DC Database

The dark abyss lies in a barren plain of the Inferno, constantly guarded by the demon Abaddon who circles above. It is here that Belial banished his first bride - Ran Va Daath - because of her "bad influence" on their unruly

Quote1 Masak Mavdil's darkling mist arises, cloaking all that Hell despises... All that Hell has scorned, reviled. Rejected, ejected, and then exiled. Quote2

Masak Mavdil is the great pit of Hell where demons exile their own kind.


The dark abyss lies in a barren plain of the Inferno, constantly guarded by the demon Abaddon who circles above.[1] It is here that Belial banished his first bride - Ran Va Daath - because of her "bad influence" on their unruly son, Etrigan the Demon.[2]

When Jason Blood was in Hell, Etrigan planned a hostile takeover to overthrow the Satanic Triumvirate. Consulting the Oracle at the River Styx, he was told to seek out his mother in Masak Mavdil.[3] Etrigan was cunning enough to not only enter the Pit, but also to escape it again with his mother's allegiance and a host of exiled demons, whilst also inveigling his father to betray the Triumvirate,[4] Etrigan then swayed the guardian Abaddon to his cause.[5]

With his army, Etrigan razed Beelzebub's palace, successfully capturing the Lord of Flies. All that was left was Hell's captial, Dis, where Lucifer ruled.[6] With Lucifer's surrender, Etrigan's coronation ceremony took place beside Masak Mavdil. The newly crowned King of Hell then announced his new Satanic Triumvirate, which did not include his father. Belial lashed out in rage but with the Crown of Horns on Etrigan's head, his power was too great. Etrigan ripped out Belial's heart and flung him into the Pit. Beelzebub, too, was mutilated, with his wings being torn off before also being consigned to the darkling void. Lucifer had no intention of joining his former Triumvirate members and abandoned Hell for Earth.[7]

Belial eventually escaped Masak Mavdil by unknown means and hid away in his castle, dejected and weak without his heart.

Jonah Hex was sent here by the Robin King.[citation needed]



See Also
