DC Database

"Master of the House": A group of trained thieves are planning to loot Wayne Manor now that it's security measures are disabled and the entire building was destroyed. The four thieves approach Wayne Manor the night of July 3rd and are armed with guns and night goggles. The Manor is empty exc

Quote1 They've all got it easy. The supers and the wonders and the villains. All of them. They don't live in the grays. It's all black and white for them. Quote2
— Renee Montoya

Batman Chronicles #14 is an issue of the series Batman Chronicles (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1998.

Synopsis for "Master of the House"

A group of trained thieves are planning to loot Wayne Manor now that it's security measures are disabled and the entire building was destroyed. The four thieves approach Wayne Manor the night of July 3rd and are armed with guns and night goggles. The Manor is empty except for Alfred Pennyworth who is sleeping when the thieves break into the house. Alfred notices their presence and tries to call Bruce Wayne using a radio transmitter but one of the thieves finds him and destroys the radio. The man is taking Alfred with the other thieves but Alfred manages to knock him out. Alfred takes the man's suit and impersonates him in order to take down the second thief. The third thief finds his partner lying down and starts to look for Alfred. The thief finds Alfred and forces him to run. Alfred remembers about some fireworks that were kept in one the Manor's vaults. Alfred uses one of them to blind the thief who is using the night goggles The fireworks start all at once and the people in the surroundings are happy to see that someone is already celebrating the 4th of July. After taking down almost all the gang, Alfred goes to stop their leader who is descending to the Batcave but before he can reach the bottom, Alfred knocks him down and incapacitates him. Alfred calls the police to take the gang into custody and at dawn, Bruce arrives at the Manor and it is as if nothing has happened.

Appearing in "Master of the House"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Quinn's Gang (Single appearance)
    • Meeks
    • Rodriguez
    • Quinn

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Lunatic Fringe"

Huntress is looking for a school bus that went missing a few nights ago. A thug informs her where was the last place that the bus was seen for the last time. She went there and found the bus emptied and nearby a slaughter house. She enters the place and a big man confronted her. She took the man down and then she started looking for the missing kids and the bus driver. In the inner part of the building, the kids were being held hanging as meat, tied from head to toes. Before she could save them she learned that the bus driver was killed and suddenly another man attacked her. This time the man was bigger and stronger. It took Huntress a while to beat him and before she killed him, she was stopped by the screaming kids who were watching the whole scene. After that, she rescued the kids and called the police to take the kids and to arrest the abductors. Huntress was thankful with the kids for preventing her from becoming a murderer.

Appearing in "The Lunatic Fringe"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Haley Leventhal (Single appearance)


  • Dany "Lucullus" Lucas (Single appearance)
  • Hogg (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Slug Stavro (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Random Encounters"

Renee Montoya and her brother Benny have a conversation outside their parents grocery store. It was clear that something was bothering Benny and Renee asked what was it. Benny told his sister that after seeing her killing a criminal a few days ago, he remembered the time when he was assigned on a mission for the U.S. Army. Benny couldn't stop thinking of all the people who died because of him; all the people he killed back then and what worsened it all was that the government gave him a medal for his good work.

Benny was feeling really bad about those memories and Renee told him that life is sometimes raw, and hard but that everyone has to do what they're supposed to at the moment they have to do it; otherwise the normal people wouldn't be different from the superheroes or the villains. The Montoya siblings shared a moment together among the destroyed Gotham City.

Appearing in "Random Encounters"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • The third story is written in a narrative way, instead of a comic book story. It only holds some illustrations for some specific parts of the story.
  • This issue is reprinted in Batman: Road to No Man's Land Vol. 1.


  • In the first story, there is a reference to baseball player Mickey Mantle.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Batman Shadow of the Bat Vol 1 73
Batman: Cataclysm Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

This issue is a part of the Cataclysm crossover that swept through all Batman Family Titles during 1998. Gotham City was almost completely destroyed by a massive earthquake. This story led into the events that would eventually create No Man's Land.
