Face it, Boy Wonder. You got a bad case of the Stephs.
- — Stephanie Brown
Robin (Volume 2) #54 is an issue of the series Robin (Volume 2) with a cover date of June, 1998.
Synopsis for "Aftershock: Repercussions"
Tim Drake goes to Ari's neighborhood looking for her, but he finds that the whole borough has been evacuated to the high school gym as a result of the earthquake and the National Guard has arrived to watch over the place. Tim returns home and finds some men outside his house. The men are supposed to be repairmen and Jack Drake has hired them to repair their house. Mr. Drake has paid in advance and the men leave telling them that they will come the next day to start working. Tim knows that his father has been scammed but he doesn't tell.
At night, Tim goes to the high school dressed as Robin to check on Ariana. When he arrives, he spies her and feels relieved to see her after such a long time. Robin is distracted when he hears Stephanie's nearby. Robin uses a Batarang to attract Stephanie's attention and later they meet on the outside. Stephanie is glad to see Robin and she asks him if he can go to her house and get her Spoiler costume before any looters find out. Robin agrees reluctantly as he is aware of the presence of the Army in that area.
Robin manages to sneak from the soldiers guarding the outside and enters the Brown's house. Robin finds that it has been looted already but he hopes that the looters didn't take the costume. When he enters Stephanie's bedroom, he is caught by surprise by Arthur Brown, the Cluemaster. Brown is armed with a gun and has taken Spoiler's costume. He tells Robin that he had looted the place looking for a stash of money he had hidden in the house. Some soldiers enter the house as they noticed the lights of the house and Brown shoots at them. The soldiers answer with fire and force Brown and Robin to head to the outside. They land on a budget pool and struggle for the costume. When the pool break, the soldiers discover their location and shoot them. Brown looks for cover while Robin takes the costume and runs away. After some time, he reaches the Redbird and before he can go anywhere, he spots the men that tricked his father and their truck. Robin takes their money while they sleep and he deflate their wheels.
Robin returns to the high school and tells Stephanie that he has the costume, but he won't hand it to her in that moment. Robin then goes to take a last look to Ariana and then he heads home.
The next morning, he returns some of the money to his father and tells him that it was a refund from the repairmen. He sent the rest of the money to a quake relief fund. When Tim steps outside his home, he finds that Ariana is waiting for him and both of them go for a ride in the Redbird without noticing the Spoiler costume in the backseat.
Appearing in "Aftershock: Repercussions"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Cluemaster
- Mr. Durstan (Single appearance)
Other Characters:
- National Guard
- Glen (Single appearance)
- Smithers (Single appearance)
- Crystal Brown
- Mrs. McIlvaine
- Natalia Dzerchenko
- Vari Dzerchenko
- Shotgun Smith (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City
- Gotham Heights High School
- Dillon Academy (Mentioned only)
- Brown Residence
- Bristol Township
- This issue is reprinted in Batman: Road to No Man's Land Vol. 1.
See Also