DC Database

"Secrets and Lies": After meeting with the JLA to discuss heroes' fluctuating powers, Supergirl rushes home, certain that the mass depression and hysteria that has swept the globe must be causing riots in Leesburg, as we

Quote1 I'm not pregnant! I'm not gay! I'm SUPERGIRL! Quote2
— Linda Danvers

Supergirl (Volume 4) #14 is an issue of the series Supergirl (Volume 4) with a cover date of October, 1997.

Synopsis for "Secrets and Lies"

After meeting with the JLA to discuss heroes' fluctuating powers, Supergirl rushes home, certain that the mass depression and hysteria that has swept the globe must be causing riots in Leesburg, as well.

To her surprise, the town seems immune to the widespread mood swings. So Supergirl decides to take advantage of the moment of calm and tell her parents who she really is. Unfortunately, Linda's transformation into Supergirl causes Sylvia Danvers to start screaming and Fred to call her a freak and order her to leave their house.

Appearing in "Secrets and Lies"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • An art thief shouts "Show me the Monet!" — a reference to the 1996 film "Jerry Maguire."

See Also

Links and References

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Genesis Crossover
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