DC Database

"The Long Way Home": While the other members attend Sindella's funeral, Red Tornado is ambushed in the JLA satellite by the Secret Society of Super-Villains, who materialize in the transporter following their escape from Earth-Two.

Quote1 It's working! Do you feel it? It's working, I tell you! Now let the world stand against us! Now let the world know the true meaning of evil! Quote2
— Wizard

Justice League of America #166 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1979. It was published on February 8, 1979.

Synopsis for "The Long Way Home"

While the other members attend Sindella's funeral, Red Tornado is ambushed in the JLA satellite by the Secret Society of Super-Villains, who materialize in the transporter following their escape from Earth-Two.

In order to rescue their souls from limbo, they need to use an artifact from the Bronze Age -- a statue of a Griffin, to switch them with the JLA.

When the Justice League heroes attack, the Secret Society members are able to switch bodies with them, using an ancient griffin statue with mystical attributes. The Wizard becomes Superman, Blockbuster becomes Batman, Reverse-Flash becomes Green Lantern, Star Sapphire becomes Zatanna, and Floronic Man becomes Wonder Woman, while the defeated heroes take on the appearances of the five villains.

Appearing in "The Long Way Home"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • In this issue, the Secret Society of Super-Villains are returning from Earth-Two. They were last seen there in Secret Society of Super-Villains #15. After that issue, the Society had additional adventures on Earth-Two that were slated for SSOSV # 16 and # 17, but these were not published due to the cancellation of that series. These stories eventually appeared in Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2.
  • Reprinted in JLA: The Greatest Stories Ever Told (minus the 4 pages that wrap up the story from the previous issue).

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Zatanna 014
Mindwipes Storyline
DC Bullet 2024

The events from this issue or series are related to the Mindwipes Storyline, and/or any of its surrounding events, including the League That Defeated Itself, Identity Crisis, and Crisis of Conscience. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Mindwipes Storyline category.

Identity Crisis 001
Identity Crisis Crossover
DC Bullet 2024

The events from this issue or series are related to Identity Crisis, a crisis in themes of morality and identity for the Justice League of America, beginning when a mysterious killer starts targeting the families of heroes. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Identity Crisis crossover category.
