He said I wasn't the real Superboy... he was wrong. I just forgot for a little while... we all forgot... don't let them forget again.
- — Kon-El
Infinite Crisis #6 is an issue of the series Infinite Crisis (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2006. It was published on April 5, 2006.
Synopsis for "Touchdown"
Several heroes band together aboard a space-borne version of Blue Beetle's Bug. Accompanying them is Jaime Reyes, the new Blue Beetle. They are en route to destroy the Brother Eye satellite. As they approach, dozens of OMACs soar outward attacking them.
On Earth-Two, the younger Superman consoles with the Earth-Two Superman over the death of his wife, Lois Lane. New Earth Wonder Woman appears as well and convinces him to rejoin the fight. The older Superman realizes that he has been acting irrationally, and that it is time once again to be a hero. He also knows that he must stop this new Multiverse from expanding or else it will end up destroying itself.
Across countless parallel worlds, scores of super-heroes deal with the cosmic upheaval of the multiple replicating Earths. Alexander Luthor uses his abilities to mix and match varying realities, but his efforts to create a perfect reality all end in failure. He even tries to merge Earth-Two and Earth-Three together, which makes Donna Troy realize that he is going to kill Superman and Wonder Woman. To prevent this, her team of heroes at the center of the universe fire at Luthor's hands, causing him to lose his right index finger and to distract him long enough to save Wonder Woman and the two Supermen.
On Earth-One, many of the world's mystic characters gather at Stonehenge and summon the Spectre. The Spectre is tethered to a former Gotham City police department detective named Crispus Allen. The Phantom Stranger begs the Spectre's aid, but the Spectre is more concerned with fulfilling his obligations of vengeance. He arbitrarily kills Deborah Darnell – the new Star Sapphire.
In the Arctic, Kon-El, Nightwing and Wonder Girl reach Alexander Luthor's power station. Wonder Girl begins freeing the imprisoned super-heroes, who subsequently begin attacking Luthor. Black Adam brutally murders Psycho-Pirate.
Superboy Prime emerges with his new solar-collecting armor and tries to kill Nightwing. Kon-El intercepts him and the two renew their battle. Kon-El succeeds in repelling Superboy-Prime and destroying the tower – but sacrifices his own life in the process. As the tower is destroyed, the multiple Earths all merge back into one single Earth.
Appearing in "Touchdown"
Featured Characters:
- Adam Strange
- Ardora Luthor
- Alexander Luthor, Jr. (Earth-Three)
- Amethyst
- Animal Man
- Anti-Monitor (Appears only as a corpse)
- Atom (Earth-9)
- Baron Blitzkrieg
- Baron Winters
- Bat Lash
- Batman
- Batman (Earth-9)
- Batman (Earth-154)
- Bizarro No. 1
- Bizarro Batman
- Bizarro Hawkman
- Bizarro Jimmy Olsen
- Bizarro Krypto
- Bizarro Lois Lane
- Bizarro Perry White (Dies)
- Bizarro Wonder Woman
- Black Adam
- Black Canary (Dinah Laurel Lance)
- Black Lightning
- Black Orchid
- Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)
- Blue Devil
- Booster Gold
- Breach
- Bulletgirl
- Bulletman
- Bumblebee
- Captain Comet
- Captain Marvel
- Captain Marvel, Jr.
- Cinnamon
- Alice Cohen
- Cosmic Boy
- Daena
- Deadman
- Demon
- Detective Chimp
- Donna Troy
- El Muerto
- Empress
- Enchantress
- Faust
- Firestorm (Jason Rusch)
- Flash (Earth-9)
- Flash (Earth-462)
- Freedom Beast
- Gates
- Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)
- Green Arrow (Earth-462)
- Green Lantern (Alan Scott)
- Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Green Lantern (Kilowog)
- Green Lantern (Earth-9)
- Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
- Hawkman (Carter Hall)
- Hawk, Son of Tomahawk
- Ibis the Invincible
- Kyle Rayner
- Jakeem Thunder
- Janissary
- Jemm, Son of Saturn
- Jennifer Morgan
- Johnny Quick (Earth-Three)
- Jonah Hex
- Karate Kid
- Kid Quantum
- Klarion
- Lady Quark
- La Salamanca
- Leviathan
- Lex Luthor (Earth-Three)
- Live Wire
- Lois Lane (Earth-Two) (Appears only as a corpse)
- Looker
- Madame .44
- Madame Xanadu
- Manhunter (Earth-9)
- Manitou Dawn
- Martian Manhunter
- Matt Savage
- Mary Marvel
- Maya
- Metamorpho
- Monolith
- Minute Man
- Mister Terrific (Michael Holt)
- Mister Twister
- M'Onel
- Nighthawk
- Nightmaster
- Nightshade
- Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
- Odd Man
- Olympian
- O.M.A.C. (Omni-Mind and Community) (Rendered Inactive)
- Owlman
- Per Degaton
- Phantom Stranger
- Plastic Man (Earth-9)
- Psycho-Pirate (Roger Hayden) (Dies)
- Power Girl
- Power Ring
- Ragman
- Ray (Ray Terrill)
- Red Tornado
- Rex, the Wonder Dog
- Robin (Earth-462)
- Sasha Bordeaux
- Satanus
- Saturn Girl
- Scalphunter
- Shift
- Shikari
- Son of Vulcan
- Spark
- Spectre (Crispus Allen)
- Spectre (Earth-9)
- Spy Smasher
- Stanley and His Monster
- Star Boy
- Starfire
- Starman (Prince Gavyn)
- Star Sapphire (Camille Darnell) (Dies)
- Superboy (Kon-El) (Dies)
- Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
- Superman (New Earth)
- Superman (Earth-Two)
- Superman (Earth-9)
- Swamp Thing
- Tasmanian Devil
- Tawky Tawny
- Teekl
- Trigger Twins
- Ultra Boy
- Ultra the Multi-Alien
- Ultraman
- Umbra
- Valda
- Validus
- Wildfire
- Witchfire
- Wonder Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark)
- Wonder Girl (Earth-462)
- Wonder Woman
- Wonder Woman (Earth-462)
- Zatanna
- Zauriel
- Multiverse
- Earth-0
- Earth-One
- Earth-Two
- Earth-9
- Earth-154
- Earth-247
- Earth-25G
- Earth-3181
- Earth-462
- Earth-898
- Earth-Q
- Earth-S
- New Earth
- Blue Beetle Bug II
- Blue Beetle Scarab
- Brother Eye (Destroyed)
- Green Lantern Ring
- Emerald Eye
- Medusa Mask
- Lasso of Truth
- Bracelets of Submission
- This issue shipped with a 50/50 split of covers by George Pérez or Jim Lee.
- This issue received a second printing on May 3rd, 2006, with a black and white cover by Jim Lee.
- This issue is reprinted in :
- This issue was adapted in the Infinite Crisis novelization.
- The version of Wonder Woman as first played by Cathy Lee Crosby in the 1974 Wonder Woman television movie can be seen in this issue, in addition, the version of Wonder Girl first portrayed by actress Debra Winger on the 1978 Wonder Woman can also be seen. Both are shown to be heroes operating on Earth-462.
See Also
Recommended Reading
- 52
- Countdown to Final Crisis
- Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1
- Crisis on Infinite Earths
- Day of Vengeance
- DC Special: The Return of Donna Troy
- Final Crisis
- Infinite Crisis
- Infinite Crisis Secret Files and Origins #1
- Omac Project
- Rann/Thanagar War
- Villains United
Links and References
The events from this issue or series are related to Infinite Crisis, and/or any of its surrounding events, including Villains United, the OMAC Project, Rann-Thanagar War and Day of Vengeance. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Infinite Crisis crossovers category. Prelude to Infinite Crisis #1 · Countdown to Infinite Crisis #1 · Infinite Crisis #1 · Infinite Crisis #2 · Infinite Crisis #3 · Infinite Crisis #4 · Infinite Crisis #5 · Infinite Crisis #6 · Infinite Crisis #7 |