DC Database

"Into the Abyss": Jason Blood's having a bad time in Hell, having been captured by a demon named the Crone. Randu and Glenda are met with cynical disbelief from Lieutenant Kitch, and Etrigan seeks out his mother in Masak Mavdil.

Quote1 Now I to these dank depths come, to steal my future, to find my... Mum...? Quote2
— Etrigan

The Demon (Volume 3) #2 is an issue of the series The Demon (Volume 3) with a cover date of August, 1990.

Synopsis for "Into the Abyss"

Jason Blood's having a bad time in Hell, having been captured by a demon named the Crone. Randu and Glenda are met with cynical disbelief from Lieutenant Kitch, and Etrigan seeks out his mother in Masak Mavdil.

Appearing in "Into the Abyss"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Harry Matthews is mistakenly referred to as "Harry Andrews" in this issue.

See Also

Links and References
