Injustice: Gods Among Us is a mobile game published ahead of the main title. It is a card-based battle game with collectible cards that can unlock features in the console version.
Synopsis for "Injustice: Gods Among Us"
Appearing in "Injustice: Gods Among Us"
Playable Characters:
Alternate Earth
- Aquaman
- Ares
- Bane
- Batman
- Black Adam
- Catwoman
- Cyborg
- Deathstroke
- Doomsday
- Flash
- Green Arrow
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Harley Quinn
- Hawkgirl
- The Joker
- Killer Frost
- Lex Luthor
- Nightwing
- Raven
- Shazam
- Superman
- Thaal Sinestro
- Solomon Grundy
- Wonder Woman
One Earth
Mobile Only Characters
- Arkham Knight
- Batman Beyond
- Black Bat
- Darkseid
- Deadshot
- Killer Croc
- Flash (Wally West)
- Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
- Reverse-Flash
- Static Shock
Support Cards:
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Arella
- Big Barda
- Birds of Prey
- Bizarro
- Black Canary
- Black Manta
- Brainiac
- Catman
- Commissioner Gordon
- Doctor Fate
- Grodd
- Granny Goodness
- Guardians of the Universe
- Hanzo Hasashi
- Hawkman
- Jebediah of Canaan
- Kilowog
- Lois Lane
- Lor-Zod
- Martian Manhunter
- Natas
- Non
- Parallax
- Poison Ivy
- Power Girl
- Ra's al Ghul
- Ravager
- Red Robin
- Sensei Dragoncat
- Sinestro Corps
- The Spectre
- Starfire
- Supergirl
- Swamp Thing
- Talia al Ghul
- Tawky Tawny
- Trigon
- Zeus
- Bag of Chocos
- Harley's Mallet
- Belt of Nth Metal
- Power Battery
- Green Power Ring
- Spacehog
- Trick Arrows
- Yellow Lantern Power Battery
- Yellow Lantern Ring
- Red Lantern Power Battery
- Red Lantern Ring
See Also
- Images from Injustice: Gods Among Us (Mobile)
- Characters from Injustice: Gods Among Us (Mobile)
- Other things related to Injustice: Gods Among Us (Mobile)
- Video Game Gallery: Injustice: Gods Among Us (Mobile)
Links and References