DC Database

"Genesis Anew": Superman is sent to investigate a disturbance at the Source Wall, and is surprised to see it is caused by The Cyborg.

Quote1 Is this 'National Superman Devotion Day' or what? I mean, I'd be brave too if I could phase an atom bomb through my butt! Quote2
— Risk

Superman (Volume 2) #128 is an issue of the series Superman (Volume 2) with a cover date of October, 1997.

Synopsis for "Genesis Anew"

Superman is sent to investigate a disturbance at the Source Wall, and is surprised to see it is caused by The Cyborg.

Appearing in "Genesis Anew"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Superman navigation number 1997/40.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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This page is missing one or more character, location or item appearances. If you find any characters that appear in this issue, episode, movie, game or book but are not included on the page, please add them to the Appearances list of the template.

Superman: The Man of Steel #72: 1997/39
1997 Navigation
Adventures of Superman #551: 1997/41

Genesis 1
DC Bullet 2024

Genesis Crossover
The events from this issue are related to the Genesis crossover event. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Genesis Crossover category.
