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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Damian Wayne (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Fool. I warned you... don't call him a man-bat. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hm. He has potential. I'll call him Alfred. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This is the second time you've run from me. You're not a king. More of a court jester. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Tim Drake and I had our differences, but I'll admit he was a great man. Despite his best efforts, over the past few years the Teen Titans have been losers, criminals--a joke. They epitomized what's wrong with this younger generation of so-called heroes--They didn't deserve to be called a "super-team". But we could do better. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Am I really here kicking a teenaged female Doomsday in the face? Yes I am. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm alone...but in a city riddled with crime...you can always meet new and exciting people. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He's opened the gate to Earth! It's our way home! We just have to get there before Rex does! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm from Earth. I'm ticked off. And I'm looking for a clown. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 A wild west planet. Fascinating. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No! I am Robin! Nh. I am the one true heir to the mantle of the Bat... I... am... alone. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My father is... imperfect. Distant. Uncertain. You've gnawed on the doubts he left you. But don't mistake uncertainty for lack of faith. He wanted you to surpass him. Perhaps you'll stop giving up long enough to attempt it? If he left Mother to us...it's because he believes we can win. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 As of now I'm a vegetarian. And this is Bat-Cow. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Khadym is... that's where she's hiding. Talia al Ghul. The daughter of the demon. My mother. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Oh, you irrelevant old man. We're not family. The butler was family. Father is family. And them... they're family. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not the one in a ship filled with alien freaks, so how about shutting up and letting me work on keeping you safe, father! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Sure, after everything we've been through I get it - he's my father and he wants to protect me from the big, bad Joker. But if anybody needs protection, it's the wing, reds, and girls. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's a reminder that our father has shown us both sides of himself, Damian. Just as we have shown him ours. This batarang belonged to our father. Remember, we are a Wayne first, and an al Ghul second. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Father,
I'm sure you'll be angry with me for disobeying you again but I don't care, I will not let you fight Leviathan alone. You need me and I will always be at your side.
Because it will be hard for me to say these words face to face, I want you to know that Mother may have given me life, but you taught me how to live.
Love and respect
your son

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm sure you didn't leave your hole tonight thinking you'd get your ass kicked by a ten-year-old! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm happy to have been of assistance to the Justice League... Feel free to request my services on any future missions if need be. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I don't want to end up like Ducard... without a moral compass... I don't want to turn into a NoBody... I want to be like you. I've always wanted to be like you... Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 After hearing your little story, I'd say we're more alike than I want to think about. You're a born killer used by the Court of Owls to do their bidding just like my mother once used me to do hers. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He once told me a story: on a very bad end to a very bad mission, his spy master, which I guess is his boss... who is, as we speak, a very well-known world leader, told him not to fret about him screwing up the mission. He said -- one of the dirty secrets of the spy business is that no one actually really needs to win. It just appears that way because there are so many secrets and so many lies. He said, "it's just about keeping busy." Busy was considered success. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 In fact, as Dick describes it, you basically told him to go to Hell. Fortunately for this family... he didn't go quite that far south. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Remember who you are, you weak-willed sot! Remember me! I am Damian Wayne! I am the Robin to your Batman! We were the greatest together, Grayson! We were. But it's different now. You're...you're gone. Finding a new life. Considering having a child to replace me. I don't know what I will be...alone. I need you here, Richard. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Let me tell you a story. Once, there was a boy. A warrior of the soul, seeking the cleansing hand of redemption. His journey brought him to Edo, known now as Tokyo. He'd heard whispers of a dark force tearing the city apart. He thought himself a hero. He thought he would make things right. But these forces were darker, stronger and more vicious even than the boy had been at the peak of his unworthiness. They took the boy. Chained him in a tower. Swore to drain him of every ounce of powerful blood to fuel their conquest. They thought the boy an orphan. They didn't know he had a brother. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I am Robin. Son of Batman. And that's all you need to know! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Mother taught me that our weaknesses always pave the road to defeat... I hate it when she's right! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Mother... Father... Will you work be side without fighting each other? Will you join me? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You can identify with someone and still have to crush them. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not here for blades or blood... Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You're the one holding all the cards. You've got the blackmail. You're going to kill me when we're done. And I'm a hypocrite because of what my mother did to me? Well she's dead, and I'm here. What's your excuse? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You understand I'm not done with the atonement, Alfred. So much of what I did in the Year of Blood must be corrected. I went far down the path my mother laid out. I do not want to become the man she envisioned. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Father... I am truly alone. But I cannot allow your legacy to languish in the hands of unworthy pretenders. You will come back to me... I know it... and when the true Batman returns to Gotham... he will find his city as he left it. Safe. Protected. Your son will not fail you. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Yeah. The missing dogs. Mission accomplished, apparently. So now you have to get them all home, Jon. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's time for Robin and Superboy to take a stand! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Its 100 feet to the surface... can feel... water pressure starting to build... carrying 100 pounds of dead weight... with a super-powered maniac on our tail... I like these odds. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My father has the patience of a saint to put up with your family. Get it through your head, Kent--WE ARE NOT FRIENDS! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 One day maybe you'll even be ready to be a Titan. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Why does everyone always assume if someone's taller, they're older? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Uh-oh. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Now that you're awake... you're probably wondering why I've brought us all together. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I see a way to do this whole hero thing better than my father and his friends. But I can't do it alone. Once I put these new Teen Titans together... there will be hell to pay. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Tim Drake and I had our differences, but I'll admit he was a great man. Despite his best efforts, over the past few years the Teen Titans have been losers, criminals--a joke. They epitomized what's wrong with this younger generation of so-called heroes--They didn't deserve to be called a "super-team." But we could do better. There are five of us. And five fingers make a fist. Join me... I dare you. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Jackson...since you joined us in the Tower, you've been saying you're ready. Now's the time to prove it. So you've learned your father is a world-class psycho...join the club... But now you're going to keep fighting. Because that's what Titans do. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm here to see if you're worthy of a place with my Teen Titans. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I... fired you because you made a terrible decision and almost got us killed. You need to do better. And... so do I. We all need to. Together. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Teen Titans -- meet me on the roof! We've got a mission -- and we're going undercover. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Fine. No more secrets. I had a choice. Follow in the footsteps of the world's greatest crime lord or the world's greatest detective...and I chose the Batman! Now buckle up, Teen Titans! We just got a head start in the race for our lifes...but the Demon's Fist won't stop until the hunt is finished. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm sick of the revolving door that is Arkham Asylum... it's time someone locked them all up and threw away the key. Because in my prison, nobody gets out. Ever. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You know how they see us? As a bunch of irrelevant kids, playing pretend. this is our problem, and if we don't solve it, that means they're right. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 For true evil cannot be contained or killed. But as it turns out...it can be fixed. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Jonathan is right. I am at a crossroads. But my path was determined by birth. By blood. By Batman himself. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 When I left the League of Assassins, I didn't know you. You asked for my trust. The chance to prove you could be a father...Now it's time for you to trust me. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Your crimes, long and bloody, have bore bitter fruit, Ra's...Shall we feast? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No matter. You can be broken. No one steals from my city. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Look out, evil! Here come the Super Sons! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Your dad made a Supermobile! What a copycat! Is he building a Supercave, too? Superrangs? A Superboat? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Monsters -- magic walls -- I hate the past! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Clown! Balloons in the name of justice -- Now! Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Obviously I don't want your dad to die. And I'm sorry you're feeling messed up about it. But unlike him, you were literally born to do this. You will fill your dad's shoes someday. Nobody can stop it. Not even you. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm a Wayne... and I'm an al Ghul. But by being both, I can't be either... Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's time for Superman to stop fighting the symptoms. You're powerful enough to be the cure. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm going to put a stop to your tournament, Mother Soul... stop whatever you've created here, great grandmother. Then I'm coming for you. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've been taking abuse my whole life. Why stop now? I failed someone who meant a lot to me. Because I wasn't good enough. This island is my punishment for that. With my first death here, I knew this was the place for me. Where I could find out if I'm really the monster people keep telling me I am... but I'll never stop until I know if the darkness I feel is real. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Because I don't want my father's help. I refused to be tracked. This is my fight... Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Ra's al Ghul...? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Respawn. He's protecting his... father... but not lying. I can tell because I know what I do when I lie. Deathstroke didn't kill Grandfather. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Father, whoever did this, I don't think it was about Ra's al Ghul at all. It's about mother and Deathstroke. Someone wanted a war between them. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I don't want you to be together. And I don't want you to be enemies. I just want you to get along. As my parents, the greatest gift you could give me is for you to respect each other... and to respect my choice to go with neither of you. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Please make the wrong choice again, Penguin. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Tonight you are Batman. Raise your fist in the air and say those words. Open your heart and souls and believe we can all be part of something vital. Something extraordinary. Something legendary. YOU ARE BATMAN. SAY IT. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I can stay awake. And I remember my nightmare. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This was never about just the Nightmare Stone... He wanted the nightmares to be real... Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm watching you. I have no idea how you are here or why, or what game you're playing, but I will find out the truth and whay you are really up to. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Who are you really? Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I grant you mercy. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I do not have to hide from who I am now. Quote2

--Damian Wayne (Prime Earth)

All items (80)
