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- A'iir (New Earth)
- Adam (clone) (New Earth)
- Adolf Hitler (At Earth's End)
- Adolf Hitler clone (New Earth)
- Adolf Hitler clone (Wonder Woman TV Series)
- Adrian Cross (Smallville)
- Al Bizarro (New Earth)
- Alex (New Earth)
- Alia (Smallville)
- Alia (Smallville: Pandora)
- Antar Ftt B'Jan (New Earth)
- Anthony Rodriguez clone (New Earth)
- Arion clone (Earth-16)
- Arnus II (Dakotaverse)
- Arsenal (clone) (Earth-One)
- Auron (New Earth)
- Ava Sharpe (Arrowverse)
- Barry Allen (Justice League 3000)
- Bart Allen clone (Titans Tomorrow)
- Basqat (Smallville)
- Batzarro (New Earth)
- Bian My clone (Watchmen TV Series)
- Bizarro (Arrowverse: Earth-38)
- Bizarro (DC Legends)
- Bizarro (DCAU)
- Bizarro (Earth-30)
- Bizarro (Earth-149)
- Bizarro (Earth-One)
- Bizarro (Flashpoint Paradox)
- Bizarro (Super Friends)
- Bizarro (Superboy TV Series)
- Bizarro I (New Earth)
- Bizarro II (New Earth)
- Bizarro II (Prime Earth)
- Bizarro Jimmy Olsen (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Krypto (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Mxyzptlk (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Perry White (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Superboy (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Supergirl (Earth-One)
- Black Zero (Hyper-Tension)
- Blade (Earth-One)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-Batman)
- Bruce Wayne (Fortnite)
- Bruce Wayne (Justice League 3000)
- Bruce Wayne clone (DC Legends)
- Bruce Wayne clone (Last Knight on Earth)
- Bruce Wayne clone (New Earth)
- Bruce Wayne clone (Prime Earth)
- Bruct (New Earth)
- Bubastis II (Watchmen)
- Dark Knight (Prime Earth)
- Diana (Earth-1927)
- Diana of Themyscira (Justice League 3000)
- Divine (New Earth)
- Divine (Prime Earth)
- Donna Troy (Titans Tomorrow)
- Doomsboy (World Without Young Justice)
- Doomsday (DCAU)
- Doomsday clone (World Without Young Justice)
- Doomslayer (New Earth)
- Downpour (DCAU)
- Dubbilex (New Earth)
- Dubbilex (Prime Earth)
- Kal-El (Justice League 3000)
- Kal-El clone (Last Knight on Earth)
- Kal-El clone (Lois & Clark)
- Kancer (New Earth)
- Kara Zor-El clone (DC Bombshells)
- Kara Zor-El clone (Earth-One)
- Kathana (New Earth)
- Kell-El (Legion of Super-Heroes TV Series)
- Kent Connor (New Earth)
- Kent Connor (Tiny Titans)
- Kirk DePaul (New Earth)
- Koko clone (DC Legends)
- Kon (Prime Earth)
- Kon-El (Batman in Bethlehem)
- Kon-El (DC Legends)
- Kon-El (DC Universe Online)
- Kon-El (Earth-22)
- Kon-El (Future State)
- Kon-El (Injustice)
- Kon-El (Lego Batman)
- Kon-El (New Earth)
- Kon-El (Prime Earth)
- Kon-El (Tiny Titans)
- Kon-El (Titans Tomorrow)
- Kon-El clone (Titans Tomorrow)
- Kon-El II (Prime Earth)
- Krypto (Titans TV Series)
- Krypto clone (New Earth)
- Kryptonite Man (New Earth)
- Sangtee Emperor (New Earth)
- Sara Lance (Arrowverse)
- Selena Tubach II (Motherlands)
- Seraph (New Earth)
- Shaqira Johnson (Wildstorm Universe)
- Sheila Romero (Digital Justice)
- Shifter (DCAU)
- Slobo (New Earth)
- Smoke (Prime Earth)
- Smother (New Earth)
- Solomon Grundy (Earth-One)
- Solomon Grundy clone (Prime Earth)
- Stormguards (Hyper-Tension)
- Subject 514A (Gotham)
- Super-Menace (Earth-One)
- Superboy (Dark Multiverse: Death of Superman)
- Superboy (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Superboy (DCAU)
- Superboy (Earth-16)
- Supergirl I (Earth 11)
- Supergrrl (Earth-1098)
- Superior Man (Superman: Red Son Movie)
- Superlad III (Earth-One)
- Superman II (Earth-399)
- Superman III (Earth-399)
- Sweetheart (Prime Earth)