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"Suicide Watch": This story is reprinted from Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004.

Prelude to Infinite Crisis #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of June, 2005.

Synopsis for "Suicide Watch"

This story is reprinted from Superman Secret Files and Origins 2004.

Appearing in "Suicide Watch"

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Synopsis for "Truth or Dare, Part 1"

This story is reprinted from The Flash (Volume 2) #219.

Cheetah has murdered several guards to get to Zoom. Zoom says he knows her psychotic nature is brought out by these offerings and wants to know what she's doing. Cheetah says she wants his speed. She also offers him protection and says they need to be careful with what happened to Dr. Light and how the heroes are ruthless.[1] Zoom protests he's not actually a villain.

Wally West is working at his day job as an auto-mechanic when he overhears a newsflash on TV from his wife Linda Park discussing the escape of Zoom from Iron Heights. Flash instantly takes off in his costume to investigate.

Flash arrives and Linda tells him that she's not scared to be around Zoom as she has a job to do. Wally is proud of her and embraces her in a hug. A local Iron Heights security guard shows Flash a security camera photo of Cheetah freeing Zoom.

In New York, Wonder Woman battles Giganta. Flash shows up to help Wonder Woman knock her out.

At the Themysciran Embassy, Wonder Woman discusses her long time foe, Cheetah. She tells Wally that Cheetah isn't known for playing well with others so this is disturbing that she's working with Zoom. She recommends they start looking in Boston. She tells him to lead the way since she's blind. Wally blurts out that she's beautiful but annoying since he holds the Lasso of Truth.

Captain Cold searches for Captain Boomerang Jr.'s mom. They are looking at female speedsters since he now shows signs of superspeed.[2] Cold receives a warning letter from The Top saying he has his own Rogue's to go to war with him.

Cheetah continues to ask for Zoom's speed. He tells her he knows she is the second person to call herself Cheetah, the first was Priscilla Rich. Zoom tells Cheetah to kill her to obtain her legacy. The old Cheetah spoke out against her, holding her back.

Flash and Wonder Woman follow the path of destruction that Cheetah and Zoom leave behind. They end up at an old woman's house, there is a Priscilla Rich photo on the wall, where they eventually find the dead 80 year-old woman. Zoom and Cheetah bust into the room faster than Flash can react knocking him down. Zoom warns Wally he's made Cheetah faster and stronger, the same he'll do for him.

Appearing in "Truth or Dare, Part 1"

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Other Characters




Synopsis for "Truth or Dare, Part 2"

This story is reprinted from Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #214.

On Mount Olympus, Aphrodite, Ares, Athena, and Hephaestus discuss that someone is trapped by Hades. They've considered sending their Champion, Wonder Woman, to retrieve this person but know she's busy working with the Flash.

At Priscilla Rich's house, while Wonder Woman is still blind, she thinks about being able to sense everyone in the room with her, Cheetah, Professor Zoom, and the Flash. Zoom says he will begin his work on Wonder Woman in an attempt to make her a better hero. He begins hitting her with the speed of light knocking her all over the world into France, Egypt, and eventually to Themyscira where he threatens Wonder Woman's sisters, the Amazons of Themyscira. Wonder Woman claims he's not the hero he thinks he is as a hero would never harm others. She beats him and ties him up with her Lasso of Truth to drag him back to Priscilla Rich's house.

As Cheetah plays with Flash, Flash steals her kinetic energy and knocks her out as well. When Wonder Woman arrives, Cheetah slashes her wrist causing her to loose control of Professor Zoom. Cheetah grabs Zoom and they run off. Cheetah takes Zoom to meet Doctor Psycho.

Appearing in "Truth or Dare, Part 2"

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  • This publication collects the crossover story of The Flash Vol. 2 #219 and Wonder Woman Vol. 2 #214.
  • In addition to the stories above, there is a written summary of previous events and various pages and panels from more than 20 issues published over the span of around two years illustrating key moments that led to the events of Infinite Crisis.

See Also

Links and References
