As of this moment, you are all members of the Justice League. Now get ready for war.
- — Superman
Justice League (Volume 4) #30 is an issue of the series Justice League (Volume 4) with a cover date of October, 2019. It was published on August 28, 2019.
Synopsis for "Justice/Doom War, Part 1"
Inside the Hall of Justice
Connecting himself with Hypertime, thanks to his relationship with the Totality and the powers of Shayne, Starman had a glimpse into the future: three days from now, Lex Luthor and Doom will win, and Perpetua will restring the Multiverse again, transforming it into the perfect Doom formation. This is real: no alternate realities, no possible or probable endings, just facts. The only thing they can do to obstacle Perpetua's army is to create a Justice Totality.
Starman explains: Perpetua initially created the Multiverse using seven negative energies, each collected by Luthor to unlock the Totality. Lex needs only one final force, and then Perpetua will be reborn, a force connected with faith. But just like those seven negative energies formed the Multiverse in the past, the new Multiverse, the one remade by the World Forger, the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor, is built upon seven positive energies, opposites of the forces Lex and his Legion now harness. Every member of the core League harnesses one of this forces, and it's not a coincidence.
Just as Lex gathered those energy inside the Totality, utilizing the Totality fragment Vandal Savage retrieved, now in form of a doorknob, Starman knows there are other fragments of the powerful object which spread themselves in time and space. One of those fragments is inside his Cosmic Rod, and that's why he's attuned with the Totality itself. The other two fragments he is sensing are dislocated in the past and in the future, and the core Leaguers, divided in two teams, will retrieve them.
Finding the two lost pieces and uniting them with the Cosmic Rod, the League should be able to create a Justice Totality to rival Luthor's. Thanks to the powers of the three sons of Perpetua, they might be able to use this new Totality to lock out the evil goddess once again. Of course, Luthor will do anything to stop this plan and will send his forces against the Hall, so the task of all the heroes on Earth will be the one of defending the portals from the assault of Doom. No one knows that thanks to Jarro, the Legion of Doom listened to the whole plan of Starman, and knows what to do already. In fact, the Legion secretly found the original body of Starro, destroyed in the fight with the Omega Titans, and took it, regenerating it and connecting it with the little Jarro to have a mole inside without the starfish even knowing it.
Alpheus and Mar Novu open the two portals, while Superman tries to make Kendra reason: she is in shock for the death of J'onn J'onzz, a death she's witnessed with her very own eyes, and she is drifting towards Doom. Still, there's a task to be completed: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman will go to the future, while Flash and Green Lantern will go the the past. Mera and Hawkgirl then will go together with the Monitor and the World Forger, to find the Anti-Monitor so that the three brothers can finally reunite.
But something happens to the portals: they shut down, and communication is lost. Someone tampered with time before them. Also, a mysterious masked man is inside the Hall, shouting the Justice League will die. Mera tries to stop him, but before the portals are lost, he is able to get into one of them.
The Past, around the 20th Century. New York City
Barry and John are catapulted to the past, and find out the communication with the League is down. Something happened. Looking out, John Stewart clearly recognizes the New York of the 20th century as the place they stand in, but there is a detail who shocks both the Lantern and Flash: the symbol of Doom is everywhere. As they try to understand, they are attacked: they tell their intentions are good, they do not want to fight, and so their attackers reveal themselves: the Justice Society of America wants them to stand down and to understand one thing. They are two weeks late to save their past from Doom.
Somewhere in the future.
Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman arrive somewhere in the future, finding an apocalyptic scene: a city in ruins. No one is able to communicate with the headquarters, so clearly something went bad. As they try to understand, a gigantic robot with a Doom symbol on his chest attacks them, using a ionized Kryptonite ray. The enemy identified Superman, and reacted with the beast weapon to kill him: how could it know? Then, a boy appears, surrounded by strange soldiers resembling tigers. He is Kamandi, and he's there to tell the League they are two weeks late to save their future from Doom.
Appearing in "Justice/Doom War, Part 1"
Featured Characters:
- Jarro
- Justice League
- Batman (Bruce Wayne)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Flashback and main story)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart) (Flashback and main story)
- Hawkgirl (Also in a vision)
- Martian Manhunter (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Mera
- Starman (Will Payton)
- Superman (Clark Kent)
- Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira) (Flashback and main story)
- The World Forger/Alpheus (Post-Flashpoint) (Flashback and main story) (Also in a vision)
- The Monitor/Mar Novu (Post-Flashpoint) (Also in a vision)
Supporting Characters:
- Animal Man (Cameo)
- Aqualad (Jackson Hyde) (Cameo)
- The Atom (Ryan Choi)
- Batgirl (Cameo)
- Beast Boy (Cameo)
- Black Canary (Dinah Drake)
- Black Lightning (Cameo)
- Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
- Captain Atom (Cameo)
- Donna Troy (Cameo)
- Firestorm (Ronnie Raymond) (Cameo)
- Martin Stein (Behind the scenes)
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) (Cameo)
- Green Lantern (Simon Baz) (Cameo)
- Hawkman (Carter Hall) (Cameo)
- Jericho (Cameo)
- Kid Flash (Wallace R. West) (Cameo)
- Man-Bat (Cameo)
- Metamorpho (Cameo)
- Miss Martian (Cameo)
- Mister Terrific (Michael Holt) (Cameo)
- Phantom Girl (Linnya Wazzo) (Cameo)
- Plastic Man (Cameo)
- Raven (Cameo)
- Red Arrow (Cameo)
- Robin (Damian Wayne) (Cameo)
- Shayne J'onzz (Sixth Dimension)
- Shazam (Billy Batson) (Cameo)
- Supergirl (Cameo)
- Steel (Natasha Irons) (Cameo)
- Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) (Cameo)
- Vixen (Cameo)
- Zatanna (Cameo)
- Perpetua (Also in a vision)
- Apex Predators (Also in a vision)
- Apex Lex (Alternate Future) (Single appearance) (In a vision)
- Legion of Doom
- Apex Lex
- Brainiac
- Cheetah
- Gorilla Grodd
- The Turtle (Behind the scenes)
- Sinestro
- Luthor's Recruits
- Black Adam (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Black Mask (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Captain Cold (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Catwoman (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Circe (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Deathstroke/Slade Wilson (Dark Multiverse) (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Floronic Man (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Harley Quinn (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Heatwave (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Klarion (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Lobo (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Mecha Manta (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Mister Freeze
- Ocean Master(Hologram) (Cameo)
- Oracle III (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Papa Midnite (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Ra's al Ghul (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Red Hood (Jason Todd) (Hologram) (Cameo)
- The Riddler (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Solomon Grundy (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Talon (Dick Grayson/"Ric Grayson") (Hologram) (Cameo)
- The Terribles (Earth 29) (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Bizarro (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Change-O-Shape-O (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Figment Girl (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Disposable Man (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Apex Predators (Also in a vision)
- Unidentified masked man
Other Characters:
- Aquaman (Arthur Curry) (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Justice League (Alternate Future) (Single appearance) (In a vision)
- Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse) (In a vision)
- Beast Boy (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Detective Chimp/Nightmaster (Bobo T. Chimpanzee) (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Donna Troy (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- The Flash (Barry Allen) (Single appearance) (In a vision)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart) (Single appearance; dies) (In a vision)
- Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Hawkgirl (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse) (In a vision)
- Man-Bat (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Miss Martian (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Raven (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Starman (Will Payton) (Single appearance) (In a vision)
- Shayne J'onzz (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Superman (Clark Kent) (Single appearance; dies) (In a vision)
- Steel (Natasha Irons) (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira) (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse) (In a vision)
- Zatanna (Single appearance) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Justice Society of America (Cameo)
- Atom (Al Pratt) (First appearance; unnamed) (Cameo)
- Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson) (Cameo)
- The Flash (Jay Garrick) (Cameo)
- Green Lantern (Alan Scott) (Cameo)
- Hawkman (Carter Hall) (Cameo)
- Hourman (Rex Tyler) (Cameo)
- Sandman (Wesley Dodds) (Cameo)
- Starman (Ted Knight) (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- Wildcat (Ted Grant) (Cameo)
- Kamandi (Post-Flashpoint) (Cameo)
- Doctor Canus (Post-Flashpoint) (Cameo)
- Tigers (Post-Flashpoint) (Cameo)
- Tuftan (Cameo)
- The Anti-Monitor (Post-Flashpoint) (Mentioned only)
- Blue Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- "The Celestial Beings" (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Dinosaurs (Mentioned only)
- Flash Family (Mentioned only)
- Gods (Mentioned only)
- Gorilla Grodd (Alternate Future) (Mentioned only)
- The Great Darkness (Mentioned only)
- Green Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- Indigo Tribe (Mentioned only)
- Orange Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- Red Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- Star Sapphire Corps (Mentioned only)
- Sinestro Corps (Mentioned only)
- Star Conquerors (Mentioned only)
- Starro (Mentioned only)
- Hypertime
- Alternate Earth 0 Future (Perpetua and her Apex Predators army defeat the Justice League) (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (In a vision)
- United States of America
- Washington, D.C. (Destroyed)
- Hall of Justice (Single appearance) (In a vision)
- Washington, D.C. (Destroyed)
- United States of America
- Kamandi's Future (Unnamed) (Cameo)
- 21st Century
- United States of America
- Washington, D.C. (Unnamed) (In ruins)
- United States of America
- 21st Century
- Timestream/Time Vortex
- Prehistoric Era (Mentioned only)
- Alternate Earth 0 Future (Perpetua and her Apex Predators army defeat the Justice League) (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (In a vision)
- Post-Flashpoint Multiverse (Flashback and main story)
- Collective Unconscious (Behind the scenes)
- Orrery of Worlds
- Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Sphere of the Gods (Behind the scenes)
- Still Force (In a vision) (Behind the scenes)
- Promethean Galaxy
- Source Wall (Mentioned only)
- Perpetua's Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Pre-Crisis Multiverse (Mentioned only)
- Absolute Zero Technology (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Batsuit
- Bio-Belt
- Bracelets of Submission
- Cosmic Doorknob (Flashback only) (Cameo)
- Cosmic Rod
- Firestorm Matrix (Cameo)
- Green Kryptonite (Cameo)
- Green Lantern Ring
- Hawkman's Mace
- Helmet of Fate (Cameo)
- Hermes' Helmet (Cameo)
- Hourman's Hourglass (Cameo)
- Miraclo (Behind the scenes)
- John Stewart's Tattoo Ring
- Kinetic Hammer (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Lobo's Hook (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Nth Metal
- Lasso of Truth
- Natasha Irons' Armor (Cameo)
- Orm's Trident (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Promethium (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Riddler's Staff (Hologram) (Cameo)
- Sandman's Gas Gun (Cameo)
- Sandman's Gas Mask (Cameo)
- Starheart (Cameo)
- Steel's Armor (Also in a vision) (Cameo)
- Sword of Night (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Tantu Totem (Cameo)
- Tear of Extinction (Mentioned only)
- The Totality
- Trick Arrows (Cameo)
- Trident of Poseidon
- World Forger's Hammer
- Wonder Woman's Tiara
- Magic
- The Seven Dark Forces of the Universe/"The Seven Hidden Forces of Creation" (Real name revealed)
- Black Apple (Mentioned only)
- Invisible Emotional Spectrum (In a vision)
- "The Seventh Dark Force" (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
- Sixth Note (Mentioned only)
- Void Wind (Mentioned only)
- The Seven Positive Forces of the Universe (Real name revealed) (First full appearance)
- Dimensional Superstructure
- Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Life Force
- Sigil of Doom (Real name revealed) (In a vision)
- Sigil of Justice (First appearance; unnamed) (In a vision) (Cameo)
- Time Travel
- This story reveals that The World Forger is the one that originally created the Hypertime.
- The Justice Society's appearance implies that the current events take already place after Doctor Manhattan restored Earth 0's timeline in Doomsday Clock #12.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- Justice League Recommended Reading
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 2)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3)
- Justice League of America (Volume 4)
- Justice League of America (Volume 5)
- JLA (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 2)
- Justice League (Volume 3)
- Justice League (Volume 4)
- Justice League International (Volume 1)
- Justice League International (Volume 2)
- Justice League International (Volume 3)
- Justice League Europe (Volume 1)
- Justice League America (Volume 1)
- Justice League Task Force (Volume 1)
- Justice League Quarterly (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 2)
- Extreme Justice (Volume 1)
- Justice League Elite (Volume 1)
- Justice League Odyssey (Volume 1)
- Justice League Unlimited (Volume 2)