rosemon to eat any of the vegetables it had been growing. After being defeated Vegiemon states that it thought it could live the high life by giving all the vegetables to Rosemon but decides that it isn't worth the effort, and so decides to join the City instead. Vegiemon joins the fields, and will go on daily hunts for either meat or vegetables.

Woodmon is in charge of the Generator Prison Room, where ShineGreymon being held hostage. When the Hero demands Woodmon free ShineGreymon, Woodmon is shocked that the Hero knows they have ShineGreymon held hostage, and asks if the Hero knows about their plan to use ShineGreymon to power the laser, use it to kill all the members of the Meaty Troops, and destroy the Ohguino Wastelands. When the Hero states they didn't know this, Woodmon realises the mistake it had made, so tries to kill the Hero. After being defeated, Woodmon asks if they know that Myotismon was actually behind the entire plan as it wanted to renovate over the Wastelands, and surprised that the Hero knew (as Woodmon just told them) Woodmon decides it could no longer be a member of the Veggie Troops and joins the City. The Hero then frees ShineGreymon. Woodmon joins the fields and sells nuts.

HerculesKabuterimon guards Rosemon's room and fights the Hero when they try to get in to stop Rosemon's plan. After being defeated, HerculesKabuterimon suddenly comes to its senses and realises that it had been mind controlled by Rosemon's spell. HerculesKabuterimon, not wanting the two groups to fight, asks the Hero to put an end to the conflict and then joins the City. HerculesKabuterimon joins the advanced item shop, and sells mini chips to boost the Hero's partner Digimon's stats permanently.

A RedVegiemon goes under cover and finds a Meaty Troops hidden meat field in the Gust Wastes. When RedVegiemon is about to destroy the field, the Hero catches them, though the Hero is too late as it sets fire to the meat. Realising the meat smells nice, RedVegiemon eats the meat and realising that both veggies and meat are good, quits the Veggie troops and becomes a neutral party, so decides not to fight the Hero. RedVegiemon will then trade meat for veggies with the Hero every day.
Other characters[]
Rina Shinomiya and Veevee[]
Oofuchi family[]
Himari lives with her younger sisters Sakura (サクラ?) and Nazuna (ナズナ?). Sakura and Nazuna are twins and attend school in 2nd grade. Since they don't have a mother, Himari is the one who takes care of her sisters.
When the Enforcer corners Takuto or Shiki's group and is about to kill them, Himari calls Sakura and Nazuna's names and apologizes.
Royal Knights[]
Olympos XII[]
Imperialdramon Dragon Mode is a Digimon from another Digital World. It once had a Tamer and the both of them saved their Digital World. After the Hero saves their own Digital World, Imperialdramon heard rumors about them and challenges them at the Infinite Cauldron, to test their strength. After being defeated, it digivolves to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode to show its true strength, due to the Hero showing theirs, and after being defeated again, it digivolves to Imperialdramon Paladin Mode. After being defeated as Paladin Mode, it joins the City and goes to Floatia's Dimensional District, where it will fight the Hero and then increase the Hero's partner Digimon's lifespan by 12 hours if they win.
Blackie and Blackosaurus[]
Blackie (クロりん Kurorin?) and Blackosaurus (クロっち Kurocchi?) are a duo composed of a Gabumon (Black) and an Agumon (Black), respectively. They first encounter the Hero at MOD Cape, where they explain that MOD Cape used to be a pirate hideout, but only their abandoned ships remain. They were pirate apprentices, but the pirates disbanded before they could become full-fledged members. The pair then make it their goal to become the strongest and decide that by defeating the Hero, they will become famous. After they lose to the Hero three times in a row, they retreat.
The pair later reappears at Faulty Ex Machina, having digivolved to Garurumon (Black) and Greymon (Blue). After joking that Greymon's name no longer quite fits due to his blue coloration, they ask the human if they remember who the duo are, then attack twice in a row. After their second defeat, they suddenly gain the power to digivolve to WereGarurumon (Black) and MetalGreymon (Blue), but are still unable to defeat the Hero's team. They then retreat once more.
The pair run into the Hero one last time at Infinite Cauldron, having digivolved to MetalGarurumon (Black) and BlackWarGreymon. After yet another defeat, they DNA digivolve into Omegamon Zwart in a final attempt to defeat their rivals, but they are only able to maintain the fusion for a few seconds and are forced to admit defeat, after which they flee the area.[please confirm]
Piedmon is found outside the Pink Stone House and asks to play hide and seek with the Hero. It will hide and tell the tamer to find it five times before morning, or they lose. Time will move forward to night time if it is still day time. If not found all five times, the Hero can try again the next day. If found all five times, it will join the city. Piedmon joins the arcade and will do experiments on the tamer's Digimon that will have a random effect, such as lowering their hunger stat, or increasing/decreasing a random stat. The most infamous however, is when it states he "reversed the discipline gauge" only for it to be lying. Instead, Piedmon maxed out the Digimon's poop gauges which causes them both to digivolve into Sukamon or PlatinumSukamon depending on the partner Digimon's levels. This can even work on Mega and Ultra level Digimon, who aren't able to poop. Piedmon breaks the fourth wall and speaks directly to the player playing the game and says that it hopes they saved before talking to it and that it knows they're going to reload if they're not happy with what it did to their partners.
When Jijimon is sent a mysterious letter written in seven different languages inviting everyone to a "feast of friendship" in the Pink Stone House, Piedmon tags along with the Hero, Kouta Hirose, Yukimura, Himari Oofuchi, Rikka, and Myotismon as every party needs a clown. Myotismon teleports everyone to its house with a portal. Once going into the house, the lights turn off and even Piedmon and Myotismon are unable to see despite both having the ability to see in the dark. When the lights turn back on, Kouta and Himari find they are unable to move and that their Digivices had been stolen. Piedmon and Myotismon then attack the two, though the Hero, who is able to move, defeats the duo. The Malevolent Fist appears and states that it will move to stage two of its plan, as the first stage hadn't worked. It wakes up Piedmon and Myotismon, who then kidnap Kouta and Himari and flee through a portal.
Lucemon and Beelzemon confirm the Malevolent Fist was the same energy that had destroyed the Dark Area, whilst Taomon attempts to use the bonds of Yukimura and Rikka to track down Kouta and Himari. However, Taomon's Ultimate level strength means it will take multiple days for the power to actually find them, leading Kuzuhamon, the reincarnated member of the Three Gods of Destruction to help, finding that Kouta is in Mod Cape. Upon arriving, they find that the Fist has possessed Kouta and used his body to learn that humans are no threat. It then kidnaps Yukimura and summons a Myotismon and a VenomMyotismon to stall the Hero so that they cannot follow the dark energy. Kouta returns to the City, though it just meant Kouta had been swapped for Yukimura. The same events also happen when finding Rikka in the graveyard of Bony Resort, with Rikka being kidnapped and the Hero having to fight three Piedmons. Jijimon sends Kouta and Himari back to the real world to recover.
They are then sent another letter, once again inviting them to the Pink Stone house for a party. Travelling through the Bony Resort to get there, the Hero has to fight countless clones of Piedmon and Myotismon and eventually, have to fight Fist possessed Yukimura and Rikka themselves. Despite losing, the Fist had gotten what it had wanted, reversing their bonds into a "dark bond", which it then copies. It then summons the real versions of Piedmon and Myotismon and forces them to DNA Digivolve together using the power of the dark bond, the fist possessing the newly formed Digimon and then naming itself Boltboutamon.
After Boltboutamon defeats the Hero, Beelzemon, Lucemon, Shoma Tsuzuki, and Noir, they accept their deaths, though everyone is shocked when Boltboutamon leaves through a dark portal, wanting to have another "party" with them all again one day. The Malevolent Fist clones the body it created and leaves with it, and returns Piedmon and Myotismon back to normal.

After Gomamon asks the Hero to get it a Fishy Picture, the Hero finds MegaSeadramon in MOD Ship 1.0. The Hero asks MegaSeadramon for a Fishy Picture, and MegaSeadramon is offended as it is a Digimon, not a fish. After explaining that Gomamon wants a Fishy Picture MegaSeadramon gives the Hero a ticket that had been passed down through its clan for generations, with the ticket featuring a hand drawn image on it. MegaSeadramon thought the drawing was awful, so was glad to be rid of it, despite it being passed down through its family for thousands of years. MegaSeadramon doesn't feel bad about giving Gomamon a "trash" Fishy Picture and states it will tell Gomamon about it eventually, and then joins the City. MegaSeadramon joins the fishing district in the entertainment section, and opens up new fishing holes. After joining the City, MegaSeadramon overhears the Hero's conversation with WaruSeadramon in which WaruSeadramon admits it had been pretending to be MegaSeadramon so that it could do evil things and blame MegaSeadramon. MegaSeadramon then confronts WaruSeadramon and has the Hero defeat it due to it lying. WaruSeadramon then flees, claiming it will one day have its revenge against the Hero and MegaSeadramon. MegaSeadramon then gives the Hero 2000 bits as thanks.
Notes and references[]
- ↑ https://twitter.com/GetMeSmith/status/1027400973428219904
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 V Jump, November 2015 issue.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 V Jump, December 2015 issue.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 http://d1vtv52f4vjbmu.cloudfront.net/manuals/dwno/PS4-DWNO_manual_GBQS_WEB.pdf
- ↑ Shingeki (芯撃? lit. "Core-attack") is a pun on Attack on Titan (進撃の巨人 Shingeki no Kyojin?, lit. "Advancing Titans").
Digimon World: Next Order | |
Main characters: | Takuto and Shiki | Kouta Hirose | Himari Oofuchi | Shoma Tsuzuki | Luche | Mameo |
Digimon: | Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, and Palmon | Yukimura | Rikka | Samudramon, Kuzuhamon, and Noir | Mamemon |
Antagonists: |
Analogman | Machinedramon | MetalEtemon | Titamon | Three Gods of Ruin |
Other characters: |
Jijimon | Taomon | Enforcer | Mirei Mikagura | Meicoomon | Rina Shinomiya and Veevee | Royal Knights | Meaty Troops | Veggie Troops | Other characters |
See also: | Digimon | Digital Monster | Digital World | ExE | Brain Hack Program | Antivirus Program | AR Plan | Project Reincarnation |