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"Countdown to Injustice: Chapter Six, Retake": The global media have gathered at the Hall of Justice for the execution. Cyborg tells Superman he has prepared something to send Jon back to his own universe if he tries to intervene but Superman is still convinced Jon will come around. After he lea

Quote1 I truly hope that you can find a better path one day. Quote2
— Superman/Jon Kent (Earth 0)

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6 is an issue of the series Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 2023. It was published on August 1, 2023.

Synopsis for "Countdown to Injustice: Chapter Six, Retake"

The global media have gathered at the Hall of Justice for the execution. Cyborg tells Superman he has prepared something to send Jon back to his own universe if he tries to intervene but Superman is still convinced Jon will come around. After he leaves Wonder Woman tells Cyborg to be ready for Jon if he shows and dispatches the rest of the Regime to search for him.

Jon charges his powers to their maximum extent in the sun and returns to Earth to ensure the Regime won't interfere when he faces Superman. First he goes to the Flash but rather than fight him he convinces Barry to simply stay away, as he realises that Barry knows what Superman is doing is wrong but also doesn't want to abandon his friend. He then attacks and neutralises Hawkgirl and Hal Jordan in short order.

He sneak attacks Wonder Woman and tackles her into space. She is initially taken unawares but reacts when they pass Jupiter and elbows him in the face over Titan. He crashes to the moon's surface, but rather than fight her he darts past her, grabs the Lasso of Truth and flies back to Earth. She chases after him, but with his enhanced speed he knows he can make it back and do what he needs to before she can catch him.

Jon tracks down Damian in Gotham City and, while holding the Lasso, tells Damian that he believes in him and thinks that he can be one of the world's greatest heroes. He then hands Damian the Lasso and asks him if he truly wants Bruce to die, and Damian admits that he doesn't. Jon tells him to find his world's Alfred and ask for his advice.

At the Hall of Justice's cells, Superman can't reach any of his soldiers on his comm. Jay Nakamura in a nearby cell tells him Jon must have gotten to them, and Superman breaks into his cell to attack him. Jon smashes through the wall and calls out Superman to face him outside in front of the media. He reveals that he freed Batman and Quinn and Superman is furious. Superman tells Jon that he has no right to judge him, and tries to goad him into embracing his methods by threatening to kill Jay, but Jon says that if he did, he would ensue he faced justice but wouldn't kill him. Superman tries to call his bluff by breaking Jay's arm. Jon activates his energy powers and Superman gloats, believing that Jon is about to attack him and validate his worldview.

Jon runs full speed at Superman, but rather than attack him, he hugs him. Jon tells Superman that he is sorry for what happened to him but it doesn't justify what he's done and he needs to be held accountable. Enraged, Superman strikes Jon and demands that he fight him but Jon refuses. Jon turns to the watching cameras and says that Superman should help and inspire rather than rule through fear. He shows the message that Lois gave him before he left to face Ultraman. Although she is talking about Jon and Ultraman, what she says could easily apply to her counterpart, Superman and the Joker. Jon appears to be getting through to Superman, but Cyborg shoots him with his device and he begins to shift back to Earth 0. Before he disappears, Jon tells Superman that he hopes he can change the path he's on, but that he's also shown the world how weak he is, and that his tyranny will fall.

Jon rematerialises back on Earth 0. Suddenly he hears screams and realises that something is wrong.

Appearing in "Countdown to Injustice: Chapter Six, Retake"

Featured Characters:

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  • Final issue.
  • Jon Kent's story will continue in the Beast World event.

See Also

Links and References
