Batman Adventures was an ongoing comic book series featuring the character Batman. It was published from October of 1992 to October of 1995 and took place within the continuity of Batman: The Animated Series. The animated series was inspired by the revisionist works of Tim Burton who directed the 1989 Batman movie and its 1992 sequel, Batman Returns. A second comic book volume was published in 2003.
- Batman Adventures #1
- Batman Adventures #2
- Batman Adventures #3
- Batman Adventures #4
- Batman Adventures #5
- Batman Adventures #6
- Batman Adventures #7
- Batman Adventures #8
- Batman Adventures #9
- Batman Adventures #10
- Batman Adventures #11
- Batman Adventures #12
- Batman Adventures #13
- Batman Adventures #14
- Batman Adventures #15
- Batman Adventures #16
- Batman Adventures #17
- Batman Adventures #18
- Batman Adventures #19
- Batman Adventures #20
- Batman Adventures #21
- Batman Adventures #22
- Batman Adventures #23
- Batman Adventures #24
- Batman Adventures #25
- Batman Adventures #26
- Batman Adventures #27
- Batman Adventures #28
- Batman Adventures #29
- Batman Adventures #30
- Batman Adventures #31
- Batman Adventures #32
- Batman Adventures #33
- Batman Adventures #34
- Batman Adventures #35
- Batman Adventures #36
- Batman Adventures Holiday Special #1 (1995)
- The Batman Adventures: Mad Love (1994)
- Batman and Superman Adventures: World's Finest (1997)
- Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures (1994)
ISBN: 978-1563891243 - Batman Adventures Vol. 1 (2014)
ISBN: 978-1401252298 - Batman Adventures Vol. 2 (2015)
ISBN: 978-1401254636 - Batman Adventures Vol. 3 (2015)
ISBN: 978-1401258726 - Batman Adventures Vol. 4 (2016)
ISBN: 978-1401260613 - Coloring DC: Batman Adventures - Mad Love (2016)
ISBN: 978-1401266141
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Batman Adventures Vol 1
- Collections from Batman Adventures Vol 1
- Images from Batman Adventures Vol 1
- DC Animated Universe Recommended Reading
- Adventures in the DC Universe (Volume 1)
- The Batgirl Adventures #1
- Batman Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman Adventures (Volume 2)
- The Batman Adventures: The Lost Years (Volume 1)
- The Batman Adventures: Mad Love
- The Batman and Robin Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman and Superman Adventures: World's Finest
- Batman Beyond (Volume 1)
- Batman Beyond (Volume 2)
- Batman Beyond (Volume 4)
- Batman Beyond Unlimited (Volume 1)
- Batman Beyond Universe (Volume 1)
- Batman: Gotham Adventures (Volume 1)
- Batman: Harley and Ivy (Volume 1)
- Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - The Animated Movie #1
- Gotham Girls (Volume 1)
- Justice League Adventures (Volume 1)
- Justice League Unlimited (Volume 1)
- Superman Adventures (Volume 1)
- Superman & Batman Magazine (Volume 1)
- Justice League Infinity (Volume 1)