Beelzebub is a god turned a major demon in Hell, often appearing in the form of a gigantic fly.
During the time when Hell was ruled by a triumvirate, Beelzebub was one of the three ruling lords along with Lucifer and Azazel, who was later replaced by Belial. It was his Duke, Choronzon, that possessed Morpheus's helm before it was won back.[2]
Beelzebub was responsible for transforming Gaius Marcus and Anton Arcane into demons.[citation needed]
After Lucifer abandoned Hell, Beelzebub took humanoid form and sought death in a meeting with Kid Eternity. While he appeared to perish, he has later resurfaced.[citation needed]
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Powers and Abilities
- Demonic Physiology: As a supernatural creature from Hell, The average demon possesses the potential for the following power set:
- Possession: They can possess human bodies and use them as hosts while also manifest his supernatural powers through them.
- Accelerated Healing: They are capable of rapid cellular regeneration of his host bodies.
- Immortality: They do not age, get tired, don't require food, air, or water; and can potentially live forever unless they are killed.
- Superhuman Strength: They are supernaturally strong.
- Superhuman Speed: They can move at superhuman speed.
- Shapeshifting: They can take on the appearance of other people or cast illusions that make look like another person.
- Godly Physiology
- Dimensional Travel
- Magic: Beelzebub can generate swarms of flies powerful enough to devour a powerhouse like Bizarro Supergirl.
- Power Distribution
- This character or object is an adaptation of Beelzebub, a character or object in traditional stories. These include, but may not be limited to religious texts, myth, and/or folk lore. More information on the original can be found at
- In his first appearance, he resembled a humanoid demon with pointed ears.
- His first fly-like, Post-Crisis appearance is Sandman Vol 2 4.
- Beelzebub is also known as Ba'al Zebul ("Lord of the High House"), Baalzebub ("Lord of Flies", his preference), or simply Ba'al.[1]
- He is one of six demonic personages who bestows power upon the super-villain known as Sabbac.
- 44 Appearances of Beelzebub (New Earth)
- 8 Images featuring Beelzebub (New Earth)
- 1 Quotations by or about Beelzebub (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Beelzebub (New Earth)
This character exists under the Vertigo Imprint which is intended for Mature Readers.Their continuity takes place within the context of Vertigo titles although they may cross over into regular DC continuity.
The Demon supporting cast This character has been an ally or antagonist to either The Demon Etrigan or his counterpart Jason Blood in any of their various incarnations. |
Etrigan Villain(s) This character is or was primarily an enemy of Etrigan. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Etrigan Villains." |
Marvel Family Villain This character is or was primarily an enemy of Captain Marvel, the Wizard Shazam, or any of the extended members of the Marvel Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Marvel Family Villains." |