DC Database

Rúh al Ghul was the matriarch of the al Ghul family and is the head of the League of Lazarus.


  • Lazarus Enhancement: Rúh al Ghul has lived for several centuries thanks to her use of Lazarus Pits, which she has used countless times to replenish her aged, injured, or even dead body.
    • Immortality: Rúh has acquired an extended lifespan through the use of the Lazarus Pit. Her unrestricted access to the Pit has rendered her nearly immortal.
  • Magic: Rúh is able to use magic spells for various purposes.



  • Spell book



Teen Titans Vol 6 3 Textless
DC Bullet 2024

Robin Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of any of the young heroes who have been known as Robin. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Robin villains."
