DC Database

"Injustice: Gods Among Us - Chapter 25": The scene flips back and forth between the Watchtower and Insurgency base, with Diana and Selina commentating on Superman's recent actions. Diana says Superman saved so many lives, Bruce says he took so many lives, and Kal says so many lives were lost. Wo

Quote1 I can't believe he's Bruce Wayne! Bruce Wayne is a flake! Quote2
— Green Arrow

Injustice: Gods Among Us #25 is a chapter in the digital-first series Injustice: Gods Among Us (Volume 1 (Digital)) with a cover date of July, 2013.

Synopsis for "Injustice: Gods Among Us - Chapter 25"

The scene flips back and forth between the Watchtower and Insurgency base, with Diana and Selina commentating on Superman's recent actions. Diana says Superman saved so many lives, Bruce says he took so many lives, and Kal says so many lives were lost. Wonder Woman complements him on what he did, but he still affirms that more lives could have been saved if there had been more superheroes to get the people to safety and beat back the demons of Apokolips. Lex Luthor walks in and says that, soon, there will be many more super-powered humans to join the fight against evil.

In the Insurgency base, Batman laments on what Superman did. Huntress criticizes his despondence of what Superman did, saying he is a hero in the eyes of almost everyone else on Earth. Helena asks Bruce to tell Oliver and Dinah why their being alive offends him, with the couple almost being killed by the Apokolips armies. Oliver politely asks not to be brought into the argument.

Helena calls Bruce by his real name, not cognizant that most of the people in the room do not know his name. She grows even more upset by this revelation, with Captain Atom and Batwoman mocking Bruce's name. Just as Huntress is about to leave the room, Batman reveals the details of Superman's super-pill. Helena remains unconvinced, and Batman removes his helmet, revealing his identity to be Bruce Wayne.

The other Insurgents, save Black Canary and Huntress, appear shocked at this new fact. Batwoman motions to the television behind them, revealing a large mob of cultists who worship Superman with religious fervor. As Dinah and Oliver get to the Arrowcar, Dinah reveals she knew Batman's identity and kept it a secret.

On the way to the scene, Batman explains the details of the cultists to the other Insurgents. The cult had been growing after Kal killed the Joker, slowly growing in power and number. After Superman "literally smited [their] enemies from the heavens," the cult experienced a boom in members.

Atom approaches one of the mob members, who receives a Boxing Glove Arrow to the face as the other Insurgents appear at the scene. Oliver mocks the dress uniform of one of the members, saying he was wearing a dressing gown purchased online. The Insurgents attack the mob members, subduing several until Superman, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern appear, telling both the mob and Insurgents to disperse.

When Green Arrow tells Wonder Woman that they were handling the job, Diana simply says they weren't, and tells the Insurgents to leave.

Beaten but vigor unabated, the Insurgents leave to head back to their base.

Appearing in "Injustice: Gods Among Us - Chapter 25"

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See Also

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