DC Database

"Trapped Like Rats": Batman and Robin open a way inside the Batcave to reach the Batsubway Rocket. They are planning on rescuing some people that are trapped in one of the subway stations.

Quote1 Humans are never innocent, Batman! Humans are cruel, devious predators--busily exterminating every species on earth, including themselves! Quote2
— The Ratcatcher

Batman #555 is an issue of the series Batman (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1998.

Synopsis for "Trapped Like Rats"

Batman and Robin open a way inside the Batcave to reach the Batsubway Rocket. They are planning on rescuing some people that are trapped in one of the subway stations.

The Ratcatcher is nearby said subway station gathering as many trapped rats as he can in order to save them by taking all of them out of there.

When Batman and Robin arrive at the collapsed area of the subway, they open a hole with an explosive charge. The explosion warns Ratcatcher of human activity nearby and he decides to check what is happening.

Batman and Robin arrive at the area where the people are trapped and help all of them to walk out of danger. Before they can reach a safe place, Ratcatcher appears and tells them that he won't let them escape. Ratcatcher uses his high frecuency whistle to call every rat in the nearby surroundings. The rats start to gather atop of the subway train and the vehicle collapses under the weight of all the rodents, killing all of them instantly and also sealing off the way out of there.

Batman distracts Ratcatcher long enough for Robin to sneak behind Flannegan and smack him with his battle staff. Ratcatcher releases some cyanide gas before Batman can take away his gun and the gas starts to affect the people. Batman forces Ratcatcher to show them a way out of the area by taking off his gas mask. As the gas begins to affect him too, Ratcatcher lead them to the outside.

Once outside, the people are taken to hospitals and care centers and Ratcatcher is turned into police custody and remain a prisoner in the GCPD Headquarters.

Appearing in "Trapped Like Rats"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • Among the trapped people, there is a kid wearing a Flash T-shirt.
  • Bruce tells Tim about his point of view for the future of Batman. Bruce acknowledges that he wants Tim to be the next Batman after him.
  • Bruce mentions that Bats are classified as primates. That is a reference to the Flying primate hypothesis. It was recently rejected as false.

See Also

Links and References

Batman Shadow of the Bat Vol 1 73
Batman: Cataclysm Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This issue is a part of the Cataclysm crossover that swept through all Batman Family Titles during 1998. Gotham City was almost completely destroyed by a massive earthquake. This story led into the events that would eventually create No Man's Land.
