Superboy, also known as Kon-El, is a Kryptonian clone. Created during a time when the original Kon-El was trapped in Gemworld, he is a clone of Jonathan Lane Kent, the future son of Superman and Lois Lane. He was created by Harvest of N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. Superboy was a member of the Teen Titans, the Ravagers, and Gen 13.
New 52
Main article: Superboy: Incubation
Superboy was a Human/Kryptonian Hybrid clone created by N.O.W.H.E.R.E., an organization which threatens the lives of teen heroes and has a wide array of unforeseen plans. Although led to believe he was a clone of Superman, his creation was orchestrated by the time-traveling general Harvest as a way to save the life of an alternate Jon Lane Kent, cloned from him with the intent of being used to wage war against metahumans.[2] He was accidentally awakened when his death was ordered and his natural self-defense instincts were triggered, killing all the scientists except Caitlin Fairchild.[3]
He was continually tested by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. under orders by Zaniel Templar and supervised by Rose Wilson, Doctor Umber and Doctor Michael White. His first field mission was to infiltrate an alien prison designated as Pen 51, where he lost control of his telekinetic powers and was first separated from the team. Lost and confused, he came to discover his abilities through encounters with humans who attacked out of fear.
He eventually found that he was followed to the surface by the girl that had been inside Pen 51. The alien from Pen 51 who revealed that Superboy is both Kryptonian and human.[4] After defeating Caitlin Fairchild, Superboy met with Centerhall who told him he's free to come and go as he pleased, but asked that he considered returning to help N.O.W.H.E.R.E. to help stop dangerous metahumans. He chose to go free. However, after seven days of freedom, Superboy felt his first compulsion towards heroics when he stopped a metahuman couple who had killed a restaurant full of people. Once he defeated them, he turned them in to officials at N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and agreed to rejoin.[5]
Superboy prepared for battle against Wonder Girl by studying her previous actions and confronted her at Times Square. Superboy was about to win the match when the Teen Titans came to Wonder Girl's rescue. However, Superboy was able to effortlessly defeat them all, though he began to take pity.[6] He eventually realized that he was in fact created as a weapon and was being wielded by N.O.W.H.E.R.E.. In an act of defiance, he through Templar's surveillance van into the water.[7]
Superboy later met with Supergirl above a bridge, as she was drawn to the "S" symbol on his uniform, the symbol of her family. However, she was disgusted to discover that he was a clone, which were frowned upon in Kryptonian culture. She thus derisively gave him the name Kon-El, meaning "abomination in the House of El."[8]
Before Superboy returned to N.O.W.H.E.R.E., he rescued Caitlin Fairchild, tricking Templar into thinking he was in his room all along. Superboy left Caitlin in the care of his friend, an NYPD detective, Jocelyn Lure. However, Jocelyn would lose Caitlin and Caitlin would return to the colony just in time for the Culling. Superboy returned once again to N.O.W.H.E.R.E. and defeated Centerhall. He discovered he was the second N.O.W.H.E.R.E Kryptonian subject, but was defeated in combat by Rose Wilson before he could find out more.[9]
The Culling
After a failed rescue attempt by the Teen Titans, Superboy was forced to train for the Culling with a metahuman called Grunge. he realized that Grunge, Dr. Fairchild and the other so-called "Ravagers" shared a common immunity to his telekinesis; he managed to defeat Grunge, but being wounded himself, passed out.[10]
When he woke up, Superboy found himself in the Colony faced with Beast Boy and Terra. After being convinced to join the Teen Titans in their battle to defeat Harvest, he and the other Titans teamed up with the time-stranded portion of the Legion of Super-Heroes.[11] Harvest sent the Ravagers to finish off the young heroes. Superboy tried to take down their leader, Warblade, but was outmatched because of his opponent's immunity to telekinesis. Dawnstar tipped the balance back in his favor. With Warblade defeated, the young heroes could face Harvest.[12] Harvest escaped and the complex exploded, but Superboy and Wonder Girl managed to save the others.[13]
Superboy woke up in an island full of animals believed to be extinct. Wonder Girl was with him,[14] and they found the other Titans the next day. As they spent time on the island, they started finding clues that it was Danny the Street who brought them there. Danny offered to bring them home, at great risk to himself, and the Teen Titans agreed reluctantly.[15]
Superboy returned to New York where he found an apartment, rented with money he "borrowed" from a bank (not understanding that it was a crime). He and Bunker discussed his symbol, being told that he should be proud of it; when the two wander into a tattoo parlor, Bunker was shocked to see Superboy get an "S" tattoo. [16]
Wonder Girl & The Silent Armor
Back from their fight with Harvest, Kid Flash, Bunker and Solstice faced a a criminal within their headquarters. As Cassie helped them defeat him, she went into a state of berserk, completely controlled by her Silent Armor.[17] Soon, Tim and Superboy attempted to help herget back in control. Though they succeed, a mysterious ex-boyfriend of Cassie, Diesel, then appeared and took the armor for himself.[18]
The three traveled to Cambodia, in search of him and the Armor, but were unsuccessful in retrieving either. Diesel began wearing the Silent Armor, wanting to use all the obscure and arcane powers of the sentient weapon: in fact, Tim soon discovers the mysterious artifact is connected to an old legend associated with a creature named Trigon.[19] After neutralizing Diesel, Cassie takes the armor back and Tim and Kon promise her they will help her control it.[20]
The Ravagers and Legion Lost
When Superboy came to the defense of his landlord being robbed, one of the assailants, revealed that she was a telepath and made Superboy see illusions. Superboy felt like he was being crushed until he figured out that Kiva was using his own power against him. So Superboy let himself go and opened his very soul. That made the telepath experience incredible pain when she saw inside Superboy and she passed out. While the brutes took the Kiva away, Superboy tended to Dallas.[21]
Jocelyn Lure began monitoring and analyzing Superboy and his previous actions, and he eventually awoke to her pointing a gun to his head. Though they initially fought, they came to an agreement after he explained himself. She brought teleported him to Dr. Fairchild.[22] Desperate for answers about himself, Superboy interrogated Dr. Fairchild to no avail, and the two traded blows. This agitates the other Ravagers, as he was created to destroy them if they ever got out of control. However, Superboy proved himself when he stopped Thunder from exploding. Superboy would also enrage Ridge, when he claimed that he was jealous of Ridge, claiming "at least your memories are real". Superboy would also assist the Ravagers in destroying the other N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Colonies.[23]
Superboy began training in the Ravagers' hologram training, though the group still did not fully trust him. He made it a goal to become one of them, part of a group. Though Dr. Fairchild remarked that it could never happen, Superboy enjoyed finally having something "real" to dream about. When Superboy and the Ravagers were on a mission to a cemetery to save a meta-teen, they were confronted by N.O.W.H.E.R.E. agents.[24] Dr. Fairchild had a vision to where Superboy possibly dies by Rose Wilson, however, Superboy defies his fate and defeats her and Warblade.[25]
Jocelyn appears through a portal, saying Superboy needs to fulfill his end of their previous deal. Superboy protested, happy at finally finding somewhere he belonged. When she didn't give him a choice and forces him through her portal, the Ravagers followed to save him. Superboy encountered Harvest who then caused him to go berserk, using a Kryptonian trigger phrase.[26] The Legion Lost managed to snap Kon out of his trance just in time, but thed incident left Kon shaken, believing that he was still just a living weapon.[27]
H'el on Earth
Returning to New York after the ordeal, he was attacked by H'el, a radical Kryptonian who despised him because he was a clone. Even with the help of the Teen Titans, he lost the fight and was abducted.[28] H'el brought him to Supergirl to serve as proof to his loyalty towards Krypton, though she opted not to kill him right away as H'el desired.[29] When H'el was about to snap his neck, Superman interfered and saved him. Superboy tried to help Superman fight H'el to no avail and ended up getting gravely injured when H'el ripped his DNA apart.[30]
Superboy was brought to the Fortress of Solitude by Superman to try and save his life. In the process, Superman discovered that Superboy's DNA contains three strands (as opposed to the usual two); two were identified as Human and Kryptonian, but the third could not be identified. To stop his genetic meltdown, Superman put his Kryptonian battle armor on Superboy. It worked, but caused Superboy's telekinesis to concentrate and condense, limiting his power only to the things he touched.[31] H'El discovered the fortress and managed to lock them out, so that he may use it build a device to bring back Krypton. Together, Superboy and Superman visited Lex Luthor in his prison to develop a plan to defeat H'el. Joined by the Justice League, Superboy and Superman broke back into the Fortress of Solitude. However, their victory was short-lived as Superman and was sucked into an alien device that leads them into another dimension containing a sentient planetoid transformed into a prison planet by evildoers. The two managed to confront the villains, free the prisoners, and return home.[32]
Upon return, the two regrouped with the Justice League to continue the fight against H'El. They watched as H'El activated his finished device, which began to consume the sun. H'El also ripped the Kryptonian armor -- which was keeping Superboy alive -- off of him and placed on Superman, claiming that his parents would "want Kal to die with dignity". Without the armor, Superboy began to die. However, he mustered up the courage and willpower to use his T.K. to try to pull his D.N.A. back together. When Superboy tried to fly to the Star Chamber to destroy it, he encountered Supergirl.
When Superboy tried to convince Supergirl that the Star Chamber will destroy the Earth, Supergirl responded by viciously assaulting him. Despite the attack, Superboy doesn't back down and is saved in the knick of time Wonder Woman. While Wonder Woman faced Supergirl, Superboy managed to destroy H'El's device; however with the machine destroyed, the time shards began to collapse time itself. Superboy tried to hold the shards together, but was quickly defeated in his weakened state and was tied up with Wonder Woman and Superman. Superboy watched as Kara finally betrayed H'el, stabbing him with a shard of Kryptonite and freeing them. Superboy was then able to return home.
Encountering Trigon
While the Titans try to digest the battle against Harvest, they live their new team life: Tim Drake in particular feels and acts different, seducing both Solstice and Wonder Girl behind the backs of his friends. Then, he brings the team to Belle Reve tricking them into thinking a young metahuman was held prisoner there, while Tim only wanted to close a private deal with Amanda Waller. As Cassie and Kon confront him about his attitude, the Titans must stop arguing to handle a threat in the middle of New York City: the demonic Trigon appeared out of nowhere to start his conquer of the planet Earth.[33]
Unable to face him as he's too powerful, the Titans soon get helped by Trigon's own daughter, Raven, who rebels against the evil his father represents. Together with her is another metahuman, Beast Boy, who the Titans previously encountered as one of the prisoners of Harvest during The Culling. Trigon then detects another metahuman on the field, Simon Jones and he amplifies his powers to kill dozens of soldiers that intervened in the conflict. Trigon soon leaves, making the impression that everything he wanted was placing the Titans in a crisis in front of the world.[34]
Tim recruits Raven to the team, all the while fighting a possession he does not know is even effecting him. After facing Trigon's three sons and defeating them, Raven tells the Titans that the Simon Jones incident was only an illusion his father orchestrated to trick them.[35] Trigon then comes back, revealing his intention was to test the resilience of the Titans' leader, Tim Drake. After leaving once again with his real intents still a mystery, Raven officially becomes a member of the team and reveals publicly all the things Tim did under the possession of his father, bringing the team to a breaking point, thanks to jealousy that both Bart and Kon feel about Tim's secret adventures with both Kiran and Cassie.[36]
When Bart was pulled into a wormhole, Superboy helped free him. Superboy was also present when the Green Team offered to buy the Teen Titans.[37]
Doctor Psycho
At some point after their encounter with H'el, Superman intrusted Superboy to take care of Krypto. Learning a lesson after his battle with H'el, Superboy would also return the millions he stole from the bank. While fighting a villain, Superboy was tricked by Doctor Psycho. Superboy would also defeat a H.I.V.E. villain with his help. Superboy also assisted a girl who was manifesting a monster with her mind. He was tricked into destroying a school thinking that a villain was teleporting around. Superboy finally snapped out of his trance after he used a phone camera to realize that there was actually no villain there after all. The "villain" turned out just to be a manifestation of his Superboy's fears created by the Psycho Pirate. Even with all his power, Superboy could not defeat him. Superboy was badly beaten and all his telekinetic senses were temporarily stolen from him.[38]
Forever Evil and Lost in Time
Main article: Forever Evil
When the Crime Syndicate would take over the world, Teen Titans felt the burden to take the place of the Justice League. They landed at the Fallen Watchtower, saving the law enforcement on the scene. Johnny Quick would utilize the Vibrational Frequency of Kid Flash to cause a temporal rift which pulled Superboy alongside whatever is left of the Teen Titans into the future,[39] after being thrown to different focuses in time[40] Kon and the Titans arrived in a possible future where the child of Superman killed the vast majority of the Metahumans on Earth, He was brought onboard the Justice League satellite by the Beast Boy of the future and was assaulted by the Teen Titans of the future, who confused him for the evil Superboy. Shortly thereafter Jon telepathically placed the memories of him killing the metahumans, and the duo engaged in battle, which Kon overpowered as well as figured out how to pierce him onto the Satellite before he could land a finishing blow he was pulled into the timestream.[41]
Krypton Returns
Main article: Krypton Returns
Superboy, Superman and Supergirl were mysteriously pulled into space, summoned by the being known as the Oracle, who told the Kryptonians that their enemy H'El had successfully gone back in time and saved Krypton from its doomed fate but had caused a time paradox they needed to resolve. The team was sent back in time to the last days of Krypton, with Superboy being assigned to save Supergirl in the past from an Eradicator that was hunting her. After he succeeded, Superboy wiped past-Supergirl's memories of his involvement to preserve the timestream, even though he knew doing so would preserve her hatred of him as a clone when they would first meet years later.
After H'El's defeat by Superman and his father, Superboy secretly stayed in the past and orchestrated the events that allowed Supergirl to escape the planet in a rocket before it exploded. On Krypton for its destruction, Superboy looked back on his short life, realizing that he was not a living weapon, just a boy that tried.[42]
Though Superboy died on Krypton, he was not dead for long, as he was reborn as the Herald of the Oracle. Though he served dutifully, he longed for his old life as Superboy and as a member of the Teen Titans.[43]
Believed to be Dead
Although to the Superman Family, Kon was believed to be dead, he was not forgotten; when Mogul's son attacked earth he was recalled by Supergirl when Krypto returns. After the Superman Family and the Batman Family defeat Jochi, Superman attempted to comfort Batman with the information that even Superboy was created to be an assassin, and he changed, so there was a possibility that Jochi could've changed with more time. However, Batman was not interested.[44]
Superboy was considered to be a target for assassination, when an assassin was targeting people related to Superman, but was ruled out as a target because he was believed to be dead.[45]
When Jon Lane Kent returned from the future, his existing consciousness linked with the other Jon Lane Kent of the period who was in stasis. The two consciousnesses summoned Kon away from his duty as the herald of the Oracle. Kon became a bridge between the two Jons. While the Jon that returned from the future worked with star labs, Kon and the other Jon would constantly send messages to Jon at his time at star labs.
When Jon went to explore the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. base, he made contact with the other Jon. Their contact created a pocket reality engulfing the entire N.O.W.H.E.R.E. base. When they made contact Jon had a heart-to-heart with Kon inside their unconsciousness. Kon and the two Jons fused into a singular being, with their body producing tachyons. They transformed multiple of Jon's star labs associates into their ultimate reality versions before the other Jon took control and killed two security officers. With the three beings fighting for control, they split apart and simultaneously summoned every Superboy version in reality. The other Jon took control of all the other Superboys and attempted to kill Jon, Kon and the others.
However, the attempt was not successful and Jon sacrificed himself throwing himself and the other Jon into the wall of the pocket reality. The destruction of the pocket reality returned the star lab workers back into their normal reality versions and returned all the Superboys to their respective realities. By killing himself and destroying the pocket reality, Jon was erased from existence, and Kon was brought back as the one and only Superboy.[1]
Secret Origins
Superboy visited S.T.A.R. Labs to take a DNA test. The doctor prepared a Kryptonite coated syringe because he assumed that he would need it to break Superboy's skin, however, Kon explained that his power relied solely on his T.K., therefore the kryptonite needle was not needed. To distract from the pain and to wait for the test to finish, Superboy reflected on his past. He explained his creation, origin, time with the Teen Titans and death. he describes how hard it is to live up to Superman, after meeting him.
Eventually, Superboy has a realization; he doesn't need a DNA test to tell him who he is. He's Superboy! However, when he leaves, the DNA test finishes. Revealing that his DNA is 45% human, 45% Kryptonian, and 10% Unknown. The Doctor is intrigued as the computer is not being able to identify the third strand of Kon's DNA.[46]
Wanting to find a sense to his existence, Kon traveled throughout the world, learning different religions and philosophies. While in Rome, he stumbled into the students of an inter-planetary school for super-heroes called Crucible Academy. One of those students, Maxima, was under orders to take him to Crucible, though Supergirl, who happened to be a Crucible student, stepped in the way and tried to stop her schoolmates. When Maxima and Kon pointed out that Kryptonians hate clones, Supergirl replied she had changed and she knew better now.
Superboy agreed to go to Crucible anyway, reasoning he had nothing to lose. However, one of the preceptors captured him with the purpose of extracting his Kryptonian DNA with which creating an army of clones. Supergirl and her schoolmates rescued him, and Kon and Kara managed to destroy the cloning facility. Afterward, Kon returned to Earth to help people.
Returning from Crucible Academy, Superboy's programmed killing instincts kick in when he comes in the proximity of a neighborhood filled with the Durlans who he registers as a threat. Superboy, not in control of his body, ruthlessly slaughters all of the Durlans, except Ra'ut L'lwer. This incident was similar to another when Harvest made him fight the Legion Lost.[27] Superboy's name and image are spread across social media as a mass murderer, with even Reporter Lois Lane writing about him.
Ra'ut L'lwer helped Kon escape from jail and J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter. Red Robin doubts the video is true, although the Titans are split on whether Superboy could have actually committed mass murder. However, Tim didn't let the team have a vote and insists Superboy is innocent. Manhunter, who was seeking to kill Kon for what he had done, found them at Gar and Miguel's apartment; Kon lashed out at him and knocked him unconscious. Once again, Tanya and Cassie got into an argument with the rest of the Titans, ending with talking with Manchester Black, who offered them a place on S.T.A.R. Labs' new team: The Elite; they accept.[47]
Even though they were trying to lay low, Miguel, Gar and Raven were recognized, and they attracted a large crowd. While surrounded by the crowd, a woman was pushed onto the tracks of the L-train. Gar and Miguel fully revealed themselves to save her, but Kon swooped in just before the woman was killed. Because Kon was still technically an escaped murderer, the police responded immediately. Manchester Black and S.T.A.R. also noticed, and decided on sending their team on their first mission. The Titans escaped before the Elite showed up, but, with the help of Klarion, manage to locate them again.[48]
After escaping Black and the Elite, the Titans went into hiding once again, trying to plan their next course of action. They eventually decide to break into the M.A.W. to help Kon, who is in hiding[49]. Raven tells them that the person she saw in relation to Kon in Black's mind is Despero. In order to get to Despero, they would have to temporarily let every inmate out, including Blockbuster and Livewire. Right before many of the inmates escaped the facility completely, Kon showed up and took them down.[49]
All of a sudden, Tim, Kon, Cassie and Bart were transported to a place that appeared to be the apartment where they first joined together to be the Titans. Afer seeing various visions and images of their past, it was revealed that Harvest was the one responsible for it. Harvest attempted to win Kon over, but the Titans retaliated. But, Kon convinced them to stop. He told them that they were the best heroes—and the best friends he had ever known. But he did kill the aliens and truly was nothing more than a living weapon. After a brief scuffle with Tim, he disappeared with alongside Harvest, leaving Tim, Bart and Cassie alone in the illusion.[50] He was never seen again.
Though this version of Superboy disappeared and was presumed dead by most, he was not forgotten. He was recalled by Bunker multiple times whenever Bunker reminisced about his time with the Titans.
When the Suicide Squad and the Outlaws raided a N.O.W.H.E.R.E. base that was causing seismic tremors. Bizarro knew that the base was made to stop another Kryptonian clone. However, when Harvest's corpse was found dead and crucified and Superboy had mysteriously vanished; his involvement in Harvest's demise is unknown.
Powers and Abilities
- Cloned Kryptonian Physiology: Under the effects of a "yellow" sun, Superboy possesses the half-potential powers as an average Kryptonian, though his Kryptonian abilities hasn't perfectly developed, probably due to his young age. These include:
- Self-Sustenance: Superboy can live and speak in the vacuum of space just fine even though he had difficulties breathing in space when he was in it for first time.[8]
- Superhuman Strength: Kon-El displayed strength enough to bench press a couple tons. His upper limit has fluctuated over time however. He has showcased enough physical might to lift the city of Kandor into space without his psychic powers.[8][42]
- Superhuman Speed[citation needed]
- Superhuman Durability: Even without his TTK field, Superboy is tough enough to resist the touch of lava.[4]
- Heat Vision[citation needed]
- Superhuman Stamina: Superboy can exert himself at peak capacity for several days.
- Superhuman Agility: Superboy is significantly faster and more agile than a normal human being, and can easily dodge bullets and avoid physical combat strikes.
- Accelerated Healing: Superboy has the ability to heal himself (from the wounds or diseases of others or themselves).
- Telekinesis: Superboy has full telekinetic powers; he's used it to levitate, manipulate and repel objects and people, create force fields, dissasemble people and things and shoot telekinetic blasts.
- Tactile Telekinesis: Superboy's body is completely surrounded by an invisible field of telekinetic energy, protecting him from harm and enhancing his physical abilities. This can also be used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as the user (such as the ground) or to fly by pushing his own body through the air (this usually requires effort though).
- Telekinetic Strength: Superboy uses a telekinetic field to lift heavy objects.[51]
- Telekinetic Field: Superboy uses his telekinetic ability to create an invisible force field around his own body.
- Telekinetic Hyper-Acceleration: Kon-El can focus his telekinesis inward to accelerate his molecular motion in order to move at ultrahigh velocities.[citation needed]
- Telekinetic Heat Vision: By vibrating molecules within his line of sight, Superboy can set things ablaze through the application of extreme heat.
- Telekinetic Blasts: Superboy is able to project bursts of raw energy bolts of concussive force. He mostly projected the energy from his hands, but his TK field permeated from his entire body. The blasts he emitted had concussive force equivalent to 5,000 pounds of TNT.
- Flight: Superboy uses his telekinetic ability to simulate flying.
- Telepathy: Superboy can at least see and erase memories. He also seemingly has at least some kind of telepathic resistance.[42]
- Genius Level Intellect: Superboy has shown to possess superior intellect to what humans could ever have. His mind works with incredible speeds, and combined with his TTK-powers, it might be one of his greatest assets.
- Multilingualism: Due to his unique psionic powers, Superboy can learn new languages by simply touching a person. He has shown to know and speak English and Kryptonian perfectly.
- Power Limitation: Thirteen Gen-Actives appear to be able to resist Superboy's telekinesis.[5]
- Containment Suit: Superboy's suit sports the symbol of the House of El and monitors his TK and repairs itself.
Recommended Reading
- Superboy Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 1)
- Superboy (Volume 2)
- Superboy (Volume 4)
- Superboy (Volume 5)
- Superboy (Volume 6)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Superboy and the Ravers (Volume 1)
- Young Justice (Volume 1)
- Young Justice (Volume 3)
- Teen Titans (Volume 3)
- Teen Titans (Volume 4)
- 103 Appearances of Kon-El II (Prime Earth)
- 74 Images featuring Kon-El II (Prime Earth)
- 10 Quotations by or about Kon-El II (Prime Earth)
- Character Gallery: Kon-El II (Prime Earth)
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Superboy (Volume 6) #34
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #0
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #1
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Superboy (Volume 6) #3
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Superboy (Volume 6) #4
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #4
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #5
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Superboy (Volume 6) #6
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #7
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #8
- ↑ Teen Titans Annual (Volume 4) #1
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #9
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #9
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #10
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #10
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #11
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #11
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #12
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #13
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #14
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #12
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #13
- ↑ Ravagers #5
- ↑ Ravagers #6
- ↑ Ravagers #7
- ↑ Legion Lost (Volume 2) #14
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Legion Lost (Volume 2) #16
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #14
- ↑ Supergirl (Volume 6) #14
- ↑ Superman (Volume 3) #14
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #15
- ↑ Superboy Annual (Volume 6) #1
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #18
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #19
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #21
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #22
- ↑ Green Team: Teen Trillionaires #8
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #18
- ↑ Forever Evil #2
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 4) #24
- ↑ Teen Titans Annual (Volume 4) #2
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 Superboy (Volume 6) #25
- ↑ Teen Titans Annual (Volume 4) #3
- ↑ Batman/Superman Annual #1
- ↑ Batman/Superman #16
- ↑ Secret Origins (Volume 3) #7
- ↑ Teen Titans Annual (Volume 5) #1
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 5) #9
- ↑ 49.0 49.1 Teen Titans (Volume 5) #10
- ↑ Teen Titans (Volume 5) #11
- ↑ Superboy (Volume 6) #5
Superman Family member |
Teen Titans member This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. |
Titans Villain(s) This character has been primarily an enemy of the Teen Titans, the Titans, or any of the other various Titans incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Titans Villains" category. |