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Quote1 I was right... about all of it. In the Pit... lives a Demon. It showed me a horrible future... that will only worsen unless we free the demon. Purge this planet... and start again. Quote2
— Rúh al Ghul src

The Lazarus Demon was a demonic being that existed within the Lazarus Pits, and was worshiped by the League of Lazarus.

Early Life

Many centuries ago, Rúh al Ghul learned of the existence of the Lazarus Demon, due to her son Ra's al Ghul's status as the sultan's physician. This granted Rúh access to forbidden knowledge, leading her to learn of the demon's existence. Rúh was sick and had been plagued with haunting visions of the future, which showed her that the demon would be her only savior. She would regularly pray to the demon and preach about it, however Ra's rejected the idea of the demon, as he was more focused on science. Rúh eventually died from her sickness and was later resurrected by Ra's using a Lazarus Pit. Upon her resurrection, she exclaimed that she had been right about the demon all along, and that it lived within the pit, showing her a horrible future that would only worsen unless the demon was freed.[1]

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Lazarus Tournament

During the Tournament on Lazarus Island, Mother Soul unleashed the Demon to merge with the champion Connor Hawke, but the being was eventually killed by Damian Wayne and the fighters on the island.




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